Fateswebb ago

Gunderson was controlled to stop the investigation from reaching bush.

V____Z ago

He's the victim of a postpartum smear campaign and was killed by the government precisely because he's the real deal. Judge him by what he says - we know all of it to be true. What is lying about? Who's saying he's lying? Is that person credible?

SpikyAube ago

Posthumous - postpartum means after birth!

V____Z ago

I guess it's too late for me to save face and change it. Idiot of the day award goes to me.

JasonHeywardsBeard ago

Look up John DeCamp as well. He deeply involved with helping the victims of the Franklin cover up and still speaks quite openly about how far the rabbit whole goes when it comes to child sex trafficking. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ufLqxMADfE0

And if you haven't already, watch both A Conspiracy of Silence (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1uBMXOsryd0)) and An Open Secret (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4eeGX4SlF1s))

Also, Brian Peck (http://m.imdb.com/name/nm0669631/)) is worth looking into and seeing who he may have connections with. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3115792/Pedophile-X-Men-actor-convicted-sexually-abusing-Nickelodeon-child-star-working-underage-kids.html

dFrog ago

Based Gunderson.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Former Head of the FBI Ted Gunderson confirms Pizza gate over 10 years ago.

He was only a local FBI director, as your title says. I also want to give a heads-up that Gunderson was a disinfo shill. He has been a promoter of just about every bogus theory one can come up with: reptilians, FEMA internment camps, a United Nations army taking over the United States, "pineapple bombs" at Oklahoma, no-planes on 9/11. His goal was actually to discredit conspiracy research by introducing fake evidence, "poisoning the well," giving talks to groups of conspiracy researches to get them to adopt bad evidence and false "tinfoil hat" versions of their theories (e.g. "no plane at the Pentagon"), in order to discredit the true general claims (e.g. 9/11 = inside job) with the general public. Basic "black propaganda."

MostPostersAreShills ago

Thanks for this. After looking over some things I think you ar right. And the people calling you shill are shills.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Some of them are shills, and some are just misguided.

dindonufin ago

That's rich. Coming from the head shill on this sub.

Millennial_Falcon ago

You're a shill, shill.

antiracist ago

Fuck you.

FeLpZ187 ago

Everyone is a "shill" to you fucks.

dindonufin ago

Millenial_Faggot is the shill here. Why is this cocksucker a mod???

equineluvr ago

Ho-Chi-Min-Me ago

(e.g. "no plane at the Pentagon")

I agree generally, but I'm fairly certain they flew a plane over the Pentagon and caused the damage with a missile/explosive of some kind. The eyewitnesses of the plane all describe a path that doesn't match up with the official story and would not take the plane to the path of the knocked over streetlamps.

Edit: If people want my source:


Millennial_Falcon ago

Source? How do you know they are real witnesses? There is a multi-lane highway that passes right next to the Pentagon. Hundreds of people saw the plane. That's one reason this piece of disinfo is so effective; anyone from the DC area who hears this immediately assumes anyone claiming this is nuts.

Ho-Chi-Min-Me ago


This is a long video, the beginning is the an overview of the evidence concerning the Pentagon. The rest is interviews with actual eyewitnesses, and they describe a path that is incompatible with the official story, and many saw what they thought was a different plane flying away from the Pentagon after the hit.

MostPostersAreShills ago

im not sure if thats true. I would have to do more research on the guy before I can accept that hes a disinfo shill. Even if he is a shill sometimes I still listen to Alex Jones even though I know hes a shill too.

Also do you have a source that researches the no planes on 9/11 theory? I was under the impression that most conspiracy people believed that there was no plains. Is that not the popular belief in conspiracy groups?

Millennial_Falcon ago

Just be skeptical. Also something to keep in mind: I think logic suggests he would have been suicided long ago if he was really helping spread the truth.

MostPostersAreShills ago

Well there have been claims of him being poisoned.

I edited my post above, can you respond to the second part? thanks

Millennial_Falcon ago

Well there have been claims of him being poisoned.

I really doubt those claims. He died of cancer at a ripe old age.

can you respond to the second part?

What specifically would like my thoughts on?

equineluvr ago

Ted Gunderson Died of Arsenic Poisoning


Millennial_Falcon ago

Just how do you think they would "chronically" Arsenic-poison him? Sneak into his house every day and put it in his coffee? These people have fucking heart-attack guns. They aren't going to waste their time trying to give someone cancer with Arsenic.

equineluvr ago

The manner of death sends a MESSAGE. (Think like the mafia, which is basically what the CIA is.)

That's why they have MULTIPLE ways of offing people. They don't heart attack everyone!

That is why Breitbart's necropsy technician was also POISONED WITH ARSENIC. Some people tolerate arsenic better than others, so it took Gunderson longer to die (despite his age).

V____Z ago

They put it on his steering wheel.

FeLpZ187 ago

You think they dont have the ability to give someone cancer? Lol.

Millennial_Falcon ago

No, but I think it's implausible, and I haven't seen any evidence for it.

MostPostersAreShills ago

Just a video about 9/11 and the airplane theory. I havent researched it enough.

ArchitectOfDreams ago

Imagine the twin tower is a baseball bat and the plane is a baseball, with Newton's third in mind... Whack the ball. What happens to the aluminium ball vs the bat?

I'll tell you what doesn't happen. Steel doesn't demolecularise and leave no seismic impact on the basin on NY but it did. ;)

Millennial_Falcon ago

I tend to avoid watching videos unnecessarily. Satellite internet with an absurdly low data cap. My view on 9/11 "no planes" theories is that they are absolute disinformation that was manufactured to discredit the actual truth that 9/11 was basically orchestrated by the Bush Administration. One of the many real pieces of evidence on 9/11 is the multiple FBI investigations that Bush Admin. officials blocked. Those investigations would have prevented the attacks.