wrinkleddollar ago

I've heard Chuck Schumer is on video at Epstein's party island but who knows

Gothamgirl ago

So did anyone catch the mention of "the Chinese Rat" with the a copy of this persons id card? It contained the name "Xian zhang."

I looked it up in wikileaks. It comes up in the bowl of wax/whacks & this email. It states at the bottom, add the roman numeral 8, to the name for censorship (VIII xian zhang)


So a google search of VIII xian zhang leads me to this: https://scholar.google.com/scholar?q=VIII+xian+zhang&hl=en&as_sdt=0&as_vis=1&oi=scholart&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiHp8rUhPDRAhUEjFQKHUZkCU0QgQMIGzAA

Someone look into this please. I am not qualified, just dedicated. My guess is testing for bad vaccines & few other things.

crystalclearme ago

I remember it too and also I thought McCain was mentioned as well. - Think there was a 3rd name- who was it?

RecycledUser ago

My first question when I read this was why NOW, and not until after Sessions is in??? Then I thought maybe once Trump booted the woman left from Barry's admin, it was okay. I know Sessions is aware of it all, and they NEED him to not be confirmed until after the other confirmations, like the one where pence is going to be the tiebreaker. Maybe the FBI really wants to break this up ASAP, which is good. I heard somewhere that Trump CAN fire Comey, thank goodness. And I bet he does, once Sessions is in. Hope so!

Strait8 ago

I call bullshit on Sec137

You plant this "Increasing concern over Trump's mental health" you are full of shit. Trump's recent pick for supreme court is stellar. Sessions a stellar pick. Same with Rex and Mattis.

What is your fucking concern with guy? He's not a lifelong politician and is hitting the ground running, it's not going to start oft perfect. The refugee temporary ban was messy, true. His lockdown on EPA was damn well overdue and great message.

Get a fucking backbone and stand for something or stfu and get out of the way. If you are federal Leo, then you know how fucked up things are. How corrupt it is. How we fucking support terrorists destroying syria for qatari pipeline so some people can make some money. Seriously, fuck you. If it is true nothing is coming of this pizzagate investigation and CF is scott free, it is because people like you don't do your fucking jobs when it involves the power players. Bullshit there is not enough evidenceevidence to justify an investigation. CF is RICO on a silver fucking platter. you'll use the full weight of this corrupt ass government to lean on the little guys though.

From fmr usmil, FU

MAGABoomer ago

I was reading the AMA from Trump1Member and it's blatantly obvious by what questions he didn't answer...I'm dying. But we've waited this long...

bopper ago

Well I'm right here in the middle of it. Houston has gone super bowl nuts.

MAGABoomer ago

Kebab Kaboom?

Blacksmith21 ago

I think they saved the ammo to hang like "The Sword of Damacles" over that idiot's head.

Queen_Puabi ago

I hope some of these assholes off themselves over the weekend and this is coming true. I'm also really tired of being ridiculed for knowing PizzaGate is real.

RecycledUser ago

And if true that Trump is planning on a special prosecutor, I vote for Rudy to be it! No wonder they were threatening to not confirm Sessions unless he signed a written statement that he would recuse himself from any Hillary investigation. GMAB. Bunch of scattering rats now that the lights are coming on.

MAGABoomer ago

AH, Rudy is compromised. He refused to prosecute a pedo case, and one of his appointees was

Several of Giuliani's appointees to head City agencies became defendants in criminal proceedings.

In 2000, Giuliani appointed 34-year-old Russell Harding, the son of Liberal Party of New York leader and longtime Giuliani mentor Raymond Harding, to head the New York City Housing Development Corporation, although Harding had neither a college degree nor relevant experience. In 2005, Harding pleaded guilty to defrauding the Housing Development Corporation and to possession of child pornography. He was sentenced to five years in prison.[87] Russell Harding committed suicide in 2012.[88]


Despite abundant medical and psychological evidence, and literally dozens of child witnesses, and despite “950 interviews by 60 FBI agents assigned to the investigation, an investigation led by former U.S. Attorney Rudolph Giuliani produced no federal grand jury indictments,” according to the Herald Record.

Rudy has been kept close...for a reason.

dem6nic ago

Rudy was the chief prosecutor during the Pizza Connection trials involving the mafia using pizza stores as fronts for drug trafficking. He is a knight of malta, and there's good speculation that his family is mafia-related.

RecycledUser ago

Okay, makes sense.

RecycledUser ago

If the initials are Chuckie, it would be epic if, after all the crying and skipping out and grandstanding at the confirmation hearings, if Trump waited until he got all the confirmation s done, especially Sessions, then RIGHT after that, he threw the hammer down. The same ones voting NO would be thrown in the slammer, hopefully. I could see why he would wait, otherwise they'd try to drag out the hearings forever.

archie01 ago

Sit Tight...

atheist4thecause ago

TK and RB possible names I found:

TK: Tim Kaine, Trent Kelly

RB: Richard Blumenthal, Richard Burr, Rod Blum

These are just names in Congress that fit the initials. I'm not consider any evidence outside of that.

