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Silverlining ago


Getting around Twitter Throttling + Censorship [submission deleted by author] Seemed like a good idea to spread the word.

within the context of pizza/pedogate.

:: Get Past Censors :: Use images, memes and 3d text (free generators online).


:: Get past Twitter throttling problem. ::

I get MUCH more visibility doing this than if I just Tweet out @cnn @wapo etc.."

I was inserting this imageJPG into various MSM NewsFeeds last night. [

I quickly got over 2200 viewsImgur Album

Try Tweeting it directly ON an MSM NEWSFEED.

•1 - Hang out on @CNN (or whatever news you want)

•2 - Wait for them to make a new tweet (about anything - but Sessions, "Russia" and anything Trump related are optimal)

•3 - Reply to the news storyImgur Album with "Why aren't you reporting on this?' <add article or Meme>

Watch the MEME magic start...