Singleservename ago

I ran the DC properties of the 15 listed in the comments below as being owned by Alefantis.

2308 California St is the embassy of El Salvador 1536 Swann St not owned by JA. Neither is 3334 N St

So OP and/or Ryan what gives? Where are the 15 properties? And no PO Boxes do not count. Though I'd like them listed.

madhatter67 ago

He can't claim all the credit....Hillary and creepy Joe played their part!

V____Z ago

Interestingly, Joe Biden's son was given fracking rights to the whole country.

madhatter67 ago

Yep...I just thought it was dodgy crony capitalism....But now I'm wondering if they got a sideline going....Destroyed countries and eastern European girls makes for business opportunities for these scumbags

delivery1 ago

Warning it's graphic, but please see this video about the leaked child abuse video and judge its content yourself:

At 0:37, the man very clearly starts by saying:

"I'm just a kid who is four, each day I grow some more, I am John Pode...."

At the surname, the man quickly lowers his voice, as if he realizes it might not be the smartest idea to say his name out loud

Please share, so many downvotes here so quickly, the shills are trying to bury this. This is huge evidence

vacvape ago

It is amazing he's so bullet proof.. at the same time, nobody would argue that he's a likely pawn/lightning rod.

Giabean123 ago

Good questions

stellarcorpse ago

And he travels around the world. Likes the jet setters life!

Disgusted-Lurker ago

Soros is an evil sick fuck who deserves to be skinned alive...

...but this connection to CPP via donation is a bit weak. If it was hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars, then maybe.

I just think this angle is a waste of time and detractors will ultimately point out the paltry sum of the donation to mock the argument.

V____Z ago

I wouldn't worry about limiting the scope in order to prevent the argument form being mocked. It has no cred with those who would mock, and certainly anything to do with Soros is worth a huge look.

stellarcorpse ago

Please read my submissions and thread on JA possibly being a CIA operative. Becoming more and more of a possibility.

As well, it is my gut feeling that he has taken ownership of his alleged god daughter Caris, with the blessings of the parents.Hence why we have seen no pics of her on social media since 2015. Think she was being groomed since an infant.

As well it is possible this entire Pegasus deal may be LIVE CP & possibly snuff. Very lucrative among the wealthy. Nor brought up much here.

New_years_day ago

Why did GQ list him as one of the 50 most powerful people in Washington D.C.? I could maybe gloss over 50 most powerful in Oklahoma City......but D.C.???????

Singleservename ago

Took me a minute

Nice little platter no?

Singleservename ago

Yes JA has a cousin named Tim son of JA's father's brother. It really isn't that hard to look up so I won't do that for you.

Forgetmenot ago

By the way those were direct quotes from the articles themselves. Not my own opinions. I have often wondered who funds soros. It is an enigma and his motivation seem to be purely evil.

HarveyKlinger ago

As Aesop said, “A man is known by the company he keeps.” Based on the bands he hires and his Instagram friends we know quite a bit about him. All of it's bad and definitely NOT the type of person you want running a business that caters to children.

V____Z ago

Three upvotes for you, sir. (The other two are in my heart)

Singleservename ago

Before I have to listen to another droning asshole kicking of his video with degenerate metal please list the 15 properties?

I have Comet, Buck's, Pegasus and the blue house in front of it. Where are the others?

Mooka_Molaka ago

Here you go, fragile little flower;

  1. 6513 Brawner ST Mc Lean, VA 22101

  2. 2310 California ST NW Washington, DC 20008-1637

  3. 1536 Swann ST NW Washington, DC 20009

  4. 1352 Bradley DR Harrisonburg, VA 22801

  5. 5037 Connecticut AVE NW Washington, DC 20008

  6. PO Box 7703 Mc Lean, VA 22106-7703

  7. Dearborn ST Mc Lean, VA 22106

  8. 148 W Wolfe ST Harrisonburg, VA 22802-3815

  9. 1404 P ST NW WASHINGTON DC Washington, DC 20005

  10. 1117 Randolph RD Mc Lean, VA 22101-2930

  11. 3334 N ST NW Washington, DC 20007-2807

  12. 455 Massachusetts AVE NW Washington, DC 20001

  13. 749 Chain Bridge RD Mc Lean, VA 22101-1813

  14. 2022 Columbia RD NW #602 Washington, DC 20009-1303

  15. 145 E 48th ST #29F New York, NY 10017-1255


They mention 15 properties here that he owns:

And he owns this vintage furniture store?

