Ronnilynn31 ago

Not sure if this has been shared before or not - This is a book from 1996.

A LOT of information - too much to read but save it off and scan through it when you have time. It correlates with the Gunderson claims, and then some. In my opinion, it explains everything. Of course, I could be biased due to my own research but there's too much very detailed info to discount the whole thing.

Here is a link to the site that has numerous other articles/books by the same person.

If someone has info that contradicts what this writer says, please speak up.

willofthewarrior ago

wget -r -l 1 -A pdf

gotta catch em all! :)

crystalclearme ago

Thank you this is great! I too need upvoats so we can deal with those pests :-)

dindonufin ago

Wow, I had no idea he had a website with so much information. MAKE BACKUPS OF THIS. The man is now dead and if this info is lost, we cannot recover it all.

This website is in memory of Ted Gunderson by the Protestant Church of America in hopes of carrying out his request to give this information to anyone who will listen.

Noticed this at the bottom. Interesting.

hedy ago

Please be cautious of anything involving Gunderson.

He has a long history of controversy

ETA: Here's the link I originally posted but it is not the right link. A poster below got all freaked out because I deleted it. Now he's spinning because mindless paranoia is easier than critical thinking, but he'll wear himself out eventually. But the link I am looking for is an article written by a mother of one of the McMartin day care victims Jackie McGauley who shares her account of interactions w/ Gunderson. Please post if you have it.

truthfirst ago

You do not understand. Anyone with real knowledge on this will face character assassination, or worse, as Gunderson probably did.

He was one of the first whistleblowers on this subject, back when no one was willing to listen. And is now dead. Thank you, for posting these pdf. it is important for people to place #pizzagate in historical context.

hedy ago

I understand perfectly. You seem to not know much history of whistleblowers - some are known to be excellent COINTELPRO. Yes, Gunderson was likely poisoned. Doesn't automatically mean he was on the right side.

dindonufin ago

What controversy? Did you even read that article?

hedy ago

Calm down - posted wrong link. There are quite a few alt sites that have articles about him. The one I wanted to post I can't find for some strange reason - and it is very late where I am so I'll make this short.

The article I intended to post was written by Jackie McGauley, a mother of one of the victims in the McMartin day care case. Once the tunnels were discovered, Gunderson moved in with her to "help investigate" and took over. She reported him stealing a lot of money from her, stiffing the excavation company, and trying to poison her.

Also, although he vehemently denied it, Gunderson supposedly married the of Diane Rively, widow of Anton LeVey (founder of Church of Satan), which McGauley proved in a written document she found or someone provided to her and posted it along with her article. Her association w/ Gunderson is just one of MANY relationships that went south.

I don't know about this site - but scroll down and you can see many controversies about Gunderson listed - I recognized a few as legit, others I'm unsure of - didn't look into them. For someone who claims to do so much good he sure seems to leave a trail of chaos everywhere he goes.

dindonufin ago

It's all just Stew Webb bullshit. That's the guy of whom you need to be careful.

Here is the article you deleted because it didn't fit your narrative:

hedy ago

Yes, some of it is Stew Webb bullshit. Some of it has nothing to do with Webb. Do your own fucking research - you're wasting my time. I deleted the article because it was not the article I intended to post - I don't have a narrative - stop being so paranoid and learn something. Read my other response on this thread - there are reasons to believe some of his information, and reasons to assume the information is not entirely truthful. This is standard investigation. Or, allow yourself to be fooled. I assure you I don't give a shit if you're desperate to hang on every word of someone you don't even know. We have work to do here.

crystalclearme ago

Yep- I read a lot of the anti-gunderson crowd and it was not convincing

hedy ago

I agree with you - some of it seems to be COINTELPRO, too. This is why I'm cautioning people not to hang on his every word. Something is off.

I became convinced there was more to the Gunderson story after reading accounts from the mother of a McMartin day care victim, Jackie McGauley. Look into it. A guy who goes around trying to solve crime sure the hell has a lot of chaos in his own personal life. McGauley says she also proved he was married to the ex-wife of Anton LeVey (a hand-written note by Gunderson, and now I can't find the article). Right... nothing to see here... move along.

disclosuretimes ago

Thanks for the heads up. As far as I know, his research is mostly from sources independent of him.

dindonufin ago

Nah this is bullshit. There is no "controversy". This guy is trying too hard to discredit Gunderson.

