SaneGoatiSwear ago

it absolutely is.


officially from sanegoat:

you are giving v/pizzagate to the sjw cabal taking over voat.

you fucking moron.

Christophalese ago

I suggested this the other day: There needs to be filters like some Reddit subs have, if something is real, we need to be able to vote (like 30 accounts, maybe 50) to tag it as "Established evidence/Real/" etc. If it gets the 30 votes, it has a tag beside it. CCP should still be required in this case so that no shills can get involved. This would be nice, especially for people like myself. I have been a member since Alpha and still don't have a high enough CCP to vote.

Similarly, we should have "disinfo" "not relevant" "shill" etc tags. It is a minor detail that still allows free speech while saving people the time sifting through the useless concern posting or blatant disinfo

kingkongwaswrong ago

reinstating the intro sticky now

PizzaGater12 ago

Thanks for everything you've done dude I'm glad we found a place that didn't censor us like Reddit

eyeofeve ago

I want to leave this here for you and @tracybeanz (I think that was the user name of that heartbreaking heartbroken thread yesterday?) and everyone else who's psyche has been and is being shattered by all these shards of pain from the research. I had one of those nights last week and randomly watched this video before bed.It helped a lot and I felt a lot better the next day with renewed energy to keep going. Take what you need and reject the rest. Awaken Live at Wembly

TheyRevil ago

I'm new to and have some important info regarding a high profile MSM figure and a pedophile connection with connections to power brokers elite. It's a historical tie in from Franklin Credit days highly relevant and brings even more scrutiny of J. Tapper as it shows this entire media complex coast to coast has ties and tentacles into it all.

How do I create a new thread Pizzagate Investigative Researcher community(s) and who will help disseminate it to the top Investigative Researcher voices across social media?

I'll check back for help with this. I'm not looking for fame or credit. Some Subject Matter Experts may already know but it may have been overlooked or forgotten in history. He is still a major media figure and establishment elite.

flyingcuttlefish ago

Thanks for your hard work. Readers can help make life easier for mods.

1] Before posting something "new" see if there's already a discussion about your topic. If there is - add your item as a comment to an existing post instead of creating a new one.

2] If your pizzagate item isn't news or new information but is of side interest - like a pizzagatish story from the past - or is your reaction and thoughts on the situation so far - please place it in \v\pizzagate2.

This story will only expand as weeks and months go by. It will help future readers and researchers if we strive to be tidy.

Royce_of_Veason ago

Thanks for all your help. Current team seems pretty well vetted. Hoping for the continued integrity of this forum. Cheers.

Cantilever ago

Damn near every one of your comments is you bitching about not getting upvoats. Shut the fuck up and let it happen naturally.

Cantilever ago

Fuck you, pussy

argosciv ago

Balarama ago

Kingkongwaswrong I upvoted a thread critical of the high mod count (9) in the early days after the reddit shutdown; you responded quickly, very coherent & constructive. I admired & respected your position then & mentioned as much in my initial post. Staying on the case all these days youve been a true guardian thnx for ya capable commnd in this open source campaign. We appreciate your bravery! Get some sleep, take a couple days off the case and we'll see you in a few.

Noctu ago

Thank you for having the filter tag "already discovered"

Can the new mod start moving or merging/removing duplicate and repeat threads? Its like a carousel in here daily

blearyeyed ago

Much gratitude for all your hard work. Been lurking since I read it and joined because of the substance here. I believe in the power of reason in the face of that which is not reasonable, due process to the tyrant who denies it, and more speech where it is being restricted. Thanks mods and all, very powerful energies at work here. Train roll on.

kingkongwaswrong ago

I wrote several good comments while dealing with a shill who was ragging on another newbie and received almost no support in up votes, even though regulars were clearly reading my comments and even replying.

Yes I've seen this a lot. We all need to use our votes very generously

MeatballPizza ago

Thanks for the great work!

The Shills have shown up, but the research goes on.

Appreciate the axing of off-topic threads (including my own!) and the board avoiding the big divider points. May had a few cranks go elsewhere, but good for that! Better to have a board that's looking for real leads and information than engaging in flame wars.

