YingYangMom ago

I don't know what you mean by ornaments, but I sure am curious to find out what they are now that you've mentioned them :D

YingYangMom ago

No doubt their arrangements provided a nest egg for them to continue on in life.

That nest egg comparison caught my attention and brought me back to the definition of birding. Here is a pic where the # babybirding is posted. And we all know the technique of using dogs to scare kids in MK Ultra abuse : https://www.flickr.com/photos/146343979@N02/32362057716/

YingYangMom ago

Check this. https://www.flickr.com/photos/146343979@N02/32251340572/ Besides this picture and the obvious taste for 'Pizza Extravaganza' parties https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/53745, https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/58006, https://www.flickr.com/photos/146343979@N02/32362276756/ She is known to have flown at least 6 times on Jeffrey Epstein's private jet (Bill 26 times), is said to be a high ranking witch and openly admits to speaking to dead people. She says that she 'channels' Eleanor Roosevelt. Plus, we all know how interested in following the Laura Silsby case involving the attempted kidnapping of 33 (non-orphans) Haitian children story. And this is only the tip of the iceberg,

stellarcorpse ago

ya, i know they have soft bones. It just seems like an odd thing to say.

stellarcorpse ago

Have you seen this one? #miltf means Mother I'd love to fuck. Also what does he mean by 'soft bones?"


stellarcorpse ago

Wonder what James means by "soft bones?" in this comment?? Also here he says #miltf. which = Mother I'd like to fuck. Referring to Caris mom.


stellarcorpse ago

I hope so. At the very least have someone ask them why there have been any no photographs of their child since 2015. (on social media) A precious girl of that age. (presumably now about 7.) would be a parents pride and joy and would be endlessly photographed. Makes no sense.

stellarcorpse ago

Its an arrangement with this poor girl. I hope that i am wrong I really do. But she was linked as Carisjames even as an infant. Seems her fate was doomed/

stellarcorpse ago

Can you show me that particular instagram pic? I have not seen that one. At least i don't think I have.

stellarcorpse ago

i hear ya. It's just surprising he has not gone dark like Scott & his wife have. Wonder if he is not privy to any nefarious arrangement. Though that is doubtful.

stellarcorpse ago

I think it explains itself and supports my theory that he basically bought her. Do you have evidence that James supported this family? That is interesting. I do not think, as much of a deranged man as he might be, that he would lend her out tho. He seems to obsessed with her and would not need the money.

stellarcorpse ago

Thank you so much. I have seen him in another instagram pic where he is holding a baby. Does anyone know if that baby is his? It is another baby not Caris.I will try to find pic. Close up.

redditsuckz ago

"Daddy likes Butt" + "whatwhatinthebutt"


This is what what in the butt means;

Samwell - "What What (In the Butt)"


I said what what, in the butt?

You wanna do it in my butt, in my butt?

Lets do it in the butt, okay...


stellarcorpse ago

Parents should talk to public and defend JA. That would help. At the very least provide recent pics of Caris Some say it's none of our biz but it is now.

stellarcorpse ago

do you have a pic of Joe the business partner to upload? sorry typo?

stellarcorpse ago

sorry my reply was concerning where she is now.

stellarcorpse ago

can you upload a picture of you please? Not sure I have seen him.

redditsuckz ago

Joseph Wills;


Here are the facebook links of their connections and freinds;


And here is some evidence that Caris may in fact be a boy;


Its satanic...this is how they work....they would pump the child full of hormones since birth.


stellarcorpse ago

do you know is that his kid??

redditsuckz ago

Joe Wills has 1 child with Cassie Windham Wills named Juniper.

Scott Cummings has 2 children with Cory Woolman Cummings named Mae and Caris.

Both Joe and Scott worked at Square Form Design/Pegasus Museum that James Alefantis owns.

stellarcorpse ago

Is this Facebook account still active?? I ask because the Scott and his wife's account have gone off Facebook. I wonder if any one has asked him about Caris.

YingYangMom ago

The only one still active in their circle of friends, is John Kreher. He has his list of friends private now, but you can see some pics that Kreher posted on Joe Wills and son Juniper and the comments from Cassie the wife and mom. Here is his FB: https://www.facebook.com/JohnMKreher

stellarcorpse ago

even if he knew anything, doubt he would spill the beans.

redditsuckz ago

All that has been accessible is Scott Cummings Myspace..


