PizzaDestroyer ago

Lots of interesting things here, but for clarification how did you tie "Son of Ben Sledge" to the threatening email ( )?

The only names in the email thread are indicating that the conversation is between Gray Fuller, Mike McCullar, and Mike's son David McCullar.

sunajAeon ago

Your comment re: Zuckerberg joining NAMBLA is disputed by the very reference you posted-FAIL

tudda ago

Adding a little technical insight into this.

One of the emails you mentioned: Contains a lot of : =C2=A0

A google search for that string

turns up a stackoverflow post

that explains:

"=C2=A0" represents the bytes C2 A0. However, since this is UTF-8, it translates to 00A0, which is the Unicode for non-breaking space.

MattHelm ago

The "hot dogs and pizza for $65,000 that Obama paid for" that is definitely code for boys and girls.

The proof is where it says "i assume they will be coming through the usual channels" -- that is smoking gun.

You don't send real food "through the usual channels" especially to the White House where all outside food has to be special-ordered by the Secret Service to make sure it's not poisoned.

They are guilty as hell their own emails convict them totally.

pmichel ago

good point!

LaDonnaRae ago

"All of Stratfor" automatically discredits your post. "All of" ANYTHING discredits everything said after that. Perhaps a little less stereotyping, a bit more FACT?

redditsuckz ago

You know @PleadingtheYiff on your list used to be a mod here?...LOL

Same with @numbchuck who was outed as a 100% shill mod...but he is not on your list?...

And what is this?;

Voat Mod ARMY SEER Threatens to Murder ILLEGAL NEWS Reporters After We Connect VOODOO DOUGHNUTS to Child Trafficking CLUB ROUGE

I also notice you use the same web theme(black background) as Millenial_Falcon Phobos_Mothership and pizzathrowaway777;

And pizzathrowaway777 was caught using 32 alt accounts to upvote himself...AND he was jewish...just like you and your freinds...

Pizzagate Same mods;

32+ upvotes from SAME COMPUTER;

armyseer defending his alt account Phobos_Mothership;

Voat is Compromised - Moderator defends Pedo Symbols

IllegalNews ago

Alex Jones' INFOWARS was directly connected to STRATFOR. This is getting really weird. Who the heck is INFOWARS?

Cbradio ago

@redberries A corporation in Germany. Pewobe, lost their contract for asylums for refugees this year for unnaceptable emails of killrooms, guillotines and such. There are USA Dept of Labor Laws and more; plus Corporate Govt Contracts ( Integrity Reports) where federal law and contract mandate violations must be reported by peers, and a separate entity to call and report various violations and Whistleblower Protections to be enforced and investigated by OIG and DOP.

The Federal Acquisition book is linked in Politico, Dec. 22, 2016, "Trumps $440billion dollar Weapon." Stratford is a corp.on govt contract, so there are stricter laws than with corps.

The emails by one of the sons are quite telling. Wonder if he would interview if protected as a source? Regardless if on cartoons or done at other work sites; still does not make it federal law and contract legal; nor take away from the construct, context and unethical inappropriateness.

In group think mentality, comedy, does reveal character traits, personality, acceptable behavior and actions, inside talks and issues they "bond" on, and social psycho traits that groups choose to be important that benefit their needs, personalities, chosen traots, thoughts and habits. Also, doublespeak and metaphors.

Just like hardworking worldwide citizens attacked by gang group mentalities on childcare. A sado maso habit of control, tyranny, groupthink agenda, false justifications to libel and Harrass as citizen protections laws of libel, slander and defamation are of higher protection than public figures.

Ones that repeat post of false news are ignored as hours of hard work.on various leads; are escalating in patterns of libel, isolate and outcaste attempts, gaslight and psych social attempts to break a citizen we for inclusion of themselves with free labor, time, effort and concern of child safety, corruption's and our nations and worldwide future.

I appreciate the time and effort that you gave in following a lead that you found. As Stanford is on federal, govt contracts, it is a pertinent lead to ensure our tax dollars are being used appropriately. Even falsifying and using up tax dollar hours with social gossip is a federal violation. It is important to know and discuss.

Dissemination of knowledge and thought is healthy as is promoting discussion versus blockading discussion with justifications. A lot of time and effort goes into ones blockading healthy discussion, that is useless and inefficient. If ones are not interested, it is very simple, vastly more efficient, professional and mature go simply "keep it moving." Choices not to, are quite revealing.

Noone needs to agree, respectively; yet harboring and escalating to delay efficiency in further research and communication is not professional.investigations that put child safety first and foremost; realizing that everyday and moment can count to save and protect a child, in some degree.

In fact, stopping corruption can save many lives, finances, jobs, and quality of lives for many in the USA and abroad that are negatively impacted, with Public Trust Violations, federal law and contract violations. Obamacare corruption's, nuclear power plant violations, court custody/foster/cps issues Harming families, ensuing VA scandal, and so much more are stealing the human rights and constitutional of many.

Compassion is strength, requires ethics; which requires oversight, awareness, citizen inclusion and unity with no new that give of their self and time in good will intent and integrity.

Further Stanford emails are also revealing. Ones that joke about continuing to test apart Iraq and lie to the masses the reasons of war. The Serbian mafia that is very powerful with black market routing, using Turkey as a bypass. Search term meat grinder and meat grinder will pull those emails up and others; including an arrest in Syria with meet grinders and boxes of soap. Those emails and more give a further construct of the inner thoughts and actions of this group think mentality, and their use of time, while on the job under contracts. Stanford emails are in Wikileaks, not Sesame Street; so if ones feel they want to devote their adult time and efforts to research; that is their choice. All decent are pieces of the puzzle. Again, thanks for your freely giving of your time and effort to care about the world and children. Apathy, turn face, unec divisions, dramas, etc; have clearly proven to not assist in a healthy nation, world or future. Sure, maybe not a smoking gun, but noone knows for sure; and investigations are a work in progress, not a fonalized, professional, formalized report. Im not going to obsess on a phrase in a work in progress, but more focus on ones who expend in time and efforts to freely labor, and contribute what they have found. All is so complicated already, efficiency in movements requires flexibility and keeping it moving in mutual respect; and legit intent will care to read from ones who contribute; and those traits are key in solving safely and in full, any type of problem. Hope you have a good day.

