BlueChampagne ago

Lilith bore Cronus/Saturn children and named them Hades, Neptune, and Zeus.

Adam clutches a child in the presence of the child-snatcher Lilith Album

Chronus eats his son

Lilith (Hebrew: לִילִית‎‎ Lîlîṯ) is a figure in Jewish mythology, developed earliest in the Babylonian Talmud (3rd to 5th centuries). Lilith Babylonian Relief

"One may not sleep in a house alone [in a lonely house], and whoever sleeps in a house alone is seized by Lilith." (Babylonian Talmud on Tractate Shabbath 151b)

Lilith is commonly associated with the PEGASUS.

Look at the outside of this location owned by Alenfatis associated with Pegasus, you will notice it says KIDS 616

A kid, is a baby goat. 616 is the original number of the beast according the the dead sea scrolls Album equineluvr (voat user) A "burnt offering" to Moloch was called a HOLOCAUST.

Theistic Satanism and Magick (page no longer exists) (Archive)

Reference: " Chronos spent eternity devouring his own children to prevent the curse from coming true. This story had much to do with the shaping of Satan's destiny as a devourer of souls at the gates of Hell. In medieval times, there were many biblical artworks depicting a demon swallowing human souls at the gates of Hell. "

In these times, the act of idol worship and sacrifice, both human and animal, were commonplace to pagan peoples. In the Hellinistic-Greek versions of the Bible, a place famous for sacrifice, "Hades" is renamed into the Hebrew word, "Sheol." However, sheol was not a place created from Hebrew mythology. Sheol, was in fact, a place outside of the city limits of Jerusalem where the garbage was burned daily. In the new testament, this place was also called Ghenna, in the Valley of Hinnom. In this valley, once resided the ancient cult of Moloch, whose traditions are found as early as the 3rd millenium BC. This cult, performed human sacrifices of children to appease their pagan god. This is similar to the method of Chronus's tale of devouring his children. Moloch, was a giant statue-like idol that was in the form of a bull, was a giant metal machine*, hollowed out and filled with fire. The human sacrifices were placed in the hands of the god, and raised to the mouth, where they fell into the fire.

Hell on earth "pizza underground" PI = Pedophile Exchange

James Alefantis JimmyComet Instagram references "Moloch Maschine" Popular Culture References Monty Burns as chronus

Kronos (computer) - Wikipedia " The primary difference between Lilith and Kronos was that the latter was a 32-bit processor, compared with 16-bit Lilith"

huhhh ago

Hey @vindicator what was the valid reason for this being deleted and why is there no note from the mod that removed it?

BlueChampagne ago

These were deleted too Pegasus Symbolism Pizzagate Lineage Revelations + Jesus

Vindicator ago

The reason given was Rule 1, and @Millennial_Falcon did say so in the removal comment box (which you can see if you look in Removed Submissions at the bottom right of the sidebar).

Millennial_Falcon removed 6 hours ago on 3/23/2017 1:26:02 PM "@Piscina: Rule 1."

I usually leave a comment in the post itself, but most mods only comment in the removal reason box. Technically, the mod rules only require that -- and users can ping for further explanation. The reason for this is that commenting in every post is a HUGE job that simply takes so much time that we can't necessarily keep up with removals and prevent forum sliding if we have to do it.

ArtificalDuality ago

Hmm again a deletion, a million buck it's been Millenial_Falcon. He's one of these satanic protectors. The owners of VOAT are in cahoots as well. This is the THIRD time that a legitimate thread gets deleted where I posted about greater truths. A pattern has emerged most definitely.

BlueChampagne ago

These were deleted too Pegasus Symbolism Pizzagate Lineage Revelations + Jesus ** 470972-0972792792794**

huhhh ago

The mods are covert shills...

ArthurEdens ago

Thank you for calling them moronic, I couldn't agree more

Piscina ago

And again Eistein, we don't believe in astrology; the illuminati/satanists do. Take your complaints to them. We know they're dullard fuckwits with delusions of grandeur; something which you feel to see.

Piscina ago

We don't believe it buddy--the satanists do.


Historically, an extremely disproportionate number of strange deaths occur in this period. But I thought it had to do with the Jewish calendar, Passover and so on.

BlueChampagne ago

Blood Moon of Passover.

goatboy ago

Like the Carthaginians slaughtering all their own noble youth as Roman Legions marched towards them, the current batch of yahoos can't understand the difference between sacrifice and meaningless murder. The existence of Pizzagate army turns their sacrifices into insults to their gods and now every innocent they hurt adds suffering and destruction on their own heads. Instead of the prosperity and power they thought they would get from sacrifice, instead they hasten their own destruction with their tainted offerings.

ArtificalDuality ago

One doesn't exclude the other. I'd suggest you're not going to be dismissive of the things unseen. Us humans have very limited perceptional windows to the full spectrum of EM energies in our universe, let alone their full impacts.

Electro Magnetic Spectrum

ELF effects on humans 1

ELF effects on humans 2

ELF effects on humans 3

7.83Hz Shumann Resonance and why it's important (HINT: without it, we would die!)

I think the "stupid as fuck" part of your name applies to you perfectly.

PG_IsRidiculous ago

Oh yes, science excludes astrology. And like I previously said has debunked it. And since you started providing links let me provide some too, along with some quotes:

"The scientific community rejects astrology as having no explanatory power for describing the universe, and considers it a pseudoscience.[14][15][16]:1350 Scientific testing of astrology has been conducted, and no evidence has been found to support any of the premises or purported effects outlined in astrological traditions."

