GeorgeT ago

So glad we agree. 99.9% public will have no idea what we are talking about. I bet they would accuse me of being a Satanist. But as you have validated my point, a true satanist does not dabble in the abominations that these Podesta freaks do. When Alex Jones starts ranting about Anton LaVey, I bet he has not even read Satanic Bible. Madam Blavatsky was an oriental scholar and nothing more. But these pseudo satanists have a penchant for hijacking other peoples work and perverting them. Michael Tsarion has series of videos titles 'Subversive Use Of Symbolism.' All the Illuminati symbolisms were stolen by these hacks ('illuminati clown') and perverted. There is nothing evil about swastica, but the hacks in their perverted juvenile stunt reversed the direction of the swastica rotation and by doing this made it 'evil' - then funded Hitler and created WW2. Pyramids, doves, cubes made theirs! checkered floor (chess board, nothing evil about it) made to represent duality ... and they are the 'guardians of evil and good' - let's destroy twin towers and gloat in our power to control evil as well as good. We have to feel sorry for them, they need to be mocked and laughed at - after they are arrested and put in psychiatric penitentaries.

stellarcorpse ago

What do you mean? Can you please be more precise?

fetuspizza ago

Is there a source or any evidence of this? I did hear they demolished the building, but how much later?

fetuspizza ago

Sandy Hook is one of those things I just cannot deny happen, but can be skeptical.

Crisis Actor parents.

No murder's accounted for that day according to the FBI.

People walking tirelessly in and out of buildings, like they have no real purpose of being there.

All of the firefighters and police were staged away from the school before it happened.

Am I missing anything else?

votesarestolen ago

I'm inclined to agree, and Alefantis in fact reminds me of Craig Spence, a CIA operative who was tied to the Franklin scandal. Spence held hedonistic parties at his DC house featuring drug use and child escorts, to which he invited prominent politicians and business leaders in order to record and blackmail them. Both Spence and Alefantis lived in Washington DC and were mystery men, whose personal success and political connections couldn't be explained. They both also had strange behavior and a sense of entitlement, like Spence bragging about his CIA connections and Alefantis's smug air of immunity that you describe. Might Alefantis have a similar purpose to Spence - providing children to the political elite?

stellarcorpse ago

That is very interesting. I will have to read up on Craig Spence. Never heard of him until now. (Though I have heard of the Franklin cover up.) I do not have the feeling JA is innocent of the pedophilia though. His Instagram hints otherwise. His telling Ryan pizzagategear guy that "he does not like children at all", means nothing to me. Some rapists don't like woman and yet still rape them. Also he could also have been straight out lying.

votesarestolen ago

I don't believe Spence was innocent of pedophilia either. A lot of people participating in the Franklin ring were pedophiles themselves, even if their activities also had the purpose of CIA blackmail.

stellarcorpse ago


iamcrd ago

Well he has government connections and most likely using some of the tech they've gave him or "feed" to him. He knew a guy was secretly live streaming in his establishment immediately. It can be assumed that posts about Comet PingPong on social media is also monitored. I ran across individuals in the past that had this sort of technology way back in the 90's. Cell phones and cordless phones are easily intercepted.

stellarcorpse ago

ya he also knew that FBI likes the pizzagategear guys video. I know he knew about Jack P. right away. I saw that video. He was in Comet Pizza having garlic rolls!

I think that Birdzeyeview , the Elitest snarky fuck on here may be in his circle or may be James himself. At first thought it was a wannabe troll. But know I think otherwise. Maybe I should start a thread on this.

iamcrd ago

If you want to expose them you are going to have to go low tech. If you go in there with a cellphone you've already lost. They monitor that shit and they will know you coming a mile away.

stellarcorpse ago

I'm old school and also thrifty. I would use an old tape recorder from the 80's. bought at a thrift store. My tv has a built in VCR.

stellarcorpse ago

Some are straight up killers. Sadists too.

VieBleu ago

Take note...

Fateswebb ago

I think it's likely, he may be a make them disappear kinda guy even. I'm not convinced he is what everyone says he is, but I am convinced that he allows it to happen around him as well as he is involved in something nefarious like fixing illegal problems for powerful people. This dude doesn't just sling dough, that seems obvious..

diamonddust ago

Basically, a good portion of the entire history you were taught is a dupe. "Movements" are almost never organic, almost always manufactured. Theosophy was an op, like the rest. Read Miles Mathis' work, it will blow you away.

