Ocelot ago

Not to be pedantic, but you might like to know that "whence" means "from where". So "from whence" means "from from where/ from where from".

senpaithatignoresyou ago

You left out social media. anything he posts on social media, is fair game to public scrutiny.

VieBleu ago

Yes it is taught to children because of the achilles' heel, but there are a lot of people that do know about the Trojan war, and myths associated in which Achilles played a major role with a lot of other drama going on. the heel had to do with his death, just one part of his story as a hero. Again if you look at the most popular representation of him in recent memory, the movie Troy, the heel was barely mentioned and just at the end.

grlldcheese ago


Sorry, you just reminded me of the best scene ever.

Sup, vie. Merry Christmas.

VieBleu ago

You're a far better king than the one leading this army!, Grillman -Hap Holidays back at ya and also a Happy (Fake) News Year

Blacksmith21 ago

I think most of you are completely missing OP's point:

The key to furthering the message, and the eventual breaking open of Pizzagate lies within the irony, that the tragedy's key actor - James Achilles Alefantis - is uniquely monikered as "young boys are my weakness and my downfall". It is a tragedy within a tragedy. And here within, the way to help him become a self-fulfilling prophecy - use his own identity to prove his identity is real.

Am I on the right track OP?

yabbadoody ago

"May the force be with you".

I say let's try this theory in the "Achilles" blanks in the example post above, fly it up the old flagpole on our social media postings, and then see what kind of ruckus we can rouse, what transpires -

FACT BASED, of course, as best we can determine those to be (without law enforcement help and guidance) but yes... we must do something, and do that effectively, in order to regain momentum and keep this ON THE BURNERS of Google, MSM, FB and other outlets... and we definitely need a spark, so I'm all for this.

zlomsocz ago

i totally agree there has been an effort to demoralize people that raise questions on a sub, the tactics are always similar, but i have also witnessed people who start lambasting anyone who posts public personal information like facebook profiles, but if it leads to something valid, who the fuck cares. keep posting, ignore the haters unless they make a coherent point en-response.

yabbadoody ago

unless the mods dump your post for no reason. which is what originally happened with this one.

Perhaps suggesting that we utilize the standards and techniques of the affirmed master of advertising (Bernays) struck a nerve, who knows. But dammit, lets do it then. MEME WARS IT IS....

yabbadoody ago

It's not serious. It's just basically something that happens when you have 20-something bloggers "moderating" seasoned jouros. Don't worry, we're used to it - if we're any good, we've already been forced into freelance for the exact same reasons.

I was writing long before some of them were in diapers. Not to worry, journos can handle it. We will survive. You'll understand some day.

yabbadoody ago

Calmer than you are. I'm finishing my coffee.

VieBleu ago

you are far too aggressive regarding this. It is your opinion and only that. Everyone that disagrees with you on matters of the classics or otherwise is not making "a shill move".

yabbadoody ago

actually, astute readers will recognize a more direct connection between Achilles and Comet than a mere journo... it's an allegory, but also directly relates to a first-order material witness.

yabbadoody ago

no thanks, I'll just hobble along like this. It's actually much more fun and engaging for me to run rings around mental midgets trying to exercise undue authority (not necessarily you, just saying). We're all grown ups here, or at least I know that I am.

VieBleu ago

for the record, "Achilles" is mostly known as a semi-divine almost unstoppable warrior hero, and secondarily for his heel thing. Ever watch Troy?

yabbadoody ago

correct. In this instance, there is also a direct reference to a flesh-and-blood principal in this little pedo-drama, whom himself has become sort of an "Achilles heel" for the entire affair - via his Public Figure status, and outspoken social media among many other factors. (for which use of said name this post was originally banned, and that is why I've made it into a PUZZLE WITH A POINT)

VieBleu ago

I agree he is a kind of Achilles heel in the whole matter, which is poetic justice, or some kind of irony, since he bestowed that middle name on himself, and probably does consider himself "untouchable" and semi-divine.

VieBleu ago

I'd like to see the damage portion of your argument - what valid posts have been removed regarding Alefantis? Edit: ok is it the post you posted in comments? just saw it. Your post is okay but I am not going to lose sleep over it being deleted either - it's nothing with hard evidence. You are basically doing your opinion thing in someone else's litle fiefdom and if the lairds feel like knocking heads around on any given day they do. They seem to not care for anything with a message to the public or PR related in my experience.

yabbadoody ago

we HAVE evidence, plenty. What we are LACKING is a communications program, a theory, and an approach.

What was originally posted provided all of those things, in crystal clear abundance. Apparently, that was too much for the mod/s to handle... so I "reformatted" and posted again. It's a LITTLE LESS obvious than the original, but easy to decipher if one has a brain. And I'm assuming we all have useful brains here. Even perhaps mods.

yabbadoody ago

regarding WHO?

Nothing, actually. Absolutely nothing, posted in full with name occlusion to protect the potentially guilty Public Figure/s invovled. After all, "what's in a name?", unless of course one is a clueless and witless moderator.

VieBleu ago

I would venture that the reason they gave for deleted had nothing to do with the fact he was a public figure. What was the rule they cited? No linked evidence? They use that when they don't like something, it seems squirrely to them, unsupported opinion etc...but they let a LOT of posts go that violate that rule as well. It's hit and miss.

yabbadoody ago

well now I understand what you're saying, but that's still a really crap reason for deleting it. zero brainpower involved, just a click/delete. as if reading it, somehow might have damaged their underdeveloped, information starved brain.

