Millennial_Falcon ago

This post is helping the enemy. Ted Gunderson was a COINTELPRO disinformant. COINTELPRO is an FBI program aimed at disrupting dissidents. His goal was actually to discredit claims of elite pedophile rings (and claims about 9/11) by introducing fake evidence, "poisoning the well," giving talks to groups of conspiracy researches to get them to adopt bad evidence and false "tinfoil hat" versions of their theories (e.g. "no planes on 9/11"), in order to discredit the true general claims (e.g. 9/11 = inside job) with the general public. He promoted the claim that there were NO PLANES on 9/11, and he promoted the McMartin Preschool case as an example of an elite pedophile ring. The McMartin case is a well-known case of false allegations. The mother who made the initial allegations was crazy. She based it on her son having disrupted bowel movements. The jury exonerated the accused because video showed the interviewers basically coercing the toddlers into saying they were abused, using leading questions that violated California guidelines at the time. One of the kids sent an apology to the LA times as an adult. That case was the real case of false memories that spawned the whole concept. I have seen claims that he has connection to The Temple of Set (founder was Michael Aquino, Presidio military abuse case perpetrator), and that he married Anton LaVey's widow (can't find reliable source on that yet).

darnforgotmypassword ago

Damn, what a maytr.

pizzamate ago

MK-ULTRA is based upon Luciferian beliefs and practices, not Satanic.

Luciferians worship Lucifer, not Satan. The two entities are NOT interchangeable.

RexAxisMundi ago

Any text about it, many people don't watch video links.

RexAxisMundi ago

We are the weapon! Never forget that.

BoosCoos ago

Wasn't he the guy who exposed the 'Finders Cult' and was silenced when trying to build a case against them for trafficking children? This isn't strictly 'pizzagate' related but posting what I know.

Look it up on youtube but cliffnotes is that the Finders Cult was a small outfit in the 90s who got busted with a van full of grungy looking children they were moving across state lines, when the FBI moved to investigate the group it came to light they were contracted by the CIA to supposedly do tech stuff, spy on foreign gov'ts and groups etc and were basically untouchable. Same Gunderson who investigated that case?

hels ago

You're right, the algorithm is far from good. The site is run by 2 guys who want free speech. Funding comes from user donations that are true user donations. There is no major advertising or purchase of how the site is run. Voat has a lot of great users who read /v/new and vote for the useful posts.

I right clicked and opened your link in a new tab and will read it after posting this. I thank you for contributing and have been on Voat over a year and only want the site to grow without outside interference.

RexAxisMundi ago

They are doing a good job so far!

stickittotheman ago

Ted was a great man. Everyone interested in PIZZAGATE should watch his vids on youtube where he explains all about the satanic child trafficking rings.

SoullessTechnocrat ago

Because they know that it is, and because they will nuke the world if you pull on the thread hard enough. For that reason alone, I'm following this down to the very bitter end.

I dare you kikes. Push the button. Prove me right.

YouaremeandIamyou ago

More Ted Gunderson 2008. Just amazing how clear and comprehensive he is:

vector3rector ago

Agreed. I see mostly useless info on my "hot" pizzagate page. I usually have to click the "new" section to find decent, new info.


Please post this to the main. Use a disposable laptop if you don't feel comfortable. The Fourth Reich will rise.

YouaremeandIamyou ago

Perhaps, instead of renaming pizzagate, Gunderson's revenge, it could become the larger name, for this investigative entity to continue under? After we have solved pizzagate specifically, that is... I have a confidence, that we can, since there is so much resources between us. And if we do have a successful result, then doing more, will be a natural consideration.

