UndeadOP ago

Can you link me to some of the Satanic affiliations of Sandy Hoax? I've never heard about this.

ThrowawayAccount123 ago

This is supported by at least 7 groups that I found who operate in US or abroad. This association does not infer illegal activities at all. Perhaps Pegasus is a suspicious one because of the self-described #killroom. But many Luciferian groups celebrate in the Gallery or Museum. I would provide you with links but you are not a researcher.

PizzaGateTwiceRetard ago

This is supported by at least 7 groups that I found who operate in US or abroad.


I would provide you with links but you are not a researcher.

Gotcha. Pulled it out of your ass, then.

ThrowawayAccount123 ago

I am not going to dox everyday Satanists just because they use a gallery or museum to hold their little full moon gatherings. 1st amendment freedom of religion applies to all.

PizzaGateTwiceRetard ago

So, literally no source for your information.

Confirmed debunked.

ThrowawayAccount123 ago

The inherent affiliation of Satanists with the CIA. Satanists breaking the law. CIA operating domestically. If these two things can be exposed in a way that normies can understand, there is a case for The People to sue.

Birdzeyeview ago

the 'good' news is Podesta won't sue David Seaman, as Seaman is BANKRUPT


stellarcorpse ago

Ha, ha, lol! So am I so guess I can say anything i want.

44NJ9 ago

What is absolutely disgusting is the profile pic on the page is a man kissing a piece of pizza and the speech bubble says, "you belong to me."

That just sent shivers down my spine, knowing it's not about pizza it's about kids.

WhereIsCarisJames ago

Where is Caris James?

PizzaGateTwiceRetard ago

Probably none of your damn business?

stellarcorpse ago

do u know how many people on there are saying foul things? Have you been on that page?. Hundreds of accusations.Photos. Mine pales by comparison and was classy. I was actually subtle in my accusation and did it with mostly meme. But I guess i hit a nerve.

TomDrew87 ago

I bet you do

stellarcorpse ago

He pulled it out of your satanic derriere.

stellarcorpse ago

I am a child from Hollywood where there are more Satanists/Occultists/Cults per square mile anywhere in the US. Believe me when I tell you something occult is attached to all this.

TomDrew87 ago

Is that you James?

stellarcorpse ago

eat shit.

stellarcorpse ago

I don't think so but I wish that were the case. I think he bought her off the parents or another arrangement was made not concerning money.

NeedPolyGF ago

I think they're just roleplaying as pedos and satanists. Roleplaying is the in thing to do for fun.

stellarcorpse ago

Doubt it's just role playing. But that's a nice thought. When you have that much $$ and are that powerful, role playing becomes a pointless exercise when compared to the real thing.

NeedPolyGF ago

Well then, maybe reality is virtual.

On the other hand, I disagree that real abuse is better than roleplaying. The real stuff is insane and not really rewarding at all.

Jem777 ago

This is the right direction. Snuff films are a huge market yes but even more devious is the realization that snuff films are being made for pleasure in Satanic worship. These parties are their church services and how they worship Satan "sacrifice a child to molech"

The films are stored in the hardrive which can only be accessed through encrypted passwords or keys possibly. And for large sums of money. A hacker was able to gain access to some of this and saw snuff films. They passed it to the D.C. Police nothing was done. Shortly after the "alleged" gunman went into Comet and shot one bullet that just happened to pass through the door into the server where the hard drive was.

Catsfive ago

I hope I never see one, but, what's the attraction to snuff films? Is it the fact that it's a really weird, rare way to get thrills? I can't imagine being aroused by this, and it's always easier to not believe that someone else would be when you yourself are not.

equineluvr ago

Ultimately this all boils down to CONTROL. Control of others, especially the weak and the sensitive.

