IgnorantBliss ago

I'm not sure if we even need the emails! The keys should be enough, and ALOT of ppl would be in possession of the insurance files. Those alone would be pretty damning. They aren't called "insurance" for nothing

ThorTheWonderful ago

At this point we can't tell who is brainwashed and who is acting, the brainwashed ones can be even more dangerous than the ones just acting.

JusticeNow ago

I agree, Assange could be in CIA custody. I think the interview was legit. It is possible that the FindingAssange.com attempt was blackmail to force an interview or release further Podesta emails.

ThorTheWonderful ago

I've been going over it at different speeds and keys, I believe it is some kind of digital creation due to small details, but I can not say it isn't authentic without being able to find a bad flaw to analyze. It will take better ears and software than I have.

But he did give some answers that are consistent with things I know for a fact that I can't be specific on. I do intend to live long enough to see these things through.

ThorTheWonderful ago

Hannity is a lizard person from Jupiter, he is 70,000 years old and he wont be dying for another 120,000 years, I don't what that is in earth years, I just got here and still having a little space lag..

standalone ago

Is CTR outsourcing out of the US?

standalone ago

Like we will not accept anyone's claim to be Satoshi Nakamoto unless he provides a cryptographic proof signed with one of the private key that were used to mine early blocks of the Bitcoin blockchain, we shall reject any claim that Assange is alive that fails to establish in the strongest standard available (video interview, physical appearance at the balcony of the Ecuador Ambassy) that he is indeed alive.

Assange is a cypherpunk. He knows very well how to provide undeniable proof. The fact he didn't provide a proof he is alive means that this is either purposeful on his part (perhaps because he thinks / knows Wikileaks is compromised and he doesn't want a proof of his being still alive to serve as an endorsememt of sorts) or simply that is indeed dead or held in captivity.

ThorTheWonderful ago

You are so fucking desperate to debunk me before I even spend the next 1000 hours listening to and reviewing all these audio files and then take my notes and listen to this FAKE interview to determine if any forensic examination is needed.

I must be on to something!! To get this close attention from a shill!

Now stop filling my inbox with pointless comments.

ThorTheWonderful ago

Even better, how long did it take you to swim across the Med to get to Europe, Demi1Shill?

dindonufin ago

If you keep posting Assange conspiracy bullshit in a forum about stopping child trafficking, then your a forum sliding, pedophile sympathizing, fagot shill. Fuck you. Fuck your mother.

standalone ago

The principle of precaution implies that if you have doubts that a source of information could be compromised, you should consider that it is compromised until poven otherwise. Exsctly like with computer security: if you have any doubt that a system is compromised you must consider it compromised.

Granted it may sound like we are taking a leap of faith by insisting heavily that Wikileaks is likely compromised when we have no proof one way or the other. That is because of the principle of precaution. As a community we are better of being too skeptical about Wikileaks than not skeptical enough. The MSM are already covering the flip side of the coin by taking everything to facevalue without applying skepticism so for the sake of having all points of view covered let us be extremely skeptical and assume as false anything which isn't proven.

Diamond_Deluge ago

The fact that he hasnt done anything LIVE in person for this long, like go to the window to say "See here I am, Im alive" makes me believe he is dead, and its been so long now that if he did do it, I would think it was a body double.

doubletake ago

assange isn't the only source. somewhere, there's a magic weiner decoder thumbdrive(s) out there waiting to be liberated.

ThorTheWonderful ago

How fast can you walk from Georgia to Hudson Bay?

ThorTheWonderful ago

And what do you think you are waiting for? Me to take a piss?

I have a thousand hours of audio to go through, never mind the video's yet.

Go put the porn on and give yourself a jerk, and just shill out!

SaneGoatiSwear ago

it would be very hard to do

gives two ways to do it

haha you're like two voaters in one!