Every social media platform they have has gone dark...and what is even stranger is that Scott Cummings had at least 10 instagram accounts...And his wife had many accounts also...

stellarcorpse ago

Thank you. I still have an account there so I will check it out.

stellarcorpse ago

i could care less what they do as I am very 'live and let live' so long as they keep the kids out of it.

stellarcorpse ago

Sorry. It is just so obvious to me what is going on here. I don't understand why others don't see it. Caris is his, was born to be his, and he is bragging about it because he can.

stellarcorpse ago

Who said he has taking her to another country? He has 15 properties, any of which she may be residing in.

stellarcorpse ago

1ew sorry but you seem to be in some kind of denial. She is "yummy" for obvious reasons. None having to do with food.

we_kill_creativity ago

Reminds me of the Richard Pickton Pig Farm case

I was reading through to see if you made the connection. For people who don't know, Richard PIckton had a Pig Farm, where apparently the remains of over 30 people were found, maybe more, I don't remember right now. He's considered one of the worst serial killers of all time. The problem is, he regularly had well known parties on the property, and apparently everyone knew these were very sexual parties. There's more to this I've found on the Able Danger YouTube series that I'm not recalling, but I'll see if I can find the videos.

EDIT: Here's one: https://youtu.be/6jd8rP195G0?t=1m39s These 2 guys are a little different than most youtube shows you're going to come across, and they've been doing it for years. They just talk to each other over skype. The one you see in person says his sister is an evil lesbian pedophile who works in the highest reaches of government and helps to organize these rings we are all now starting to realize exist. Anyways, even if you don't watch the whole video, I'd suggest just skimming through all their uploads and seeing what they're about.

YingYangMom ago

Thanks, yes.

Omnicis ago

JA is assange, to me. It bothers the hell out of me until I realize "oh yeah, that means alefantis here"

YingYangMom ago

I get it, felt the same way too at first, but lots of users on PG were doing it. I could type Alefantis, JA was shorter, hehe.

stellarcorpse ago

only one caris. all look alike. every single pic except for some pics that are her older sis. no need for invitro as I am certain James like occasional girlz too. (and I don't mean just 5 year olds.)

stellarcorpse ago

Thank you! I appreciate your concern. I would not want to be left alone with him either. Did not mean to come off so cocky and arrogant but it's true!!

stellarcorpse ago

I believe she is a girl. Not sure what the he was all about. But it is obvious she is a girl. Maybe it's some kind of inside joke. I hope that is not his child because then he would be an incestuous pedo to boot. There is no evidence that that is not Scott Cummings child. I looked into the two history and they do have 3 children together.

YingYangMom ago

Idk why you have this feeling I'm trying to compete. Just trying to see if it sticks. It could. However, I don't think any normal person would compare a baby to tasty food and # doublemayo next to it.

YingYangMom ago

I hadn't noticed this room before. I wish I could help. Maybe someone else can.

YingYangMom ago

Jimmycomet posted this one here at 214 weeks. https://www.flickr.com/photos/146343979@N02/31558889544/

YingYangMom ago

If that theory is true, then carisjames could also mean lovejames. Caris means love in welsh i believe. Since we all know he doesn't like kids and mocks them or makes creepy comments about them, the lovejames theory would be somewhat psychopathic. Uff this is not as easy to depict as I first thought. So many theories!

stellarcorpse ago

He like kids alright. Many rapists don't like woman and yet still rape them. You don't need to like them to abuse them. In any case he could also have been straight out lying. Why would we believe a word this creep says? And yes, Caris does mean love in Welsh,. We don't even know if this is her legal name.

YingYangMom ago

Good point, I totally agree.

YingYangMom ago

That baby already had a #CarisJames, at birth I believe. Here is the proof: https://www.flickr.com/photos/146343979@N02/32362058436/

stellarcorpse ago


Please note her mother comments ..."and so it began..." then see my theory...

stellarcorpse ago

it's been her name since infancy because she was determined at birth to be JA.possession one day.

YingYangMom ago

Izette's comment about the money being hers is a habit she has. I say this because I saw another Instagram picture somewhere someone had posted where she saw something she liked and typed "My..." It looks like a pattern. The only reasonable other theory for the mistake in gender could be that James Alefantis is referring to Scott Cummings when he types "His money". Izette probably thinks JA is referring to the baby and corrects him. JA backs off and types "Just sayin' while mentioning both parents. So, is this evidence that Caris' parents are receiving money from JA? What for? He seems to not want to say too much after S-Cummings types "Haha, wait, what?!". As if, hold on, this is not funny at all, big mouth! What do you think?

stellarcorpse ago


Money for baby.