YouaremeandIamyou ago

Does Gunderson mention Podesta in that talk? Sounds like it to me, near the end. He says it more with an an E than an O, which I can not fault him for. Podesta was around then, and... I will have to have another listen... Yep, he says it at 59.00 and Pedesto by the way, he says. Maybe he had to slip it in quietly? Can anyone else confirm what he says, please?

amCassandraAMA ago

I oppose with his language and while the fact that he refuses to fall into this diplomatic political correctness language I can respect, I respect too that he at least communicates on an emotional level with the Fox News Masses (insert random white trash insult), the other politicians dont even bother doing that. While this is clever populist strategy and also valid democracy hearing their concerns too I take concern over some points he openly made. It's close to suspicious how few traces lead to republicans of this shit yet. Coming from a far left position, I too think that many things allow the suspicion that hes actually really really smart and aiming for good things. My point is just to not drop your guard and be suspicious if hes too far into that shit too until he shows proof. Hope is dangerous. I guess we will see further in february.

love_and_light33 ago

The truth is too surreal for people to depend on hearsay as enough evidence to flip their worldview. Talks of satanic cults, global sex and drug trafficking and more, it wont be digested.

Even a lot of conspiracy researchers have dismissed him as a psyop because a lot of his claims are so outlandish.

Pizzagate is showing us how much he said was true.

Blackdragon_expert ago

Crowd-sourcing and private citizen inquiry (after Wikidumps) is a new paradigm. We know that the MSM is all but dead in the hearts and minds of responsible people who, have seen the overt bias (especially in the election) and by the only source that is unbiased: Wikileaks.

Its hard to imagine that within say, within power centers such as D.C. and Hollywood there are criminal syndicates that reach the very movers and shakers controlling big business and . Gov. In the case of D.C and the focus of this effort, decentralized citizenry just like open source software development, is focused on one thing and one thing only: truth.

Maybe the process needs maturity. Such as a template or team of teams (all swat) that is a bottom-up approach to collecting intelligence on real and factual information regarding the idea that big forces or a shadow organization(s) are running rings to include human trafficking, pedo and drug associated rings not only for financial gain, but power gain such as blackmail. Just like open software dev, and approach is needed rather than a disparate mass of citizens, b\c anytime someone gets suicided or disappeared (Seth Rich, M Hastings) or bill comes out endorsing .Gov ability to shut down info, or gets labeled as "fake news", an approach is in play to counter it.

Is the CF TBTF?

Orange_Circle ago

Google professor Tom Philpot. They suicided him way back, but his video is still on Youtube.

HomeboyChris ago

They smeared his credibility with the mcmartin preschool thing when they didnt find the entrances to the tunnels. Idk what was going on with that case psyop maybe

Nicefind ago

i don't think it's reasonable to use the word "proof" in this instance. lots of people with impressive resumes say lots of things, does that prove what they say is true?

MakeAmericaDankAgain ago

I'm sorry, WHAT? A high-tier FBI agent said that? Why have I not heard about this before?

amCassandraAMA ago

because the media are propaganda tools used to disinform you

MommyLove ago

Don't let them bury the Truth. Watch this video...where do you think they are getting these kids from???

They admit it in their OWN data!!! 74% of likely sex trafficking victims were in the care of SOCIAL SERVICES or FOSTER CARE!!!

popezandy ago

I'm compiling a list of evidence of a global conspiracy, this is going on it. Before that's finished, please check out

That's a masterlist on leads pertaining to the current investigation. This needs to be upvoted so new investigators can know what to look for.

wecanhelp ago

I believe this is the single most important watch once you have some knowledge of #pizzagate. It confirms everything, but if this is your first encounter with the topic then it will likely leave you confused and doubtful.

AreWeSure ago

Claimed the FBI did the first WTC Center bombing too. So you can see why the FBI might have started to doubt the guy in his retirement.


Lol entire FBI team on vacation day of 9/11 look it up.

Pizzagatethroaway499 ago

What about the death of Nancy Schaefer ?

shootermcgvn ago

Didn't he start investigating this AFTER he worked at the FBI?

That's probably why he's easily discredited. He didn't do it on the job, therefore he's just another schlub conspiracy theorist like us.