Fight on!

fvckh1m_up ago

why do we allow ourselves to use a discussion board that allows vote buying.

is there an alternative secondly is there an IRC

kingkongwaswrong ago

feel free to help find an alternative public space that we can use to collaborate on research!

Also yes feel free to search for an IRC or other chat platform.

kingkongwaswrong ago

doesnt work. Cant join via tor. Think of something else. And i would suggest you think about your opsec

fvckh1m_up ago

I don't know something else

interested ago

where do you get one of these combustible animal dolls Ben Luzzatto's blog mentions? Can't find anywhere. This shows how to "bury" animals though::

Quite the treehouse too. Wonder who plays in it?

The .22 mark is interesting here. kids do seem to love Heather Podesta.

Torqomatic ago


WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

Thank you for a place to research, learn and educate others. This is so important.

Chance903 ago

Thank you so much, it does mean something to me. I am medically retired, injured on duty. I raised my son to never take my word for it, research EVERYTHING from at least 10 or more sources to see for yourself then come talk to me. it is funny we are now both going to college together. I am going to get my masters and go back into Law Enforcement in forensic psychology. I raised my son as a critical thinker, so when my son said ,"mom you really should not discount this unless you are willing to look into it, isn't that what you taught me?" I thought holy shit my kid is calling me on what I gripped on his whole life. So I began to look into this late Oct. Yes this is real and anyone that says it is not I believe they are colluding. Unfortunately. I found so many more things I had not been looking for. I left the democratic party. I was 3rd generation. At this point. Man, I never thought the world would come to this.... I am still going to school in finals next week ,my son as well but I have begun preparations for inauguration day. I do not plan to be in the city or school that day. I think at this point we should investigate, not give up, hope for the best but be prepared. If we get through this alright. I think Pizzagate should not disband but make it a point to go on investigating worldwide pedophile rings. This shit never goes away, it goes underground.

Melitica ago

This has been heavily discussed on the chans , on here as well but there has been no conclusion or other evidence.

Having children of my own...they are messy but I would never have posted that, even if it just spit or snot.

kingkongwaswrong ago

no I have not. I will still be checking in from time to time as sort of an emergency fall back. stay safe.

Nobody27 ago

go to then click on "friends" then "heavy breathing" then page 6

ZalesMcMuffin ago

I'd rather not go to their site. Is there an online backup we could look at instead?

(I realize that looking at something other than the original source introduces the possibility of fakery. I trust the openness of this process to keep such an effort honest.)

IamJulianAssange ago

That is a seriously fucked up page. Dear God, I have sons! What is wrong with these freaks??????

Nobody27 ago

I know... but i think some people can dig into this a lil deeper. i kinda think it might be disinfo yet the site involved is screwy... people dont like this but im posting the link anyways... and a link to the weird site seemed incomplete or even a mock. thank you people.

VieBleu ago

@crensch @VictorSteinerDavion @knowthyself @millenial_falcon @numbchuck, @phobos_mothership @melitica @rktyp @dafacts - @justiceforever - @heygeorge @kevdude

Im a civilian here, but I think the most dangerous thing that is happening needs to be brought up. Overtly promoting violence of any kind whether in submissions or in comments must be wiped out here and grounds for immediate something - up to you- but should be not tolerated. This group faces enough problems without shills and retards posting things about vigilante justice which might make it appear to press, law enforcement, outsiders or interested newcomers that everything they heard about pizzagate activism being a "nest" for angry racist gun toting crazies is true. it is not true and the mere appearance of it is not in our interests. Let violence-promoting free speech take itself elsewhere.

This is one recent example of what I mean - a thread that has nothing to do with pizzagate as an investigation, is tabloid in content and promotes vigilante justice -

As a member of WWP I can say that their long time policy of intolerance towards promoting illegal activities worked out for them at a time when Anons were under attack for various activities, allowing for a clean forum in which ideascould flow.

I ask that you consider this a priority in some meeting. thx!

Chance903 ago

agree 100%

kingkongwaswrong ago

lol. I legitimately believe that this is all connected to MKultra, monarch program and the illuminati but that's just me. I'd dig deeper into the rabbit hole if I were you - get all the info then you can make your mind up

But regardless, we've tried to keep this sub focussed on investigation, not speculation. Please downvote anything that doesnt align with the rules, and ping one of us so we can delete it!