Blacksmith21 ago

LOL....what do you think TK was doing at all those orphanages in Central America.

nomorepepperoni ago

Well, if the sick bastards did threaten him, I hope to see him speaking with Comey and the FBI on what happened to him, rather than cower to the inevitable narrative about "silencing dissent".

atheist4thecause ago

This is absolutely fantastic. It's descriptive enough, predictive, and we can see results in a relatively short time. This is not how I would expect someone to lie. They'd likely be more vague, be less predictive, or offer a longer timetable. I believe what s/he's saying, and it's also reasonable that the California ring isn't related to the elites. There's pedophilia at all levels in the USA, not just with the rich.

bopper ago

If true, nothing major will happen until Super Bowl is over.

jealoushe ago

Anti Trump supporters will blame Russia and say they hacked and planted all the info. Hope they have a defense for this ready. Can't wait to see this go down.

crystalclearme ago

This thought is what squishes my excitement. The media is unfortunately going to play some part when the floodgates open. They can either bring their pitchforks too or they will forever be lost to history

bopper ago


DrumpfBTFO ago

Also, forget to mention, for the reasons i listed, theres no way to check the history of the person who posted the thread :P.

Doc_Brown_Lives ago

I keep wondering how this is all going to go down. No doubt the media will lose their collective shit and scream that Trump is a dictator arresting political opponents. The left loves to play politics and prosecute via the court of public opinion (MSM), so it needs to be countered.

As soon as the high-profile arrests are made, there needs to be an iron clad case presented to the public in an address to the nation/world that cannot be refuted. All the evidence needs to be revealed and what can be shown - shown in a prime-time press conference in a similar fashion a President would address the nation in going to war. The left and these criminals need to be exposed

bopper ago

Good remarks. It would almost certainly have to be Nuremberg level.

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

I think Feb. 10 will be a big day. No evidence, just a feeling. I think they pick Fridays so the stock market will have the weekend to settle down so they won't have to halt trading. Not sure where I heard it now, but someone (on Fox maybe) said they expected Sessions to be sworn in on that day. It's also the day that they gave Comey to turn over Hillary's emails from the cloud. Plus it's the next court date for Edgar Madison Welch - the Comet "shooter."

CadiBug ago

I posted this above too but I think this Wikileaks email ties the Comet Ping Pong Shooter Welch to the Clinton Campaign! https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/47397

This isn't in keeping w the agreement. Since we clearly have some leverage, would be good to flag this for him. I could send a signal via Welch--or did you establish a direct line w him?

It's email about how they should remind Sanders they have leverage and they could send a signal via Welch, Welch was the Comet Ping Pong gunman http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2016/12/13/pizzagate-gunman-said-he-would-sacrifice-the-lives-of-a-few-for-the-lives-of-many.html What if Welch is one of the Clinton Camps hired thugs? Welch was handed over the the Feds, what if he did make a deal and dropped some names?

Blacksmith21 ago

Where did you see this about Welch? I can find no records of his case being in the Federal court system.

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

I'm going into work right now but I Google his full name & changed the dates to january. It's in an article which also talks about a plea deal

Blacksmith21 ago

Would love to see the citation.

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

Here's the story about Welch's plea bargain & next court date Feb. 10th


Chimerarose ago

Please let chucky be on that list...please

ArthurEdens ago

If it is true, they must have photos and videos if it's that sweeping

bopper ago

The only way, for sure. And Trump knows that.

Forgetmenot ago

Pizzagate was originally discovered and revealed inn 4 chan. I saw the original investigation proceed and the heartbreaking discoveries. I can't contribute to the investigation, I am technically challenged :( but wow what those investigators who have delved into hell for those kids have earned my admiration! They have nerves of steel and hearts of gold. May the prosecutors and law enforcement be built of the same mettle! Pizzagate is a true nightmare and the things I have seen cannot be unseen. I will carry those images for ever and never forget! they are true heros who work behind the scenes and get no public recognition. Thank you all of you and may god bless you!

Forgetmenot ago

The OP on the the 4 chan thread referred to the trafficking network as the traveling circus. He also said they use social media with their code words. Other terms that jumped out at me: hawk, owl, mice and squirrels. Hawk I have heard discussed "chicken hawk">>110770990 # I cut and paste this from the thread for those who don't have time or inclination to read the full thread on 4 chan:

We all do. Here's something that isn't a larp. The people involved in this refer to the trafficking ring as a "travelling circus". Remember the tunnels being dug in Comet Ping Pong? They are built on private residences too. "Squirrels" and "mice" work for the travelling circus and are probably associated with the tunnels. What these represent i'm not entirely sure yet though.

Mommyplayer571 ago

John Le Carre refers to British Intelligence as the Circus. Tinker Tailer and all that. His books just get better and better. I think Trump did have an escapade with a young girl. He may owe back taxes as well he is in dispute over or was set up over. But if Trump or "someone" doesn't expose all this, he will end up dead or out of office. Even if it is exposed those multi billionaires and corporations aren't going away. And so far they aren't giving a Trump any slack which must really piss him off. We all know how things are getting worse and worse over time. Seems they could shut the media and Internet down if exposure starts. Think how hard it was for Veritas to even post a video pre election! I've heard opinions they just need an internal coup and kill enough bad people to shut their media and control "nodes" down. Before they do it to Trump!. Hope there is a peaceful way. Hope I don't get V& before I can help.

Forgetmenot ago

  1. There is no evidence that he had an escapade with a young girl. If you have a source or evidence post it. In fact he kicked Epstein out of his club for that. Do not spread false rumors or innuendos.
  2. An audit is typically negotiated through lawyers, no one cares about the taxes, I recall obama using audits as an intimidation tactic to organizations he did not like. People who voted trump don't care.
  3. Tump has earned the right to be trusted. He has kept his campaign promises and already brought back jobs into the country. He has given us no reason to doubt him.
  4. Why would you get banned? Don't be so paranoid and you seem on the fence and confused about a lot of things. Something big is coming and the shills are everywhere pretending to be concerned and confused and trying to create doubt and minimize the impact to the public. I can't wait to see trumps next move I have full confidence he will drain the swamp!

