MostPostersAreShills ago

He just deleted a thread I made about warning people of shills on board that will come after the google block. I dont know maybe millenium is a bit shilly?

Kwijibo ago

@witch_doctor1 This is a meta post. Rule 4. Please post things like this in /v/pizzagatemods

witch_doctor1 ago

IMO, this was a post that the entire forum needed to see...

guwopthegod ago

Same mod that deletes my stuff usually as well.

brother_dave ago

Make a new forum. This one is obviously compromised.

ArthurEdens ago

Mods are pretty bipolar. Reasonable one minute, fascist the next. Makes me think hacker shills sneak on their accounts and do damage when they need to

JimmyLionstar ago

I was the one posting it.. sry! but i wanted to know if this FBI Anon was true. When i saw the new info from the so called FBI Anon i posted it. Hope we are getting the arrests, i guess we have to wait and see.

witch_doctor1 ago

That's the thing, I am kind of leaning towards true...80/20 in favor. It makes sense he would show up again before everything went down, and what makes me mad is that VL posts here, and it is almost like FBI Anon was throwing us a bone.

Coincidentally, just 2 days ago, I posted the following in this thread

""But why does 4chan always get the insiders lol?" I know, Right!? I lurk the chan's occasionally and pol is awesome and never wrong...but I think we have put in enough work to have an insider. I am pretty sure we (v/pizzagate) are being please throw us a bone alphabet insiders!"

JimmyLionstar ago

I leaning more to 90/10 to be true, This correlates to 911 and everything i have ask my self for 15 years now. But am fine just if they make arrests! i really want to see an end of this era of terror.

FuckReddit69 ago

ty for this.

Dressage2 ago

What part do you not understand is not infiltrated shills? This is why they wooed everyone into believing we needed censorship. They wanted to control the masses and how you channeled the masses through their posts. People wake up, the enemy is amongst us!!!

ashes_anon ago

He deleted a big post of mine also, look into him someone

SpikyAube ago

I can see the argument for that as well - there was a separate sub created for memes because it was felt that memes could be very prolific and therefore 'drown out' the investigatory work of sharing information, evidence, leads etc. The memes are sort of in the PR and Communications remit and the stuff on this sub is the Criminal Investigations Department. It's just difficult because the visibility of this sub could be used for several different things, but if we try to use it for everything then we're more likely to fail at it all!

antiracist ago

@Millennial_Falcon is a pedophile.

redditsuckz ago

Is anyone really surprised?

Pizzagate mods talking in code about children?

Chatman ago

Dont take it personally, it's to protect against shills. Post speculation to /v/pizzagatewhatever until it firms up

jangles ago

Is this the smart ass stuff that @Millennial_Falcon wants us to post. Your Rule 1 criteria are fucked.


By you, i mean @Millennial_Falcon your rule 1 criteria are fucked and need to be more clear.

chordwonder ago

He/she deletes my posts all the time. The rules are ridiculous. We're adults & capable of deciding for ourselves what we believe or not. This authoritarian style of moderating leads me to think this a forum to draw out & censor pizzagate investigators.

thatguyiam ago

Fbi anon could possibly be fake. Where is the proof. The pizzagate stuff comes from wiki leaks. Which used to be legit up to a point. Who the fk is Fbi anon.

logjam ago

FBI anon was someone who started pizzagate as a seedling. He provided clues and the clues were worthy of investigating.

witch_doctor1 ago

Pizzagate began with FBI Anon. He is THE man.

redditsuckz ago

This authoritarian style of moderating leads me to think this a forum to draw out & censor pizzagate investigators.

Its to protect the perps...

BBC TV Cbeebies childrens shows Grooming young children for sex - Deleted

No Moderators over on this subverse....;

chordwonder ago


Mommyplayer571 ago

It's not a coincidence I can't find anywhere to read and post truth. I've seen threads eliminated here. I got negative vote for reporting this earlier. It's the price of open source. I don't like the idea of mods. I prefer everyone equal.

Dressage2 ago


SpikyAube ago

No I really don't think that's the case, genuinely I think most of the mods are really trying to make sure that things on the hot page are relevant and won't put off any newcomers, that there aren't things not useful/evidenced etc taking up space where a good post with lots of leads and sources could be, and the really tricky tasks of trying to make sure that there isn't disinformation/distracting stuff being posted by the 'other side' in order to muddy the waters and lead the investigation in the wrong direction. It's actually quite a difficult job, especially considering what's at stake and the fact that this platform is quite visible so there is a responsibility on some level to try to ensure that good, solid, backed up information is up front so that people can't just come here point at something there's no source for and say 'see? they're just making this stuff up' and then go away and tell everyone it's all been 'debunked.'

I think the mods are trying their best, and really if you look at the things that M_F has deleted, they do all break the rules, and the rules were decided as a collective to be for the best of the investigation. The fact it's so hard to know exactly who to trust makes it harder - e.g. this post from FBIAnon could be a distraction/disinformation tactic to send people off hunting non-existent leads etc, it's just so hard to tell without proof. But I can definitely see the argument the other way too, and that people should be able to work out what is and isn't real and down vote the crap and up vote the good stuff, but that still doesn't get around the problem of how it's presented to the sceptics who are wandering over here out of doubtful curiosity... So basically, it's complicated and difficult and I don't think that deleting this is evidence of trying to draw out and censor investigators.