Stukov ago

In reference to Ray's Famous Pizza:'s_Pizza

AgainstTheNWO ago

Yesterday i saw a person on twitter who is linked to it.

His twitter account.

His google+ account

RecycledUser ago

Heard it a long time ago. Lots of searches explain the history.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Flairing "accuracy in question," based on the title (ALL Stratfor members?), all the users disagreeing with OP's assumptions, and this thread. Honestly, this is a huge wall of text, and it's very hard to discern the value of it given how it is presented.

I would recommend editing and condensing this to main points. You don't need everything written word-for-word (you can use embedded links as proof). I would suggest organizing your points in a coherent, condensed fashion, and making an objective assessment of the relative strength of the evidence, rather than assuming this proves ALL Stratfor members are pedophiles (confirmation bias is a hell of a drug, LOL). Basically, when you comb through a huge amount of data, it's easy to find stuff that could be construed as confirming what you're looking for. Some of this seems like it could be genuine references to pedophilia, but some of it probably isn't. This point is your title is WAY overblown.

Ronnilynn31 ago

Guys joke calling each other gay or showing bro-love...but they don't call each other pedophiles. These emails have so many "pizza" related words and files, it would be wise to take it seriously to either rule it out completely or confirm something. They have a "pizza final report" file and a "pizza analysis file" that looks simply like new webpage navigation for subscriptions. Why call it pizza? It doesn't add up at all. Could their subscription page be actual newsletter signups as well as masking other "subscriptions". I dunno, but with all the other crazy leads it's worth at least ruling it out for certain before just blowing it off.

HarleyDavidsonRider ago

I have no clue most of y'alls backgrounds or ages but you don't throw around pedophile network jokes to your homeboys. Maybe I missed something but last time I checked your reputation and integrity ment a lot in the professional world. While this may not be a smoking gun it definitely shows these people are up to some shady shit. Instead of calling it workplace banter why not cross reference some of the names with books that have been written about NAMBLA.

HarleyDavidsonRider ago

I fucking knew NAMBLA was behind this disgusting shit. Ever since reading "the last undercover" about a FED who went undercover in that sick group. Somebody needs to out members of that degenrate club for the public to see. I would recommend you guys read that book some time. I want to vomit now. An punch through a brick wall at the same time. Sick bastards.

Yuser_Manuel ago

ALL workers at Stratfor?!

AgainstPedos ago

That's because they don't see what they're doing as morally wrong or actually physically harmful to young kids. They've been doing it so long and have never been jailed like most pedos so they are far more brazen then the average criminal.

mrjdouble ago

Agreed, slam dunk grounds for instant dismissal.

WatcherWatcher ago

Yah but these people need stuff to do after work. TV sucks nowadays, am I right? :P

salinaslayer ago

Fantastic work


more info on a RAY'S PIZZA - closed long ago, used to be a mafia front

may or may not be at all what they are talking about

jokersmild ago

I hope that somebody hacks NAMBLA and drops of user records and stuff.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

OP, you put in a lot of effort here, and you did a good job of info collation and presentation. So you get an A for all of those categories.

The problem is that YES, there ARE companies where "locker room talk" is normal. The people ITT telling you that are just people telling you that. Calling them all shills is a sign that you might need a day off to get some fresh air.

I'm not going to DV the OP, but the atmosphere ITT is really toxic and the foregoing fresh air advice applies to a lot of y'all.

e-traiu ago

Aggressive downvotes goin on... Are we stomping around close to the bee hive?

Sorry about comparing these sic fucks to the awesome bees. I love you guys. Honey and life u produce.

Theupsidedown ago

Holy shit, this is solid.

imkhan ago

I think we need to have a discussion for the people having trouble accepting this satanic reality and how all encompassing it has become. You really can't fully absorb it without a spiritual framework or understanding. The problem is that many of the spiritual teachings of the main stream religions have become archaic and have not updated themselves to the modern world. They fell victim to the phrase: 'the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist'. In that cloak of secrecy they were able to pursue their demonic world wide agenda unhinged.

The key is to find a guide on authentic religious eschatology. If you find this interesting let me know and I can piece a few things together for those who would find it beneficial.

thicktail1730947 ago

Good detection. Thank you.

Orange_Circle ago

As they say at Stratfor- say yes to baby punching:

thicktail1730947 ago

Inserting bad evidence in the corpus reduces the appa rent degree to which good evidence deserves exposure/digging. Dilution is a classic means of undermining forums; a forum that has turned to gossipy stupidity is fully neutralized in almost all cases. Only a chan can be gossipy and stupid while still digging, and this is not a chan.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

Fuckin NAMBLA. EVERYBODY knows about NAMBLA. I feel like I'm back in grade school.

SpikyAube ago

It completely depends on the organisation and the way the coworkers all get on with each other and their managers. I have worked at places where people would joke with each other and stuff over work email and an email like this one would not be out of the ordinary. I've also worked at places where you'd never send an email using work email unless it was strictly work-related. It seems clear that this group of coworkers get on really well and are close, given that one of them is upset and is thanking the others for their support. In jobs where you work a lot and it can get very stressful, the people you're around all the time are your coworkers and it's a situation in which you can develop strong close friendships and a kind of joky camaraderie I think. If you have a manager/managers who are also part of the close knit group and if they take the lead in sending casual emails and making off colour jokes then the rest of the team will normally follow suit.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

My life experience agrees 100% with what SA posted here. I've been in various work situations and yes, there are sometimes ones where off-color jokes are OK. Yes, even about NAMBLA. And yes, we fogeys already knew what NAMBLA was before PG. Welcome to the wacky world of American pop culture!

kneo24 ago

Well, when there's a ton of posts before it calling out anyone who disagrees as a shill, it's pretty clear you might want to say, "look I'm not a shill".

You could try using logic and context.

red_pill_stefbot ago

This is the closet to a smoking gun I think we have come so far. When you compare this with the code words in the Podesta emails, the creepy artwork at CPP and in Tony Podesta's home, the spirit cooking, and Alefantis' Instagram, it is not just "speculation" as to what these people are up to. Not to mention Jimmy Saville, Franklin coverup, Dennis Hastert, etc. It is EXTREMELY CLEAR what's going on here, and anyone who's actually looked at the evidence and thinks "nothing to see here" is delusional.