SaneGoatiSwear ago

i'd like to see someone prove that's even him.

e-traiu ago

Yikes 😧

Godwillwin ago

I just listened and at first - the first quarter of it, I felt he was talking too quickly but then by the middle it really sounded like him. Maybe he was antsy in the the beginning and maybe on defense just in case he was thrown a difficult question - he's got to be careful ya know.

By the middle he sounded more at ease and slowed down and calm. I also think it sounded like he was eating every now and then??

I'm going to listen to some other interviews to see if there are noticeable differences.

My husband says that he does recall him saying uhhhhh a lot in past interviews.

I wish Sean would have asked him if he was safe and what happened to phase 3

sixgorillion ago

It's pretty clear by now that CIA has turned Wikileaks into a honeypot, and FindingAssange was a psyop that was meant to legitimize their newly acquired asset.

Anyone who doesn't see this needs to visit this thread I made a few days ago.


Cattsee ago

Thank you for keeping up on this. I hope I'm wrong, but I believe that Assange is gone. The CIA is going to discredit Wikileaks, and most people won't see the truth.

srayzie ago

If our government had him, why would he deny that the Russians were involved? They would want him to say they were. He knew current events and I feel the conversation sounded smooth. Not rehearsed.

standalone ago

US and UK secret services managed to deceive the germans for years after they cracked enigma and feed them bullshit that was critical enough to feel real and led to the allied losing a lot of resources, soldiers and civilians who were essentually sacrificed for the sake of realism and to keep germans from realizing that Enigma had been cracked and that they were in fact being baited with made up intelligence. This worked so well that since WWII the US secret services have become absolute masters of deception and have done false flag after false flag.

If you think they would be that dumb as making Assange tell obvious lies and jeopardize his credibility and therefore their infiltration operation in Wikileaks you are very naive. What's going to happen is that Wikileaks will keep releasing real classified content (so that it can't be faulted) carefully curated to make sure nothing too critical makes it through the crack. Every so often the content will allow to uncover a couple of crimes and misdoings possibly planted to serve as baits. A few globalist will be thrown under the bus on a regular basis, just like civilian ships were sent to their death during WWII. Under these conditions Wikileaks will get back its credibility and become useful again as propaganda tool so it can be used parcimoniously to push big lies packaged together with 99% of truth and to leak conpromising stuff about ennemies of globalism.

srayzie ago

That makes a lot of sense! This is scary stuff. I can't believe all the stuff I'm learning. This world is evil

hanknut42 ago

nah your not going to have Assange who is outspoken about it say that he thinks the russians are involved that'd ruin their PROOF OF LIFE they want WIKI TO STAY UP AND runninggg

standalone ago

Video interview of Assange discussing events that happened in December or GTFO.

SaneGoatiSwear ago


look at this then adobe voco

no seriously, 20 minutes of audio, and you can "photoshop for sound" the person to say anything you want

Diamond_Deluge ago

that music made me want to kill myself. Thanks.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

well if it's that easy, you really shouldn't be here k lol thnx bai jk

Diamond_Deluge ago

It would be pretty hard to kill myself since I have so much to live for but listening to that stupid fucking upbeat music came close to it.

srayzie ago

Oh wow. Theirs would be so much more advanced too. That just shot my hope down

SoManyQuestions ago

He'll be back. He never went anywhere. He's never been anywhere.

Luxxy ago

What audio file, you didnt link anything.

standalone ago

Thanks for the comical relief ;)

anonentity ago

All he's got to do is come out on the balcony and give a quick wave, this hasn't happened.

standalone ago

Exactly. There are many ways he could trivially prove he is alive as he has done continuously over the years. The fact they are trying really really hard to create the impression Assange is alive with MSM quoting supposed statements from him which source is unknow and feel out of character, and yet can't show a single convincing proof he is alive after two months should give a strong indication that in all likelihood something has changed and Assange is either dead or has been captured.

anonentity ago

Google "is Hannity a CIA shill" and a page comes up that claims him and O'Brien are part of mockingbird. If it was fake then Hannity would have to know it was.

