Godwillwin ago

So what do you think about the hannity interview? I think Assange may be alive and that they allowed an interview but told him he could not talk about his whereabouts or whether safe etc. they allowed the interview to quiet the people wondering about his well being??

I can't really make sense of the whys but i really think that interview was him (not spliced together)

HarveyKlinger ago

Don't forget the infamous "HELP HIM" tweets from Oct. 20/21.



For a complete timeline of events (some redundant to OP):


  • May 11th: Michael Ratner Wikileaks chief council died of cancer
  • Jul 10th: Seth Rich, DNC staffer who supposedly leaked DNC documents to Wikileaks, is shot in the back and dies
  • Aug 5th: Edward Snowden (source of leaks on surveillance by the NSA) tweets 64 bit code (potential dead man's switch)
  • Aug 10th: Wikileaks offers $20k reward for information on murder of Seth Rich.
  • August 16th: Renowned lawyer who represented Julian Assange died after being struck by train in West Hampstead
  • Oct 7th: Podestamails leaks first batch.
  • Oct 14th: John Podesta tweets "I bet the lobster risotto is better than the food at the Ecuadorian Embassyā€¯.
  • Oct 16th/17th: John Kerry visits the UK, personally pressures Equador to stop Assange from publishing documents about Clinton.
  • Oct 16th: Wikileaks tweets SHA-256 prerelease keys.
  • Oct 18th: Equadorian Embassy cuts off Assange's internet access.
  • Oct 18th: Pamela Anderson visits Assange and feeds him a vegan sandwich.
  • Oct 18th: Witnesses photograph and report heavily armed police and vans outside Equadorian Embassy, are barred from approaching and have cellphones confiscated. Live feeds are cut off.
  • Oct 18th: Fox News reports Assange will be arrested in a matter of hours.
  • Oct 18th: https://file.wikileaks.org/file made publicly visible, file dates/timestamps changed to 1984 (Orwell reference).
  • Oct 20th: /r/wikileaks, /r/dncleaks, /r/wikileakstaskforce and /r/nsaleaks add 21 new moderators and remove previous mods, all threads about Assange going missing deleted since.
  • Oct 20th/21st: Wikileaks tweets 5 tweets with misspelled words. The incorrect letters spell "HELP HIM". The Wikileaks twitter has never made a spelling error, let alone 5 in two days.
  • Oct 21st: Massive DDoS attack on US internet. Wikileaks tweets to imply the attack originates from its supporters, asking them to stop, no evidence supports claim.
  • Oct 21st: London Airport evacuated due to "chemical attack", potentially used as cover to fly Assange out of country.
  • Oct 22nd: Gavin MacFadyen (mentor to Assange and key player in Wikileaks) dies of lung cancer.
  • Oct 23rd: Wikileaks Tweets poll asking how best to prove Assange is alive (he still hasn't appeared on video or at the window since).
  • Oct 24th: Wikileaks Tweets video of Assange and Michael Moore recorded in June.
  • Oct 26th: 4chan users successfully successfully decode their first message in Wikileak's blockchain. Threads are instantly flooded by shills saying that it's not worth looking into. The blockchain is blocked with fees and 43000 unconfirmed transactions appear in the mempool.
  • Nov 6th: Huge DDoS takes down Wikileaks for first time in years.
  • Nov 7th: Various entities notice hundreds of Podesta and DNC emails are missing from recent leaks, accessed with direct entry.
  • Nov 8th: Trump wins.
  • Nov 12th: Assange meets with Swedish prosecutor regarding rape allegations, lawyers barred from attending, meeting conducted via an Equadorian ambassador (not face to face)
  • Nov 14th: Wikileaks releases insurance files, SHA-256 hashes do not match those tweeted in October.

sixgorillion ago

The 'Help him' tweets are pretty unreliable as they contain a few errors.

I tried to summarize a little bit and remove things that normies are likely to reject.

HarveyKlinger ago

Very possible. I'm just not a big believer in coincidences, especially considering the time line and the pretty obvious message the errors spell out. They are PRETTY bad spelling errors. I figure it's better to be safe than sorry when adding them to a public timeline.

eiggaMAD ago

I'm impressed by the amount of thought that went into this.

sixgorillion ago

Yeah that's also very strange, the day after Podesta makes a tweet about the food at the embassy Pamela Anderson(wtf?) visits the embassy with a 'vegan' sandwich. It's a sick joke for him, I think they tried to poison him!

I'm pretty sure that Julian would only eat with the rest of the personnel at the embassy, so that they would have to poison the entire fucking embassy to get to him.

This is probably the reason they stormed it, because he wouldn't eat the "vegan sandwich" which was their last try.

sixgorillion ago

Also, there's this


TheSpeaker2 ago

Can't make anything out. What is it?

sixgorillion ago

I done fucked up.

It was basically just this:


(This particular software is on the lower end of capabilities.)

bodthedog ago

I would be so sad and pissed if Julian was dead. So I hope we don't have to find out.

I don't know much about deadman switches, but could it be likely that the information would still come out? Surely there would of been replication of the files somehow.

anonentity ago

I think we can basically be certain that Julian is in the hands of the enemies of humanity. Their problem is they know their days are numbered . They also know if it gets nasty the army wont support a load of degenerates. So they have a choice.

LakeOfFire ago

Why would the leaker give the goods only to Assange and nobody else? It seems likely, on the assumption that he is rational, that he would have given it to other sources as a backup, as well as some external storage locations.

If Assange was taken, isn't it highly likely that the NSA, FBI, and thereby Trump's team all know about it -- and if so, why haven't they said anything about it? Could they all be under duress too? (Seems doubtful.)

Having said that, it is odd that Assange hasn't made a definitive appearance yet to establish he's still alive.

Is it possible that he's escaped? What if the white vans etc were a private op run by Xe or some other org, busting him out.

This would be consistent with the fact that he has not made an appearance -- he'd have to wait until after the 20th, at the very least.

Just thinking aloud.

Another consideration: whoever's in charge of the WL twitter, they've been calling out the "Russian hackers" stuff. It seems to be working against the CIA if anything. https://twitter.com/wikileaks/status/807303305466703873

sixgorillion ago

It's absolutely ridiculous to think that anyone other than the US had reason to storm the Ecuadorian embassy, on the same day as Kerry visits them and pressures them to allow capture on Ecuadorian soil.

The 'Russian hackers' is complete bullshit, it wasn't Russians that got Trump elected. It was anons from around the world but the blame goes to Russia, why? Because they are trying to instigate a war between the US and Russia, to kill off as many Europeans and Christians as possible.

jangles ago

Here is my theory: Assange and the leaker of podesta emails are the only witnesses of the file transfers. There is nasty shit hidden via steganography in the emails. The only way they will be able to convince their followers that Russia put the cp in there is if they are silenced.

anonentity ago

They will want, what's in the insurance files, but I doubt whether Julian has the release codes. That's their other problem, he isn't stupid.

LakeOfFire ago

Unless the videos are of specific politicians (for example, Podesta) raping kids. At that point the horror and shock would drown out any concerns about who leaked it.

Godwillwin ago

That's what I'm screaming. Who cares who leaked it?! We already know the emails were not changed - what's in the emails has not been tampered with.

I think it was Seth Rich. Watch this interview of Assange - he brings up Seth https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Kp7FkLBRpKg&feature=youtu.be

crazy_eyes ago