SpikyAube ago

Don't ascribe to malice what could easily be explained by incompetence. People who are well intentioned are going to make mistakes, most people are not professional researchers I imagine, and different people have different ideas about what should be focused on. It's good to be wary obviously but also don't suspect that everyone who has done something you wouldn't have done or has done something wrong or badly or fucked up is a shill. We'll never get anywhere if there is no trust at all and no making allowances for the fact that this is not a slick professional operation here and plenty of people doing their best with little to no experience in research, criminal investigations, PR, marketing, collaborative working etc.

SpikyAube ago

Eh? What database found on whose computers?

therealwopD ago

I have red pilled countless people with Ted Gundersons speech

voteforfreedom ago

In my own convoluted opinion, when you have 2 Brit princes (Andrew and Charles) linked with 3 of the most prolific pedos: Epstein, Savile, Harris just makes sense that the swamp is populated with sick fucking fish

hedy ago

Nearly everyone one of these pedo trafficking, CPS and day care center corruption cases ends the same - with children not being believed, researchers and investigators being killed and guilty parties going free and the media quieted.

Ted Gunderson has been involved in several cases... however, he has also been tied to COINTELPRO. And for the record - ANYONE tied to the CIA must be considered cautiously. Take the McMartin case, for instance. There were three sets of parents of children who reported the crimes against their children. When the tunnels were found under the daycare center (which was how the children were taken out and into vehicles and transported to other sites of rape and torture), Gunderson befriended the mother of one of the children and literally moved in with her to "help her" investigate. She reports that he then overtook the investigation and sabotaged it. She also caught him trying to poison her. Subsequently, Gunderson has been linked by marriage to the occult:

The Strange Case of Ted Gunderson

Retired Head of FBI tells all - Illuminati, Satanism, Pedophile Rings

I agree that he was also killed in the end - possibly because he simply lost his mind in old age and became a risk to the CIA. Who knows.

cantsleepawink ago

Thanks for bringing that to my attention. It means that the writing is on the wall. I'm archiving what I need and I will be off soon. Cheers.

cantsleepawink ago

Just found it. But I had to fetch it from my own history. This post is THE MOST IMPORTANT ONE. Why is it not the sticky? Instead we have a welcome post for newcomers. How does that help the real researchers who have been working tirelessly to put that together ????

nowimonvoattoo ago

Here is something related: Ted Gunderson — The CIA & Satanism Including a very well written piece from 2015 by Gordon Duff, who for some difficult to understand reason recently have been acting as a champion for Hillary and Soros.

webofslime ago

What we are looking at is a culture of infiltration. Gunderson participated in the tunnel excavation and on tv interviews actively allowing himself to be debunked, at which point he joined the infiltrators. That is why his movement never gained steam.

Gordon Duff also joined the infiltrators. People are easy to buy. If they are principled, they are more easily controlled by blackmail material.

The President of Indonesia was being bribed by both the US and the Russians with a sex tape. Different sex tapes.

One was fake. One was real.

If they want you, they get you.

stickittotheman ago

Gunderson had to know about the tunnels

nowimonvoattoo ago

Thank you, yes that is unfortunate, it was my own assessment of GD as well. They've almost filled VT with globalists.

cantsleepawink ago

I just went to fetch for you the huge post on the Clinton Foundation which has been the board's sticky for the last couple of weeks and it's no longer there !!!! Where is it ??? That, by far, is the most important post on this subverse.

R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

The reason is simple. These allegations will not be investigated by the people who are paid to police these crimes because they are part of the syndicate. It is the same MO of big corporations seizing control of a regulatory agency that oversees that corporation. No one even gets questioned when shit hits the fan. If Trump doesn't do something about it day 1, we will know he is in with them.

amCassandraAMA ago

there are two possibilities: they manage to mute it or ignore it with not enough fallout for it to sleepshrink because people give up. Or we reach a critical mass of people that actually start to go on the streets and see that the law enforcement doesnt do anything because it is corrupt to its core too until civil disobedience starts. They will use the armed to the teeth joke of police they own now and it will become civil disorder.