anonentity ago

So we have a high probability that we have a virtual Assange. A nice one that could be used. Until theirs a real dump. What's the betting that somewhere theirs a server that's ticking, that will dump on hundreds of thousands of e mails. Twitter face book and Reddit, will have bots looking for suspicious dumps.

lawfag123 ago

it sounded genuine to me, but if they can doctor a video than they can surely doctor and audio

carmencita ago

Today is the day that I have finally lost faith in his being alive. I can no longer believe. I think there is a greater chance that Santa Clause is real at this point. If he is alive, they have him locked up somewhere that no one can get to.

standalone ago

Wait, what you mean "greater chance that Santa Claus is real"? Santa is real!

carmencita ago

I know he is real. I just wanted to make a point. My husband still has to make tracks in the snow on Christmas Eve otherwise someone will be disappointed. Me! What do you think happened to JA?


This is paranoid disinformation, pure and simple.

LookingGlass ago

It's CTR vermin trying to discredit Wikileaks and anything they may publish from now on, laying the ground work so they can scream "FAKE, FAKE, FAKE" if more damaging emails turns up to and from the pedo perverts. Help down vote this shit.

HugoWeavingII ago

I listened to the whole thing...Here's my take:

It couldn't be SPLICED from old interviews because topics discussed include items that happened just yesterday. This doesn't mean that it couldn't be a false recording of someone else's voice mimicking his, but it's def NOT spliced from old interviews.

standalone ago

You don't understand what is splicing. Give me enough samples of you speaking covering a large enough lexicon and I can make you say that you are running for president in next election.

TheCrickler ago

Yep! If somebody has said a word, you can very easily change the inflection with the right tools and skillset. I don't really think there's anything valuable in that interview though. We'll just have to wait and see.

Insubordinate ago

Exactly. The interview mentioned current events including Obama's recent comments on Russian hacking. Not absolute proof, but I'm willing to think that Sean Hannity wouldn't risk his entire career on a fake interview.

Godwillwin ago

Agreed. Sean is a patriot. If it's a fake then Sean doesn't know it

oresd ago

Here we go again, any evidence this was faked?? ?? ?? ??

standalone ago

No, so the status is: we don't know that this is fake but since audio can easily be faked this makes this interview irrelevant when it comes to answering the question of whether Assange is still alive.

oresd ago

I see, so because its possible it was faked that must mean this is true for everyone in the world that does an interview.

Seems like more of a non-point than evidence the interview was faked.

j_m_d ago

Funny sorry and you are probably right, I thought I was in /v/wikileaks and I kept going back on there and didn't see my post and I thought they kept deleting my shit, until I saw your comment and I was like WTF why wouldn't it deserve to be here lol

kiiiiiiTttty ago

This thread seems to serve the purpose to draw people's attention to the suspicion that the interview was questionable in its authenticity. Not only for the context of Assange and his safety, but for me personally the blizzard and artificial qualities of his voice, which hint at audio photoshopping

The implications of falsifying an interview like this are pretty staggering and deserve their own thread

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

oh jesus stop fucking with my brain....I already had one post removed with no explanation. I was thinking white hat black hat stuff. And white hat propaganda. The post i made right before is still there....but not that one.

This rabbit hole is a real mind fucker. Already i was a suspicious dude but now I dont believe any damn thing. I do have some faith in my insight. I think we win this. I think we basically already have. They are just debating who lives and who takes the fall. I think they let Obama live.....but I think Clinton is getting the axe. I also think they will keep all the blackmail kid porn and snuff films they got out of europe and america and put the screws to any repubs or dems that even think of back talking the don. They must be very very sure of Pence. That he isnt a Bush and just waiting for the bullets to make him President.

j_m_d ago

Message signed with his PGP key. Simple as that.

standalone ago

That won't work in this case because if he was killed or captured, they could have recovered access to his private keys.