Mommyplayer571 ago

I love Trump, he is our only hope! I saw a pic on a YT video. And George Webb mentioned it too. It's ok. I am ok with it. Trump mentioned himself that he has been audited every year at least 10 years and is in a law suit over his Taxes the last 10 years. I'm just being honest. Can I be banned for being honest? And things can be manufactured too. I would provide a link to the YT video but it could be photoshopped and I don't want to hurt him. I'm trying to support him really. People will understand. We are all flawed. I forgive him anything wrong he ever did, at least that's just me.

bopper ago

Ironically, this is the year Barnum and Bailey called it quits.

Forgetmenot ago

Wow thank you for the link the whole thread was very interesting! Made my day :)

DeathToMasons ago

Hope this is true, but doubt anything of consequence happens.

MolochHunter ago

the global banking system has been on life-support for 9 years (0% interest rates + money printing without relent)

this is why Donald favours gold. At some point the music stops and there will not be as many chairs as assholes

get cash, silver, gold, bitcoins. get out of stocks, bonds, bank accounts. Global Cyprus approaching (where they skimmed 40% off everyones bank accounts overnight). I dont know if they'd trigger it to cover pizzagate, but there's only so long they can keep the shit-show going before a market dislocation

bopper ago

Nine years? Ha, ever since Nixon pulled the plug, the US has had a free ride due to the petro dollar and unlimited printing (and just imagine now that it's digital).

newworldahead ago

At some point the music stops and there will not be as many chairs as assholes

LOL :)

Reeeeeeesonable ago

How might this affect Australia?

MolochHunter ago

economic crash in australia as bad as anywhere - but the nature of it is a policy response. Do they take a hands off approach and have asset prices collapse, or do they helicopter drop money and cause inflation to try and get peoples earnings up to manage the debt load?

Forgetmenot ago

This is exactly the kind of thing that soros does for fun. I would say he is starting to feel like a cornered animal and is going to lash out as much as he can.

juhos ago

Furthermore, starting Monday or Tuesday of next week, you will begin to start seeing arrests of individuals. Over 30 politicians (many are household names), and over 40 other individuals throughout DC, VA and also a handful in NYC.

If this will be true, MSM is going to at least hint that Trump is arresting his political opponents like some dictator.

bopper ago

There would be too much evidence put forth to deny.

witch_doctor1 ago

Until videos or pics are leaked...then it's long lines of torches and pitchforks wielded by normies.

MolochHunter ago

so if trump has any fukn brains whatsoever - which i think he does - he will make sure to arrest some of the republican paedostocracy

bopper ago

Exactly. But goodness, how do you keep the country in one piece if you do this?

MolochHunter ago

how do you keep the country in one peice in the medium term failing to act. The next edgar maddison welch will not be a paid actor.

DrumpfBTFO ago

/pol/ gives users ID-number you can see depending on ip-address(?). So using proxies etc will change it, and maybe they get reset every now and then. There's no accounts so to speak, so everyone can just visit the page and post something.

Clicking the ID shows how many posts the user has made, and the one in question has 6 posts, which were all in that thread.

Which is why theres alot of "LARP"-threads. There's been some in the past that might be credible. Atleast i believe that FBI-anon and "red team planner" had some nuggets of truth. Either way, theres been alot of bullshit "insiders" in the past. Got to wait and see if theres any truth to this one.

Sec137 ago

Fed law enforcement here. This is a fairy tale. There is no investigation, sorry to say. Yes, I lurk, but on no boss' behest and not because I'm a believer. I'm simply a the_donald reader with a curious streak. Maybe I will make a thread one day about what a professional investigator sees in the "pizzagate" finds, what people are doing right and what people are doing wrong. But I had to sign up tonight to register a hearty "bullshit" on this right here. Proof of my identity: when nothing comes of any of this and Fort Soros doesn't come crumbling down, you'll know I was legit.

No insider is reading /pol. There are some sneaky 'pedes with a reddit habit (hello Senator Hatch), and, alas, one of us wandered over here tonight, but you are being lied to, sorry to say. By the subject of the original post, by the paper tiger "journalist" who claims an inside line to DHS, and by "FBI Anon," rough rider of the Russian War Games desk.

There really is no investigation, no arrests forthcoming. Save the narrow Anthony Weiner business, there's nothing even approaching reasonable suspicion. I know how passionate you all are and truly am sorry to cast a pall over what is obviously hard work, but it's simply the truth. The continuing silence--Trump doesn't "know"; the Bu isn't lying in wait for the right time to strike; the Clinton machine isn't pissing its collective pants in fear--is my ID.

May the next year be hell on pedophiles everywhere no matter who they are.

witch_doctor1 ago

"No insider is reading /pol." That blew the credibility of everything you wrote. How would you explain FBI Anon being right in almost everything he said, as well as naming names that were later verified independently by Wikileaks?