I can't wait till the NYT, Fox News, CNN, WaPo, that stupid cunt Megyn Kelly, etc. lose all credibility for trying to cover this up.

"Who all is in the Austin office today who is going to want pizza? We only have one slice and we need to know how thinly to slice it..." Yeah, they're totally just joking about it. /s

mrjdouble ago

Can't forget Epstein on this who's who of dirtbag

ZalesMcMuffin ago

"Who all is in the Austin office today who is going to want pizza? We only have one slice and we need to know how thinly to slice it..." Yeah, they're totally just joking about it. /s

Actually, if you look at it as a joke about actual food pizza, it is kinda funny.

WindowsInJudgement ago

This is very interesting. Fantastic research. This investigation is getting stronger every day. MSM must take notice soon. The people will demand an investigation.

I see a lot of comments saying that it's 'locker room talk' or that they are joking. I know for sure that if I used such comments with my company email to accuse a coworker of being a pedo then I would be fired from my shitty ass job in minutes

PaulKeith ago

You know what definitely is a joke? This thread.

"You're a shill!" "No, you're a shill!" "I know you are but what am I???"

madmanpg ago

Note to Pizzagaters: I'm not a shill.

No, but you are irrational to a "Hugh Mungus" extent.

dogeminho ago

[email protected]

I found these emails awhile back, check them out. His son, if I remember correctly, calls him a pedophile... and an incestuous fuck.

thicktail1730947 ago

Wow. That's a better hint of pedophilia than the OP.

WindowsInJudgement ago

Agree with laqueefa. Upvoated but only commented really because I wanted to say laqueefa

Ctrl-Left ago

How the hell does this have so many upvotes? Theyre clearly joking here. So youre saying that theyre smart enough to talk about "pizza" as a code but then just straight up reveal and say theyre pedophiles? Just like that? Doesnt make sense. And anyone who says no-one would ever make jokes about pedophiles or pedophilia, are you fucking serious? Like many people have pointed out one of the most popular animated adult comedy shows in the world called South Park makes numerous jokes about the subject and even worse things. And so does Family Guy for example. It even has a goddamn pedophile as a character: And guess what, they both have millions of fans who find that shit funny. Not saying I do or that I approve it, just pointing out that theres millions of people who do.

Geo_synchronous ago

What the Fuk is up with all this gay crap ? Why young boys ? I just don't get it. I watched the whistle blower video of the Bilderberg wife talking about all the brass military men ass banging each other. WTF. I don't believe in God or Satan but that shit makes me wonder if there is a Satan and He's possessed these men. Im completely heterosexual. I just don't get all this butt sex with little boys. WTF

Verite1 ago

Yes. This 👆

speckie ago

Stupid theories like this discredit the board. Can someone please report this submission and ban the poster.

RebelSkum ago

YEEEEEES! You are so wizard anon! So much greatness!

Don't forget Ben West at Stratfor asked if Bayless Parsley was busted in a pedo sting:

edit: Confirmed Benjamin Sledge of Heart Support is same Benjamin Sledge of Stratfor. Definitely no misinfo there.

roundhouse1776 ago

This would not be receiving nearly as much backlash without the "SMOKING GUN" in the title. This is not a smoking gun, and even though it's good information, I won't be upvoting. Everybody putting "smoking gun" in their titles, when it's not, lowers the credibility of the investigation.

markrod420 ago

Lol you should see the horrible things me and my friends have said to each other while playing video games. We joke about gassing the jews more often cuz my friend is jewish. But there is no topic off the table when one of us wants to deliver a shock statement just for fun.

These emails all compiled sure are suspricious. But I would put a lot of money on the fact that some or even many of these emails really are just fucked up jokes.

Edit* I should mention that when considering other evidence this company is almost definitely involved in all of this. But that doesn't mean the content of these emails isn't likely joking. Me and my friends joke about killing jews because my buddy is jewish. Wouldn't surprise me if they joke about raping kids because they are involved in child trafficing.

markrod420 ago

One correction. You said "defending nambla" but actually the email basically says "we don't like nambla but they have a right to free speech like everyone else" the email is literally talking about the difference between defending free speech and supporting the speech of a particular group and here you are significantly failing to make that very distinction. And yes, it is an important distinction. Even pedo groups have a right to free speech. It's just that none of us intends to listen when they speak.

throwitawayn0w ago

I call my friends "stoners" facetiously ... and even thought they aren't, it doesn't take away from the fact that they do smoke weed.

Looking at how these people talk to each other is crucial. I don't know why so many people are writing this off. Any way we can see who is actually IN NAMBLA?

Fateswebb ago

Probably seeking eternal life...

RecycledUser ago

A. Jones works for (or did work for) Stratfor. Just sayin.

IlluminatiKing ago

Don't dismiss. Research, research, research. Ask the right questions.

Xbxn ago

The first email seems like a joke but the second one has a serious/creepy tone to it.

CantWaitToGetAPizzaU ago

lol! u get the worst shill ever award

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

Frankly we do need to do an old fashioned witch hunt....none of these people deserve the benefit of the doubt anymore....things are so bad we are going to have to go all Philippines Rodrigo Duterte on these fuckers.....

ShoaNanas ago

The word SmokingGun must be banned while we do not have a video of Obama fucking a kid.

This make the whole post look like sensationalism, while there is very interesting content in it !

And sensationalism is 90% from shills...

So assume you're not a shill (i think so):

* is there a pedo ring in DC elites ?
    * if yes => do stratfor member are part of it ?  
         * if yes => these emails are evidences
         * if no =>  are they aware of this ring ?
               * if yes => Joking about NAMBLA when you are connected to a pedo ring ? "more than dark" humor..
               * if no => How a **global intelligence company** could not be aware of such a big thing ??

By the way, your quote about pizzagate wiki:

also runs a still-existing international PIZZA delivery website at their stratfor domain

Where is this site ? the link on page point to wikileaks.

CantWaitToGetAPizzaU ago

nice try, shill

pocketfulofstones ago

For real. I work for a fairly big company, and I don't know anyone who would be caught saying something like that in a work email.

