NerdyNoodle ago

49 year old Christian mom here, same exact thoughts. Especially about the dark web. It's one of the reasons I won't do any research there.

willofthewarrior ago

More please.

Wellwerefucked ago

Thank you for that its great to know this is reaching a vast variety of people from all walks of life! I think its a human instinct to sometimes desire something that is labelled forbidden but to the extent that this network of Pedophile seems to be able to act on their beyond sickening instincts must draw other people to it... its like the power of domination & the ability to stay unscathed is what attracts these sick fucks. It must be.

ThePedoHunter ago

No doubt whatsoever in my mind this IS the biggest story ever...a global supply chain of child trafficking for sadist sexual child fckers, hidden from the public by complicit media, law enforcement and govt. Look no further than Franklin coverup, Dutroux to see reality....ppl need to wake to the hard truth, though its difficult when most are still MSM fed

KittenCat ago

Amazing post, my dude. I want to go deeper down the hole!

Sir_Chancealot ago

The elite know that child rape, child dismemberment, and child killing cross race, socio-economic backgrounds, political affiliations, and all other manners of division.

Put bluntly, Black Lives Matter and the KKK will unite when they both find out that the elites have been raping, mutilating, and killing little children. All other differences will be put aside.

Wellwerefucked ago

The day we all forget about the bullshit differences that have been purposefully put in place to keep us bickering amongst ourselves is the day the revolution starts!

Sir_Chancealot ago

And, according to "Red Team Planner" is the day the fed gov loses.

Spuddlebuns ago

This rabbit hole has gotten "curiouser and curiouser" for me these past few days. Sometimes it has become almost suffocating, as I find myself looking circumspectly at almost any image of children, lately, and feeling waves of helplessness and sadness just thinking about this whole situation, how large it is, how long it has been going on, and how blatantly it seems to be existing among us in all walks of life. THANK YOU for a small side warren to the rabbit hole, that for a short while, led me away from the general malaise of #pizzagate. The thing about the Gregorian Calendar was truly eye-opening, and thought provoking, with no CP at the forefront, as well...I mean, well, DERP...SEPTember, OCTober, NOVember, DECember...How did I never notice this? I LOVE word and logic puzzles, and this one was in plain sight! Sigh, now back to my regularly scheduled #pizzagate depression...

Would you possibly consider starting a subVoat (I'm new, dunno the correct terminology yet...) to share more of these MOST fascinating tidbits? I (and others, I'm sure) would LOVE to slide down some different rabbit holes of the manufactured truth and history we have all been raised with, not in part because of sheer contradiction to everything we think we know...

THANK YOU for the small interlude in the shitstorm! Spud

GoldMoose16 ago

as I find myself looking circumspectly at almost any image of children,

Then you need to get away from it for a day. Seriously. Get off the web and come back fresh. Or if you feel that way, at least go away for a couple of hours. Get outside. Leave the phone n the house. Walk the dog,

shortymcbossypants ago

I've been musing on this quite a bit, and once this all comes full circle it will change our world in the way we know it. Will we see it in this lifetime? I certainly hope so as I have small children whom I want to protect and be rid of this horrible thing. I honestly also wonder if this could possibly be biblical, I mean I know that some of you have to be atheist, but could this be one of the final showdowns that really put things in place in Revelation? In the end, this is going to be so huge that our world will never be the same afterward.

NerdyNoodle ago

Yeah, the more I see of this investigation the more I am thinking that when we see the Abomination of Desolation, it is not going to be a pig on that altar.

  I wonder if this might be the Beast. I wonder how many of them there are at the top. 666 maybe? Sheesh

  Also since I am a post-tribulationist, I think that things will become unimaginably worse before they get any better. And the Bible says that possibly very few followers of Messiah will survive. But that doesn't mean we sit idly by and let them get away with it. I am fully expecting that this will turn into a holocaust and it is is just beginning.

  Doesn't anyone remember that they wanted to build a replica of Baal's temple in NYC? And didn't they put one up in London? I mean, they're NOT EVEN HIDING IT.

  And now I am starting to understand why God commanded the Israelites to exterminate entire peoples - if this is what worship of Baal/Moloch looks like.