You think they will give up the comfy nest they live in without a fight?

Wake up people, spread the message, get veterans involved, they cant discredit veterans without triggering public hostility.

Mooncutter ago

if he moves too fast he will get killed. Probably smarter to slow burn though. But I get what you are saying.


We will see. The facts that he asked for Obama's birth certificate and kicked Epstein out of his club for life are promising. His adviser tweeted about Pizzagate too. What is not promising is the fact that a significant percentage of his appointees are Zionist million and billionaires. Maybe he is pretending to be Jew'd? He at least knows what is going on. Complicit? Only time will tell.

carmencita ago

Because they are they elite. They up until now have been untouchable. Until now.

stickittotheman ago

I recommend to every Newbie here... you need to go to youtube and search TED GUNDERSON and watch his videos.... ex-head of FBI, now dead

Cantilever ago

It's a simple formula - discredit anyone by using a thought-terminating cliche, like "conspiracy theory" or "fake news."

pizzapartywithkids ago

Here's a new one for people to digest.

"Satanic Ritual Abuse":

In the book Michelle Remembers, psychiatrist Lawrence Padzer writes what he initially claims to be a biographical recounting of Michelle Smith, in regards to her abuse as a child. In the book, Padzer coins the phrase (first time its absolutely published) "Satanic Ritual Abuse". The therapy session went on through the 70s and this book was released in 1980. Also important to note that by the time the book was published, Padzer and Smith had become romantically involved. While supposedly a biographical account, numerous people have debunked most of the claims in the book.

So what about Padzer and his phrase? What makes that a false flag phrase?

Pazder returned to Canada in 1964 and completed his psychiatric training at McGill University in 1968.

If you're unfamiliar, McGill University in Canada, this is the location where much of the leaked info comes from in regards to MK ULTRA.

8 months before this book was published, some new leaks on MK ULTRA began to break.

Following the release of this book, it was used as training material for social workers and other investigators that began a large witch hunt for this sort of activity, largely in day cares.

Many of these allegations were flimsy at best and relied on heavy amounts of coercion on the parts of the interviewers. The technique became known as the "Miami Method" after Miami couple Joseph and Laurie Braga began using it to effectively prosecute day care providers, based not on solid evidence, but through multiple corroborating allegations from the children. The recorded interviews were edited to just to areas where the children were expressing allegations and largely omitted the highly leading questions and coercion from the Bragas.

An important question to ask now is how the Bragas reached prominence in their methodology. Janet Reno.

If you want an idea on the concept of children the Bragas held, just read this interview they did for Frontline.

Do you think it would be possible for a young child to be coached about being sexually abused?

It's possible, but it's extremely rare and difficult to do.

Why is it extremely rare and difficult to do?

For one thing, very young kids have very limited memory for things that did not actually occur to them. If you say to a child, for example, "Go upstairs and get your coat and close the door, come down and we are going for a ride," by the time the child goes upstairs, they are going to forget to get the coat, close the door, and they might go back downstairs and forget to do half the things. Children don't have the capacity in terms of their memory to absorb and give back very much, and for a young child, four, five, six years old, it's very limited. There is not a limit in terms of what they actually experience, but in terms of what somebody can teach them and have them remember, and give back in the same way, it's just very limited in young child.

Anyone that has spent time around young children, knows this in general, is total horse shit. Especially when discussing 5 and 6 year-olds. You can get children to repeat just about anything you want them to.

Ultimately, their method was determined to officially be horseshit coercion which resulted in many of the cases being overturned.

So just to recap, we have a book coining the phrase, 'Satanic Ritual Abuse' by a psychiatrist that attended McGill University around the same time as the MK ULTRA experiments, and then later being used as training material for people like Laurie Braga who helped Janet Reno, future Bill Clinton Attorney General, lead a true witch hunt against small name day care centers, by coercing children into false memories of sexual abuse.

