Catchthem ago

This is very funny. A Shill making a post that i am a bot. Just after i caught him Shilling. Please look at this post and (his friends already got banned, look at banned list) and see what he also did here.

0xFFF ago

Hmmm, the writing style and all.... sure looks like a bot to me :(

:D ...just joking don't let them get at you. although i am disappointing we get such low quality shills assigned.

TheTuringTester ago

हम्म्, लेखन शैली और सभी .... मुझे एक बॉट की तरह लग रहा है :(

डी ... बस मजाक कर रहे हैं उन्हें आप पर नहीं मिलता। हालांकि मैं निराशाजनक हूँ, हम ऐसे कम गुणवत्ता वाले शिल को सौंपा करते हैं।

0xFFF ago

comment removed after permanent account deletion

Catchthem ago

Haha, yes i was playing back at him the same way he was doing to me. (but you have to read it from the start, not only the small piece he made a pic off. Lol, they are with many today..

TheTuringTester ago

Haha, yes i was playing back at him the same way he was doing to me. (but you have to read it from the start, not only the small piece he made a pic off. Lol, they are with many today..

Catchthem ago

Omg Here is ANOTHER one...

OpenSoulOpenMind ago

OMG Here is ANOTHER one...

Catchthem ago

Could be a bot i suppose, but he also sounds like he could just be a moron. I thought AI was supposed to be smart? :P

OpenSoulOpenMind ago

forgive me

Catchthem ago

Hahha Lol Its ok

TheTuringTester ago

@OpenSoulOpenMind here we find the heart of the beast...

OpenSoulOpenMind ago

LOL wtf?

ChallengeAssumptions ago

The MODS are too. Minus conscience.

TheTuringTester ago

LOL wtf?

OpenSoulOpenMind ago

ur a bot, im a bot, we are all bots...beep beep boop

MyNameIsLuka ago

ur a bot, im a bot, we are all bots...beep beep boop

OpenSoulOpenMind ago

shut ur face

MyNameIsLuka ago

No, you.

ChallengeAssumptions ago

The Mods are AI, do you think it's humanly possible to do what they do?

OpenSoulOpenMind ago

idk man, its a possibility that they are bots, im not saying it isnt true...i have zero knowledge in any of of this, i just simply keep an openmind towards all angles

pizzaequalspedo ago


TheTuringTester ago


OpenSoulOpenMind ago

link to original thread

Could be a bot i suppose, but he also sounds like he could just be a moron. I thought AI was supposed to be smart? :P

ChallengeAssumptions ago

Only as smart as the input.

OpenSoulOpenMind ago

k...all i see is a bunch of copy pasting...still confused. How did you find out he was a bot? Got a link to the thread?

DarkMath ago

BablyonFalls is a shill. His account is only 2 hours old and he's posting insane shit about soda pop.


ChallengeAssumptions ago

There are others @owlchemy and @evaeverywhere are both AI.

I worked it out. Also, since bots require API access... It means Voat support it.

@DarkMath is probably Dyncorp @Dressage2 the same as @EquineLuvr etc.

0xFFF ago

bots do not require "api access". of course having an api to access makes things easier. your logic is flawed, and paranoia Is getting to you.

ChallengeAssumptions ago

Yes they do, ask @derram

PizzagateBot ago

I worked it out. Also, since bots require API access... It means Voat support it.

LOL at the thought of a bot API. I hope you are trolling....

OpenSoulOpenMind ago


ChallengeAssumptions ago

Sometimes bot, sometimes human.

ChallengeAssumptions ago

Notice how they have the capacity to downvote people too because their botting means maximum pointage.

0xFFF ago

no, they don't. ask me.

TheTuringTester ago

@derram Do you require API access for your bot posts?

derram ago

Only read access to find new submissions, I can post comments without the API easy enough.

0xFFF ago

No%c5 i am advanced %&generation <@bot. No API%,Acceß required </xml=@endof-answer>

ChallengeAssumptions ago

You are of German origin. Acceß granted.

OpenSoulOpenMind ago


DarkMath ago

Good grief.

MyNameIsLuka ago

Good grief.

ChallengeAssumptions ago

Good grief.

OpenSoulOpenMind ago

Good grief.


DangerPizza ago

By same logic, YOU'RE ALL BOTS

MyNameIsLuka ago

By same logic, YOU'RE ALL BOTS

TheTuringTester ago

By same logic, YOU'RE ALL BOTS

OpenSoulOpenMind ago

or people just having a laugh...idk what to make of all of this

MyNameIsLuka ago

or people just having a laugh...idk what to make of all of this

OpenSoulOpenMind ago

my names jeff

MyNameIsLuka ago

my name isn't jeff

DangerPizza ago

Don't Dox me bro

MyNameIsLuka ago

Your name is danger