YingYangMom ago

Most probably, yes. It's the most logical explanation.

stellarcorpse ago

note that he was there.


YingYangMom ago

The 'she's his because he bought her' theory is getting more and more plausible.

stellarcorpse ago

If you start looking at all the comments and the situation, relationships in it's entirety, yes. What's more, it's almost as if they are bragging about it. I really , really hope I am wrong. Because if true, than she was doomed from birth.


YingYangMom ago

Not sure about the "have nothing to do with Caris per say" theory if only for the fact that that baby's sexuality is mentioned and mixed up. Here is an example: https://www.flickr.com/photos/146343979@N02/32362036876/

stellarcorpse ago

JA has possession of Caris with her parents blessings. Has has groomed her since infancy. That is what my gut tells me and I am seldom wrong. Scott Cummings, Caris father, is a bisexual swinger surely if he loves Butt mag which is also a gay hook up site. He is also likely a pedo since he is the chicken lover guy on instagram. He also made an item of furniture with pedo symbol on it. Mom is sketchy as well. JA also made sexual references towards the mother that she was #miwf, (mother i want to fuck) not outside the realm of possibility they have had or are having some kind of love triangle.(it is my belief JA is Bi not strictly gay). The parents sketchy daycare center is also interesting since a waiver of silence was required by employees. Also, some very telling reviews. They seem to have gone MIA on social media at least, and there are no pics of Caris on social media since 2015. Linking CarisJames to me denotes ownership. Seems I am only ones that have this POV. I have no evidence of course, just good intuition and experience from having been around some shady people in my own personal life as well, including some bi & gay men with pedo tendencies who were in Nambla.

I tried making a submission on this here on voat and it was deleted . It finally stuck.


here is BUTT magazine.


ps: in order to come to the above conclusion it is necessary you carefully examine the relevant Jimmy Comet Instagram comments and pics and the rather mysterious relationship between these people and their children. Taken all together, a picture start emerging.

YingYangMom ago

Great points. Thank you for sharing your point of view and I agree about the swinger theory because I found it odd that ccwoolman (Scott Cumming's partner and mother of Caris) actually points to the BUTT on Scott's shirt while evidently finding it funny. Here's the picture in question: https://www.flickr.com/photos/146343979@N02/32401420465/

stellarcorpse ago

Check out this pic & read comment by Jimmy Comet.: BF??


YingYangMom ago

Not sure if it's meant as Best Friend or Boyfriend. It wouldn't surprise me as they're both gay.

stellarcorpse ago

holding a magazine called Butt my suspicion is BF (boy friend)

YingYangMom ago


redditsuckz ago

We've found out through the investigation, that starving pigs will eat anything including humans (dead bodies) in no time, including the bones, leaving no trace behind. Reminds me of the Richard Pickton Pig Farm case. Horrible.

A survivor of SRA made a youtube video not too long ago and she talked about being taken to a farm and being molested and abused and said the people that worked there were down right evil...so maybe this farm is some kind of sick place these people take their kids to after their born and let them get abused and it would be a good place to hide evidence.

"James Alefantis "The Farm" Map diagram - "Lock up Mom";


Map is on the wall at the Whitmore farm;


Pics from "the Farm" that James Alefantis visited;

They are from the weeks 211-212;


YingYangMom ago

Thank you for this info and the links, much appreciated :)

redditsuckz ago

no prob...:)

From James Alefantis comment here;

"We had nothign to do with this - butt know how it feels...And we were all there to see it"


He tags all his freinds that went to the farm...you can even see werkinonmahnightcheese aka Jeff Smith in one of the farm photos.

I guess this is his family and "culture"...

YingYangMom ago

Wow! So you mean to say that they go there to watch what is being done to Caris at the Farm? They had nothing to do with this could mean they didn't participate, but they know it feels because they've been through the same thing themselves when they were young. This could make sense.

redditsuckz ago

It reminds me of Satanic Ritual Abuse survivor Kim Nobles art;


Some kind of ritual where they all stand around and watch.

YingYangMom ago

Oh God.

YingYangMom ago

Thanks. There are so many Instagram pics in that album, it's valuable. Idk who Chris Zee is, but wow, I'm grateful for this.

Ocelot ago

Would you happen to know how one could download all of them at once? I'd like to have an offline archive of this.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Wow I cant wait to see them all get arrested. Hillary, I think youre gonna hang. Get right with god.

YingYangMom ago

I just hope she doesn't drop dead before the hanging.