Sec137 ago

I'm genuinely baffled that anyone would take "FBIAnon" seriously. Confirmation bias? I don't know. I do find FBIA and the reaction entertaining. Quickly scanning pics of 4chan thread again, I just see fantasy after fantasy, all the way down to George Soros controlling even the US tax code. Strange, isn't it, that the true purpose behind Soros' superhuman puppetry perfectly aligns with the beliefs of the apparent white nationalist revealing that purpose? Strange that the Bu is in the business of briefing IAs on each and every secret truth, the true map of hidden history that is guarded by bureaucrats for some Hollywoodesque reason. Want someone to keep secrets for and about the CIA? Tell the FBI.

...who will definitely tell their analysts in full, compartmentalization and rationale be damned. Hit GS-7 and they take you out for ice cream and finally let you in on the holocaust being a lie. Why? Who knows. Relevance to remit? Who fucking knows! If an intelligence agency doesn't act like they do in the movies, is it really an intelligence agency at all?

It's not a secret society; it's a calling for many good people--patriots who on the whole would never obey a gag order while the world burned, like your "FBIAnon." Patriots who would commandeer the airwaves, shoot to kill if necessary, not drop cute hints on 4chan. This guy was telling you he was sitting on his hands waiting for word from the bosses while the Clintons used trafficked children as currency. Why wasn't the main question, "What the hell is wrong with you?"

Trump isn't sending Clinton to prison. Trump actually called the Clintons and attempted to have a friendly chat not long after the election. The entire government isn't guilty of treason. Bureau IAs tend to know what such jobs actually entail and don't give off the impression that they don't know the difference between the Bu and the military agencies. Hillary Clinton isn't "paid in children," for fuck's sake.

tl;dr FBIAnon is a pussy.

bopper ago

I know right? Like Flynn's kid and Trump's kids aren't lurking, or even on here. Bet my house on it.

Z11Mama ago

Since I already pointed out this may not happen in the timing defined, you explaining it in a different way doesn't prove anything about who you really are any more than it does me.

We ALL know there are multiple investigations in progress. It is in the media in different places constantly. Such as California's recent effort.

Trying to say 'nothing is happening, maybe next year' is telling in and if itself. People realize the overuse of that tactic already.

Sec137 ago

There is no "pizzagate" operation specifically.

Z11Mama ago

Whatever we call it, it's real.

Forgetmenot ago

I call BS on this guy. We have all watched FBI director Comey open and close an investigation due to revelations from wiki leaks and emails and FBI threaten a mass exodus. We have all watched the chaos of this election: we have all watched Seth richs murder get covered up. We have all watched assange get surrounded and threatened. NO. This "lurker" has no idea what is going to happen anymore than anyone does. There is a takedown happening: how deep or high it goes depends on more factors than can be planned. It depends on the AG, it depends on a Congress's willingness to investigate, it depends on a decent judge, on a jury. It depends on whistle blowers and witnesses being protected and not getting assasinated like Seth rich. Above all it depends on a media that can generate public support and public outrage that demands justice. So I call Bull shit on what this guy says. Prove it or get off the pot. This is an evidence based forum, and all you use are empty words and no evidence. You are a total professional....NOT.

Sec137 ago

I really only registered to rebut the 4chan poster's lunatic story, but I'll respond: it's utter incoherence to call this an evidence-based forum while offering up a list of suppositions, and to offer it up as a counter to me.

The only proof I can offer you on an anonymous internet forum where I will of course not lay down my credentials is the assurance that there will be no "pizzagate" takedown next week, next month, or next year.

Forgetmenot ago

You shills and trolls make it so easy to spot Something big must be coming and you guys are really chimpoing out. You come crawling out of your holes spewing incoherent nonsense like "fake news" or believe me I am federal officer who has no credentials but believe me because I said so! Lol you are not only stupid but ignorant as to how investigations proceed. Emails are evidence. Photos are evidence, and a preponderance of circumstantial evidence is enough for a guilty verdict let alone a search warrant. Search warrants can be filed under seal. Your cohorts are being watched....The pedofiles better start begging for a full blown investigation or they will continue to be guilty in the court of public opinion. Your lack of interest proves you to be a liar or worse an inept lazy and complicit investigator. You law enforcement? That is laughable maybe for D.C. Police that pretended to investigate and were caught bold faced LIEING. Or maybe Berkeley police are hiring...they need just your type, that sit around doing nothing while terrorist rioters destroy property and attack pedestrians. You should just crawl back in your hole, you sold your soul to the highest bidder and have no concern for children being abused, I hope you are discovered and locked up. Since law enforcement is supposed to be mandatory reporters. But you are not law enforcement you are a SHILL so shut your filthy mouth already because it smells like shit around here.

anon_sense ago

Totally agree. It must be a new shill tactic...total denial. Which means then that we're probably getting close.

Forgetmenot ago

This guy is a shill, something big must be coming, they are literally chimping out. Look at the riots in Berkeley it is not a coincidence they happened the same day almost 500 trafficker and pedofiles were arrested. It is a way to distract the public.

4warned ago

Have to admit this is disappointing. It does seems to good to be true. Thanks for the truth.

Sec137 ago

I appreciate the open mind.

MAGABoomer ago

You're easy. LOL

MolochHunter ago

Dude. The Clinton camp is so hell bent on destroying and even killing Trump, he would use pizzagate to arrest them even if he thought it was baloney.

You wanna look my dick in the eye and tell me Hillary doesn't wanna make him number fifty-whatever in the long line of dead bodies behind her?

Sec137 ago

Killing Trump? Where in the hell did you get that one?

The "Clinton Body Count" falls apart under scrutiny. She's not nearly that interesting.