GeorgeT ago

They also love to hijack ideologies and theories, then pervert them and incorporate then to their own ends. Theosophy of Madam Blavatsky was reworked by Anne Besant and given satanic luciferian edge.

diamonddust ago

People who have been sucked in by or are peddling Theosophy, the Occult, Crowley, the New Age, and to some degree Buddhism. They believe in "enlightenment", "illumination". They claim Lucifer (Light Bringer) is just misunderstood. It all goes back to the creation story and Adam and Eve, where they suggest God in the bible is a deceiver and denied man true knowledge which the serpent was happy to provide. Read Alice Bailey's "Externalisation of the Hierarchy" and you'll see it all has distinctly fascist overtones.

diamonddust ago

Highly likely. Being a spook at his level is virtually a guarantee. You'd be amazed how many people are spooks or are being put to work for them. Being a spook isn't all swearing oaths and being james bond. Most are just people that do a bit of casual work for someone in the gov and are heavily compartmentalised.

quantokitty ago

No, they're not going to do it in public..Not gong to tape a kid's hands down to a table and post it on social media. Just not, but you can think what you like.

stellarcorpse ago

James Alefantis is you are reading this thread. I dare him to show up. You can show up as another personality. Come on , get some cojones. Here is your chance to tell the world how you really feel.

Birdzeyeview ago


stellarcorpse ago

He also has a ridiculous amount of money. Way to much for a pizza shop owner. If you check out his instagram, he travels around the world constantly. And he owns a whopping 15 properties. DC is one of the most expensive places in the US. Any why so many properties? What is going on in them? I suspect there may be a snuff/child porn operation going on perhaps at that Pegasus place. Maybe that is why he got so spooked when the pizzagategear guy got to close. Many pedos/Satanists do CP as well. Film ritual abuse. Something just does not add up with his guy on so many levels.

stellarcorpse ago

LoggingCompany. I concur.

islandofdelight ago

"Tunnels of Set" ...stargates/portals within the plasma field.

cantsleepawink ago


DarkMath ago

Probably the funniest evidence against JA's story has got to be Edgar Welch who showed up a CPP with an assault rifle looking for kidnapped it's very odd Edgar would discharge his semi-automatic assault rifled in there. If you think children are being held against their will in a closet somewhere you don't fire your assault rifle INTO A CLOSET.

And he's not the only member of his family who's done stuff like this. Here's his sister trying to rescue her friend Gary at a bar:


SayWhatNOWAY ago

Another Obama, groomed!

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago


witch_doctor1 ago

That's an interesting premise I had not considered...aside from the occult and trafficking stuff, the restaurant would also provide a business to launder money through. It would be interesting to see the financials on CPP and the other restaurants he is involved with.

Horus_Krishna ago

definite CIA yup

and alefantis is a long time greek name yes but that family got the name for being long time pedos.

quantokitty ago

A CIA operative that allegedly threatens investigators over the phone just because he can? And answers back posts under various aliases all to control the narrative? Doubtful.

VieBleu ago

quantokitty how do you know?

quantokitty ago

How do I know what? That he allegedly threatens investigators? Because Ryan filed an incident report and the incident report is on record. Look, you can think what you like, but CIA operatives do not post pictures of taping down a kid's arms to the table and then post it to Instagram. It's my opinion. If you have another, great. I do think he was involved with this Podesta/HRC train, but the obsession with Caris James and all the sick stuff? That's not CIA. That's all JA.

SturdyGal ago

I feel like JA is part of a community and I don't mean hipsters, satanists or pedophiles. I theorize it has something to do with children of CIA agents. Cannot substantiate this, but some of his friends are extremely intelligent and privileged and there is a sadness of experience that links them. (Sorry, I know this is not fact-based, just a feeling).

pbvrocks ago

No question he is CIA.

1NationUnderAGroove ago

Some good theories here

cantsleepawink ago

He quite clearly is.