This is an intelligence agency that does work with the CIA.

Guess who is following Stratfor on Twitter:

bolus ago

that may not be far off the mark - i hadn't considered that angle.

if it is the case, though, it still makes the point that they recognize the negativity associated with the group, which is all i was saying to start - they are using it in a retaliatory manner, not in a friendly manner.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

makes wild claims he can see ips

refuses to prove claims

baselessly calls a bunch of random people shills

backs up 0 claims

shill shill confirmed. 100% logged and tagged.

Pwner1775 ago

amalek is that you again? outfitted with the delusions of grandeur...

CantWaitToGetAPizzaU ago


chronikfunk ago

Okay so you made me go back read through a bunch of startfor emails. Just keyword search nambla and stratfor, theres one with SHAC, anti animal cruelty group. Anyways they're just shit talking. I don't know if english is your first language but start reading it. It's childlish dick and booger jokes.

I think they are all pedos in the upper echelons of gov't but I think your jumping the smoking gun.

Sign him up for NAMBLA. Like when your friend calls you faggot in 5th grade.

CWenstra ago

Eh, I read it as a joke too. There is at least one guy I work with that makes the joke exactly like this all of the time.

I fear this is not only losing steam but growing in ways that will kill the issue and never get resolved.

Gone20 ago

Posts like this are why the 100 comment to downvote shit is bad. This guy probably has multiple accounts. So many replies in this and many threads read like someone talking to themselves. If lurkers, sane people and non-shit poster/cheaters could downvote, this dumbshit wouldn't be at the top making us look bad. I'm officially done with this shitshow till it changes for the better.

Fateswebb ago

"Squirrel punching included

According to urban dictionary this is slang for raw masturbation.

ronnyCPI ago

Trying to put this new information in perspective. Stratfor is a CIA contractor for global intelligence. It has intelligence assets all over the world (Wikileaks has its master list). But it serves more than one purpose, obviously. Is its other purpose to traffick children to politicians throughout the world for blackmail purposes and also use the children to collect intelligence? And then dispose of the children when their purpose is complete?

Gone20 ago

Yes. It's called busting people's balls. Locker room talk like when Trump said grab her pussy.

Here is an example from the movie 40 year old virgin. I'm sure the title hit to close to home for some people here, so I'll provide a link.

Do you think that they really think each other are gay? Hint: they don't, they're fucking with each other.


those are 2 stoners playing games and talking shit - what we are looking at is FEDERALY FUNDED EMPLOYEES exchanging emails about Nambla

HUGE difference

Gone20 ago


FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Ok. Go look throught my post history, I'm not a fucking a shill...

But why the fuck they would actually want to sign up for nambla? Like even if you're a kid a fucker... Why would you want to sign of for Nambla. The whole basis of this research surrounds secrete socialites and plausible deniability (it's just art, man)

So a lot of these people are involved in a lot of fuckery, but most that fuckery, they could dispelll in 10 second soundbite.... It's only when they have to keep taking about get asked more questions, that they would eventually fuck themselves over...

AKA. jimbo pong balls.

But if you're in fucking Nambla.... You can't even refute you fuck boys, in a 10 second segment.

Now, they could say;

"No, I'm not in nambla."

Which leads me back to my originall point... If they were actually going to sign them up for namnla, you couldn't deny you're part of nambla, because you're signed up.... Somewhere.

You know what I just released.... I bet there is isn't an actual fucking Nambla resgirstration, as you stated.(and as I originally assumed). No one is willing putting themselves on basically sex offender list...


Edit: Whelp, People sure as fuck sign up for this organization. Actually, they pay a memebership fee ranging from $15-1000 dollars

Fateswebb ago

Why would you sign up for nambla? Well considering there is this Good question. I think they feel like joining nambla is freedom of speech and they look at as a political organization that works toward their sick goals. Asking why would you do something doesn't prove that other people that ARENT like you are wouldn't do it. It only proves that those people are not like you.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

jesus fucking christ. YOU HAVE TO PAY! People are paying up to 1000 dollars to join pedo list....

Wait a fucking a second... Can't you just sign anyone up? Say you break up with your crazy ex, and she wants to sign you up for nambla, so she can take a picture of the

"Thank you @fuckyouredditfuckuspez, for joing Nambla, your membership fee will go towards helping those persecuted, for fucking children."

God Damn.

Fateswebb ago

Yeah it's just sick man. And yep right there in the open. They're proud of this shit. Don't let your boy banging membership expire....

Lobotomy ago

Ok, but stop calling everything a smoking gun.

srayzie ago

People are so mean here

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Then you're really going to enjoy going face to face with the actual kiddie rapers.

But wait......... how do you know none of them are already here?

Buckle up, Buttercup.

srayzie ago

Are you sure you are replying to the right person? What are you talking about?

ZalesMcMuffin ago

You said people here are mean (or something like that; there are 215 comments ITT now and I'm not going to hunt for yours to check exact wording). So I was just saying that the kiddie rapers are not going to be nice, and that's who we're up against. If you're looking for a mellow, laid-back battle, I don't think this is it. So, get used to the ugly! :-/

srayzie ago

Investigating is different than talking with kid fuckers. Investigators being plain rude is not necessary. We're all here for the same reason. You're rude so you won't understand that so there's no use in debating with someone that's immature, rude and ignorant.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

LOL kay.

postfascion ago

Shills are so shilly here.

srayzie ago

Even the ones that aren't shills can just be rude. There are nice ways to say things. We should be sticking together. It's like there are little young bullies here

postfascion ago

Its true. Try to stay positive, and more importantly take the high ground when you can. But stay here as long as possible. Its difficult, but you learn a great deal about yourself and others. And by being an example, there is potential to be a positive influence. All the best.

srayzie ago

Thank you very much

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Dude. I've contributed a lot of info, Some privately, some publiclyand deleted them, but there still on the site, and can be found in my history with 3 seconds of work.... All I know, Is if you go look at my reddit account, I say "offensive" shit all the time. So much so, That I don't even factor in most of the email banter, when formulating my opinion of how real this is.