MolochHunter ago

pff. whatever. You think a lady who would refuse to 'pick up the phone' to US ambassadors screaming to be saved from encroaching jihadis wouldn't be a party to JFK mark II that could propel her back into controlling the mechanisms of justice that would spare her child trafficking charges?

who the fuck do you think you're kidding?

Sec137 ago

Hammer in search of nails.

MolochHunter ago

disinformant in search of gullibles

VieBleu ago

since you ony now speak up, fail. Speak up consistently, and maybe you will have some substance.

MolochHunter ago

im unclear what inconsistency you believe me to have been guilty of?

VieBleu ago

that reply was supposed to be to sec137's spin attempt. : )

witch_doctor1 ago

I think VB meant to reply to Sec137.

VieBleu ago


xenopriest ago

If you are legit and who you say you are, Welcome to Voat.

Where do you see the Clinton email investigation going over the next 6 months or is it more or less a dormant case?

What's the general consensus about President Trump Among your peers.


Sec137 ago

Thanks for the welcome. I've drawn some fire, but at least no one has called me a "shill." That aways disappoints me: you have to shit-test or you've got nothing at all.

I see the email investigation going nowhere, but I'm not well-situated on that one. Still, it's not exactly low-key or low-interest, and people talk. Weiner is a different ball of wax.

On Trump: increasing concern about his mental health.

xenopriest ago

Damn, thought you were legit....

Sec137 ago

That's my legit hunch and the general lean of my colleagues, simplified of course.

Aaanndgo ago

"Ball of wax" sounds like something from a Stratfor email. Questioning trump's mental health is from a Shareblue playbook. Out out out

Sec137 ago

Ball of wax is a common idiom, and I don't know what Shareblue is. Which I'm sure is what Shareblue would say, right?

thestormking ago

"Proof of my identity: when nothing comes of any of this and Fort Soros doesn't come crumbling down, you'll know I was legit."

Would you be so kind as to share that information now? As those conditions have already been met according to you.

Sec137 ago

I'm not offering to share my identity; I'm simply saying that there will be no wave of world-shaking arrests, and my proof of insider knowledge is the absence of such events.

MAGABoomer ago

LOL FAIL. Anyone with half a clue about how intelligence operates knows that NTK (need to know) compartmentalizes things so as not to risk compromising the operation. Even people involved in the operation are not privy to everything everyone else is working on. Only cases in which overlapping information is needed to be shared and even then the scope and breadth of something is not always apparent.

So...fail. Thanks for playing.

Sec137 ago

The fantasy-land scenario that is the subject of this thread will not happen.

MAGABoomer ago

Oh, I've zero doubt your lot will say or do anything to prevent it. I FULLY expect a diversion this week. Shall we put money on what they're able to pull off? Dream on, even if you manage to pull off a diversion, there are literally millions of eyes on this around the world, and we want blood. Pedo blood. An end to the corruption. This time, we will feast on you. One way, or another.

thestormking ago

What proof is that? Because you said so? Even if we were to assume that what you're saying is true that would not speak well of you and the company you keep.

Sec137 ago

There will be no "pizzagate" reckoning. Wait and see.

The company I keep is a fine bunch who puts away pedophiles. You'd like them.

thestormking ago

I'm sure you are. You're a "fine bunch" who puts away pedophiles except for when it comes to the worst of them. I'm sure you are exactly who you say you are and we should just take your word for it because you said so. Anyone can make a prediction and have at least half a chance of being right. Many fine cults have found legs by doing this. Whether or not anything comes of these investigations doesn't really confirm anything about your identity other than that you're either:

A. a corrupt and impotent insider who's completely complicit in all of this or,

B. you're a complete rube trying to make a name for themselves on some obscure corner of the Internet.

Either way you have my undivided attention. Please, do continue, I find you wildly amusing non-the-less.

FriesischShipping ago

Thanks for the reality check. Most of us here have been at this game since 9/11/01, so disinfo and disappointment comes with the territory.

SlutsAgainstSlavery ago

Welp, today came and went. No arrests...FUCK. :< Guess he was right after all. I'm now far more curious as to what he may have to say. I wanted to wait and see. I honestly found the last FBIA thread to be inconsistently full of basic grammatical errors and suspicious behavior, so I had my doubts. I'd like to know what other dead ends our resident agent feels we are following.

FriesischShipping ago

Monday or Tuesday, today is Tuesday.

OrwellKnew ago

I will be looking forward to that signing in ceremony of the new AG Jeff Sessions

waxdino ago

What information? And why would it be delivered now, when there is only an interim AG? Why not hold it until Sessions is actually confirmed, especially when the Dems are fighting it so hard?
I know the house oversight committee requested specific info from the FBI... what info did the DOJ request? Are they suggesting Comey's investigation is complete?

DrumpfBTFO ago

Not sure about the source: http://stateofthenation2012.com/?p=54578

“Comey and his 40 “Untouchables” are now preparing to take down the largest corruption ever witnessed in American History… which, is what I think MUST happen if Comey is planning to stay part of the FBI. He lost so much respect and so much credibility with the first Hillary investigation, it would take something of this magnitude to allow him to face the public again.”

Guess a few months is enough for an investigation like this, considering that they got alot of information off from the Clinton e-mails alone. If the "4chan insider" is not RP'ing, it might be related to this. Considering that we haven't heard much about the weiner e-mails, so could be that there's gonna be alot more implicated once they manage to drain the swamp a bit.