Dressage2 ago

This is whacked!!

witch_doctor1 ago

But this could be FBI Anon! That's like actual Elvis showing up in an Elvis convention! This is some very specific info with a short time stamp. Leaving this one up is a no-brainer.

SpikyAube ago

Yes I know, I'm not saying it was the right decision to make, just that those are the reasons behind it probably, and that it doesn't mean it's a deliberate attempt to sabotage Pizzagate or that the mods are against us all!

witch_doctor1 ago

Yeah, just a difference of opinion I guess, but it feels like all of the zero tolerance and none of the common sense sometimes. I wish that this place was run more like T_D, with memes and shit-posting allowed all in one forum because no one visits the other ones. T_D is fun and powerful because of that.

BTW, I asked Victurus Libertas on his YouTube stream how FBI Anon had contacted him...he has not replied yet, but real Roseanne Barr did! Which was weird because he had mentioned here last week that he was working on a Roseanne Barr interview. Kinda cool because it ups his street cred a little..know what I mean?

iamthepizzanow ago

Agreed, to a point.

Dressage2 ago

'Seriously, this is crap! Come on, we are not stupid! They are shills and trying to lead us like sheep!

SpikyAube ago

You're making out like it's black and white - if the mods make a decision I disagree with then they are shills... when in reality they just have a different idea of what is the best thing to do given all the circumstances and in light of their previous experience. It's fair enough to get annoyed and disagree and state your case, I just think it's completely unhelpful to decide it means they are working for the other side, unless they do something for which there is no possible pro-Pizzagate-investigation reason.

vacvape ago

There's no legitimacy to what they do.. the game is rigged.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

because that user is an alt of the shills running v/pizzagate.

LOVE how they finally didn't delete one of these threads calling them out.

Satanicsuperbowl ago

Basically just look at his deleted threads to know what the real important information is.

chordwonder ago

My post about massive DC tunnel system that they deleted was very strongly protested by a poster on another forum. She went absolutely nuts about it, telling me to shut up numerous times. Couple that w/ the fact that the director of the law school at Georgetown university was emailing all the students & staff about his "construction notes" on the project (with strange pics attached) & Georgetown univ is known for having the most graduates in Congress & MANY of them become foreign ambassadors, & I'd say there's something big to it. They also do a lot of genetic research & did extensive concrete research. I wouldn't be surprised if the tunnels link to Georgetown. John Podesta is also a visiting professor there.

redditsuckz ago

Georgetown univ is known for having the most graduates in Congress & MANY of them become foreign ambassadors, & I'd say there's something big to it. They also do a lot of genetic research & did extensive concrete research. I wouldn't be surprised if the tunnels link to Georgetown. John Podesta is also a visiting professor there.

What?...Georgetown is Jesuit Central and connects them all...even Charles DeSantis of the UN;

James Alefantis connections - CFR, Trilateral Commision, Bilderbergs - Zbigniew Brzezinski's Daughter on UN refugee Board

James Alefantis friends taking children from other countries - Charles DeSantis (works for UN Refugee Agency)


More Comet Ping Pong Connections - United Nations Charles DeSantis friends with NSA SPY AGENCY worker - Booz Allen Hamilton(Snowden) + The Washington Ballet

This even connects the current Pope;

Is Pope Francis a Jesuit priest?

As a Jesuit novice he studied humanities in Santiago, Chile. At the conclusion of his novitiate in the Society of Jesus, Bergoglio officially became a Jesuit on 12 March 1960, when he made the religious profession of the initial, perpetual vows of poverty, chastity and obedience of a member of the order.

This goes all the way to Rome.

So how Satanic is the Jesuit order?

And notice the Swiss Guards...Switzerland have the money and banks that run the world. Switzerland is also rumored where the Pharaohs of ancient Egypt decided to hide out....

Masonic Switzerland - Home of the Pharaohs (TPS)

What we dont know is whether "The Jews" take orders from the pope or receive their orders from the bankers in Switzerland or if they are just a parasitical hive minded tribe that runs everything...including the pope.

witch_doctor1 ago

Yeah, and then it is corroborated by George MFin Webb himself.

Satanicsuperbowl ago

I wouldn't be surprised if Millenial_Falcon's David Brock himself.

BarryOSeven ago

The archive link isn't working. Could you repost please?

witch_doctor1 ago

Here is original thread link:

witch_doctor1 ago long till this thread gets the hammer? And no memes is ridiculous too...

iamthepizzanow ago

Wtf you need memes here for? There's a subvoat for that. Much cleaner without them here.

witch_doctor1 ago

Because meme magic is real and no one goes to pizzagatewhatever or the meme page...

iamthepizzanow ago

Maybe for good reason then.

2impendingdoom ago

all the best threads are in the deleted section. you know that.

DriftingDevoid ago

How can I check the list for deleted topics?

2impendingdoom ago

At the bottom of the page on the right is a link to deleted (by mod) posts. I don't think there are any links to posts deleted by user but I'm not an expert.

carmencita ago

Are we now being mind controlled here? I hope not.

2impendingdoom ago

I think we've been mind controlled since Gore invented the internet. Why else would smart people be flat earthers?

witch_doctor1 ago

The flat earthers make me scratch my head....I just have no clue...