Chance903 ago

Absolutly MKUltra,monach programing did my thesis last year on psycological programing doen by the USA, I was so broken and disgusted by what I found on at one point I had to stop when I found matrial like this link, which was part of my thesis: “Statement to Presidential Report on Radiation, Claudia S. Mullen, March 15, 1995. I was born in 1950 and by the age of 7; I thought I was already accustomed to being an abused child. I was wrong. Nothing could have prepared me for what was to follow. Between the years of 1957 and 1984, I became a pawn in a government scheme, whose ultimate goal was mind control and ultimately to create the “perfect spy”. All through the use of chemicals, radiation, drugs, hypnosis, electric shock, isolation in large tubs of hot or cold water, sleep deprivation, brainwashing; and verbal, physical and emotional abuse. By the time I was 9, I was also being sexually abused and humiliated as a coercive technique. I was exploited unwittingly for nearly three decades of my life and the only explanations given were: “That the end justifies the means”and “I was serving my country in their bold effort to fight communism”.I can only summarize my circumstances by saying, they took an already abused 7 year old child and compounded my suffering beyond belief. The saddest part is- I know for a fact; that I was not alone! There were countless other children in my same situation and there was no one to help us….until now. Thst is an except from the website if you do not think MKUltra is real, thenI don't know who to help or inform any of you , that except is extremly mild if you understood how very broken I felt after reseaching my theis. Anyway it is my firm belief that Kingkongwaswrong is correct in his belief this is all connected. Go read for yourself.

Chance903 ago

Leo_Dei, I am also retired LEO and yes, this is real and the people here are so invested. I came into this trying to (disprove) this to my son , I have woked the 290 program off and on for years. SO I was trying to disprove it and found, sadly no way could I infact while investigating this I have come across other non compliant 290's that are stalking children. I wondering why the local law dogs are not seeing all the out of compliance are not being sweep uop by their respective P.O's. Message me if you like maybe we can work together on this as a team.

dontsuicidemebro ago

That's an extremely interesting story you have. Have you/would you be up to a making a thread explaining your process from skeptic to supporter and how your LEO background informs your opinion of the evidence? (plz no accusations of trying to slide) I think it would be really useful, for those of us trying to do the convincing and those of us yet to be convinced.

Chance903 ago

I have finals next week, after that, I would be happy to tell my story, actually, it is our story, my son and mine, As he was on 4chan and you can only imagine my horror at that.many times I had seen his p.c screen and just shook my head and walked away. But I always believed that I had raised him well and he would use his mind for good. At any rate yes. I would be fine to tell you how and ex LEO, PTA mom, and volunteer came to investigate this topic. I have always been very moderation since rasing my stepdaughters and my son.So I never thought I would be here. As I have said to my kids ,you never know where the road leads. private message me.I am free after the 15 of Dec.

dontsuicidemebro ago

Great! I'll try to remember. I think it's awesome that you're a mother with a badass career and a critical, open mind still pursuing your education. Can't wait to hear your story!

Chance903 ago

For a deeper understanding of this issue please read the following.
I think that we are all just doing our best here, but I can see and believe that not only are shills here, there are of course pedophiles that have come here for their jollies. We should all have considered what they are doing with their commodities (children) and the liquidation of assets(children) this really is not a game. I wish we had a venue that could be vetted. I have, to be honest, I am very skeptical of others because I worked for the Government, Just the S.O but I understand what that means when you find corruption and are too idealist and expose it.

Chance903 ago

I also wanted to Thank those that have worked so very hard and been diligent in their research. I do feel sad about the amount of name calling and trollish behavior but that has always been part of 4chan I should know my son has been part of 4chan since he was about 14 and now he much older. But if it were not for me trying to DISPROVE to my kid that pizzagate was not real, I would not have known it is. My kid was able to wake me up stop supporting KIllery , vote for Trump and investigate this in stead of listeing to MSM, which I never ever will watch again. Thank you all for waking me up.

Vindicator ago

This is so awesome. Good for you. Good for your son! Obviously a based family. As a former journalist, you have no idea how much this pleases me!