MolochHunter ago

its the Weiner six-fiddy-thou that are likely the difference. If all these US agencies get too chickenshit or are too deep in it, I hope to fuck someone gave assange a copy of them

unclassified ago

Hang um by their dicks. Especially Hillery!

bopper ago

Don't forget Michelle.

MAGABoomer ago



bopper ago


FriesischShipping ago

Or sit them on a pyramid

SpikyAube ago

of knives

IDeliverPizza ago

thank god i was hoping somebody got this to voat. I was the one who got OP to spill the initials of some politicians. :)




bopper ago

I told everybody Trump is a whole different animal.

Forgetmenot ago

Woo hoo! I read the entire thread just now. Gave me chills! Thanks for asking him those questions we will know soon enough whether it is true or not. In the meanwhile I am sending all the prayers I can.

IlluminatiKing ago

And when he would lock her up. "She's gulity as hell!"

MolochHunter ago

I recommend everyone go get cash from your bank accounts.

Might be they crash the global economy over the weekend. No guarantee those ATM's will be working

Could be excessive, but whats the downside to a little caution?

Lunari ago

This is the time to make Bitcoin mainstream and on its way to becoming the main method of currency. Stop giving the elite control by playing by their rules and giving them more power by using their currency which they have used for far too long to give themselves complete control over everything.

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

good idea - thanks!

VieBleu ago

getting physically robbed.

thestormking ago

What makes you think your cash will be worth shit? It's already not worth shit.

MolochHunter ago

better than a bailed-in bank account

bopper ago

Anybody w/ big money in the bank guess what it ain't there. Simply transfer it to hard assets, a house, food, gold, etc. You can't simply 'withdraw it,'

Z11Mama ago

I am no one but I have info from high up that this has been in the works for months and months. And if you go back and research the last 4 years or so, you can see by the behavior of certain people that they are scared. I totally believe something is going down. However, it seems they keep saying 'soon' and nothing has been soon. Don't be surprised if next week isn't the week. That doesn't mean it isn't happening.

Forgetmenot ago

The wheels of justice turn slowly sometimes but when they time arrests they have a very specific strategy maybe timing even means they get assigned a certain judge? I don't know but even some judges are complicit. So they have to make sure everything lines up.

MolochHunter ago

i disagree. The smug presumption they had expecting Hillary's ascension? That doesn't suggest to me they expected to be exposed or thwarted. The desperation in the MSM to delegitimise Trump? I mean, the man says and does enough that they could work on without having to make up total bullshit to try and discredit him.

The Paedostocracy are A) running scared and B) not as overwhelmingly widespread as our worst fears suggested

Forgetmenot ago

They thought the election was going to be hacked in hillarys favor but that was thwarted. They thought they were safe, they are on the biggest power trip and believe themselves to be untouchable. Hell they might even think they are some sort of chosen species led by moloch. To me they are insane lunatics like the mad hatter and the queen of hearts, just batshit crazy. Me. President drain the swamp and lock them up!

bopper ago

I like the way you think.


Im so excited.....this shit is going to be good. If you thought berkley was bad. Make sure you protect your family. This is goong to send the freaks bat shit crazy.



Amoffthepizza ago

Here's a tweet from Roseanne barr earlier I know she is a celeb....But she is a based one who is not exactly popular in pedowood/Hollyweird because of her mouth and the truths about pedophilia in entertainment https://mobile.twitter.com/therealroseanne/status/827272128957255680 When does sessions get sworn in?? Plz tell me it's tomorrow or soon...

DevilintheDetails ago

I grew up on roseanne. This whole investigation I've been saying to myself "please not John goodman" also "please not bill murray" . My childhood would be ruined. (Obviously not compared to the victims of this, but you know what I mean)

Amoffthepizza ago

Yeah have already given up on anybody from the world of entertainment.

Bratton912 ago

No doubt, after Bill Cosby, no one would be surprising at this point.

nomorepepperoni ago

Same here. House of Cards is just that much more fucked up. 0.o

Forgetmenot ago

I pray for sessions everyday! Justice will soon be served!

Fatsack ago

God I would love to watch an episode of Celebrity Death Match of Roseanne Barr versus Rosie O'Donnell.

witch_doctor1 ago

The only way I would watch those two go at it, would be if Lee Ann McAdoo was the ring bikini girl...but kudos to Roseanne for taking the red pill, never thought I would see that.

Amoffthepizza ago

Yeah rosie o Donnell needs a good slap or two lol

Votescam ago

Found it right after posting the question. :)

save_thechildren ago

Can you send me the link- can't find!

Votescam ago

OK -- found my way back to OP -- LINK ... http://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/110768785

Votescam ago

Can't connect to it from where I am right now -- Go to the OP and you will find in light blue the word "linky" -- Hit on that --- it's the link! :)

lawfag123 ago

TK and RB were also mentioned as initials.

Tim Kaine, Richard Blumenthal?

OrwellKnew ago

Please let it be Kaine! That sob

bopper ago

Right hand person.

bopper ago

Good job.

IlluminatiKing ago


Fatsack ago

Wonder if Bernie Sanders is a pedo? Wonder if that's why he didn't contest @ Dem Convention. Is that the "leverage" they had over him in the podesta wikileaks?

atheist4thecause ago

You can't just throw accusations like that Mr. Lazy. Do you have any evidence? No? Then don't accuse people (or throw it out there all willy nilly that is basically accusatory).

witch_doctor1 ago

I think it was the "silver or lead" proposition....he wanted to be able to fly small planes, drive his Mercedes and lift weights safely in his new house.