A more thorough article on Astrology and science:

Astrology has not demonstrated its effectiveness in controlled studies and has no known scientific validity,[1][2]:85 and as such, is regarded as pseudoscience.[3][4]:1350 There is no proposed mechanism of action by which the positions and motions of stars and planets could affect people and events on Earth in the way astrologers say they do that does not contradict well-understood, basic aspects of biology and physics.

Also LiveScience, a scientific news site:

"Astrology: Why Your Zodiac Sign and Horoscope Are Wrong"

And multiple scientists talking and effectively debunking astrology:

Neil DeGrasse Tyson

Bill Nye

Carl Sagan

Richard Dawkins

I cannot make you accept an obvious fact. If want to believe in Astrology you'll continue to believe it. However, at least please don't imply that science supports it. That's dishonest.


"Many astrologers claim that astrology is scientific,[132] while some have proposed conventional causal agents such as electromagnetism and gravity.[132] Scientists reject these mechanisms as implausible[132] since, for example, the magnetic field, when measured from earth, of a large but distant planet such as Jupiter is far smaller than that produced by ordinary household appliances.[133]"

ArtificalDuality ago

Hello Mr. disinformation agent. The 'secret' can no longer be kept a 'secret' by the evil cabal.

Science isn't bad. Sewer science is bad, the types that are like "I can't prove it so it does not exist" unlike what is READL science where one's like "I can't prove it so I can't know until I can establish a theory test rig and map actual phenomena". You're a proponent of the first.

As for "believing" in astrology, you put words in my mouth. I'm saying that effects described by astrology shouldn't be dismissed because there have not yet been established test rigs that would be able to map this. It does not mean that I believe Jupiter is a God of War to name something.

PG_IsRidiculous ago

Sewer science is bad

Actually your claims about astrology and electromagnetism are sewer science. Quote:

"Many astrologers claim that astrology is scientific,[132] while some have proposed conventional causal agents such as electromagnetism and gravity.[132] Scientists reject these mechanisms as implausible[132] since, for example, the magnetic field, when measured from earth, of a large but distant planet such as Jupiter is far smaller than that produced by ordinary household appliances.[133]"

ArtificalDuality ago

Our common day electronic equipment normally doesn't produce frequencies in the ELF spectrum. Those have a vast range and go through anything. These have wavelengths of 10 kilometers ~ 100 kilometers. See why I call sewer science?

PG_IsRidiculous ago

There is no secret, there's just a ridiculous conspiracy theory. Do you realize how pathetic you look in my eyes when spewing this nonsense?

ArtificalDuality ago

Silly spam bot. Pizzagate-like crime is "nonsense" too eh? Well, then, click again the "Proof" link I posted. Will be hard to dismiss actual police reports of these satanic horrors. So you continue your Babylonic suppression agenda. We're gonna make sure Babylonic filth you're protecting are gonna be eradicated from this planet.

PG_IsRidiculous ago

Babylonic suppression agenda

You're an insane conspiratard who is so far of from reality that even talking to you causes me disgust. I hope that the fact that nothing will ever materialize out of the ridiculous pizzagate conspiracy theory will bring you as much frustration as possible.

ArtificalDuality ago

There's an absolute reason why this should NOT be ridiculed because there is a definite scientific explanation for it:

All the celestial bodies can be seen as Electro Magnetic Activities. We all know about Earth, it's magnetic poles and electrics involved. But, it's not just earth. All celestial bodies emit, depending on their current activities like spin, electromagnetic fields and waves.

Naturally, this means that celestial phenomena like orbit, continuously change the total sum of fields and waves. When planets align, electromagnetic waves will increase in amplitude (phase alignment) or decrease in amplitude (anti-phase). This will result in a continuously changing electromagnetic field - and wave fluctuations.

It's known that various frequencies have a definite impact on our mental state, to a point where we can feel uplifted with certain frequencies, and stressed and agitated with others. All living creatures are under effect of EM waves and fields.

Many cultures over thousands of years have accumulated and retained lore describing these high-level phenomena. They didn't go around with EM spectrometers all over the galaxy; they just documented the high-level effects thereof [EM] in relation to planetary alignment.

Chatman ago

Asides from the dates, is there a link?

Piscina ago

I read your thread about the big picture. I actually liked it. Although I'm not entirely convinced you 'called the ETs' to you'!

ArtificalDuality ago

That's okay. What I and my mom experienced would likely not be exclusive to us. Them making known their presence to my mom would likely not be exclusive to us either. What is factual, is that shortly after me transmitting this emergency beacon, my mom witnessed what she witnessed and through questionnaire I know that the intent of the visitor(s) was to show their presence to her (and by extension, to me). I remember doing what I described clearly and I have to be careful not to do it again 'for real' when remembering it, but, through intent, just keep it with me.

The most important thing is to be open to the fact that us humans are not the top-of-the-line and certainly are not alone in this vast universe.

Piscina ago

But how do you know they were the good ones? Couldn't they have been the bad ones pretending to be good? I would not trust them.

ArtificalDuality ago

You see, They did not show their presence to me directly. That is how I knew they were on the good side. You see, if I had not believed my mother, if I would not have a very good standing with her, I would not have been able to learn about details. I would not have been able to come to this realization. They made getting to know about them dependent on the family relationship with my mother. They made love to be a requirement for me to learn about them (through my mom). That is how I know they were the good ones.. :)