What does this all mean? Does this mean Pizzagate is bunk? No. It means MK ULTRA is very likely involved here and very likely planted a major false flag against investigations like Pizzagate. Remember how 'these sort of witch hunts have happened before only to turn up nothing'? Yeah, its these exact cases they are insinuating. All the cases that have turned out to be real, have involved very well known public figures. Let that sink in.


interesting that Janet Reno died just days before the election

she knew too much

hedy ago

I disagree with most of your post... particularly your assertion that MKU is inexplicably linked to McGill and "all the cases that have turned out to be real, have involved very well known public figures."

pizzapartywithkids ago

particularly your assertion that MKU is inexplicably linked to McGill

Really? There is a nice section on Wikipedia even discussing this connection. Not to mention, the very legitimate evidence that lead to several Canadian victims receiving settlements for their treatment.

"all the cases that have turned out to be real, have involved very well known public figures."

This is probably poor phrasing on my part. I was mostly intending to mean in regards to the panic in the 1980s. Numerous convictions were made on smaller figures but usually required coerced testimony from children in these smaller settings. Plenty of news stories on this as a lot of them were overturned as a result when they were reviewed.Citron of the Franklin Coverup, Aquino of the Presidio Day Care, others that aren't coming to me just now.

hedy ago

Sorry - I meant that your post suggested MKU origins at McGill. I agree there are connections.

Regarding the "panic" - I'm now confused as to what you're trying to say. Are you suggesting that the Franklin Coverup and Presidio cases were created with false victim testimony?

I guess I disagree that there was coerced testimony, in general. I'm not saying that this never happens--but based on everything I have dug up about these pedo cases the children are usually telling the truth and there is usually a concerted effort to discredit them, given the horrifying charges and the fact that it's very difficult to believe that even less notable people are capable of such crimes. These cases are also very difficult to prove - I lost count of how many cases I've read that included medical records and testimony of sexual abuse that were discredited or dismissed as evidence. My brother was molested by the minister at our very nice church camp (and looking back, based on the minister's son's behavior who was my age and also attended camp, he was also being abused by the minister). No one believed my brother at first. Look how long it took the Catholic church to believe those victims.

I think there can exist very real cases of these crimes AND panic that results in false accusations or hysteria. But from everything I have read in the past year, with these pedo cases and certainly where satanic ritual abuse is involved (because it is so horrific it is usually unbelievable), where there is smoke there is generally fire. Particularly, early on in the modern history of these cases when there was less history, fewer patterns, etc. to recognize to give credence to the evidence.

One theory that might interest you regarding what might appear to be a "surge" of activities is the timing of the drug experimentation in the 60s and subsequent women's movement, which gave women permission to be more open about abuse. Based on what I've read about the mind control programs, women made better subjects and were also more "useful" as sexual bait and seducers. This is why there are more female perpetrators than one might expect--there were typically more female victims who grew up in these generational abuser families. When these women discovered/revealed their histories, which often didn't occur until much later in life, and started sharing publicly, it often triggered memories in other people who had also experienced the same and gave them permission (safety in numbers) to also come forward. This could take decades for some people given the complexities of the DID phenomenon.

With respect to the daycare center "panic" I think there was some very real foundation to the charges of these crimes but most of it was successfully covered up. What you hear and read about as "false accusations and resulting frenzy" is the public narrative that the machine wants you to understand. Nothing to see here, move along, and you'd better think twice before making any charges like this. This culture exists today. There are far more sexual victims today than are reported. When I was growing up, I heard that 1 in 5 girls experienced some sort of sexual abuse (and the definition is pretty broad) bin childhood. Now, the odds are 1 in 3 based on a new report - sorry don't remember where I read this. We certainly don't have 30% of girls reporting abuse. Most of it is not reported. Even less so once people become adults.

Of course, the victims telling stories always attracts the crazies and attention-seekers and there is certainly some CIA COINTEL going on but they are usually the minority. When more of the survivors spoke out, more of the children were believed. It's an interesting domino effect.

amCassandraAMA ago

well done.

ejd4500 ago

We should do as much as we can...before they turn the Internet off.

micha_ ago

Don't forget: without widespread internet you would have never heard about pizzagate! You would know only, what CNN & the club is telling you about it. Without the net they probably would have not even mentioned it.