Nicefind ago

Well done. Good luck on your next adventure.

98_Vikes ago

Hey mods, I posted a question in this sub and it seems not to show up. I'm from Reddit, have never used voat, so I probably don't have the credentials for my post to appear. Can you guys take a look and approve it? Thanks!

Crensch ago

We've seen those, too. You're all sick fucks.

wecanhelp ago

Thank you very much for what you've done for the cause so far. This level of critical and responsible thinking at the top level of this investigation has been key to every bit of success, and I'm trusting that the team you've assembled will live up to this high level. What sets this effort apart from both compromised media and your average conspiracy theorists is precisely this kind of mature and resilient approach. I'm extremely proud of this community, don't give up, people.

oresd ago

I hope this isn't bullshit

hafen ago


justanotherone2 ago

Is it possible to ban shills? I mean in clear cases where there is no debate about if it's really a shill or not?

sentryseven ago

Thanks for taking all the flak. You've been a good moderator who has made great improvements and contributions.

LacunaPerpetual ago

Thanks for all your hard work. It's for the best cause, saving children's lives. May we never stop exposing the evil.

Runaway-White-Slave ago

it's total bullshit about a week or two after you created this sub the rules were changed to where only voaters who've had accounts for 30 days can create a sub.

I wonder how many actual sexual abuse victims are a little annoyed at this shit? I imagine it's a few, you take a systemic problem, one that's been around for generations, real prevalent in the military & government ranks for years, complete with cover-ups, and here on voat you've got to throw this shit in their faces every-day, as if you're saving the world, or somehow going to. When those who've lived through such and some how managed to not have their lives entirely destroyed, know it's bullshit.

Idgaf, erroneously or correctly label anyone you want, pretend your only detractors are shills, pretend simply increasing public awareness, which this isn't really doing, is going to change anything.

What this thread needs though, someone to go through dig through the bullshit, because there is tons of it, and create a subverse, a blog, something with only the most relevant content. Because there's no easy or comprehensive way to present all the relevant factual information, and certainly no order to it. But just to see the same shit posted over and over, to see all these bullshit personal stories or takes on things like it's a group therapy session on here some days......... It's like everyone's got an ulterior motive, or ignorant, couple that with the actual shills and such......, and that's just the truth as plainly as I see it.

joey4track ago

In my experience people who have been abused are very concerned about this as they have every reason to be. Until they come out and take responsibility for their cryptic emails, pedophiliac art and disgusting comments on social media regarding children we can only assume they are guilty AF and NEED TO BE STOPPED

anolegion ago

Karma's a snitch

siriansun ago

I fucking LOVE everybody who's on to these sick demented people. I'm so impressed by the great work that's being done by everyone. Each and everyone of us, no matter the amount of work done (believing is enough) is worthy of a medal of Honour. My grandfather fought hard to deliver us from threats of the Axis powers in WWII. This war is one of a whole different type. I feel so much hope by seeing how people have adapted to the reality of what we're facing and how many Soldiers of Truth have showed up for duty. Keep up the good work and never get caught up in differences. We're all in this together, brothers and sisters in arm. Karma will reward all and punish those who deserve it. This is a Law of the Universe.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

The Axis powers were fighting the real threat (Uncle Joe, et al). The Allies were conned into stopping them. No Internet back then, though, so the dominant narrative went virtually unchallenged for a long time.

I don't want to hijack the subject here. Pizzagate is the subject. Regardless of other disagreements, we can still unite against the present evil, and I believe we're going to need to do so across virtually all demographic lines. Thanks for joining the fight, and for all that you (everyone in this effort) do.

Wellwerefucked ago

I love this! Soldiers of truth have showed up for Duty & we are not controlled like puppets!

reasonedandinformed ago

Great work. We will continue the fight to find and spread the truth!

doubletake ago

Thank you and all who have worked to keep this as probably the most critical body of work so far to pursue and hopefully destroy this hideous scourge that has plagued hundreds of thousands of children for generations. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I'm very new to this realm of the web, and i am often overwhelmed to tears at the seriousness and the brilliance operating in the pages. God bless, and keep on keeping on.

gopluckyourself ago


Votescam ago

We need more Whistleblowers from every profession.
Still uncertain as to WikiLeaks future.

goodguy1367 ago

We need someone on the inside that actually cares For these children to have the balls to release a pic/video incriminating one of these people. These sickos get off on this shit so there wld be millions of keepsakes out there so who the fuck is going to man up and give us that video/pic. It would be something that anyone with a heart couldn't bare to see, sadly

joey4track ago

This. A thousand times this.

