iamcrd ago

They ran a daycare? Yea she is in grave danger all right. I've infiltrated these kinda groups before. Some actually try to make deals to abuse each other's children SRSLY.

stellarcorpse ago

Exactly. I think that JA owns Caris that that was part of the agreement at birth. Hence when the mom says on his Instagram #andsoitbegan. It is hard for people to wrap their minds around this. And many try to think that he is the biological father. No, this is an arrangement. Please investigate this and tell me what your thoughts are. Last known public photo of her was from 2015. She would now be about 7. JA is photographed with her literally at birth and he seems to have an obsession with this child. the parents don't appear to run a day center any more. But the father has his furniture business and mother is mostly MIA. I actually contacted him and said he should provide current pics of his child to quell some rumors. Needless to say, he did not respond. (the mother used to work at CPP. at one time.)

edblings ago

i met an old white man once who we called chicken fucker... he literally had a tattoo of a dude fucking a chicken on his ass, very strange since this guy was homeless, and yet the tattoo was almost perfect, was it some kind of group he is a part of? i always thought so but probably won't ever find out the truth. he was a convicted sex offender

stellarcorpse ago

well, now you know.

stellarcorpse ago

Thank you doll. Do you find pizzagate highly triggering? I do. Do you mind my asking you, where you a victim of CSA/ SRA?

stellarcorpse ago

Appears the mods are more interested in Nazi style journalism rules than possibly saving the life or lives of children in danger. That or have been compromised. Perhaps this forum is not for me. There are other threads that are contain far less sources and they are still up. I have been deleted 3 times since last night. Could it be content I am discussing? None of us has any concrete evidence of anything and all is speculation at this point when it comes to pizzagate. In any case. I believe that if this child is indeed safe, parents or someone should step up and show is she is ok. Post a recent pic or something. The silence is deafening. And the speculation will only get worse since, as one posted suggested, Caris has become the face of pizzagate.

As for my specific case, i cannot divulge Secret Society since they are still active and it would be dangerous. It is even possible, due to some of Podesta's leaked emails via wikileaks, that they may even be involved in Pizzagate. Though this is not verifiable at this point of course. The Secret Society in my case is one of the most powerful in the world.

I was a victim at 10 years old. Powerful and famous person, so this made it all the more difficult. Mind controlled to never reveal even to myself. (those that have DID will know what I mean). Mine was a sex magick ritual. I do not want to go into details at this point. I don't fully trust this site thus far. Mods have so far shown terrible bias. But suffice to say, it was horrific and gory. Animal sacrifice was involved among other things. I think I should start another thread on this but mods may ask for my first born. Or my birth certificate so not sure.

I am seldom if ever wrong on gut feeling due to my past experiences. It is my belief that James Alefantis and the Podestas are definitely involved in some nefarious activities. I have even started to speculate that JA may be CIA operative. I do suspect he has associations with Secret Societies. His giving donations to the Theosophical Waldorf schools is very telling. Steiner, it's founder was also head of an OTO chapter back in early part of Century.

By the way, thank you all for your kind comments. Really appreciate .


Is JA CIA?? Thought this was fanciful but after his threat to the pizzagategear guy and the mind fuck he gave him, i am starting to wonder.



NikitaVerite ago

Oh wow - I had never seen the BUTT mag stuff. And now that butt comment on the "baby on hammock" instagram pic makes more sense. Disgusting. I could not get the etsy listing to load - any chance you could archive it or screengrab that page?

Whattheheck321 ago

The address for Portland Natural Casket Co, which I think is his business, is a house in Lake Oswego Oregon. Looks more like a home than a business.

Drnoway ago

Could you write about your own terrible experiences? No need for name dropping. Would maybe work better as a separate post. It's very pizzagate relevant if it includes influenced people.


it is very possible that the mother was a surrogate - is Caris actually James daughter?

Fateswebb ago

For what it's worth I have asked James voat personality to please just show us a sign she is okay, in a replay of a conversation we were having on here, to which there was no response. I do like to focus on her because she is a face to the madness, but this post isn't going to convince James or anyone to help, we're going to have to solve this mystery on our own.

Fateswebb ago

I'm concerned for her as well, but you're asking him to hand her over to someone named Stellarcorpse?

Seems unlikely. But worth a try...

NotTooLate ago

I've never seen the BUTT images and I thought I had seem them all!

SpikyAube ago

I agree that it would be good if survivors provided some information, nothing identifying, but just perhaps insight into the kinds of ways these people operate etc. I just think that we do want victims to feel comfortable coming forward and so it is always worth being welcoming and taking seriously anyone who identifies themselves as a survivor, it is better to err on the side of kindness and also it will offer encouragement to others who might be reading and unsure about coming forward.

srayzie ago

Thank God you are safe now. You say you're a hot mess after being a victim yourself. I hope you're getting the love and support you need. You're brave to come and try to help these kids. I hope Caris is ok too 🙁

reasonedandinformed ago

This has bothered me from the start. I made a couple of related post, the last one posing the same question and receiving zero answers to the question of what has happened to her since the last known time-stamped photo (https://s17.postimg.org/kvi8smsi7/Screenshot_20161109_223253.png)) of January 31, 2015: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1504555

Z11Mama ago

This is not Scott Cummings bar. He simply made the sign for it.

spacemanspliph ago

Ok not sure where you decided this from. But either way, he is associated w this bar in oregon

Z11Mama ago

It was discussed here on Voat and the actual owner information was posted and discussed. His association with the bar is he made their sign. Sign making is something he does. Bottom line is, he's obviously part of this but that bar has proven to be unconnected already.