There's too many things unrelated to these emails,that are much more damning, that don't have multiple interpretations. Well at least as far as what has been discovered so far in the emails... It's crazy to think there could still be a nuke out there just waiting to be read.

"Re: Thank you, Strat-Fam.. I think I speak for us all when I say from the deepest recesses of our hearts, you are so loved and mean the world to us and to see you grieve is painful for all of us, as we each care for you so much. We are here to be leaned on and for anything you need. Talks, dinners, and squirrel punching included. Let us know if you want us to sign him up as a NAMBLA member."

Based on that paragraph alone, It reads like a joke. Maybe there is more context that OP didn't provide. If you want to take this as reasoning to investigate these people more, by all means, go for it.... But this email is a fucking joke. Simply as that. How many files were released in GIF? 5 million? and this is what you bring to the table to show they're pedophiles? We know a lot are, but that email doesn't mean shit...

At least in my opinion, and that's even with the context of Pizzagate. I'm usually not the one to say "this doesn't mean shit." In fact, I'm usually the one trying to explain how it "does mean Shit"... but I dunno. Again, I'm only commenting on the single email, talking about signing someone up.

However the email questioning if they used the same channels as obama hotdog party, seems very suspicious.

newworldahead ago

Posey, last I heard you were fondling boys south of the border....are you back from your NAMBLA convention?

Raharhaha, such a good "joke" eh? Only shills and idiots can close their eyes, say it's all just a big "joke", downvoat and leave.

tudda ago

I'm not trying to deter anyone from investigating, as I do believe there's something funky going on, but I can tell you that I and many of my friends have dark senses of humor and have made MANY jokes about extremely inappropriate topics.

I know it's not appropriate, but that's what a dark sense of humor is. Joking about something so appalling that everyone knows it's wrong and you don't support it, but you mainly just try to shock each other. People do this with rape, dead baby, abortion, molestation, cancer, aids, holocaust, and all kinds of other things.

Signing someone up for NAMBLA or making jokes about it would be pretty standard fare for my group of friends. Continue looking, by all means, but just keep in mind that a lot of this is likely just people joking inappropriately in ways that they never expected to be analyzed.

yabbadoody ago

when someone provides a NAMBLA members or sign-on list, with screen names, then you have the right to claim this, but UNTIL then... blowing smoke up our asses.

yabbadoody ago

and what proof does OP have connecting NAMBLA with Stratfor? ZERO, that I can see so far.

gosso920 ago

What's so wrong about looking like Marlon Brando?

KiloJuliet ago

According to a south park episode: Two Namblas, one of them the North American Marlin Brando Look Alikes have been battling for years, even waging legal battles against each other.

TL;DR: southpark episode satire

newworldahead ago

This post needs more upvoats. Are shills trying to bury this?

thicktail1730947 ago

Your comment needs more downvoats. Are you trying to mislead us?

newworldahead ago

You life needs more purpose. Are you trying to to waste it?

Le_Squish ago

Yes, they are trying very hard.

2impendingdoom ago

This is a joke, it used to be threatening to sign people up for bed wetters association...

Sentastixc ago

I think you should leave out


no basis for that claim

Hopevoats ago

OK. Set down the gun and step away from the keyboard. I've spent a lot of time reading the Stratfor files, and was one of the first people to question the "Pizza" spreadsheets. I even spent some hours doxxing the people on the email lists and stalking their FB profiles, etc.

Clearly, they are using "Pizza" as code for something; I'm just not convinced that it's in the context of Pizzagate. They do a lot of betting, such as football pools, and the "pivot table" file is clearly something about gambling.

The main takeaway is that these people are privy to some heavy information. They have operatives around the world gathering intel, which they sell to their subscribers. They also do business with some some shady characters, even after having apprehensions about the relationships (See the emails about MAX Security). But I haven't read anything that gives me a pedo vibe.

Keep in mind that these people have their fingers on the pulse of world events and politics. They have good technology and have mentioned how incompetent the three letter agencies are. I'm confident that they already knew that the world is run by Luciferian pedophiles, and felt powerless to do anything about it (although it wouldn't surprise me if they were responsible for some leaks). In the pre-Pizzagate era, NAMBLA was the butt of inter-office joking, and a way to troll someone. NAMBLA members are viewed as a group of creepy old dudes who try to lure children off the playground and into their white vans. Therefore, it was considered a funny insult to liken a co-worker to these people. It was also a joke to add someone's name to various mailing lists, such as pornography and groups such as NAMBLA.

They also joke about how "dreamy" Putin is (tongue in cheek) and how they'd rather see an attractive female politician topless and how they are glad that a less attractive female politician died, so they wouldn't have to see her topless.

If you search "Social" in the Stratfor files, you will find a goldmine of inter-office banter and jokes. I haven't nearly read the majority of the Stratfor emails, but I wouldn't dare accuse them of "all being members of NAMBLA, HOLY SHIT!" without doing so. And nothing that I have read leads me to believe that they are involved in these activities. Kind of bums me out, because I searched for a long time, with certainty that I'd find something on them.

I hope that you are not a shill, and are just an enthusiastic investigator. On that note, I urge you to keep reading the Stratfor emails and keep looking for the smoking gun.

edit: sp

webofslime ago

Do you think there is any creedence to Kimdotcom's claim that "pizza" = weapons?

Hopevoats ago

It does ring true to me. There is an email where they were tracking down a pilot who was running guns, and after IDing him, they were told to "stand down" because he was an "agency front". That's actually a lead that someone with more time than myself should follow up on. I was able to find the main guy, his brother and son (the pilot) on FB, as well as information about their business.

I'm not saying that I disagree that Stratfor could be involved in all things nefarious (including pedophilia). However, I do suspect that there is some serious compartmentalization going on, and feel it is irresponsible to paint everyone in the entire organization with the same brush. Many of them appear to be regular desk jockeys.

Edit: spelling

MAGABoomer ago

Aaron Burr of HBGary boasted to $cientology that he could identify Anonymous who were protesting the fuck out of the Clams all around the world.

The organized worldwide protests, took place with similar costume themes, and on the same days. This was done for close to 2 years. Project Chanology is responsible for freeing many people from that vile cult and giving all the scared-as-shit- ex clams a safer way to protest, and emboldening them to speak out. The Clams are a laughing stock now. This is 2008, Atlanta had riot police called by the clams....