FormerBaltimoreRes ago

Guise let's not be partisan here! We need to stop investigating democrats or people won't think we're fair!

The mainstream media was just about to take us seriously and then a nazi scared them away. We better ban anyone who says anything racist or anti-semetic!

Tough luck looks like the pedos won again we might as well give up.

I'm totally not a shill just because my account is a few hours old, in fact it's the guys with a year old accounts who are the real shills!

TheDude2 ago

I understand. Just an idea I have that I keep spouting.

Votescam ago

Since I'm new, I'll just upvote your post via my comment as I have no votes right now -- Also right now websites like this are replacing our CIA/corporate press. We all remember that one -- our right to challenge government, to inform the masses - to challenge the powerful. ???? Right now they are ensuring in every way they can that the powerful cannot be challenged. There may be an answer also here in simply people replying with a REC or a posted UPVOTE?

Votescam ago

Excellent website and think any post should show real interest and curiosity about the discussion -- and also advance the discussion and information in some way. I'm a real amateur so I'm here to learn. And very much admire you all -- impressed with you work -- and your courage. Thank you.

LawofTruth ago

Thanks for the great work, I know it's definitely a time consuming effort but worth the fight! hope we get the best new Mod out there. New to this chat but let me know how I can best help!

Bentastixc ago

About shills - I'm being called one here it may be true I don't know, but I found the post misleading.

I am Sentastixc there. I logged in with this account because I was blocked(?) from posting here, saying "Please try that again in 30 seconds" over and over and over again.

If I'm not a shill, here is an idea how to battle shills:

Apart from downvoting disinfo, you veterans should also consider upvoting commenters who seem legitimate. There are loads and loads of them around without the rights to even downvote (100 comment points).


retractableclaws ago

That "Please try again in 30 seconds" thing is because you viewed the page in one account (say Bentastixc), then logged out and logged into another account (say Sentastixc), then hit the back button to get back here, but the cached version still had your original login in (Bentastixc). The solution is simply to refresh.

gopluckyourself ago

losing sorry this bugs me more than it should.

FormerBaltimoreRes ago

Thank you for correcting the record 2 hour old account.

FormerBaltimoreRes ago

You are paid to defend child rapists.

Julian55 ago

This is one of the most awesome things that I have ever been apart of. I have the greatest gratitude for all your hard work, and all our hard work collectively.

PizzaGatinOnYa ago

FULL ARCHIVE OF INSTAGRAM PHOTO's downloadable fantis, and friends

in4theLongRun ago


Pathfinder_ILF ago

wheres the real sticky gone to?

kingkongwaswrong ago

its the first line of the post

GoGowdy ago

Hey thanks for never stickying the most important things

Thanks for never tagging obvious shill posts, while tagging relevant others as "possibly irrelevant"

Thanks for doing this attempt to regain credibility, very entertaining

Thanks for subtly encouraging a crazy anti Jew/Comet narrative

You sure spend a lot of time on here and a spend a lot of time defending yourself for someone who claimed at first to not know how any of this works

The top mods are all subtle shills

Look at all the other comments here trying to make it seem like the community approves

This sub was carefully controlled from the beginning

kingkongwaswrong ago


RageGoddess ago

Lol 2-hour old account. You make this just to leave this comment?

FormerBaltimoreRes ago

He's doing this all over the forum.

md3inaustin ago

Yes, seriously, Thank.You! The world will not be the same because of the good and hard work all of you did. Wish I'd had more time to be more involved, but am grateful for those that have spent the time getting this info to the public.

wellington33 ago


TheDude2 ago

On the shill thing. I always had an idea that may help. Self help moderation. Any illegal shit is handled by Voat and company and deleted. Any obvious spam gets the same treatment (think click here for tech support crap). But the users decide what mods they want to trust. For example. User 1 trusts mod2 and mod3 but not mod1. Therefore user1 would still see anything deleted by mod1. User 1 could even mod themselves, but nobody else would see those edits unless they subscribed to user1's changes.