Wellwerefucked ago

Im the furthest thing from a christian but even i cant help but notice correlations between the current state of affairs and what is told in revelations. Have you looked into Nostradamus much?

shortymcbossypants ago

Not really, I'm a Messianic Jew and never thought about reading up much of Nostradamus. I may have to buy a book on Amazon and read up on him.

vonbacon ago

Watch this documentary your fucking right This goes way deeper than we all know Pizzagate is just the crust of a massive iceberg

Spuddlebuns ago

I am only into 10 minutes of the 4+HOUR long video. And already, I hate you for slipping me that red pill. I am sure that by the end, I will hate myself and almost every other human being as well...How on earth have these people managed to do this? Are we all so stupid and blind, or do we choose to "see no evil" as a form of mental escapism? And I can't unsee, or unthink any of this. No matter what we do, I fear that it will just "shape change," and the insanity will continue...As is said in the video game, Fallout 4, "Curse you Savings and Loan!"

vonbacon ago

Yah I didn't believe this shit a few days ago either but I've been exposed to some of it by alex jones but I never really had anyone connect the dots until now. I've been following Geo politics for a while now and now that all the dots are connected I see clearly what is happening around the world and it scares the ever living shit outtah me. the more research I do the more this seems to be true.

Spuddlebuns ago

And THAT is the biggest reason behind trying to gather ALL the breadcrumbs, great and small. People pooh-pooh individual pieces as being benign or innocent, or taken out of context. But when you step back and see how these individual pieces appear to be connected to LOTS of other "innocent" pieces, the connect the dots becomes easier, and the jigsaw puzzle starts to take shape as a very creepy, ugly, and downright scary thing...

I never in my life imagined any redpill would have this effect on me, and no. You can't unsee it, and you can't la-la-la your way out of seeing it, once enough dots have been uncovered...

Keep fighting the good fight.

molly_clock ago

yes, i woke up this past sunday morning, thinking to myself, as bad as the world is now, at least there is no way it can get any worse, because we, as human beings, have reached the bottom of the pit.

and now here we are, and it's such a beautiful day..........

krisspykriss ago

Take away the occult and psychological aspects of it and what do you have? You have a gang. Blood in and blood out. Once in, you fall in line and you stay in line or else we have blackmail material on you. It comes with it's perks. You are part of an organization now. We all cover each other's backs. You're not into kids? Fine what is your vice? We have them all, but at the end of the night it will be your job to get rid of the evidence. So go do some blow of Gaga's whoha. We don't care. By the end of the night, we will have our dirt or you go in the dirt. Party on.

Owned from that point onward. Why do you think Clinton and others are such data hounds. She wants all the records. All the dirt. All the leverage. The old saying "knowledge is power" is an axiom more true by the hour.

How realistic is this? With the Blue Wall we have today? With the rules for they and rules for me today? With the blatant lies and disinformation spread through cooperate media? Honestly, more realistic than I can stomach.

Wellwerefucked ago

I like this! This is why people who speak out against the elite are silenced forcibly or in some cases silenced forever. I imagine actors, comedians or anyone who has ended up with severe despression must be somehow related to the double edged sword of the reality of what they know, have seen or experienced. Cobain, Winehouse, Lennon, Jackson etc etc the list is huge .... and im certain they were all people once happily involved but eventually felt trapped between their conscience and realitys of what these sick fucks do behind closed doors.

krisspykriss ago

Wiener had a file called "Life Insurance". Then we see the biggest child trafficking bust ever. When you have a good cover up, there is always a patsy. It ties up loose ends. Gives someone to take the blame. It closes the books. They probably took out some competition to be honest. THESE guys were the traffickers. Nothing more to see here.


