Morbo ago

i am voat. and voat is dying.

RIP Sane. I knew you were sick but I didn't realize it was terminal.

DoomMantia ago

A leap year such as 2016 has 366*24=8784 hours. 6000/8784 = 0.683, so you're saying you literally spent every single waking hour and even some sleep hours of 2016 on Voat. That's absurd. And you expect us to take you seriously...

SaneGoatiSwear ago

i'm glad someone does math on voat bro.

i'm 645 and i live in antarctica i've consistently said this on voat.

eagleshigh ago

6000 hours on voat

Fucking lol man. Get a hobby. A career. Something. Anything is better than wasting your time. Unless you're unemployed?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

soooo maaaany asssumpppptttiooonnss

eagleshigh ago

6500 hours spent on voat, 8760 hours in a year

Solid use of time. And on a website that's dying.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

personal attack

possible shill or troll detected lol eagleshigh a troll NOOO COUDLNAT BEE!

eagleshigh ago

Not a troll. It's a statement of fact. There are 8760 hours in a year. You spend 6000 of those hours in some capacity with voat. Lol what?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

Solid use of time. And on a website that's dying.

personal attack

or are you saying it is a good use of one's time to spend it on a dying website non-sarcastically?

assuming much bro such as one cannot be on voat and do other things.

eagleshigh ago

Was being sarcastic. This website sucks. I hardly use it anymore. If I wanted to spend 6500 hours a year on something, it'd be on something much much more productive than on a dying message board spamming annoying walls of text.

That's just me though.

JewKakkle20 ago

You're not Amalek.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

fuck no. i am not amalek have never claimed to be amalek an i wouldn't want to be amalek.

he's wrong about the jews. earth is controlled by many oligarchs. persian, zionist, western catholic.... SORRY but he's just fucking wrong that jews control earth. zionists control the world'sfinancial systems an 5/6 of american msm. this is true. but that doesn't equal control over it all.

there's so much more to it than what amalek says.

he's fucking wrong.

or well you, if you're actually amalek but who knows. you're 10,000 accounts or none. or jidf static on the line. or fictitious enemy of the sjws.

i know me and i am sane goat.

not amalek.

greycloud ago

i tried to teach exactly that to amalek a long time ago.

heygeorge ago

One can't fill a cup which is already full.

protectdeeznuts ago

Jesus get outside a bit . Power users like you are what kills sites.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

suggesting one cannot be on the internet outside

shilling/trolling detected. chain of assaultive comments now capped and archived and filed in case of shill confirmed.

protectdeeznuts ago

Its not my fault your self-esteem is so low you cant take healthy criticism. No one believes you are a dashing adventurer with tablet in hand sipping coffee on the beach. Stop lying to yourself and get a life.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

personal attacks

shilling level increasing.