FateBender ago

Thank you for your work and we appreciate your dedication despite so many members here doubting your motives and calling you a plant in the past!

apparatchik1488 ago

Thanks for keeping it free speech here. A lot of shills trying to censor stuff they disagree with, especially if it is "anti-semitic"

zoupSER ago


SavingGrace ago

Thank you kingkongwaswrong :-)) You're a legend.

md3inaustin ago


in4theLongRun ago


LookingGlass ago

Thank you for your work. Great to have this place now that reddit has turned full pedo protector.

Also want to say that I am not really that worried about the obvious CTR shills. People can smell these vermin from a mile away by now, after being spammed and pestered by them through the whole election process. The dumb shills will fail once again - just like they failed massively at getting the "inevitable" pant suit elected, lmao.

Bentastixc ago

Join the discussion: Could voat be designed to silence?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

it absolutely is.


officially from sanegoat:

you are giving v/pizzagate to the sjw cabal taking over voat.

you fucking moron.

VictorSteinerDavion ago

I'm a SJW?

Why did nobody tell me!

But seriously, if you a legitimately concerned about a SJW take over (as opposed to having fun) let me know what you would need to have confidence in the moderation team.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

i don't know you. you don't know me. safe to say i'm probably not talking about you. where sbbh and pv go, so goes the sjw cabal of downvoat brigaders and disinformation using fallacy-filled voat-takeover plants, and you have a couple of them as mods on this sub already!!!! they weasled their way through reddit like worms and now voat. they wasted no time worming into v/pizzagate.

see those downvoats? lol.

VictorSteinerDavion ago

you have a couple of them as mods

Point them out (pm if you feel the need to) so I can monitor them and evaluate that for myself.

SJW's are something I cannot tolerate (ha!) and I don't want to see that cancer getting a foothold here.

I am not an active moderator on /v/pizzagate in the sense of watching the queue and banning/deleting etc, but as a community member I aim to be as active as time permits.
Feel free to harass me as much as you need in order to address any concerns. I can't promise much but I'll do what I can.

reasonedandinformed ago

The concern is not for the informed but the uninformed who are forming an opinion. They can be easily misled, with the biggest problem the propagation of false information that the shills plant into the investigation, all in the interest of discrediting our work as "fake news." I would venture that the average person on this site is not so aware of CTR and shill tactics, and the percentage who cannot decipher it will grow as the audience expands. We need a concerted strategy to help. I think we should have a well argued "sticky" at the top to help people understand this issue.

LawofTruth ago

This is a really great idea

Chance903 ago

I think you are right about being able to decern what is posted froma shill or not. Maybe a sticky can be made and list behavior or they type of propaganda that these Soros fueled shills would write. I myself have turned inward and post less here and investigate more on my own due to trolls and shills.

GoGowdy ago

This isn't partisan

Congratulating someone who tried to sabotage

Upvoated so community can see a textbook shill post

Bentastixc ago

Exactly! I will repost my comment here so people actually see it.

About shills - I'm being called one here it may be true I don't know, but I found the post misleading.

I am Sentastixc there. I logged in with this account because I was blocked(?) from posting here, saying "Please try that again in 30 seconds" over and over and over again.

If I'm not a shill, here is an idea how to battle shills:

Apart from downvoting disinfo, you veterans should also consider upvoting commenters who seem legitimate. There are loads and loads of them around without the rights to even downvote (100 comment points).


EDIT: You see Trump and part of the alternative media move away from Pizzagate. These are tactics. It is too dangerous to run with this right now, while the whole system of law enforcement is still run by the people accused in the material. They(the accused) want us to continue flood the internet with Memes and posters and superficial rage-discussion. Those are the things pushed to Hot and Top. So they can really give their spin on this before the inauguration.

LuminaryAziraphale ago

Just by being active i got 100 goats in like a day and a half.

GoGowdy ago