FriesischShipping ago

^THIS, you give nothing to psychopaths because they will take everything.

Eastwood350 ago

What if anything can you share with us about the Secret Society in Hollywood?

Z11Mama ago

I know this is concerning. Most of us here would like to know that Caris and her sister are ok. But it truly is just an accusation. What more can we do to find out if she is ok? Any ideas?

Gut instincts are important. I won't ignore yours. But people...we need more!!! Please help!!!

justanotherpizza ago

l4l1lul3l0 raises some good points, and if I can suggest anything, it would be to go through old posts on the Portland angle, and summarize previous research, including any proposed next steps on the this aspect. I know I would appreciate a summary of what has been found previously and what further could be done.

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

Thank you for sharing what is so difficult! You're a living angel.

TrishaUK ago

I think it should be easy to ask about Ceris since Alfantis even mentions her in Megyn Kelly interview. Not an unusual question. Eg. To Law Enforcement: I am concerned about that little girl Alfantis mentioned on her show, can you find out if she is alright?

2impendingdoom ago

For them to sue you for defamation, they would have to show damages and that your claims are not true which opens themselves up to scrutiny. They are probably more afraid of you suing them which you absolutely should if the statute of limitations in your state allows. Try to find a good lawyer willing to sacrifice their career or if indictments really do come down on others in your area and you feel safe to, call your local fbi/police sex crime unit and report them. you sound brave and kind, stay well.

2impendingdoom ago

child sexual abuse and satanic ritual abuse

PizzaThis ago

Ask John Quackenbush of Caris 'life' Sciences http://www.carislifesciences.com/bio/john-quackenbush-phd/

EllaMinnow ago

Seriously, this doctor is a quack

PizzaThis ago

He wrote the book on the Human Genome. Theory is they are cloning for colombola and baby Caris is James' purchase.

survey_girl ago

Is this the girl? https://i.imgtc.com/TcjuhHi.png

Those dark bags under her eyes have always bothered me (along with a lot of the other kids from JAs Insta feed). An update on her would be great.

pizzaequalspedo ago

The dark circles are abnormal. I've been looking at kids eyes for similar dark circles/bags and it's not common at all, yet many of the kids associated with Alefantis and his circle have them.

Yuke ago

Different girl (the one in the t-shirt).

pbvrocks ago

Is this the girl taped to the table? I have asked this same question many times...let's find this girl. This girl will either 1) be alive and well..and her parents will have info as above or 2) he sold her. I feel strongly that this girls story is very important...ty stellarcorpse for posting this...

Piscina ago

I've been worried about her too. I asked the FBI to investigate her whereabouts. Don't know whether anything has happened.

Devious1 ago

You may also want to read this previous Voat Thread and comments related to Caris



badastrid ago

Good post. I hope the mods let it stand, at least long enough for JA to get out of bed to see it!

SpikyAube ago

I can't imagine what you've been through, I hope knowing that more people are aware now and are actively working to try to expose this and bring the perpetrators to justice gives you some comfort.

People have mentioned before that Caris hasn't been seen in photos for a while, which is worrying given the circumstances. I don't know if there are any official ways you can check on a child, like perhaps ask for a welfare check for her in the place her parents live? I don't know if that's possible or how you could be sure you weren't asking for help from someone who is part of it all.

SpikyAube ago

I agree - I think posts from survivors should always stay, these are the people we are here for and the people who can help us with their perspective and experience and we should support them, they are also important first hand testimony to what goes on, and there is no more compelling evidence than that.

JimmyLionstar ago

Sad to hear that you are victim of SRA. Hope Pizzagate will get the light it deserve.. God bless you.

MolochHunter ago

god bless and god speed with your recovery

dougG ago

He doesn't make children's caskets but he did make a scaled down coffin into a "coffee" table. They both own a biz that makes full size "green" wooden caskets. Sketchy business for a young "hipster" couple?

Yuke ago

You've mixed up two people and two bits of information. Caris' father, Scott Cummings used to make caskets (the company appears to have ceased trading now) so he would have made caskets for children as well as adults, and he also made them for pets I read on one of his sites, and also urns. The coffee table in the shape of a coffin was made by Jeff Smith, aka "werkinonmahnightcheese" - instagram name.

dougG ago

Oh, thanks

Devious1 ago

Hi, your 1st link is broken, because imgur is included, you need to replace with this link http://imgur.com/a/dflbv

NB: your onto a hot topic here, these thread usually get deleted and don't stay up for long.

samhara ago

"Caris" "James" is a pseudonym.

samhara ago

why don't you ask James Alefantis?. He's apparently a member of this BBS. He's on this thread.. So you can reply to his question about Sessions and Hillary with your own question? - https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1630661 -

Votescam ago

Believe Scott Cummings also makes children's caskets.

Nana66 ago

There isn't anything in the first link of the imgur album but check out my comment on this post...no one responded to it back then and it is really important and creepy that SCummings makes these . https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1543290/7514718 Edit: this info should be added to your post.

spicitoarbos ago

You are improving your message, and it will get seen. Don't be discouraged by the mods being strict, take it as a challenge to make the best case for your message. (as a sidenote, you might want to proofread your post once more)

stellarcorpse ago

Thanks for tips. I will!