Metropolitan Interiors:

Super expensive stuff


"degenerate metal"


Hmm. Ok...

I realize we all have different taste in music and video production and which citizen journalists we enjoy watching or trust for the information they've shared.

Especially if they have a good track record of not being shills and they link to or show the evidence they're sharing so we can search/research to make up our own minds about it.

I mean, hey, I guess you can slam ppl if you want to. But personally, I'd reserve descriptive words like "degenerate" and "deplorable" and "Pro-Pedophile Cacophony" for the likes of Sasha Lord's septic tank of "bands".

Not for a guy who has been trying to share and spread the all the possible truths and links and evidence about #PizzaGate & #PedoGate and the massive global spider web of ties involved, who has a fan that made the opening music for him simply out of appreciation.

Most ppl who are searching for evidence and trying to assist in any ways possible to stop these monsters and save these trafficked, raped, organ-harvested (and God knows what else) men, women and children, would probably not be stopped because they didn't like the music in a video that has information in it.

As a matter of fact, many of us have heard and seen MUCH WORSE, not to mention what these VICTIMS are going through!, in order to get closer to the truth. We've been down the deepest, slimiest, demon-infested rabbit holes just so we can bring back evidence and proof when we climb back out. There is no eye bleach irl. There is no ear bleach irl. There is no memory bleach outside of shock treatment, drug or MKUltra bullshittery to go through so I'm sorry you were forced to live through that 30 or 40 seconds of intro music, you poor thing.

But hey, you do you. ❤

Singleservename ago

ran the DC properties of the 15 listed in the comments below as being owned by Alefantis.

2308 California St is the embassy of El Salvador 1536 Swann St not owned by JA. Neither is 3334 N St

So OP and/or Ryan what gives? Where are the 15 properties? And no PO Boxes do not count. Though I'd like them listed.

Singleservename ago

Good info thanks for that.

Sorry but I can't stand these weasels popping up everywhere to self-promote and monetize these shit stained rabbit holes we've dug through.

Also, getting very frustrated with the lack of real research lately. We're moving backwards I feel, and they're winning.

Mooka_Molaka ago

I apologize for being snippy. Snappy. For snapping at you. I almost never do that to anyone, and it's usually aimed at some insufferable hillarybots or neverTrumps that are outright lying or sharing disinformation.

Even then, I generally just reply with a link or evidence that proves them wrong and leave it at that.

So I feel really bad that I snapped at somebody who is on the same side. I'm sorry. I hope you accept my apology.

I think we're all worn out and tired from what feels like an uphill battle. Although I do believe headway is being made and obvious laws are being passed aimed straight at traffickers and such, and all of the pedo ring busts lately are HUGE steps in the right direction so we shouldn't let ourselves get so agitated and frustrated.

I know we want it to go faster and the MSM full-on propaganda is just outrageous and disgusting and it just gets so fucking GAAAH!!!

But please let's not turn on each other. Please let's not assume the worst of each other. Let's save our disdain for obvious shills who deny #PG is even real, instead of attacking or assuming negative intentions for those spreading the word & sharing the evidence to others.

As for Ryan, he has been on YouTube since 2013. He does #PizzaGate videos, but he does A LOT more than just #PizzaGate videos. And there will be those who just aren't our style or choice to listen to but let's not attack them for that. In-fighting is EXACTLY what these pedos want for us right now. I'm ashamed that I snapped at you instead of just saying it the way I am now. Again, I'm sorry.

We're all in this together, we each have our limits that we can deal with each day and we all need to remember that not only do we want to catch and punish these fucking monsters, but we desperately want to save these kids from any more of this living nightmare.

God Bless You All ~

Flying Spaghetti Monster Bless You All ~

Singleservename ago

Yeah I've been snapping at many people lately here so no need to apologize.

I don't get frustated as much by lack of LEO action because I never expected much of it.

I get frustrated because I believe there are many leads still to be pursued collectively, but they're getting buried/slid/discouraged by the deluge of mis-and disinformation.

I feel we haven't gotten as far as we could and are going backwards now. And I'm taking it out on the likes of Seaman.

But I shouldn't because it's not helpful and you're right, we're turning on each other like they want.

Thanks for your reply. Peace out.

V____Z ago

Just scroll to 1:20 in the video and you'll see the list.