LostandFound ago

I also agree also the area is known for being a CIA hot zone in years gone by. So a few fronts popped up there for whatever reason and some easily manipulated people slotted in. It makes more sense than he befriended Tony Podesta out of the blue in the early naughties distributing god awful and offensive art. He is pictured rubbing shoulders with people that hold major titles over the years.

Nothing about him stacks up, he is receiving a status boost that so far in the thousands of hours I have spent, I cannot account for.

GeorgeT ago

It means Alister Crowley philosophy - do what thou wilt. Moral relativism. Also masonic duality - there must be evil for there to be good, much like light must shine through darkness. This permits satanist to commit acts such as child rape and murder since evil is connected in a wicked way to good. This is what enables satanist to at times actually do good, and then do 180 and do evil. It is a schizophrenic, morally relativistic, narcissistic, solipsistic philosophy. Actual devil horns, pentagrams, hexagrams, amulets, other paraphernalia and chants are secondary, yet others such as Bahomet are representation of symbolic, anthropomorphised entities. But there are many so called psuedo satanists on a lower tiers who pay attention a lot more to the Illuminati symbolism and blood sacrifice than to an actual dark spiritual aspect of cosmic duality. PS I am not a satanist, I follow works of whitleblower former satanists like Mark Passio and I have dozens of books on that subject, including Grimories by Alester Crowley that deals with opening portals to other dimensions and summoning demons. I believe it is all real - and that is why the elite with spare time on their hands are obsessed with it, but since 99% of them don't have the spiritual nor mental capacity to conduct proper ritual such as astral projection, meditation, waking dreams; they settle for pseudo satanism, refered to by true satanists as trash satanism - spirit cookong and child ritual sacrifice, add to that ritual destructions of famous land marks. Juvenille antics. It is an irony that all these horrors are perpetrated by amature wannabes, far removed from actual real satanists - (who laugh at them)

DeathToMasons ago

The comical thing is that low life Alefantis no doubt spies on this forum. If you are reading this thread Jamie loves kids, here is to your neck getting slit and then salt being thrown in the open cut. Your time on this planet has been an abortion. Time to flush this failed genetic mistake.

islandofdelight ago

Satan is more a red herring, we're talking more about Archons/Demons which are inter-dimensional... and Lucifer as well.

Satan is a title meaning 'to stand against', and referred to one of the Siran Anunnaki that visited thousands of years ago. Yahweh was another.

The Archon work in coordination with Lucifer on the plasma planes, and are basically parasites. Lucifer is essentially a plasma-based A.I.- a fallen angel that descended in matter... Basically both Satanists and Luciferians are serving Archons - interdimensional parasites, by feeding them energetically through ritual and traumatic abuse. They feel the compulsion to engage in these activities and that is the basis of 'possession' as well.

BarryOSeven ago

Better question is: Who is the CIA?

I don't believe in PizzaGate being a psyop. The one option left is CIA is into the occult and they are doing more criminal things we can even imagine. A parallel satanic society next to the normal one the portal to the real owners of the world.

I think most countries have intelligence agencies like this. Democracy is a farce, and this is the way to still keep pulling the strings.

diamonddust ago

There are two ways of breaking this down

1) Satanists are correct and the universe is more like onion layers of meta existence, the CIA is just a current iteration of a thousands of years old cult that understands the deep secrets of the universe. Hardest one to believe obviously.

2) Intelligence agencies and their analogues from times gone by birthed or at least nurtured the occult for the express purpose of control. This is the explanation I find most believable.

stellarcorpse ago

Will never forget CIA was behind MK ULTRA and The Finders. They have also infiltrated many other Secret Socieities . OTO being one of them.

SturdyGal ago

I think CIA is occult just because founders were occult and they have a history of working with occult groups. That isn't to say every operative is, just that is the vibe. To me they are just criminals given a free hand and free money from the tax payers.

Yuke ago

I don't think he is CIA, at least not CIA trained. He might possibly be being used by them in a CIA asset kind of way for use of his businesses, but no more. He's too sloppy for that.

sawn ago

It started as a DNC money laundering operation. Like most politically connected pizza joints have been for decades. And like many art houses have been, since the dawn of politics. They purposely sprinkled in the weird satanic/pedo references so if someone caught wind of what was going down the accuser would look crazy. Abramovich's art business isn't art so much as it's cover. But the thing is, once you start pretending to be into kids, you attract people who really are into kids. When people showed an interest, they were encouraged and ultimately accommodated, all while being filmed. This is how the Democratic Party fell under the control of Type O.