HBGary hack:

now..have a look at a completely false version of the story

Sabu and HBGary?

and back to the truth

Sabu and Strafor...Sabu did the hack while working for FBI...shall we rethink who is leaking what to who?

where you can find the very juicy emails

Aaron eventually got fired from HBGary

How Sabu trolled reporters...while working for the FBI

webofslime ago

Are you aware of the deregistration paperwork for planes from the FAA, where, after a plane was deregistered, it crashed with 3 tons of cocaine? "The Guantamo Express"

Hopevoats ago

Yes. Although I'm not well versed in FAA. I did see the article about that.

I am certain that there exists a huge government-sponsored crime syndicate dealing in weapons, drugs and human trafficking to fund black ops and to support our rich, evil overlords.

webofslime ago

All of the documentation, along with all kinds of other spook leaks is on the laughing horse site.

Are you familiar? Most of it seems to be available on, but I'm still slowly sifting through it.

Hopevoats ago

Wow. That's a lot of information. Haven't been to that site, before.

Wish that this would have been available back in the days when I wasn't working so much and was looking for something to research! I'll slowly sift through, as well. Thanks for the tip!

ThruTheHaze ago

Join the military and you'll hear much worse. This is tame imo. Settle down people.

Update: down voted for telling people the truth, I like it!

winegrapes ago

military shill

thicktail1730947 ago

There ARE shills, and they DO downvote. They just don't downvote the sensationalist bullshit that makes us all look stupid. They want to rile us up on random easily discredited crap so we lose focus on things that matter like the recent Dyncorp leads.

NotAnIdiot ago

You need to be paid for commenting here to think this.


This is weak. NOT A SMOKING GUN by any stretch. In fact easily dismissed.

"But, but do YOU make NAMBLA jokes sicko?".

No, but people do all the time.

People here are going crazy with confirmation bias and then immediately switch to calling everyone a shill when polite and reasonable disagreement occurs. Quit taking it personally and realize that sometimes your ideas are bad and in fact damaging to the rest of the story.

mrjdouble ago

Hell of a prank... Get your homies killed!

we_kill_creativity ago

I love when a new peace of evidence comes out and person after person lines up to attack it as if it exists in a vacuum, which it doesn't, clearly, it exists in the context of everything else surrounding it and this investigation. Those people are really starting to lose their effectiveness and credibility with anyone they hope to influence. I'm only surprised this is the first I've heard of stratfor "joking" about NAMBLA in emails. I feel like that should have stuck out like a bright flashing light to anyone even tangentially involved with going through these emails.

Fateswebb ago

I think it is being made clear that these people don't just like children or occasionally have sex with them, this is their entire lifestyle. That's the messed up part is they have made this into a lifestyle similar to if you were a skater, or a goth, or a metal head. Where you focus your life on your loved hobby. Well these sick fucks seem to do that with this.

justforthissubverse ago

This is not a smoking gun. I wish people would stop putting "Smoking Gun" in titles unless it really is one. Had to down vote based on that. Content is creepy but easily disputed. Thus not a smoking gun. Now if you had pictures of Stratfor employees at a NAMBLA convention or actually fondling boys, THAT is a smoking gun...

bolus ago

you've nailed exactly why context is important.

Psalm100 ago

They're jokes, but that doesn't mean they're meaningless.

CantWaitToGetAPizzaU ago

Watch for spoopy shills, yo. stay frosty

madmanpg ago

Two references. Eighteen months apart. One right after mentioning "squirrel punching".


DefenderOfTruth ago

Humor or not, "there is some truth in all joking."

I didn't even know the NAMBLA was a thing. But, maybe I just need to catch up with the culture.

peechag8 ago

holy shit! cant believe im only seeing these emails now

bolus ago

ok, first, it's a reply-all, and we don't see the original, but read the words...we love you, we hate to see your sorrow, we're here for you...clearly someone on that list is sad, and someone has done something to one of them...and he finishes by saying let us know if you want us to sign him up... the him isn't one of the CC'd people.

it follows that if they all love the hurt person, then the action of signing up the person who caused harm is retaliatory.

now, it doesn't say that they aren't associated with the group - so if you take it as a serious question, maybe they're implying that they have an inside track...but the previous line offering a squirrel punch kinda negates the idea that these are serious offers.

dunno - doesn't feel smoking-gunny to me.

MAGABoomer ago

Put that could be a woman/man whose significant other cheated or otherwise did something vile..."let us know if you want us to sign him up for NAMBLA"...yeah, sounds like coworkers are trying to help cheer someone up...or suggest methods of revenge, and actually that's a pretty good one.

Von_Neumann ago

I think your analysis of this particular email is correct. Thanks.

Psalm100 ago

----- Original Message ----- From: "Reva Bhalla" To: "Kevin Stech", "Lauren Goodrich", "Kristen Cooper", "Benjamin Sledge", "Marko Papic", "Alex Posey", "Ben West", "Karen Hooper", "Bayless Parsley" Sent: Sunday, June 28, 2009 2:02:15 PM GMT -06:00 US/Canada Central

Subject: Thank you, Strat-Fam..

Guys, I love you so much. This past week has been really painful for me and I don't know what I would do without such amazing friends. Thank you so much for the drinks, dinner and traditional WTF discussions. I'm so grateful to have you all in my life and I love how our Strat-Fam is always there for each other. I'm trying my best to get back up on my feet again, and you all are definitely helping to push me in the right direction. Thank you, with all my heart.


Psalm100 ago

Wikileaks has the original.

Psalm100 ago

Clicked on "Sermons" from and found he's a professing Christian and possible pastor.

Surprised then that he's also joking about pedophilia.

SpikyAube ago

People do, definitely. I know people that have that kind of sense of humour. There are comedians and sit-coms that showcase that kind of humour too.