At best crypto proof will allow to exclude the possibility of a hoax by some unrelated third party and reduce the possibility to two cases: real assange or cover up by people who killed / captured him.

Godwillwin ago

What's a pgp key?

Yates ago

e-traiu ago

We cant take a film of him as proof of life either.

They can CGI Assange .

They own Hollywood. They propably have mad special effect skills and resources.

How the fuck can we accept any proof without getting proof from credicle source, or actually seeing him f2f 😧

standalone ago

It's impossible to prove with a 100% certainty that Assange is alive. Even seeing him for real won't allow to rule out it wasn't a doppelganger or he hasn't been brainwashed. It's a question of how difficult it is to fake the evidence. Faking a video interview is orders of magnitude more difficult and costly than an audio interview that is downright trivial to fake. It's also orders of magnitude more risky as there are so many elements that can be checked as compared to audio.

What we aee saying is that audio is so easy to fake that discussing about this piece of evidence isn't even worth the time and attention because it doesn't increase significantly our confidence that Assange is alive.

lamecustomgifs ago

God knows they CGI'd Phillip Seymour Hoffman.

Blacksmith21 ago

You are 100% right on this one. The CIA has a very long and deep history with Hollywood. They probably own Hollywood. The best of the best of the best is at their disposal when it comes to AV production.

hanknut42 ago

signed message with PGP you have to have the key plus password to use it

djklbd ago

Agreed. And with the new 15,000 emails dumped..

What if, and bear with me here...

What if the comprimised wikileaks released 15,000 new emails in conjunction with this half-ass "proof of life" to rally us into digging through these emails and diverting our attention solely on them. However, the entire purpose would be to distract us from continuing the Pizzagate investigation, and in those emails will be no real damning evidence related to PG whatsoever? SO we would essentially be wasting our time? Maybe they faked this stupid radio interview so it would add credibility to these new emails, "Oh Thank god, our messiah Assange is still alive, lets start digging into the new emails now that we know Wikileaks is not comprimised and this information is 100% credible and real authentic leaks!". And, in these new emails, are a bunch of non-related rabbit holes that get us sidetracked and distract us from continuing the PG digging?

Baluga ago

That's 15,000 old emails. Discovered on Oct.21 when the website's files directory was unlocked.

ThorTheWonderful ago

No kidding.. As soon as I heard about I had to dive into his recorded interviews so I can recognize the splices when they play them into the fake interview.

Everybody thinks that FOX is trustworthy, not so, their majority share holder is a Saudi prince!

Eph513 ago

+1. Also I realise he says 'ah' a lot in previous interviews but the latest audio interview its seems strange..almost like the exact same sound bite imo

srayzie ago

I trust Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson

ThorTheWonderful ago

Having lived my life, I don't trust anybody any more. Especially nobody in entertainment, news, education, politics, CIA, DHS, churches, etc etc.. I have more trust for old school mafia hitmen. These people make Al Capone look like a sweet heart.

I've met sociopaths, so many of them, I actually would trust the typical sociopath more. At least I can understand them as long as I know their motives.

srayzie ago

Yeah I don't blame you. I should say I believe in some of my favorite journalists based on history. But I don't trust people. Especially after all of this

ThorTheWonderful ago

They are playing a think tank number, its like "good cop, bad cop" but with MSM, "good media, bad media".

They play people, "gas lighting", "grooming", never trust these types.

pontagon ago

this wasn't on fox though, just a fox anchor - just clarifying.

ThorTheWonderful ago

Doesn't matter, he still represents FOX.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

splices... they don't need that anymore. see voco by adobe. if they're gonna give that to civilians... those against assange have at least that already.

standalone ago

Prove it by making an Adobe Voco fake interview of Assange that explains with his voice that the interview is fake and explains how easy it is to fake his voice.