HewhowrestleswithGod ago

It means they worship and derive their power from Satan, Moloch to be exact. Moloch is... well read for yourself It's mentioned in the emails.

Side note. For the Christians around here: worshipping moloch is punishable by death. Gods law is higher than mans. Diet Christianity is a subversion.

Haldelos ago

Moloch was also in JA's instagram...he had a pic of a recipe entitled: "Moloch Maschine" .... German for "Moloch Machine". Look up the 1926 Fritz Lang Classic movie: "Metropolis" if your interested as to what Moloch Machine means

rest_me123 ago

It's to punish by death in the Old Testament. Also without jesus, every sin is punishable by death. Since the new covenant an ex satanist can find mercy through Jesus.

HewhowrestleswithGod ago

I believe, and I may be wrong, there is a second path extended to those who had no way of knowing Jesus. However I have troubles with the Bible. There are too many contradictions for me to say it is infallible word of God. I think that idea found its way in to create and keep followers. To me it's historical accounts, truths, and veiled truths given by men who were able to experience the supernatural aspects of life. I could go on but another time I suppose.

Hence the name I chose.

V____Z ago

Jesus came to me through my mediation practice, though I was raised by occultists in an anti-Christian home. The mistake is to think that Jesus and the bible are synonymous. One is made by God, the other by humans. Though I've gained inspiration from reading the bible, I didn't come to know Jesus through it. He came to me through the Holy Spirit. That might be the "other way".

HewhowrestleswithGod ago

Strangely enough I have a very similar path. The other biblical way I know of is if someone never hears the gospel they are judged by the condition of their spirit. My Christian friends talk about having a personal relationship with Jesus. A common question I ask is what they talk about, what does Jesus say to you? This usually spurs an interesting conversation. A fair amount have personified the rules and call that jesus. It never occurred to them that you have to be silent in mind to speak with Him. Some get it some think I'm crazy.

V____Z ago

Or that you have to be silent to hear Him.... Cheers to you, I'm delighted you've found a path

stellarcorpse ago

Some revere Lucifer or Baphomet. Depending on the Society. Sometimes they look for these qualities within rather than without.

HewhowrestleswithGod ago

Good to know. I don't pay any attention to the dark side. I stay in the light.

Birdzeyeview ago

omg ive been made....bye y'all

stellarcorpse ago


ya, we outed you.

V____Z ago

If you don't like children.. "at all", why agree to be a godfather? And do you not like God at all either? Since you don't like children, one questions why you've got so many pictures of them, why you are taking babies to "the farm"?

I was once asked to be a godparent and said no. It's not that hard to do. Did you agree to it so you could enjoy watching them taped to a table at your scummy pizza shop? Asking for some friends.

Birdzeyeview ago

private citizens are not accountable to a bunch of loons on VOAT, you are all delusional.

stellarcorpse ago

Not loons, intelligent citizens from every background and walks of life." Private citizens" are accountable when so much circumstantial evidence regarding nefarious activities are piling up. Seriously dude. Unless you've read the Podesta emails, you have no right to comment on this forum.

Elitest mockery will not make this go away baby.

stellarcorpse ago

He is no God parent. That is BS. Does his father Scott Cummings (chicken lover) strike you as particularly Catholic & religious? Does James? I suspect he likes children alright but not in a healthy way. I also believe he may have ownership of Caris. Check out my other thread Where is Caris? btw, he lied at pizzagategear dude when he told him "i am not into children at all."

V____Z ago

Agree. He said he doesn't like them "at all" - well yeah, how could you abuse them if you did?

Here is the Where is Caris post

charmeuse ago

My gut told me he was CIA from the beginning. Then when someone said the whole neighborhood was CIA, that reinforced my first impression. The problem is, no one really knows how many people in the US are CIA, former CIA or CIA assets, but the number is surely a quarter to half a million at least, in my estimation. This DC 'neighborhood' isn't the only one, and I bet there are entire towns full of them. And enclaves of 'retired' ones all over the world. We know they own the mainstream media. That was so obvious in this election. They have their own front companies, banks, armies. They operate with no oversight to speak of. They are allowed to commit any crime, apparently. They protect Wall Street. I see no good in them.