This is the article he cited, then so sneakily deleted after I called him out (read it, all of it):

hedy ago

You're an idiot.

dindonufin ago

Good one, shill.

hedy ago

Listen fuckwit... you are a weak link and a distraction with all this shit. I suspect you're actually not and are mostly a contributing participant in the cause, here, but you sure the hell aren't acting like it with this shit. If you cannot handle critical thought then this is not the place for you.

You don't call a person a shill simply because you don't agree with them--or in this case--you don't understand them. For future reference, you do not cry "shill" unless you suspect someone of actually trying to sabotage information or are trying to prevent information from being shared. Make a decent fucking effort to look into history, patterns of previous posts before you start crying 'shill'. You're being lazy and creating a lot of noise. It's not appreciated.


"A shill is a person who publicly helps or gives credibility to a person or organization without disclosing that they have a close relationship with the person or organization."

"The shill attempts to spread buzz by personally endorsing the product in public forums with the pretense of sincerity, when in fact he is being paid for his services"

"A person who publicizes or praises something or someone for reasons of self-interest, personal profit, or friendship or loyalty."

Your inexplicable defense of Gunderson is more shill-like than any word of caution I've posted. Now fuck off.

dindonufin ago

Are you done yet? Fuckin RETARD.

hedy ago

Thanks but no, that's not the article I'm looking for. But that is interesting - wish I could read it. However, I know that there was a lot of downplaying The Finders discovery, trying to pass it off as "excentric, cultish, but not criminal. That is standard CIA b.s. from what I can gather (although admittedly I have not read the article you cite that seems to have intrigued you). Here is an excellent piece by Dave McGowan, a well-known author of several CIA controversies - includes provocative statements by detectives who were there in the "warehouse" and saw the evidence. See what you think:

LostandFound ago

I hate that these pieces keep fitting. Secretly I have hoped that this research would fall apart but here we are. I find it interesting that the oss are mentioned specifically here given the recent findings that Hitler escaped Germany and lived for another at least 15 years in south America. Making the nuremberg trials a complete farce dog and pony show.

hedy ago

Are you referencing Baer's "investigation"? I've seen a couple episodes. It is entertaining and well-done but of course, I assume CIA (incl. Bear) has known about Hitler's escape since it happened... much of the Nazi scientific community escaped to the US and started NASA and military development, yet the American public was and still is clueless. Some suggest the early CIA is an iterative version of OSS.

LostandFound ago

Yes it appears that his survival and escape was well understood at the time, though perhaps not the final destination initially. Testimony given during the trials details the events pretty clearly but was sealed from public view. Meaning heads of state would have been well aware. Really puts a new angle on the cia/oss linkages and the skull and bones society.

hedy ago

Fascinating, isn't it? And terrifying. Although, current events put that level of subterfuge and collusion to shame.

LostandFound ago

I am starting to consider that these events may be linked. Compromise the CIA from its foundation and you have an extralegal body with no oversight and unlimited budget. Controlling the temporary pawns of politics with 'games' for the elite & blackmail makes a lot of sense. The nazis that got out didn't sit around playing cards after I'm pretty sure of that

hedy ago

Over the past year I have watched hours of his videos, read countless articles/statements--primarily because he is such a well-known source of information. The deeper I dug, it was clear that the info is good orientation for someone just learning about the pedo rings, mind-control and other associated history but I also came across a lot of information about him that suggested (rather convincingly to me) that he's often in the middle of so many of these local investigations (while not too unusual since he is a self-proclaimed 'expert' it is something to note).

And so many of the "regular" people he's worked with claim he has pushed his way into a position to where he was able to sabotage investigations or "guide" them in the way he wanted to, shaping the information and outcomes. He has so many other business dealings and other "relationships" that have resulted in controversy, which just don't fit the profile of a guy who is trying to bring crimes to light. And of course, it's just not a coincidence that most of these investigations rarely result in prosecutions. As head of FBI in LA and Dallas(?) you can bet he had many, MANY deep connections and likely had his own marching orders.

I decided that he was both - providing essential history critical to understanding the context of PG, and he is also likely controlling exactly what information is being developed and published... so please keep that in mind when absorbing his information.

disclosuretimes ago

I think your assessment is right.

We have to consider that in the higher ranks of elite abusers, people know how to play their roles. I believe this has been kept secret for so long because of the degree of psychopathy in these people: They know how to play their roles.

Also, their world view is based on them acting out certain global narratives, and that they are being a catalyst to humanity. They are the worlds rulers sheperding the play of the world.

For more info (prepare for cognitive dissonance. nothing should be called unlikely anymore):