VieBleu ago

we've all been strafed like that, one way or another. keep your morale up and keep working.if you have the heart.

yabbadoody ago

"rule 3" - which did not appear to apply. i did however forget to link to an outside source, so that has been remedied. as well as the "name" of the offending prick, which rhymes with "Achilles", perhaps even on a birth certificate (if we could locate so much as a birth record, for that matter)... so yeah, futzed up it was. I'm still cueing it up to "witless clueless moderator in need of training wheels" tho.

yabbadoody ago

it's easier just to "scrub" the post and repost, with citations.

I AM ACTUALLY a fcking journalist, by fcking college degree. I do know what citations are. I've managed media operations. I didn't fall off the fcking turnip truck last fcking week.

[sorry, not directed at you - just venting]

f•cking dog has f•cking papers. I'm not buying it a beer. He's not taking a turn on the lane.

Theupsidedown ago


Calmer than you are, dude.

Theupsidedown ago

If you're profiled in a fucking magazine, you're a public figure. Period.

yabbadoody ago

abso f•cking rute ry.

yabbadoody ago

FOR RESEARCH PURPOSES, here is an EDITED post which was censored, regarding a public figure. Full text follows below, name censored. I'm ADDING a reference to who Edward Bernays was/is, for those whom may not know otherwise.


"Achilles", it should be noted, is a mythological character. "Jimmy", it should be noted, is an extremely common nickname, and contraction for the full "Jameson". "Podesta" refers to specific persons whom are both public figures, but also a collection of thousands of their emails which has been made public and database searchable. "Judas" is a character of Biblical renown, and "Judas goat" refers to ancient folklore based on the story of Judas.

Confirmation Bias - Xxxxx ACHILLES Xxxxxxxxx, the Judas Goat/"Achilles Heel"

I don't know how much any of you know about archetypes, or how powerful these images are in the human subconscious mind... and yet, we SEEM to have stumbled onto the worldwide child paedo-ring's Achilles Heel, in the form of none other than Xxxxx ACHILLES Xxxxxxxxx/Jimmy Xxxxx.

Whether by divine design or happenstance, this is an opportunity that may not come again in our lifetime to exploit Confirmation Bias inherent in one of the main player's names. Looking at this objectively and unemotionally, and despite Xxxxx Podesta's emails being the VEHICLE for these revelations, Xxxxxxxxx truly [appears to be] the "Rosetta Stone" for beginning to unravel this entire web of deceit, treachery, human trafficking and pimping, money laundering, elite access and underground paedo activity.

And to that extent, the STUDY and exposure of that web has become somewhat of a HYDRA... however and for purely logistical purposes, and to exploit the Confirmation Bias inherent in the pedagogical and metaphorical implications of one "Xxxxx ACHILLES Xxxxxxxxx", I feel we should focus on Jimmy Xxxxx / Xxxxxxxxx as much as possible, to reinforce each of these other aspects and thereby hammer in the Confirmation Bias with the message.

Memes, if accurate and "sensational" while not being verbose, can be the single most effective way to cut right to the subconscious communications channels in our audience. Pure Edward Bernays PR/school of advertising/cut-to-the-chase type counter-intelligence meme warfare, headlines, and information is needed.

Stick to "Xxxxx Achilles Xxxxxxxxx" (instead of the shorter versions of his name), and stick to child trafficking.

Those two ideas will resonate clearly and psychologically with the general public. Don't give the paedos an inch to maneuver on this count, keep hammering away and even as we uncover the rest of this seedy network, keep bringing the message back to Xxxxx Achilles Xxxxxxxxx and child trafficking.

It will break through: This is the crack in the psychological dam that MSM has desperately been trying to avoid, but thanks to one Xxxxx Achilles Xxxxxxxxx, it is OURS FOR THE TAKING - and could cause the entire conspiracy to fail, and thus flood the public subconscious, where it will then break into public awareness in myriad ways.

And at that point, while the rest is unpredictable we will have succeeded in exposing these beasts... which is probably as much as we're going to be able to accomplish on these boards, with our level of resources. In our day. But that would be a good start.

Link re: Edward Bernays (added):


pizza-in-rm101 ago


WHO OWNS /v/pizzagate?


TRUMP, and Peter Thiel; Owners of Pizzagate going back to twitter ( saudi owned ), to 4chan/reddit, and back to Voat ( thiel owned ).

Stay focused on TRUMP's Pedophile history, and the Saudi ( andrew kline-doj) connection of besta-pizza to DC & arab world.

yabbadoody ago

"Achilles" - correct. And now, a little background on the term "Judas Goat" (highly applicable to certain principals in this inquiry).

"A Judas goat is a trained goat used in general animal herding. The Judas goat is trained to associate with sheep or cattle, leading them to a specific destination. In stockyards, a Judas goat will lead sheep to slaughter, while its own life is spared. Judas goats are also used to lead other animals to specific pens and onto trucks." - from WikiPedia


yabbadoody ago

so HOW CONVENIENT IS IT that in a certain, single personality associated with Comet Pizza, we have not only our "Judas Goat", but also the proverbial "Achilles" of the entire operation, due to his extremely public stature and (once public/ very much is still public "in disguise") social media?

Keep digging... we're not there yet, but we're almost there. I mean, hells - FUCKER DRESSES LIKE A GODDAMN KIDNAPER "FOR ART", so how hard do we really need to try to nail that sum bich in the public eye? [hint: Big Clue just given here, mods... see if you can guess]

And yeah, at certain times I am perfectly happy with my "Sam Kinison" method of using all caps for em-PHA-sis. I do try to be selective, for the sake of the ears.

derram ago

https://archive.is/XbfFZ :

Sterling's Lesson: Public Figures Have Few Privacy Rights | The Huffington Post

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