Singleservename ago

That is not helpful because I ain't gonna watch another ugly prick making a name for himself by these shitty videos made by morons with a lot more time than talent.

You could have screenshotted but no, you want me to watch it again INCLUDING AN AD for which this fuckface gets paid.

You wouldn't happen to be fuckface yourself would you? You sure as hell ain't interested in sharing good info.


V____Z ago


Singleservename ago

Yep found another pizzagate profiteer.

Go promote your fuckface on jewtube or elsewhere pedo enabling pos

V____Z ago

Tell Brock hi from Voat.

Singleservename ago

yeah anyone not accepting your homemade homo rant is a ctr shill right.

look I asked for info because I do real research instead of fucked up self promotion over abused kids's bodies.

But you are clearly not interested in that. hey it doesn't yield jewgle money right?

fuck off you pedoshill. assholes like you represent everything that has gone so horribly wrong with this subverse and investigation.

now fuck off to ur jewtube channel and be gassed kike.

V____Z ago

high quality shills are not common with Brock operations, and you are no exception. did you even graduate high school?

Singleservename ago

Pizzagate profiteer confirmed. Say hi to fuckface.

V____Z ago

I'm not Ryan, I am in fact female. It is Alex Jones who deserves your scorn, if in fact your motives are to help this investigation.

Singleservename ago

Well you are promoting this @$$hole out of cucked gullibility at best.

I asked for the gist because I don't want to support the likes of him. Your answer convinced me you are not trying to share useful info here.

V____Z ago

You are a shitty researcher if that was your conclusion. I saw no ads on his YouTube, and his video was under 3 minutes, so your complaints are doing nothing but announcing to the rest of Voat that you are deceitful and probably a shill.

Singleservename ago

Well I'm not. And it's people like you calling everyone a shill who doesn't agree or refuses to yield to profiteers who are destroying this unique investigation.

Who the fuck at ctr needs shills anyway when they have moronic cucks like you.

V____Z ago

Money laundering.

V____Z ago

He's busy with a coup in Romania as well as the US. Also note there are no news reports of black people getting shot by police when media is airing a narrative he likes (the anti-Russia, anti-Trump one would be drowned out by any other news). My suspicion due to timing, as well as the racial division, chaos and violence caused by the supposed shootings, is that they are Soros psyops. And they always suddenly disappear when he's busy. When Clinton would have a bad debate, or the news about her and the Dems wasn't so good, that's when we got shootings.

Forgetmenot ago

The interpol site had nothing on soros is that your point ? That he is not wanted? In the least we can all agree there is intense bad blood between Russia and soros especially since Russia moved with its own banking system and soros is powerless to profiteer from that. Now as to the arrest warrant There is definitely room for debate due to some misinformation about it with typical propaganda media sites. For example, I did not link snopes because I consider that an untrustworthy source. See below:

I cut and paste below for those who don't want to click the link.

Putin banned Soros from Russia last year due to the fact that George helped to nearly destroy the Russian economy in the early 1990’s.

Now this could be the main reason for Obama pushing for war with Russia suddenly, because George is basically Obama’s puppet master.

If war with Russia does happen, would one of reasons for going to war with Russia be Obama trying to protect his commander George ? George has literally wrecked the Russian economy by pushing sanctions on Russia because of involvement in Syria,

but the main reason is Russia’s creation of their own banking system of the BRICS…Which likely means people like George Soros does not profit from.

Text follows:

Putin issues international arrest warrant for George soros.....wanted dead or alive.

Russia has officially declared that Billionaire George Soros is a wanted man in their country, citing him and his organizations as a “threat to Russian national security”.

Putin banned Soros from Russia last year due to the fact that Soros helped to nearly destroy the Russian economy in the early 1990’s.

ProudTruther ago

Right I love the narrative. Woe is me I'm just ahumble pizza maker trying to get by.... who has the 49th most powerful person in dc, who has been to the white house on the same day as laura silseby... but just let me make my (disgusting looking) pizza and try to survive financially. ha

nowiknow ago

he was never at the wh on the same days as silsby

SaveTheChildren ago

I'm just now getting into this numerology stuff.

People have pointed out that it's probably 49th most powerful for 7 times 7, right?

V____Z ago

Oh yeah and the go fund me page!

stellarcorpse ago

Fucker made thousands on that. This man travels around the world. One look at his instagram will show you this.