Ample4th ago

Never thought about this, it would make sense!

FoxDen ago

Yes. But I assumed the leak came from someone above JA.

I said it way back on my blog when I said "T-shirt guy has a spooky fan"

The CIA has a bad habit of using (not so) "clever" names for its operations - e.g., DynCorp (aka "Dying Corp").

Alefantis = J'aime les enfants? It has been reported that "James Alefantis" is phonetically similar to "J'aime les enfants;" the French for "I love infants." This appears, sadly, to be true - though I take issue with his definition of "love."

If "J'aime" isn't enough to connect back to "James," we can break down "James" to its Hebrew root "Jacob" and see what kind of character the original "James" was.

Furthest back, James is a Latin Vulgate expression of Jacob. Jacob is the supplanter. He took his elder twin Easu's heel at birth. Years later he would steal Esau's birthright from their father. Genesis 25:25

Wouldn't those narcisstic, spooky operation name writers love a name that publicly flaunts their crimes?

James Alefantis, steals immeasurable sums from brothers and fathers - financially, emotionally and spiritually, just like Jacob stole from his brother Esau.

Any way you slice it, the name James Alefantis seems like complete make believe.

zlomsocz ago

obviously he is protected by security apparatus, but do not be fooled. labeling him as an agent of a letter agency is irrational, there is no evidence to support the idea, all of the phenomena with protection should be self explanatory considering he is accused of covering for some of the wealthiest and powerful people on the planet.

stellarcorpse ago

Don't think it is irrational. We don't have evidence for a multitude of things in this world , does not mean they do not exist.

FriesischShipping ago

He already snitched when he was caught dealing drugs in college, why not do it again? He has snitch blood running through his veins, no loyalty.

Commonwombat ago

I thought so from the start. He behaves like an untouchable.

smokemirrors ago


stellarcorpse ago


smokemirrors ago

He behaves like an untouchable. GOT IT?

LostandFound ago


HomeboyChrisBanned ago

Ive been saying i thought he was affiliated since the beginning. Look at how close he is to Podesta. And just look at the general MO.

UndEr_DistrEss ago

Not convinced that he's CIA, but he's definitely within the ranks of a "protected" person. He's smug and cocky because he's been untouchable for so many years thanks to his DC butt buddies. I can't wait to watch the fall of this faggot piece of shit.

Touchdown50 ago

He is diffenetly connected thats for sure. I thought at first maybe he is a cia agent as well. I mean CPP is located in a CIA neighborhood.

Mtnchan ago

Yes, maybe, this was discussed before. I suspect if he is, he may be involved with false flag organization and crises actors, just speculating, he owns like fifteen properties (hidey holes?) has acting / directing experience, and seems to have shut Alex Jones and a while lot of other people

stellarcorpse ago

Ya, whats with Alex Jones saying he's likely " an innocent pizza shop owner". I have never seen Alex Jones so blinded in all my 10 years of following him. What a disappointment. Can only surmise he / his family's lives have been threatened. He just won't touch Comet Ping Pong. Not from the get go. Did you watch his interview with the Comet Ping Pong shooting witness, the Arabic looking guy , a couple of months back? The one who was defending JA? AJ was kissing his butt! Not asking the right questions,. Such an obvious false flag!

V____Z ago

Did you know Alex jones has an ex Stratfor employee as the editor in chief of InfoWars? He's admitted that half his family is CIA. He has never spoken out against Israel's treatment of Palestine, and is very much a disinfo agent, we need to cut ties with him regarding pizzagate. Unfortunately he has fooled so many that to really see what he's about is very rare.

On the CIA connections:

And here, at 25:00

GeorgeT ago

Alifantis is seem photographed with a corrupt DC Police chief Peter Newsham, wonder what sort of dirt he has on him.

EndIsComing ago

They may be waiting until enough time has passed that it's easier to dismiss as a coincidence.

FriesischShipping ago

If you're wondering where people are quoting TPTB from:

This pretty much sums up how Alefantis and Brock (or Tony and John) will go out.

stellarcorpse ago

I agree. I don't think James is in trouble. I don't think he will ever be in trouble.