SpikyAube ago

I think the first one could easily be a joke. And the second one seems like it's to someone who's been having a hard time lately and has thanked her colleagues for being kind. The 'Let us know if you want us to sign him up for NAMBLA' could be because she's been dumped or cheated on or something, or some male has done something horrible to her, so it's slightly joky, like 'we can get revenge on him by making him look like a pedo' Maybe they have dealings with NAMBLA through their work or something? I don't think this proves they are all members - I read it and instantly thought it was a joke and a revenge idea respectively.

bolus ago

yeah, the second one isn't "a joke", but the context is clearly that signing someone up for that group would be in retaliation for some other wrong.

nathanwblair ago

why so many ASSUMING it's all a "joke"? (HINT: SHILLS)


madmanpg ago

Why are you assuming it's not?

markrod420 ago

I think you guys sometimes forget that these are the private emails of a group of people. If you went through my private communications and took every word completely seriously you would think I'm a racist serial killer who wants to kill off 85% of the world. I'm not saying these emails aren't weird. But some of them REALLY come off as jokes and it isn't unreasonable to assess them that way. As SpikyAube pointed out, taking every single statement at face value while ignoring things that are pretty clearly worded as jokes just makes us all look like retards.

Gone20 ago

People are assuming it's a joke because the tone and usage sounds like a joke...

Wolftrail7272 ago

Suck my downvote.

postfascion ago

Yup, they're biting. The op exaggerated, and got a little too exited, but fuck, investigate yourselves. Who knows, the flaws in the op may be to encourage disbelief

SaneGoatiSwear ago


also OP, holy fucking shit. fuck shit fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. fuck.


PSA to ALL USERS: the admins do nothing when law is broken on voat. the admins do nothing when the user agreement is broken on voat. the admins do nothing when reddit cancer is on voat (anymore). The user agreement is null and void. all bets are off. WINTER IS COMING. take the information as you will. you have been notified of information they have attempted to censor at great cost.

note: downvoating these Publice Service Announcements does not work. hmmmm


redditsuckz ago


Alex Jones EXPOSED

Alex Jones and Jewish Sponsors

armyseer...another Talmudist apologist...;

Uses the same web theme(black background) as Phobos_Mothership and pizzathrowaway777;

And pizzathrowaway777 was caught using 32 alt accounts to upvote himself...

Pizzagate Same mods;

32+ upvotes from SAME COMPUTER;

armyseer defending his alt account Phobos_Mothership;

Voat is Compromised - Moderator defends Pedo Symbols

Gone20 ago

In 1998, Jones organized a successful effort to build a new Branch Davidian church, as a memorial to those who died during the 1993 fire that ended the government's siege of the original Branch Davidian complex near Waco, Texas.[36] He often featured the project on his public-access television program and claimed that David Koresh and his followers were peaceful people who were murdered by Attorney General Janet Reno and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms during the siege.[32]

28leinad82 ago

you guys sound absolutely insane right now... the email was clearly a joke. It's like you have all never had a conversation before with someone with a sick sense of humour.

AgainstPedos ago

Definitely NOT a joke. For many years it was common knowledge you could buy a little 5-year-old boy for very little $$ in Mexican border towns. There were always very young kids approaching every Caucasian asking them to buy trinkets.

The language used in the emails demonstrates the authors' inability to see their child victims as individuals let alone human beings with feelings. Therefore they cannot attempt to accurately judge how their targets feel about being sexually molested and raped. Instead they see themselves, physically strong adult males, as the real victims who are being abused by "the system."

SaneGoatiSwear ago

it was a joke?

Gone20 ago

Take your meds

Htaed ago

Shills will attack people with "take your meds" "you need help" "you're mentally ill"

Just sayin.

Gone20 ago

Shills will attack people for saying shills will attack people for saying shills will attack people for saying shills will attack people for saying. Gtfo

thicktail1730947 ago

Argue better. You make SaneGoatiSwear look good, which is bad.

Gone20 ago

Clearly, from my upvoats, I am in the majority.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

personal attack probable hit and run

scripted attack

shill 99% confirmed. logged on chance of shill.

CantWaitToGetAPizzaU ago

we know..

nathanwblair ago

@SaneGoatiSwear notice you got more downvoats than me? your PSA hit a sore spot! nice job! keep it up!

SaneGoatiSwear ago

lol i've had 2000 downvoats this past day and a half.

all to silence me talking about @lockeproposal being a cancer sjw fee-fee deleting mod on voat and that users have been breaking laws on voat for some time now, and since the admins disappeared and came back 1 and 2 months later, they no longer remove illegal content, thus the user agreement is null and void.

oh yeah. i got more dvs than you.

yabbadoody ago

Admins are just protecting their little "pizza space", nothing to hide... except they're recruiting/infiltrating from places like MetaBunk, for one...

madmanpg ago

Nobody is silencing you for not agreeing with these weak, lame connections. On the contrary, it seems that you and yours are downvoting everyone who disagrees.

Wolftrail7272 ago


Gone20 ago


SaneGoatiSwear ago

  1. YOU MUST BE BLIND. 1,900 DOWNVOATS IN 36 HOURS ON ME. MASSIVE DISINFO CAMPAIGN AGAINST ME LASING 30+ HOURS ORGANIZED SHILL GROUP SPENT 100 HOURS EASY DOING IT. just to silence me for talking about @lockeproposal being a reddit cancer mod

  2. "you and yours" i don't know anyone else here. and i don't voat on voat anymore. my voats are the same as they were a month ago.

a. you're an idiot

b. you're knowingly lying.

madmanpg ago


You must be irrational. This is not how you get people to believe you. You are hurting the cause.

"a. you're an idiot

b. you're knowingly lying."

These two statements are mutually exclusive. Either I'm a fool or a liar. Which is it? Make up your diseased mind.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

believe me whoops, you my mistake

no. go look at the evidence.

(edit addendum: point stands asshole)

madmanpg ago

Good job quoting words I never used. Thanks for proving your dishonesty.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

personal attacks


off topic

shill alarm. chance of shill 20%. logged in case of shill.

madmanpg ago

So I'M a shill because YOU misquoted me? Thank you for proving just how irrational you are.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

shilling has increased

fallacy disinfo list unneeded. shill confirmed. not a paid shill, just an idiot most probably; shilling by accident possible. confirmed either way. capped archived and logged; shill by idiocy.

CantWaitToGetAPizzaU ago


nathanwblair ago

@SaneGoatiSwear WOW! that's AMAZING!