Forgetmenot ago

I believe that the drama about the Russians is related to soros. Russia has a warrant out for soros dead or alive. He is very motivated to keep the United States and Russia from partnering up.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

I wish he'd announce charges of Treason and funding terrorism against Soros and deport him to Port au Prince with the Creole for child rapist painted on him.

V____Z ago

He also banned GMOs and Monsanto from his country, and plans to be the biggest exporter of organic food in the world. THAT would be reason enough for the West to come after him.

Forgetmenot ago

Wow I did not know that! There certainly seems to be some fake news surrounding the whole Russia debacle. The fake news guys think they control the narrative! No more!

V____Z ago

Oh SHOCK you mean mainstream media in America didn't cover this? (lol)

V____Z ago

Ahhhhhhh, that does tie everything nearly together. Thanks.

FriesischShipping ago

Child rape blackmail?

HarveyKlinger ago

It's not a pizza shop owner that owns 15 properties, it's a guy who owns 15 properties that invested in a pizza shop.

stellarcorpse ago

the pizza shop came first. Nice try though.

HarveyKlinger ago

Doesn't mean he was poor when he bought it.

dFrog ago

Didn't he say he went into the pizza business after dropping out of college? Where does a college kid who only knows how to cook get the money/means to own so many properties and if he already had that real estate, why would he need to open a pizza shop?

Mooka_Molaka ago

"what made you get into the pizza business?"

"Uhh, I didn't know how to do anything else."

"You didn't know how to do anything else?"

"Well, I didn't, I uh, I needed a job and I didn't know...I didn't have any skills and I dropped out of college and I knew how to cook. -pause- So ten years ago..."

The rest is in the video. JA is full of all kinds of shit. It's also nice how he COMPLETELY ERASES chef Carole Greenwood from the founding of Buck's Camping and Fishing as well as Comet Ping Pong.

HarveyKlinger ago

I honestly don't know. A good pizza place can make a million in a year. A bad one can be closed in 3 months. The only reason I don't own a pizza place now is it was sold out from under me before I got there. I don't know that he owned the properties before he bought the pizza place or vice versa. Rental properties as well as pizza places can be lucrative enough to allow someone to invest and expand into more. That's why some franchise owners have more than one restaurant in the franchise.

stellarcorpse ago

Have you any idea the prices of properties in DC??? Some of the highest in the Country.

HarveyKlinger ago

THIS I can confirm. A buddy sold his house for almost double what he paid for it and he only had it a couple years. He got almost a million for it.

stellarcorpse ago

Why are you play devils advocate for this douche? There is no record of him being esp wealthy before pizza shop. His parents are well to do but not at his level of wealth. It makes little sense for a college drop out to make this much wealth so soon off a pizza shop. I don't care how successful.

HarveyKlinger ago

It's not that I'm playing devil's advocate as much as I'm trying to look at every possible angle. I don't know anything about this guy. I'm just answering the question on why someone who has a bunch of investment properties would have a pizza place, regardless of which came first. That's all. One common mistake with investigations is to make an assumption then do everything to prove that assumption. Look at it this way, if you were to listen to a backwards track you may not hear anything. But if I said "Hey, listen to this backwards track. You can TOTALLY hear them saying "I love Satan and pizza... right....... HERE" and most people will agree that they hear it. The same thing happens when you start with a conclusion and look for things to get you there. As I've stated before, I ran a pizza place in a small town for about 6 or 7 years. I can verify it can be VERY profitable, especially in an expensive city like DC.

stellarcorpse ago

Did you buy 15 properties? Travel around the world like a jet setter? (even to Cuba!) Take a look at this mans Instagram. That is not the life any pizza shop owner lives I don't care where their property is located. And I personally know a pizza shop owner in Beverly Hills. He lives a good life. But not like that. And he sure as hell does not have 15 properties. (properties in LA are about the same value as DC). Let's be logical here.

ConcernedParent2 ago

Where did he get the wealth to own those 15 properties, though?

HarveyKlinger ago

Have you never known someone that invests in real estate or businesses? I have a friend that worked in education for 30 years. By the time he retired he owned several small apartment buildings and one decent sized condo building. He has two homes and is always looking for ways to turn his rental income to more income.

brokencookie ago


PizzaGate711 ago

Great questions. Another is ... Why haven't they both been arrested?

stellarcorpse ago

CIA operatives are never arrested.