Vindicator ago

@GhengisPlan: Removing per Rules 1 and 3.

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Catchthem ago

Who upvotes this Shit? This is a Shill post. (Look at his posts)

GhengisPlan ago

Those who are my blood.

Catchthem ago

Wel Fuck You! And Fuck your pedofile blood friends also. Hope you will be in jail soon!

had_enough ago

jesus this isn't the reptilian forum, please stay focused.

GhengisPlan ago

It's Stanford technology.

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Ok... we get it GhengisPlan, you believe in reptilians based on a handful of small digital video artifacts related to the subject's eyes. There are like 10,000 YouTube videos of exactly this. The nonsense and lack of any real evidence combined with your extremely misleading titles has me very curious as to why your posts aren't almost immediately nuked.

This and the Paul Watson videos have nothing to do with anything.

You may not be a shill, but, you are certainly wasting your own/others time. Not sure what is worse.

GhengisPlan ago

I don't believe in reptilians. Anything else you would like to tell me I believe? Gravity, black holes? Go.

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Ok, so, what is it that you are attempting to convey? The Paul Joseph Watson piece had little or no content and it was just a clip of the reviewer zooming into the eye "glitch" that occurred.

As other comments have insinuated, these posts have little to do w/ PG... so, what is the motive here?

GhengisPlan ago

Real Time doctoring


TruthTrumps ago

So you cannot put into words whatever you are trying to convey with your youtube videos?

huntercel ago

Yea reptillians eat children, nothing new, but also not really pizza related

Phenomenonanon ago


Newfind ago

She's an illuminati tranny.

ThisBogglesMySoul ago

Though interesting, maybe someone can explain why this has anything whatsoever to do with Pizzagate?

GhengisPlan ago

This is a good summary

LightSource ago

Holy shit i dont get it..this is bizzare it almost looks computerized

TruthTrumps ago

Could you please explain in English? I've watched your videos...(and who knows who may have doctored them)...and I don't get what you are trying to prove. What is this weird eye thing supposed to represent? I've seen similar videos on Hillary.BTW - didn't see anything in the one with Alex Jones.

TruthTrumps ago

I have seen this. What is your point?

TruthTrumps ago

I don't want more you tube videos. I want you to explain what you are trying to convey. Can you?