Verite1 ago

You are entitled to your opinions and questions, but gimme a break-NO. He is a stand up dedicated activist fighting for economic and social justice on behalf of marginalized ppl.

Fatsack ago

everyones got secrets

DevilintheDetails ago

I was/am a berner. I believe he may know, and I believe they have something on him in the form of stories I've heard (not about any specific politician ) where "they" invite those who would never be tempted- to parties/events and invite them down to a room for something, the person walks in to a room where they are doing a sacrifice or something equally sinister. Someone there is ready to photograph the politician present in this before they even know what they are seeing.

Something like that is my belief. I want to believe he's good because if it weren't for bernie, I'd probably never have woken up and made it all the way here.

Verite1 ago

Me too. Thanks for that. Bernie was "threatened," with removal from the very important committees on which had has served for many years, which would have rendered him impotent in Washington. I think he truely believed HRC was "lesser of two evils," b/c at least on the major issues of he was aligned with "Democrats." I don't think he has an awareness of the trafficking or the "George Webb" connecting of dots of the severity of Pay to Play nature of her activities and relationships and resulting collateral damage. But he certainly understands the damage done by regime change, MIC, and oil exploitation.

nomorepepperoni ago

This would have also been a valid threat. Not sure it would stop him from a convention fight with the ammo he had. The DNC leaks were practically rocket launchers in a fight with sticks.

Dagnysghost ago

If anyone would choose to be guilty it would be bernie. His horrible article on how all women desire to be raped by multiple people and all men desire to rape is seriously disturbed. I don't care how old he was when he wrote it, it shows a massively evil mindset that would fall right along with pizzagate in every way. Sorry if he was an idol of yours, but idols are going to fall hard and fast these days

nomorepepperoni ago

No. That stupid article is nowhere near pizzagate-grade (haven't seen him into edgecore spirit cooking bullshit, have you?). I think if a threat was made, it would be by making one of more of his grandkids "vanish", along with the usual murdering (wife, brother, friends, other people you care most about, but we don't want to make too many disappear at once).

However, if there is ONE lesson learned in 2016, it's this:

There are no sacred cows. None.

DevilintheDetails ago

That last part is very true, I am braced to hear about almost anyone, but a few would definitely be hard to handle.. I guess we wait and see and we better see everything!

Mad_As_Hell ago

I really don't think (or want to think) he's involved, but who knows these days? I heard a rumour (not sure from where so this is total conjecture) there was footage of him in South America with Sandinista chanting 'death to the US' or something along those lines that they were using as leverage against him

nomorepepperoni ago

And he'd have still beaten Trump, I'd wager. But I wonder if they kept throwing rumors like that around to keep the superdelegates from flipping.

Forgetmenot ago

I have wondered the same thing he made a sudden about face and saw the primaries literally cheated from under him. He seems to have been either balck mailed or bribed or maybe both.

DeathToMasons ago

Bernie is a fraud. He had a chance to push for a full FED audit and he sabotaged it. He then endorsed the candidate that cheated him in the primaries. The same lady who is the Bankers puppet for hire.

pizza_merc ago

Bernie is a man of his word. He played the primary fair, and didn't shit on Clinton when he had the chance in order to try to get her elected, because he was convinced that clinton was going to be better for the country than Trump.

Everyone knows he got fucked. Just because he isn't saying it out loud doesn't mean it's not true. The man is intelligent, and he knows he got did up the butt.

LargePepperoni ago

Bernie is not a fraud. He was almost certainly threatened. These sick fucks would rape and mutilate his grandchildren and feed them to their parents. They probably even showed him a video of them doing it to someone else.

Fateswebb ago

They gave him lots of money, I think the dude was a shill the whole time... he was probably a plant by the Hillary campaign to show controlled opposition.

LargePepperoni ago

This makes no sense. Bernie woke up half the left which resulted in her defeat.

Fateswebb ago

Their plans aren't always good plans.. they considered promoting trump in a secret operation because they looked at him as a useful idiot that couldn't beat Hillary. That has been proven wrong.

noworldorder ago

I think he was punched in the face: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/CG8jVATYmE0/hqdefault.jpg

CadiBug ago


This isn't in keeping w the agreement. Since we clearly have some leverage, would be good to flag this for him. I could send a signal via Welch--or did you establish a direct line w him?

From Wikileaks, they definitely have something on him, but what I find intersting is the say they could send a signal via Welch, Welch was the Comet Ping Pong gunman http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2016/12/13/pizzagate-gunman-said-he-would-sacrifice-the-lives-of-a-few-for-the-lives-of-many.html What if Welch is one of the Clinton Camps hired thugs who is sent in to remind folks who aren't playing along...

nomorepepperoni ago

Come back to earth, Alex :D


This is likely who the email was referencing, though I thought there was a Welch on the Bernie campaign as well...hmm...

Also, the leverage referenced, when looking at other emails (actually followed the DNCLeaks Reddit as the emails were raining down), pertains to him and Hillary having some agreement not to "attack" each other since Hillary needs her safe space.

Well, Bernie broke her safe space and this Welch person needed to remind him of that.

CadiBug ago

Thanks for the info! ;-)

nomorepepperoni ago

I think that mark was actually the skin cancer he more recently had removed.