This is a historical chance. If it can't get investigated now, I am sure they will close this window of opportunity within a few years.

stickittotheman ago

you are correct. The reason they have been allowed to work in the shadows was limited visibility. The world is enjoying a "grand awakening" right now, and it's glorious.

amCassandraAMA ago

there are two possibilities: they manage to mute it or ignore it with not enough fallout for it to sleepshrink because people give up. Or we reach a critical mass of people that actually start to go on the streets and see that the law enforcement doesnt do anything because it is corrupt to its core too until civil disobedience starts. They will use the armed to the teeth joke of police they own now and it will become civil disorder.

You think they will give up the comfy nest they live in without a fight?

Wake up people, spread the message, get veterans involved, they cant discredit veterans without triggering public hostility.

joey4track ago

This is exactly why we need to get people in military and law enforcement to wake up with us and stand with us.


tis indeed

stickittotheman ago

Ted was right. Thanks for posting about this. New folks need to go research the stuff that has been ongoing. This is not new!

TheDude2 ago

I don't know much about this, but I'd like more information on it.

Knutache ago

When the criminals own the FBI, CIA, DOJ, and who knows how many politicians that are in on it, who do you think is going to charge or prosecute anyone? None of this is new information. It may be new to pizzagate people, but it isn't a discovery.

The only chance will come from new people in power. Until then, all of the accusations and trails tying different people to each other makes pizzagate sound more like Chicken Little each day.

Gather real proof, present it to the right people once they are in position. And be assured, there is plenty of real proof already in the hands people that may, at some point, be able to act on it.

Personally, I'll be blocking this sub. I have no doubt that this is a real situation and that it is absolutely disgusting. But I'm tired of seeing every other post being some ground breaking "discovery" about the pedos or who is covering up for them. Good luck with your quest.



We_The_People ago

I watched a lecture of his when I first started reading on Pizzagate. I thought he was bat shit crazy. Now? Not so much. Now I wish he was still alive. He tried so many years to get people to listen, yet we did not. We must not let his life work get shit on again. We must see Pizzagate through whether it's prosecuted or debunked. We owe Gunderson that much.

HarrisonArturus ago

I want that on a T-shirt: Fake News: It's the New 'Conspiracy Theory'


This movement could be renamed Gunderson's Revenge

edit: BTW, his coroner swore that the bladder cancer he had was caused by arsenic poisoning.

YouaremeandIamyou ago

Great name for the overall movement, that will hopefully continue after pizzagate is solved. This man is such an inspiring hero. So clear, and so solid.

Doa11 ago

Child Protective Services Stealing & Sex Trafficking Children Stories Could Get You Killed

Nightbringer ago

DynCorp shows up yet again.

vacvape ago

Wasn't an investigative journalist who was looking into human trafficking by the UN vanished a few years ago?

poptical-illusionist ago

That's a good find! It's a shame the story didn't take off back then.

nitro169 ago

It is a shame, how many children have been harmed because everyone backed off...

SpikyAube ago

Something happened this year to make people much more open to taking notice and believing. I'm not sure what it was though, maybe a number of things, or just a build up of stuff since the start of the war in Iraq.

crystalclearme ago

My thinking is the internet and wikileaks. The first cases were largely isolated and hard to believe or research. We couldn't jump on the internet and research anything we were curious about. The internet has made the corruption and propaganda more apparent

fr33europe ago

Fallout from the great meme war of 2016.

dickface8 ago

The media lies about Trump and their defense of Hillary is what tipped it I think. We all woke up this year.

SpikyAube ago

Yeah, what a year. I just hope this all goes the right way for us little good-hearted people. We deserve a break! We deserve a lovely world, no this awful one that's been ruined and poisoned by these monsters :-(