ThorTheWonderful ago

I've done editing 35 years ago and you couldn't tell. With digital media it should be a piece a piss.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

yeah voco see that shit.

fucking silly for anyone to believe this shit.

anything wiki puts out now

i consider part of the greatest disinfo campaign in the history of mankind.

ahem cough hash cough keys cough

ThorTheWonderful ago

They have been grooming civilization for a lot longer than I've been alive, little by little they liberalize the masses and little by little the masses get closer to becoming ultra easy to conquer! Classic Bolshevik style pre-invasion.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

we've long been conquered.

ThorTheWonderful ago

Don't kid your self, it gets worse than this!

Jehosefat ago

Ok, then please post the splices side by side with the originals. If you don't do this, then all you have is speculation. I listened to the interview live and did not detect any audio glitches or mismatches at all. If you make a claim like this then you have to back it up.

Godwillwin ago

I thought I heard a glitch when he said ok in between two sentences but then I felt like I heard that same thing while Sean was talking- almost like a record skipping. So maybe it was just the recording

ThorTheWonderful ago

When I download it and give it a listen, I will. I am still listening to all his old interviews, some are hours long.

EDIT: I'll even try to un-filter some of the back ground noises in their splices. Audio manipulation is easy but there is usually traces left!

pontagon ago

The hesitations/stumbling seemed pretty natural to me actually, and I'd imagine they are the types of things it would be tricky to fake, but its somewhat pointless arguing about it, theres no real proof either way, we just have to see how it unfolds.

I also find it strange/curious to why so many people are also pushing "IT IS 100% FAKE YOURE AN IDOT IF YOU DONT AGREE" is actually the idiotic stance here, please just wait until we have something solid to make such absolute claims. And it seems to be echoing hard around this part of the internet.

standalone ago

Nobody is saying it's 100% fake. What people are saying is that it's not a valid proof that Assange is alive and so this piece of pseudo-evidence is 100% useless.

LookingGlass ago

Nothing about the interview seemed suspicious to me.

People are pushing the "fake" thing and "Julian is dead" to discredit Wikileaks publications as fake too. It's an obvious CTR troll effort, this Pizzagate scandal is making them desperate, and it seems we have a few of these CTR cockroaches here on VOAT too....

standalone ago

Unnecessarily assertive about unproven hypothesis. Don't question why no video interview. Jumps the gun and calls other people CTR shills.

You seem more like the CTR shill to me.

hanknut42 ago

we arent calling you an idhot for not agreeing its just take everything MSM does with a grain of Salt. In the end its up to you in what you beleive in

webofslime ago

Splices, aside, he didn't offer any new information. Just a repetition of the sources that he didn't understand as well as he should have, considering most people who have gone over the leaks could have answered a lot of those questions.

I'm not going to go right out and say it wasn't him, but I can conclusively say that we were given no new information and he said some information that is suspect, like the media was wrong in predicting Trump's odds. The media wasn't wrong, they lied. Even Vegas was way off their mark, and Vegas still took the biggest hit in political wagering in history.

RebelSkum ago

My only counterpoint to that is he's been locked up and without Internet access, but albeit I can concur his last two interviews have been really disappointing information-wise.

kiiiiiiTttty ago

The voice is obviously artificial, you only have to listen to his voice rather than listen to the words he is saying. Just pretend he is really boring and you can see for yourself it is 100 percent ficking fake.

common_sense ago

Not really the case.

What, specifically, makes you think that? I'm torn tbh, but saying it's "obviously" fake is just nonsense.

dafacts ago

It is not obviously fake.. what a stupid assumption to make. If it is fake, it's a bloody good one.

Cantilever ago

Of course it's a good one. Knowing that millions of ears would scrutinize it, why would they submit anything less than the very best?

hanknut42 ago

its like these people haven't heard of sound boards before

dafacts ago

I don't think anyone here would take an audio recording as proof of life. We are waiting for "irrefutable proof of life" from the Finding Assange website, and if that isn't provided then we can disregard that entire site and presume Assange is still missing/dead.

standalone ago

This exactly. Sums it up entirely.