DonDiegoDeLaVega ago

I would say he is more likely than not some sort of intelligence operative. His demeanor, his connections, his in your face nature of flaunting the symbols and phrases known to be used by pedos. If he isn't/wasn't, then his family, either mom or dad or both were. He feels protected, as one of the pedo-club, and likely has a deadman switch in case he is ever rolled up in a raid, to force his way out of custody by calling in a favor from an active member of the intel community. I know if I was in on this dark level stuff, I would have at least 3 set to trip at alternating frequency, say weekly, monthly, and quarterly.

He may be domestic-aimed (NSA, FBI) or foreign-aimed (CIA, CID, NCIS, too many to name) but I would wager, based on everything, he is/was NSA, not CIA. That would allow him to build the network that he has surrounded himself with while remaining in the States and living his cover identity, while still being able to prove valuable to the players involved, as he could monitor domestic law enforcement and serve as a canary in the coal mine for the pedo-ring if say, James Comey ever came knocking to get access to intercepts. It would also give him the ability to access, modify, or create identities for himself to allow him to disappear if the raids ever do come down. Only time will tell though.

roundhouse1776 ago

Lol NSA? Do you even know what the NSA does? This has CIA written all over it and I think you pulled your comment straight out of a Bourne movie.

DonDiegoDeLaVega ago

You do realize that NSA is authorized for more than strictly signals intelligence don't you? The clandestine operations teams are basically domestic CIA with the authority to conduct sub rosa investigation, conduct disinformation campaigns, engage in sabotage, and even rendition suspects. They are armed counter intelligence operatives. Often times they are "temporarily assigned" or otherwise attached to other domestic law enforcement at the FBI and US Marshals office amongst others, which allows them the ability to walk through walls more or less, inserting themselves into whatever investigation they need to be in.

Yes I do realize what most of these agencies are authorized to do as well as to a decent extent, their capabilities. Just because they are known for sigint, doesn't mean they are not conducting human operations. The NSA has never revealed the full structure of the organization for good reason.

stellarcorpse ago

Wow, excellent observations. You seem to speak from some experience? Am I correct?

crazimal ago

No doubt a huge Matt Damon mancrush, isn't that convincing enough?

DeathToMasons ago

Upvote. This makes good sense and was put in perspective.

Azzipdoe ago

Were those death threats ever proven without a doubt?

Pizzagategear and Seaman are the 2 people I absolutely don't take seriously at all, so I never really believed the threats from JA when it happened

stellarcorpse ago

There are a few videos on the subject. A police report was filed and I have seen it online. Also, his name appeared on text messages on Pizzagategears phone and his real phone number. It sounds like him to me. Just from having observed him through interviews.

Lunari ago

For the millionth time... the texts / phone numbers / etc. can all be so easily faked with minimal effort.

stellarcorpse ago

How? How can you fake an incoming text with the persons name and #? This pizzagate gear guy does not strike me as being the most tech savy guy in the world. You really think he is that insane to go through this much trouble for attention? That good an actor? I am an actress for a living and if he is duping us, well then he needs to come to Hollywood.

FriesischShipping ago

I have a feeling he earned his money to purchase property through a state sanctioned brownstone.

nomorepepperoni ago

His cocky smug sense is from "I know people". CIA? No evidence other than perhaps the mindfuckery and Webb suggesting it. These techniques are ice-cold and well coordinated, but they seem like things you could learn from being part of a criminal organization this "professional". Though there is the question of whether the CIA is involved in this ring's existence, which is also possible.

V____Z ago

if I was invited the White House multiple times to just hang with the POTUS, I'd be cocky af too.

GeorgeT ago

I came to that conclusion earlier. He could be a satanist, himself an MK Ultra CIA operative. His name is made up, In French it breaks down to I love children. Their whole family is a creation. His family could be an inter-generational MK Ultra satanic operatives, or sleepers. CIA at the highest level is a mercenary arm of the criminal bankers and multinationals that run the world. Nothing to do with America. Ask yourselves this, why Building7 is not even referenced with 9-11? America and the world had been hijacked. People have to push this into public consciousness. Why Alifantis is not being investigated? Why Larry Silverstein who insured twin towers for 7billion 6 weeks prior is not being investigated. Who runs police? Who runs child trafficking? Why is every institution is organized in a vertically intigrated, commander control compartamentalized pyramd structure? Who designed that structure? Media, education, military all exhibit tiered know-to-basis structure. In a free world, any local police should have the authority to investigate a suspicious pizza place without the need to get permission exclusively from one police chief. That cop should be able to file charges against a police chief based on evidence, and public would vote for a replacement. So it is imperative that people start focusing on the foundation of the edifice of deception not the stucco and paint.