I am talking at the CORE level here. Also, the way those freaks were raised plays a huge role in this.

iamcrd ago

I infiltrated a pedophile group and gain the trust of a CP creator and distributer. He was really into BDSM. He was also collecting snuff and death porn. He had one where a little girl was run over by a truck and she was grabbing at her intestines hanging out. He also had a video of a girl who facebook live streamed her suicide by hanging. Sick shit and I knew he had worse. I had to cut off contact with him because it really weight on my mental well being. He is in Thailand right now abusing young girls and "teaching english" as well as filming various sex acts. I've passed his info around to try to get him caught. Lets hope he does. Hes a really disgusting person.

Catsfive ago

Oh... just wow. How did you infiltrate? I can't even imagine what it would take to "pass" into such a group.

keepthefaith ago

all of this is available on the regular internet, with one swift click.

yes, this is the world we are living in.

privatepizza ago

I know, it's impossible for us normies to see this attraction. For psychopaths, and narcisists, they cannot feel emotion. They are caught in the emotional age of 2-3, through abuse and neglect as children. These people make up 15% of the population, 2% are born that way.

And so, when we understand that to feel emotion, something that they don't know how to feel, they exert pain and trauma on their victim, to feel emotion and pain vicariously through them. And power. They are psychopaths, living through their victims.

Actual vampires.

stellarcorpse ago

All I know is that filming CP & snuff has been documented as happening at some Satanic rituals. There have been eyewitness accounts of this, those that were lucky to survive. I am a SRA victim myself but have much repression but even I recall photography/ filming?? It is not uncommon in some ceremonies. My gut feeling tells me this is what is happening here. Though I have zero evidence.

Jem777 ago

Guts are the best evidence ever I know. Trust them. I am sorry you had to endure SRA. You are a warrior for speaking out now. I hope and pray you are not triggered by too many memories at once.

stellarcorpse ago

No. Ironically, Pizzagate has caused even more repression, (I have mild DID so some alter is up front right now operating that is in overtime protection mode ) Save for the horrid body memories, those are disturbing right now. But thank you. It is triggering me emotionally though and sometimes I want to walk away but know I can't.

equineluvr ago

Same here. Except mine was severe CSA, and I do not have DID. Suffered with severe PTSD for decades.

My ACEs score is 9 out of 10.

stellarcorpse ago

I do have PTSD as well.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

I don't think it is wise to directly contact the Evil Pedo!

stellarcorpse ago

you are probably right but i am not very wise and live on the edge.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Roflmao! Ok but be safe! :-)

Chatman ago

I dont know what your trying to achieive by going to his facebook page, causing drama and tipping him off?

stellarcorpse ago

Tipping him off to what??? Like he does not know about the protest. And anyhow, I never gave a date. It is all over twitter and face book. Really think he is that stupid? Not "causing drama" douche bag. Doing exactally what you are doing here, creating awareness. Not everyone is on voat and steemit. They do go on his web page and see my comments and think twice about pizzagate, maybe learn something . Hundreds of comments on there. I am hardly the only one.

Chatman ago

Firstly, no need to get personal, i was just questioning why you would use the cpp fb page as a target to raise awareness to which you said its for when people visit his page to check on the legitimacy of pg. I personally think attacks without solid evidence on cpp page would discredit pg but i cant stop you as much as you cant convince me so.

To that end, here are some ways around censorship

stellarcorpse ago

you have every right to your own opinion . Sorry ,did not to come off come so personal. Guess, it's because this is personal to me. And circumstantial evidence is so mounting that it is almost a certainty something nefarious is going on with that man.

Chatman ago

I understand this subject matter can make one angry, so its alright. Just dont forget easy to anger people are easily manipulated

stellarcorpse ago

no its not just the subject matter. it's that it's my subject matter.

Chatman ago

Forgive me & know that what we do here is to free the rest, even questioning approaches. Above all we need legitimacy for this movement.

stellarcorpse ago

I understand your POV and agree. For me, as a victim, it's hard to remain so impartial. So I went to the belly of the beast. And I don't regret it one bit. Need a taste of their own medicine.