That being said, I can't bona fide prove he was threatened, but believe the possibility is there, especially when Podesta wrote about speaking with his campaign strategist in "midly threatening" terms.

There were also emails discussing him at a DSCC retreat and made sure to note "by the way his wife is with him".

Frankly, I'd cry too if these fuckers threatened my family and, perhaps, threatened to introduce my grandkids to their "boy/girl love"...

Fatsack ago

Just a reminder that they have dirt on him.

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

My guess is they set him up with a male or female prostitute that turned out to be underaged.

Vindicator ago

Let me just provide the main quote here, since OP too lazy:

Dropping a small piece of information, take it however you may. I will not provide any picture's for proof as I don't feel like clearing metadata. I likely will not reply back to any questions, unless they are questions I do not mind answering.

Information was finally submitted from the FBI to the DOJ today at 3pm. Mr. Sessions was briefed 3 weeks ago as to the investigation in its entirety. Once assumes his position, arrest warrants will be signed, and arrests will be made. This is also why the Democratic Party in DC has been fighting the Sessions vote. Panic.

Furthermore, starting Monday or Tuesday of next week, you will begin to start seeing arrests of individuals. Over 30 politicians (many are household names), and over 40 other individuals throughout DC, VA and also a handful in NYC. Some may off their selves before they are apprehended, so keep a eye out for that over the weekend, and you will know they are involved in some manner.

The child pedophilia ring / sex trafficking arrests California was not related, at least no evidence yet to suggest that it was. May be wrong has people begin to talk, or make deals on the matter.

He also gave initials CES.

wrinkleddollar ago

Chuck E. Schumer

Potential CES match

MAGABoomer ago

Also named initials TK and RB. Tim Kaine?

unclassified ago

Don't ya think several of them would be escaping to Countries with no extradition laws?

magzy ago

Alex Jones said in the Joe Rogan interview that some of them are being "taken care of".

crystalclearme ago

Hope it gets posted to youtube ;-)

lude ago

Regardless of extradition laws the FBI has legal authority to pick up anyone that has violated US law.

bopper ago

Yeah I know, kinda weird why that ain't happening. Maybe their passports have been revoked, or on a list. Maybe Obama copped a deal since he just bought a house. Or maybe I am going insane from all this.

Doc_Brown_Lives ago

We've weaponized drones now (thanks hillary for the suggestion of going after Assange with a drone), so they better stay underground if they do.

lude ago

We don't bomb our own civilians without due process. This isn't 2008-2016.

Doc_Brown_Lives ago

Thus the attrition to Hillary. Bombings are too good for this trash.

sK_DirtMcGirt ago

Lazy? Fuck off, bitchboi. Lazy is the guy that DOESN'T click the link provided. Go back to being a keyboard vigilante at Reddit.

witch_doctor1 ago

Now, now...we're not 4chan...as I was reading this thread, I appreciated you bringing this over and at the same time I thought the lazy comment was funny. Duality. It's OK to laugh...kinda like HWNDU...

VieBleu ago

oh chill out

StanFarley ago

/pol/ threads disappear so the link will be broken soon you twat.

Also it's nearly certainly a LARPer and I will give a sincere apology if these events actually come to pass.

Vindicator ago

You ever try to view /pol/ on mobile? Half the people on this sub are on their phones. If ya want em to read, ya gotta help em out.

bopper ago

How do people do this stuff on these itty bitty phones? (I'm old?)

Forgetmenot ago

Thank you for the paste as well. If you can read the entire thread too it's awesome!

shoosh ago

Thanks for that, how did you know my pain-in-the-butt poor phone choice phone is Samsung galaxy 6.

Vindicator ago

Dual Note 7 survivor myself, LOL.

iamthepizzanow ago

+1 Thanks for the paste.

FriesischShipping ago

Thanks, I just a have a phone.

Votescam ago

Where is the link?

nomorepepperoni ago

Please don't be a LARP...

But why does 4chan always get the insiders lol?

Also, if Schumer really is one of them...it would explain why people who shouldn't have backed him might have been backing him...because they knew he would get dropped and make the Dems not taken down look even more dumb than they already do.

witch_doctor1 ago

"But why does 4chan always get the insiders lol?" I know, Right!? I lurk the chan's occasionally and pol is awesome and never wrong...but I think we have put in enough work to have an insider. I am pretty sure we (v/pizzagate) are being monitored...so please throw us a bone alphabet insiders!

bopper ago

Ask me anything.

IlluminatiKing ago

Would explain the crying, lol.

DCmommaBear ago

Hahaha yes! You're so right!

Queen_Puabi ago


Fatsack ago

Because 4chan has anonymous posting.

FriesischShipping ago

Exxxaaacccttly, this is a honeypot for anyone posting inside info. But I'm assuming all of us aren't insiders so this place is great for open source investigation 🤓

brbomglolwtfbbq ago

says 4chan

Fatsack ago

fair enough.

Wolftrail7272 ago

If they don't mention the organ trafficing, I would be skeptical.

Odaat ago

And the release of a least a few choice emails should help the disbelievers to either STFU or wakeTFU.

nomorepepperoni ago

They didn't mention much other than Schumer's initials, got triggered over a grammar Nazi and ran off.

TBF he did say he wasn't answering questions unless he felt comfortable enough to.

Wolftrail7272 ago

I wouldn't be so sure thats who he was talking about. There was another poster that had a similar color tag who said thats who it was but OP didn't verify.