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tjarco ago

This is such a weird post for various reasons

*1. Why is it labelled NSFW? There is no gore or nudity in any of these pictures, it's just babies and our creepy bias make us believe there is something, but there is nothing NSFW

*2. this same content was posted on v/pizzagatewhatever 3 days ago, mods encouraged to post here.

*3. three days ago I re-archived the last David Halperin link and commented that on original thread, the re-archive it's still up

*4. first link to Tony Podesta facebook leads to a guy named Nicolas Friendly, wtf is this? Is this person related to anyone PG?

*5 second link, if you open archive and open original source it shows this picture who is Oliver Friendly and is he related to PG?

*6 3rd link - chilling eating cucumber is actually being found when following second link - 3rd link is another David Halperin link, again who is David Halperin and why is he connected..

In conclusion this is such a weird mess of a post, I suspect disinfo or maybe (going full conspiracy here) this is to discredit - archive some personal FB pics, file claim yourself, make it look like is scrubbing) Considered the fact that all original pages are still accesible, or have been rerouted in which case I ask @Alpo are the links still showing the things you tried to archive?

Mods should not encourage this to be posted here as connections with PG are very unsubstantiated!

EDIT: the discussion between Alpo & me below clear up a lot of these questions!

newworldahead ago

*6 3rd link - chilling eating cucumber is actually being found when following second link - 3rd link is another David Halperin link, again who is David Halperin and why is he connected..

David Halperin is friend with Tony Podesta on facebook.

Alpo ago

I will try to address the points you have raised.

  1. I explained why it was labelled NSFW in the post. I thought it likely that someone would post the photo of the toddler with the cucumber in the comments here, and that is not something that anyone would be likely to want to be seen looking at while at work.

  2. I originally thought to post this content in the main pizzagate section, but feared it would be deleted due to not following the strictly adhered to rules, so I posted in in /v/pizzagatewhatever. The response there, including your own response and a suggestion from a moderator, compelled me to repost it here, following the moderator's recommendations.

  3. The fact that your re-archiving of said page is still existent doesn't tell us much as of now. It may disappear today; it may remain up permanently. It's very likely that the party that had the original archive pages deleted was unaware of your re-archiving of it, or has not had time to take the appropriate legal action yet.

  4. I don't know the answer to this - I just know the archived page was deleted. I was not the person who originally posted this content. I have now placed the part that came from someone else in quotation marks.

  5. Same as above

  6. There is no question mark at the end of your sentence, and the points you are bringing up go into the area of what caused the original post (which was deleted) to be controversial. This is a big part of why I posted this in /v/pizzagatewhatever first instead of here.

Please don't blame me for following a moderator's recommendation, and for wanting the community at large to be aware of the vulnerabilities of If this post is deemed inappropriate by the multitude of moderators here, I am willing to accept their judgement.

pepe16 ago

Smart people know that responds to DMCA requests -- that's why it's always a good idea to download any interesting archive. That's an important message and if people don't know this in general -- spread it.

tjarco ago

thanks for replying. So all the links to the original sources in the archive links DO show the content you tried to archive?

Alpo ago

You're welcome, and no hard feelings. It wasn't me who tried to archive any of this material, but I assume that the original sources in the archive links do show the archived content, though there may be alterations. It would be interesting to make a comparison, if anyone has local copies of the pages as they were at the time they were originally archived, between the current state of the pages and what they looked like then.

This is the story of all this: over a month ago, a Voat user, whom it is difficult to identify as the post is deleted, found suspicious images and comments on the Facebook accounts of Tony Podesta and friends. Another user (not me) archived some of the pages and posted the links in the comment section. The post was aggressively attacked, presumably mostly by shills, for casting suspicion on what they claimed was a "normal family". The OP was even convinced he or she had made a mistake and deleted the thread, but they later questioned this decision. Last week it occurred to me to have another look at the material, but found that the archived pages had been removed, hence my post in /v/pizzagatewhatever.

tjarco ago

what thread are you referring to?

Alpo ago

The one mentioned at the top of the page. Here is the link again:

tjarco ago was the OP the [S] signals it's a reply by the original submitter

seeing that derram archived the pages mentioned, but they do not appear in the original thread this indeed make this case curious, where the links scrubbed from the OP?

this user also archived the pages - these archives still seem to work

this user provided screenshots showing that the links in the archives indeed link to same content

The tony podesta link is super weird, following derram's archive it leads to this

following the archive you listed in this thread it leads to

Alpo ago

Please don't take this personally, but incorrect spelling, grammar, and punctuation can make understanding what you are trying to say difficult and confusing.

It looks like you are asking if the links posted by derram were in zlomsocz's original post. I actually don't remember - there may have been direct links to the Facebook pages, but I can't be certain.

I can't explain why some archived pages of essentially the same material are still up. I'm not part of a conspiracy.

tjarco ago

haha, i'm not taking it personally (read my bio :-) I'm not suggesting you are part of a conspiracy. Don't take this personally either, the lack of well sourced statements and explanation in your post made me suspicious. I think my previous reply sources what you mention in the OP. Since having dug through the Voat you linked to and saw that the archives provided by Derram, which is automated based on content of OP are the ones being scrubbed, combined with the fact that the actual links in the OP have been scrubbed (because derram never archives links that are not present within a post, so if derram archived this it means these links should have been present within the OP) makes this post all the more important and relevant.

Because your original post on v/pizzagatewhatever didn't explain the links between the people visible within the facebook it seemed like a false flag. Especially considering that the content being scrubbed isn't really incriminating and is still accesible through the links that can be found on the archived pages

Why would they not delete the original source if they tried deleting the archives? that's not a direct question to you, it's just me wondering

All with all, this is a very suspicious case and glad you engaged in discussion so I could get the actual story you were sharing...Luckily the original thread provided plenty of alternative archives!!!

Alpo ago

I think the points you have raised have some significant implications. It seems unlikely that the owners of the Facebook accounts had the archive pages removed themselves, otherwise why would they leave them up on Facebook? Voat is obviously being monitored by whatever entity is doing the coverup and paying the shills. Maybe they had the archive pages removed, and alerted Tony Podesta and his friends, who just didn't care about who saw their Facebook pictures, or thought it would look more suspicious if they removed them. Perhaps the automated archives by derram are being solely monitored, or are being monitored more carefully than everything else.

tjarco ago

interesting line of thoughts. This goes into tracing active shills or research attackers. I'm wondering if any techy researchers could find deletion logs or find out who made the complaint to would the cover-uppers make such effort but obviously failed to succeed seeing there are plenty of alternative archives. We should definitely be on the lookout for more archives being scrubbed like this.

Alpo ago

Thanks for this reply - I understand your point of view more clearly now. I might have been a bit lazy in how I presented the information in my post, and perhaps wrongly assumed that most people would remember the subject, but not everyone here has been here that long. I agree that it is strange that the original content on Facebook is still up. We don't know exactly who had the archive pages deleted or why - perhaps it was the work of a third party.

tjarco ago

Well since we cleared things up I am going to add this to the timeline of PG related censorship