Saibra ago

Wow, I know people can block you but I had no idea a page could block you! I just went and looked, and I can post a comment. You must have hit a nerve!

stellarcorpse ago

Not only did he block me. But somehow removed my comments. Strangely it appears he cannot remove the reviews section as it is still there.

ThrowawayAccount123 ago

Maybe you hit a nerve because you are (potentially) desecrating the designation of a house of worship. Pegasus is a museum. The "museum" is a code word for church for Satanists. Of course what church needs a "kill room"... Well one where human sacrifices are conducted.

What people completely misunderstand is that Comet Ping Pong isn't at all associated with pedophilia. They have a mural that represents ritual murder and dismemberment but winks to the Elite (fawn antlers). The patrons consider babies to be Yummy and objectify them. There is a photo of a friend which shows a man on the floor of Comet Ping Pong rubbing blood all over himself. A friend of Greenwood talked about the "new food". Bucks had Sunday dinners in the style of their family. Friends of Alefantis show a baby arm and cucumber and say: "Growing food". A video is posted of a man who sounds exactly like Podesta who is "whipping up" a small child into a fear frenzy. The blood of a frightenned child is said to have euphoric effects on the drinker. This matches the comment on the last photo in Alefantis' public Instagram that says "Whip me up a Haitian special". A friend of their makes soap from rendered human fat. Podesta brings up cannibalism unprompted when talking about his house in California 50 FT away from where the Donner party ate each other. He has cannibalistic art in his office.

How much cannibalism do these people have to mimick for you guys to understand that Alefantis is serious in his hate of children and involved in murder, vampirism and cannibalism. This experience and talents make him useful to the circle of people who are involved in blackmail and pedophilia, but it is not his starting point.

equineluvr ago

Alefantis doesn't hate ALL children. Only the nontribal ones.

ThrowawayAccount123 ago

I have never read anything of his that correlates with how people who love children (in the sane sense) talk. How everybody talks about Caris is like she is a tool. This girl may be the first suspected SRA victim who will have access to descriptions of her surroundings while she was "under contract" to these people. May help her recover her memories later on in life.

stellarcorpse ago

She will have been MK ultra-ed and too scared to talk. She will likely have developed DID and will have severe repression. She will become mentally ill and may be institutionalized. If she is lucky, she will just get into one horrid relationship after another emulating her own experience in a futile attempt to change the outcome. She will seek out men that resemble her abuser (JA) to try to save her. They will only bring her down further into hell. They will attempt to kill (again). She may end up finally killing herself from her inescapable pain. How do I know this? I too am an SRA victim. It is a living hell, no, a living purgatory...That is why I am so obsessed with finding this girl. Because there may still be time to save her. Or maybe that ship has already sailed.

ThrowawayAccount123 ago

Thank you for helping us understand the complex worls of SRA. You are brave for hanging here with us.

stellarcorpse ago

it's personal.

stellarcorpse ago

your post reminded me of this disturbing recent film about Satanic Cannibals in Hollywood. NEON DEMON.


ThrowawayAccount123 ago

Will look it up. Thanks!

stellarcorpse ago

I thought it was amazing film. But not for everyone.The director is freaky as fuck. A Swede or Dane as I recall.

equineluvr ago

That just makes me even happier that I'm boycotting Amazon/Bezos. (It's an Amazon production.)

stellarcorpse ago

still, u need to watch this one.

redditsuckz ago

How much cannibalism do these people have to mimick for you guys to understand that Alefantis is serious in his hate of children and involved in murder, vampirism and cannibalism.

Its not really cannibalism if they arnt fully human....the clues are hidden within Comet Ping Pong mural(s) and artist Arrington de Dionyso's "art" and the non human face looking at you with the plate within John Podesta's painting in his office.

They have a mural that represents ritual murder and dismemberment

He has cannibalistic art in his office.