Forgetmenot ago

Excellent and very well said.

fetuspizza ago

Is it possible that the neighborhood is entirely MK Ultra as a sort of experiment in itself? Isn't it something like 80% of the neighborhood is CIA? How many of those have been MKU'd? Imagine all the other dirty shit going on in that neighborhood.

BethesdaDC ago

Totally agree. The entire Alefantis family satantic pedopfiles

roundhouse1776 ago

You make a few good points but your comment is riddled with errors.

stellarcorpse ago

The problem with any theory regarding his surname is that it is the family name. Alefantis in fact is not an unusual Greek name. So we need to leave the name conspiracy out of the equation. I do like the rest of your post and agree. I tend to think that regardless of his involvement in any alphabet group, he may also be connected to occultic Secret Societies. His donations to Theological Waldorf Schools are most interesting.

DeathToMasons ago

The family name could go back generations, but maybe was chosen to be like the other Freemason who designed the DC grid, Pierre L’Enfant. His ancestors may be a long line of Masons that chose that name at some point. That is what I always assumed because it obviously a translated name.

GeorgeT ago

JA was probably brought up as a satanist from birth, recruited by CIA. He looks and talks like a certified psychopath with multiple personality disorder.

GeorgeT ago

They could never recruit a normal guy to do what he does and remain sane. Rape, torture and murder of children - are we on the same page? Twilight zone.

GeorgeT ago

Thanks for mentioning Pierre. All makes sense now. Satanic Freemasonry!

GeorgeT ago

That's how they network. I won't be surprised if 90% media people we see on screen had attended Waldorf type schools with satanic philosophy indoctrinations. Jake Tapper loves Comet Ping Pong. Thing back to the early 60's, Operation Mockingbird - infiltration of mainstream jornalists with CIA operatives - graduating from Waldorf type satanic schools. We are living in a Matrix. Basically a gigantic 1000ft tall Elephant (metaphor) is thundering across US and the world and everyone pretends it's not there.

stellarcorpse ago

I concur.

smokemirrors ago

megan cunt kelly approves this message.

Shitseverewhere ago

MK Ultra Kunt

stellarcorpse ago

I saw that. Wish he had been more specific. Dude knows a lot.

rippingtheveil ago

i believe he us cia, also a compete psychopath.

GeorgeT ago

My first impression was that he is a total psychopath and the fact that he is a homosexual - high CIA operatives must have no empathy toward regular folk, and for this reason homosexuals make ideal recruits. Just for the record, 80% Nazi party was homosexual. Think back to JFK Jim Garissom case, Clay Shaw - also homosexual. You see a trend.

bopper ago

At 1:44:10 James Files (mobster grassy knoll shooter) touches on this fact, that David Ferrie was a pedo and a solid agent on the CIA payroll.

GeorgeT ago

Just like Clay Shaw, amazing. Also it is well known among the shadow players - if you want to start a war put a homosexual in charge. Bush, Obama anyone?

bopper ago

Yeah, it is amazing. I'm facebook friends w/ Oswald's ex-mistress, Judyth Vary Baker, and John Barbour, who knew Garrison well and has several interviews w/ hin. Obama is/was a fag. sigh

Touchdown50 ago

This I concur.

crystalclearme ago

Also in the "Brownstone" tradition and so very very appropriate with Pizzagate is none other than Craig J Spence Looking at the Boystown/Franklin scandals and Sandusky scandals there is always this pattern. And as with most every other sociopath, they always think they are brighter and more clever than everyone else and are confident they will get away with it. Hubris &/or greed will be bringing this down

GeorgeT ago

Like Hillary, she got a thrill every time she got away with something.