If even a fraction of the information that we've uncovered is true/verifiable, I would say absolutely.

irelandseyes ago

Anon DID say bigger than cp. What if that rabbit hole took you to the knowledge that your own government may possibly be using self-created diseases, water and airborne contamination to lower the population? Or maybe the human trafficking ring is so huge because they aren't only using people for cp but for big pharma companies to test their latest Zika virus or recent "flu"vaccine? Imagine if our gov. experimented with this in other countries first. Maybe experimented on citizens from third world countries such as Africa in the disguise of "US Aid" , or learned how to control the weather by seeding clouds, having tested it on places such as Haiti? Once you have death and destruction, you have many displaced and unaccounted for people, not just children who would probably very easily get grouped into a huge human trafficking ring. And the money these bastards would make on this would be astronomical, not to mention the black mail possibilities that would be voluminous in so many ways, both monetarily and for power and control of high placed people. Then they have such success they start using it on their own citizens? Taking our kids and our people to test on. Making our citizens sicker by the day, then giving them supposed medicinal aids that are really speeding up the dying process. Great way to reduce the population by a billion. Especially when you add all the unnecessary war. I would think this would have the capabilities of not only starting a civil war but a global war as well. IMHO

LionParty ago

I'm not scared at all, the human race won't unite against me, they'll unite against those in power. And after what I've seen and read, I'd be happy on the front lines of that war.

party1981 ago

If true, it's the biggest scandal since the Holocaust.

Sprite98 ago

I think Europe (France and Belgium) are concerned as well.

I can remember the Dutroux files talking about a massive pedo ring Involving Bush and some other US and EU officials. Of course I saw the files on wikileaks but never saw anything in the media concerning the politicians potentially involved... Remember that the Dutroux case dates from the mid 80's so yeah, they've been running their ring for a long long time.

And I was talking to a highly graded general of the French Army who told me about massive orgies with not always "adult" people so yeah, I think we have enough knowledge to assume that this is a worldwide ring. Unfortunately.

LionParty ago

If the allegations we're investigating are proven, we're looking at the beginning of worldwide revolutions and political purges. As a Christian, what we're seeing is straight from the bible. Worldwide wars, massive earthquakes, exposing of the evil of godlike humans. Read revelations sometime.

EndThePizza ago


The most interesting thing about all of this is that it's a civilian investigation. The collaborative power of the Internet, Wikileaks, Assange, and whoever provided them with the Podesta emails is going to break the power of the elites. They've been able to hide for ... always.. , but this is reminding everyone that even in a democratic age, we can't trust the people we put in power. This is going to be bigger than the American Revolution in terms of giving power to everyday citizens.

We have to learn from this. If we want the world to be a place where people have the power, instead of our leaders or governments, we are going to have to maintain vigilance. We have to have civilian communities that constantly work together to vet politicians, and investigate our own governments. We can't trust our governments to examine themselves, and we can't wait around for people like Assange or Snowden to occasionally leak their crimes.

The good news is we outnumber them. If there's thousands of us civilian investigators, they can never take us out. We can stay ahead of them instead of trying to clean up the mess afterwards.

The new Wikileaks is everyone.

Wellwerefucked ago

This is worth a post of its own my friend! I think thats why its so damn scary. All the investigative dept. That exist to look into cases of this nature are and always have been owned by the people that need to be investigated BUT weve been told always 'let the proper people do there jobs and the truth will come out' LOL.

But an army of made up by millions of civillian investigators is literally unstoppable without severing internet to the world....

Anyone with half a brain will turn from reddit as a result of evidence of censorship... that in itself is massive!

EndThePizza ago

Thanks! I'll get around to it soon. Maybe I can word it a little more precisely. I always take a while thinking things over to get my ideas to come together in the right set of words.

I'd like to see, at the least, two civilian organizations come out of this:

One to track down human traffickers. This is a worldwide problem, and even if we take down everyone we're currently investigating, these things sadly will continue to exist on a large scale, simply because there is a demand for it. There are (good) non-profits out there already that do this, and with the right coordination, we could partner with them to give them extra manpower and give them leads they might not otherwise be able to find.

Another one for holding high-level politicians and government agencies accountable.

Wellwerefucked ago

Organizations where the power is delegated to those PROVEN to do hard work on behalf of the people, in the same way we sticky post someones extensive research, we give voice to those agreed on by the people that work strictly for the people. An organisation where power in one industry or area can not purchase influence in another but most of all an organization made up of Millions of critical thinkers that must reach unanimous decisions instead of key humanatarian issues being handled by a mere few that have proven corrupt time & time and time again!

