IlluminatedJellyfish ago

A problematic personage. She [Nefertiti] was the daughter of Sitamun and wife of the most powerful man in the world, Akhenaton. Her name meant "Beautiful One Who Has Come." She was the mother of Meritaten ("Beloved of Aton") who made her way, under the name Scota, to Ireland. Nefertiti disappears from the scene during the fifteenth year of Akhenaton's reign when a deadly plague began sweeping the land. Archaeologist Dr. Joann Fletcher may have discovered her body within the tomb of pharaoh Amenhotep II. Nefertiti's sister Mutnodjmet was married to Pharaoh Heremheb who overcame the Atonists and attempted to rectify the havoc that Akhenaton had caused throughout the land. Expert on the Hyksos period, author Ralph Ellis, believes Nefertiti and Mutnodjmet to have been daughters of Aye, the priest of the sun and uncle of Akhenaton. Nefertiti has been taken as a prototype for the biblical Mary the mother of Jesus, as Eve, and also as the Old Testament Sarah. If her disappearance was in fact a banishment, then Nefertiti maybe a liable prototype for the biblical Lilith who was banished to the wilderness because of her rivalry with Adam and Eve.


Vindicator ago

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TheEasterBunny ago

That's nice. I'm leaving voat.

equineluvr ago

You have mixed some valid dots with some flat-out wrong ones.

Moses was probably Akhenaten, but Abraham was a different character altogether.

A C-section is not a "virgin birth" if the woman had sex to get pregnant.

Alefantis does not equal Atlantis.


TheEasterBunny ago

The myth appears to be true until one investigates the genealogical information and finds that the kinship pattern of Abraham and Moses is the pattern identified with and unique to the Horites. This should not surprise us since the Bible claims that Moses is a descendant of Abraham and Abraham's people were Horites whose cultural context was that of Egypt and Kush.

Schmid notes that "Explicit literary connections between Genesis and Exodus appear only in Priestly texts or in texts that presuppose P." (From here.) This is an important observation because Abraham and Moses are both of the ruler-priest lines. These lines exclusively intermarried, so we should not be surprised that a comparison of their kinship patterns reveals that Abraham and Moses were both Horites.

Moses’ father was a Horite ruler-priest Amram. Am means of the people and Ram designates a ruler. Amram had two wives. Abraham’s father was Terah and he had two wives. By his cousin-wife Amram had a son and doubtless a daughter, probably Miriam. By his cousin-wife Terah had a son and a daughter. By his half-sister Amram had two sons: Aaron (which is Harun in Arabic, a Horite name) and Moses. By his half-sister wife, Abraham had a son Isaac and through Sarah’s surrogate Hagar, Abraham had another son, Ishmael. Amram’s youngest son was Moses and he was sent away or banished. Terah’s youngest son was Abraham and he too was sent away.

With regards to the virgin birth, Cleopatra fancied herself as ISIS.

TheEasterBunny ago

I have enough for just one but you know the script.

JesusRules ago

From what I understand that jesus babymother , escaped the slaughter of all the first born. and thats why he isJesus

TheEasterBunny ago

Hippos Merd?