GeorgeT ago

Mainstream media paints an entirely different picture of gay culture. Truth is a thousand times darker! SMS, torture, orgies, heavy drug use - all part of gay culture. Since drug culture is high, they make excellent test subjects for mind controll experiments.

stellarcorpse ago

My impression is that the gay thing is also a ruse. I don't mean he is not gay but I think he hides behind the LBGT culture facade and it is my belief he is in fact bisexual. I know this from having known (and dated) gay and bi men personally in my lifetime. I think he has romantic relationships mainly with men but sleeps with the occasional woman, esp if they are hot. I have studied his instagram pics and have observed his bi tendencies. (very outwardly sexual towards certain woman.) Also he made a sexual comment about Caris mother. That he wanted to F..K her. The kind of personality he appear to be is one of perversion, pushing the envelope, where experimenting is the norm. Thus the allure of occasional pedophila as well. He is possibly also an occultist . A hedonist. A pervert. A rapist. A narcissist. With sociopath tendencies. We have many such types where I live in Hollywood. Throw a stone and you'll hit one. He would fit right in here if he ever get tired of DC.

V____Z ago

He may like females sexually, but only those aging from 3 months to 10 years old.

Touchdown50 ago

He is straight up gay. I work with gay men , he shows all the stereotypical signs that differentiates him from bisexuals

stellarcorpse ago

Tocuhdown 50,,

When your not ass pounding your gay coworkers, kindly ask them to check out his instagram pic and comments. Get back to me. And don't insult me again .I am a mean bitch. I'll castrate you verbally. Don't make me go there.

Melitica ago

Up voted for quality of insult.

Touchdown50 ago

Your a pussy. And not a woman.

stellarcorpse ago

I'm the kind of woman you would love to have but never could. You think I'm a man because I am smart? Like a woman can't be smart? I'm hot to boot.

Touchdown50 ago

You still don't convince me your a woman.

stellarcorpse ago

Touchdown50, there are some gay men with bisexual tendencies. And there are some bisexuals that are real queens, no way you can tell what he is because of 'stereotypical signs.'. This is pure fiction. Do you know I have had sex with a few so called "faggots' in my lifetime. And I am a straight, pretty woman. I also once had a bisexual BF that was more flaming than the fags. (more even than Alefantis.) In truth, when younger, I was a bit of a fag hag, so know what I am talking about. As well he could be Pansexual. He does love to think of himself as Pan.

Touchdown50 ago

I don't think your even female.

stellarcorpse ago


fuck you faggot.

Touchdown50 ago

First you gotta buy me dinner.

GeorgeT ago

That fits the bill. There are so many of them, Black Ops have never ending supply of fresh resume placed on their desk: 'Name, Occupation, sexual orientation - deviant, experimenting... etc' you're hired.

DonDiegoDeLaVega ago

Yep. my radar said bi or pansexual, not strictly gay. Uppie for you.

stellarcorpse ago

may want to explain that to the misogynist cunt Touchdown50 that thinks I'm a man.

DonDiegoDeLaVega ago

Eh, fuck him. He hasn't submitted anything of value. You'll meet a lot of shitheads here, best to ignore them, they only feed off of causing other people grief or making unsubstantiated claims and then laughing at the emotional responses. I don't even like to call them trolls, because it is a shame to associate them with those that have raised trolling to an art form.

ansipizza ago

For psychopaths, sex is mostly a means to an end, whether it be gaining someone's loyalty, their money, their stature, etc.

rippingtheveil ago

homosexuality then is like pedophilia today, then it was enough to blackmail, today sexual blackmail has gotta be pedophilia

bopper ago

That's correct.

GeorgeT ago

Stellar observation. Since the liberal-fascists normalized homosexuality, they had to up the ante on blackmail - pedophilia!

Narcissism ago

Narcissistic Sociopath on heavy tranquilizers - very likely abused himself as a child.

GeorgeT ago

JA exhibits traits of inter-generational abuse. MK Ultra satanic family for sure. Has multiple personality disorder. I think they chose a real headcase and now he has blown the lid and there is no going back whether arrests are made or not. They have lost secrecy - they have nowhere to go but down

Touchdown50 ago

Most pedos I believe are.

ansipizza ago

Bond. Caris James Bond.

rippingtheveil ago