ThrowawayAccount123 ago

I am not in the camp of people who buys into "reptilian aliens" at this point. To me, all people who look like humans are humans and measured against the human rights model of equality where protection of self and human dignity are most important.

redditsuckz ago

I am not in the camp of people who buys into "reptilian aliens" at this point

Its inevitable that the investigation will lead us there...its only a matter of time.

The thing is I dont think we are JUST dealing with some kind of hybrid reptilian species...there might be many more different kinds of species. And all we are is food to them.







ThrowawayAccount123 ago

BTW, Podesta really wants to take this all public. If you are into this angle, research his history with this process. He has tweeted about it and there are articles out there that disclose his relationships with other UFOlogists. Maybe Skippy is tired of living in the shadows LOL

redditsuckz ago

Take a look at this email Podesta received...maybe the sender was LARPing but its pretty telling;

By all rights and reason, we require full disclosure of all alien contact and all treaties the US has agreed to with the aliens. We might have weak intelligence, but we have ascertained that we are food, labor, and resource generators for the alien over lords. Our information came from your own DoD, casually and off the record by credible sources.


ThrowawayAccount123 ago

This email is very entertaining. And it goes to the Georgetown.edu email so it is based on old info. Thanks for adding it.

ThrowawayAccount123 ago

Thanks for the links. It is hard to explain the SCALE of the consumption of human bodies. I don't mean as food, but in terms of manufactured events or systems that consume humans (war and slavery).

SpikyAube ago

What are they? Part human and part what? The kids, you mean?

redditsuckz ago

What are they? Part human and part what?

What ever inhuman face goes along with these skulls;

Robertas Pizza


Rolf & Daughters


Notice most of humanity worship "Jesus" a human god and humanity also worships human celebrities while they worship animal/beast gods and inhuman "celebrities" of ancient Egypt.

equineluvr ago

Cartoon/Caricature representations are NOT to be taken literally.

Unless you have photographs of the actual skulls, you got nothing.

I, OTOH, could point to countless skulls to support my assertion, which I refuse to disclose online.

The answers lie in ANTHROPOLOGY, and there are some CLUES in MEDICINE.

redditsuckz ago

Cartoon/Caricature representations are NOT to be taken literally.

You could say that about all the instagram "cartoons" or the Comet Ping Pong posters showing body parts and death.

Now the Egyptian paintings on the walls showing hybrid species are just cartoons/drawings...


But the question remains were these REAL beings...its just a clue.

stellarcorpse ago

Jesus, that is even more frightening that any of my dark suspicions. And mine were hard to top. Still, I do believe there is pedophilia here as many of these Satanists use sex and torture in MK Control and love to film it all. Not to say there won't be any other consumption thereafter. But I do believe the sexual element is an integral part of the ceremonies. Also with animal sacrifice and other forms of gore and sadism. But you are correct, there has been testimonies of cannibalism in some of the more hardcore ceremonies, including forcing children to partake of it. JA sure does love to "slaughter" things as is so apparent on his Instagram. Bunnies, turkeys, trees...

l23r ago

Even if they get off on the murder over the rape (god that is horrible enough just to type) they are still business people and know that sex sells. Especially when it involves illegal things.

ThrowawayAccount123 ago

Yeah, THOSE reference you will never run out of them. If you make a list, it will go on forever. I agree that there is pedophilia involved but we have to step away from that TREE to see the fucking forest sometimes.

stellarcorpse ago

I agree with you. Think we have to step back and look at the bigger picture. And I happen to think it may expand beyond just child trafficking and pedophilia as well. I think there may be a Secret Society /Cult connection.

ThrowawayAccount123 ago

Yes, every single one of the people who are in power today is a member of at least one "secret society".

stellarcorpse ago

I did not say murder or even child porn. It was only implied in a meme .And mine pales in comparison to many of the posts there. Why are you being such a smart ass?

V____Z ago

Stellar, you're my hero for saying this to Alefantis, I hope you cannot be traced via Facebook (NSA book). I think you may have found us our next area of research/focus. Thanks!

stellarcorpse ago

Not worried. Your welcome.