EndThePizza ago

Exactly. Large amounts of power given to a small number of people is dangerous. Distribute small amounts of power to a large number of people, and it's much more likely for it to work out well for everyone.

And we've already seen that crowd-sourced intelligence can work miracles. Wikipedia is run almost entirely by volunteers, and anyone can contribute content.

gumshoe_mob ago

Anyone who was ever in Tony/John Podesta's homes or offices, or read the magazine articles about their taste in "modern art" -- and who still willingly associated themselves with them -- and who still took their advice -- and who still allowed them in their country -- is either a participant in something very ugly --- or an enabler.


krisspykriss ago

That is what I find disturbing about all this. Here he is with that "window into his soul" hanging on his walls and from his ceiling. All these elite think nothing about it. He does an interview and no one thinks "Hey, do we really want a shot with a cannibalism painting in the frame?"

Do they see themselves so far removed from the common folk that we plebes are lesser beings? I think so. That is what I take away from the paintings, sculpture, the... everything. They are demigods of this world drunk with power and money. Nothing feeds a twisted ego bent on sadism like the ultimate domination. Power over life.

We hear about all these sex slaves brought into the US. Where are the adults who used to be child sex slaves? We catch people with some very hard core BDSM child porn, but we often have no clue who the children were. In France they uncovered snuff videos of kids and the guy was pardoned after half his sentence was completed. Then the English case. And the latest Norway case. This seems like it is a trendy thing among some elites. Trendy enough to keep covering it up.

Wellwerefucked ago

To speak up or to speak out would see the end of any of their careers or political campaign so as usual the power of the person in question creates an almost invisible gag order. You are right when you say its power over life.... to do what you know common folk could NEVER and continue to get away with it... must give these sick fucks such pleasure. Its hard not to feel queezy just discussing this constantly.

Wellwerefucked ago

I like to think that in the way civillians can be accessory to murder, manslaughter just for having knowledge ... would be good to see how many people would be indicted for accessory to the Podestas... or furthermore ANYONE closely linked to the Clinton Foundation...

DystopianDaze ago

Yep. I doubt that they will allow it to be fully exposed no matter how hard we work. If we do not give up, and people quit the stupid shit (making it partisan, wild unsupported speculation, etc.), eventually they will be forced to throw a few people under the bus. If/when that happens, it will be necessary to forgo congratulating each other and keep digging, before they cover their tracks. We also need to not become distracted by things in the MSM...while the distractions may or may not be real happenings, we cannot lose our focus.

NerdyNoodle ago

I have been thinking this for a while. I was thinking Alefantis was going to be suicided so they can say, "See, look what they made him do!" And then clamp down on the investigation even harder.

Or else they will let someone go, like Tony Podesta, or maybe a lesser player, to appease us. -- It wasn't a "ring", it was just this one guy. Pay no attention to that massive pile of evidence behind the curtain!

ETA: Also, as a complete aside, I think David Seaman is going to have a car accident. Or something. Very soon.

TheGettysburgAddress ago

Ever Watch Ancient Aliens?

"......................they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men." Daniel 2:43


Spuddlebuns ago

Although Ancient Aliens brings up some interesting concepts, I just can't get past Giorgio A. Tsoukalos's hairdo...Totally negates his credibility with me... :D

gateaccount ago

Absolutely. If definitive proof is uncovered which I believe it will be eventually, the global economy could collapse, possible civil war in many countries, the fall of the government, and many many other huge changes. If this is as big as we think it is, the world as we know it will change for many people.

Wellwerefucked ago

I could seriously see them officially dropping the 'Aliens' bombshell or something of that magnitude to try smear this... wouldnt that be insane.

heygeorge ago

I imagine that CNN or similar would do something wild to discredit this, like airing 30 mins of tranny porn or something similarly ridiculous!

Wellwerefucked ago

Ive just seen this, WTF actually happened?

Thegreatstoneddragon ago

The distraction media machine in full swing:

heygeorge ago

I'm not even sure, but definitely top shelf distraction!

0xFFF ago