SaneGoatiSwear ago

we'll see (regarding your profile quote.)

what an apt quote!

SpikyAube ago

Because it clearly reads like a joke. It's more shill-like to try to claim every little thing is evidence because it makes the whole investigation lose credibility!

mrjdouble ago

At the absolute very least, this is a godamn HR nightmare and certainly would qualify as conduct unbecoming.

28leinad82 ago

it totally reads like a joke.. people just seem batshit insane for thinking this was a serious email - from a graphic designer... this is detracting from ACTUAL investigation leads.

Theupsidedown ago


Explain the unlabelled/uncategorized "subscription" services called "pizza," then, you fuck.

WindowsInJudgement ago

So I assume you use company email group messaging to call your co workers pedo's all the time.

It might be a joke but when all the evidence is circumstantial so far it is important to digest it even just to get context on those who you are investigating

SpikyAube ago

No I don't personally, but I know people who do. I've worked in close knit teams before where everyone is actually pretty close friends as well as working together and people do send all kinds of things over the company email that wouldn't be seen as professional to an outsider. Nothing like porn or anything obviously! But silly jokes and in-jokes and stuff - I can totally imagine that email having been sent to someone at my old workplace.

Gone20 ago

The people who think everything is evidence are either nuts and hurting the cause by making ridiculous claims, they're trying to push their own conspiracy/agenda, or they are paid shills or trolls trying to distract people from real facts and solid evidence.

SpikyAube ago

Yeah I agree with this, I find it really irritating!!

Wtfreddit ago

I believe it was a Stratfor email that mentioned slicing a single piece of pizza eight times and was used on a sticky here for a while as evidence. Given the context of that one (asking for a head count for their office pizza party) it seems pretty plausible that it was a lame joke and I personally believe it was .

This however is not easy to write off as a joke. Have you ever heard of NAMBLA before researching PG? I'd be pretty shocked if many people have outside of either pedophiles or the people investigating them. Sure there could be an inside joke with them that "so and so is a pedophile, hur-hur", but even then they'd have to really be committed to the joke to actually research a pedophile activist organisation use it as a part of their joke. On top of all that the person on the receiving end of the joke would likely not be ok with being called a pedophile. None of this is impossible but to me seems pretty unlikely.

joe_hill ago

yeah a joke.

Like Alefantis said for his instagram pics

MrPim ago

Have you ever heard of NAMBLA before researching PG? I'd be pretty shocked if many people have

What? There was an episode of South Park featuring NAMBLA years ago. It's well known.

WindowsInJudgement ago

I think that south park fucking nailed it. I would love. To know what trey Parker and Matt stone make of the whole PG affair

AgainstPedos ago

Yes I've heard of NABLA. Somehow they got my email address and started an exchange of info thanking me for my donation written on a Nevada State Bank Money Order. I assure you I've never had an account with this bank. I don't know if the collection of emails written on NABLA letterhead was from a troll (I'm female) but it was clear the author like the one's in the emails above was not very well educated. I

In fact both series of emails are distinguishable in that the authors are trying to sound far more sophisticated and powerful then they are in real life. That's also true of the pedo's I've run across in person in the field of entertainment where I work. Note how they view themselves as misunderstood victims while lacking any empathy for the objects of their sexual desires.

WindowsInJudgement ago

Emails don't usually have letterheads. The last sentence in your comment also needs explaining

Wtfreddit ago

I see. If that's the case then it very well could be an inside joke of some sort. There are still some weird discrepancies with them (65k hot dogs, international pizza, etc.) but I'm not sure these emails are very damning.

bdmthrfkr ago

Back when NAMBLA was first outed when somebody noticed that they were renting meeting space at the SF public library making NAMBLA jokes was all the rage. It helped us to burn off our actual rage that a pedo organization was operating out of a public space supported by our taxes.

It wouldn't surprise me if this was more of that. Just my two cents.

28leinad82 ago

well, I don't, but people do... people have strange senses of humour. People joke about being gay, being a pedo, being a rapist etc - it's just low brow humour and given that the office graphic designer is saying it (it's not their role to be serious at all) I am convinced they were just trying (and failing) to be funny. "sign him up to nambla lol". Come on - do you really think people would seriously and openly talk like that without it intended to be funny?

Kwijibo ago

I think this is sarcasm.

FoxMcCloud11 ago

When's the last time you were being sarcastic about a pedo club?

Kwijibo ago

I admit that i would not put that in a e-mail, but then again if i was serious about it i would not put it in an e-mail either.

Fateswebb ago

A work email no less, even if it was a joke it speaks to the lifestyle at the company.

popezandy ago

redberries, what is this yo? Obvious humor, this is worse than the pizza slices cut thin joke. Not evidence of anything, and hardly pizzagate related. Fuck :/

The_Invincible_Moose ago

Hardly a smoking gun. Here's what a good one looks like:

Everyone says 'smoking gun' so much. Let me be as clear as I can: A smoking gun is something NOBODY can argue or deny, and will take down the WHOLE CRIMINAL ORGANIZATION


webofslime ago

Uranium One is enough to bring down those behind the protection racket.

redditfuckingsucksyo ago

Your post about Uranium One is literally the only post I have seen with "smoking gun" in the title since Wikileaks first dropped the Podesta emails that I didn't think was mis-titled

Fateswebb ago

I agree, it however may wake a lot of people up, as it is definitely very creepy, and well sourced.

kneo24 ago

Actually people do. People make rape jokes all the time. People make racism jokes all the time.

This is why context is important. This type of humor is not your cup of tea, but it might be for someone else.

Bubbha ago

Not in a corporate environment. Using those terms will get you an exit interview with HR.

kneo24 ago

You'd be surprised. If no one complains, and most people won't, no one gets in any trouble.

madmanpg ago

You think a bunch of government-paid jackasses give a damn about professionalism? Go read about the EPA having to clean up after people shitting in the hallways at their offices.

28leinad82 ago

It's humour.. it's written by a graphic designer, trying to be funny....

NotAnIdiot ago

Where do you get that at all.

Acidfox ago

Being a graphic designer is not relevant nor it makes him less serious or more jokester or less caring on sensitive subjects which 8 out of 10 people wouldn't joke about