VieBleu ago

Vigilante justice has nothing to do with the investigation of pizzagate. Unfortunately, those who don't want this investigation to continue to uncover the truth will post this kind of garbage so they can point fingers here later and call the forum violence prone. Consider the OP and those violent commenters here to be such infiltrators until proven otherwise and not representative of this community, its spirit, its motives or its aims.

Cbradio ago

Hey, how can someone hack and erased PMS? That's going on to me. Who runs /owns voat? I've written on subverses that sell merchandise, and a subverse that talks about a old site hacker to a @atko and another guy, but have not heard back. Really getting creepy..

VieBleu ago

what do you mean by PMS?

Cbradio ago

Private messages and more stuff erased. Who runs /own voat, so I can contact? I've tried an @aako and one other guy, ..but have not heard back.

VieBleu ago

you'll need to explore the "mod transparency" area at the right --------------------------------------------------->

You'lll see a list of mods and can contact them by putting an @ in front of their name in a comment.

Cbradio ago

I'm looking for who runs and owns voat. Mods may be all legit, maybe not, and hacking my account is way illegal and creepy. And surely, they do not want that going on in voat. And hacking on voat is a overall voat issue, just makes it creepier due to subject matter.

VieBleu ago

good luck - let me know when you find out

Cbradio ago

Not really luck, more of safety concern.

VieBleu ago

spell it out - why are you worried about safety for looking for the owner of a public website like voat?

Cbradio ago

I'm not spelling anything out on public. Thanks. My life matters to me and my boundaries, including MY account rights. You know, I spent hours doing the music you asked, it was no joyride. You could be a bit cooler, even just pm.

You want your account hacked? We are not looking into flowers, yknow.

VieBleu ago

sorry what I wrote rubbed you the wrong way. I am just not threatened by a legal public discussion or the idea of owners of websites that openly invite public speculation and discussion and vehemently express free speech beliefs to be predatory. Fear is what shuts people up and is warranted at times, but not just for yakking online. Of course there are interferences, but there is always trolling anyway. Too many people are intereted in this topic, and no one person is really a leader. Anyway, I wish you the best and if things get too weird,for you by all means you should take a break.

Cbradio ago

A should be about all who help to ve safe, a value and FACT, every hour a child surely raped and killed.

VieBleu ago


Cbradio ago

That's a double standard, I saw you wentnoffbon the street vigilante post as a safety issue. And sorry, anyone legit that contributes, their life and safety is not expendible to me, and hacking is a crime and stalk harrasments.

Not sure how any legit have ones helping so expendible, as IF creepy has not happened prior, or to care of kids lives, it really requires caring of any lives that help.

To hack is illegal and ag bout terms use or any website, way note than mod rules on pizzagate that so many go anal on.

VieBleu ago

I am not defending how the website is run, I'm just not afraid of it or its mods, owners or denizen trolls, CTR, CIA, FBI what have you. Either there are places for free speech or there aren't - this place loudly declares it is such a place. It can't be both ways. Sharing info that is easily available online is free speech. I am clearly on record as being absolutely against hate speech/bigotry/anti-semitism/homophobia which they don't agree with here as they adhere to high libertarian ideals (or just want to be racist fat haters etc), but At least they do agree here that violent comments/vigilantism and doxing must be removed.

Cbradio ago

What are you talking about? Its illegal to do and the LEGAL RULES OF VOUT..and I already emailed their security team..they DO take it serious, and anyone legit should, without even explaining....both ways?makes no sense..its illegal to hack ones account here and in the laws..and anyone legit would be concerned, esp.on this issue and series of events to others..its REALLY that simple..and from your type of commentary, odd I would have to explain and odd you would suggest I leave for speaking up about a crime and what IS very ag VOUT RULES..LEGAL RULES..termsbof service and privacy bro..bottom of ur IF you would not be concerned if ur account hacked..?? OK dokey

VieBleu ago

I"m trying to be sympathetic, but you are just not making a lot of sense to me. good luck.

Cbradio ago

I'm not leaving, but sure emailed security team. Why would I leave, I'm not the illegal criminslmon here.

Cbradio ago

And if not so worrisome to you, have those pedo serials at your house, for frankly, I don't go thousands of feet's by those, unless they locked up and I'm spitting at them. And, rest of legit have a right need to know. People are not expendible and hacking goodvpreps is PHUCKED illegal

Cbradio ago

Mods don't run this..owners do..I'll go to them..not questionable scenarios..

Cbradio ago

And spell what out, beyond hacking IS illegal and way ag voat terms of service.

Cbradio ago

I'm also only on a cell, so do not have the laptop web view/ full options. I cant even find where to change my password. Techskills is not up my ave.

VieBleu ago

downvoted. sorry, even a reasonable discourse on the postives of vigilante justice is not tolerable. downvote please.

rail606 ago

Lol these are people caught right in the act in these countries. There is no need for a trial. This is a real community. Everyone knows everyone. They aren't just taking someones word for it they see it with there own eyes and judgment is done.

VieBleu ago

You want to have sex with pedophiles? gross.

VieBleu ago

Putting violent ideas through this website endangers everyone here. Stop it cuck tard.

Rigg5 ago


Kwijibo ago

This was already posted and it is NOT pizzagate related. Please only post pizzagate info here. No, I am not a mod, but this is off topic.

helpthem ago

Doot Doot muthafucka

antisocialist ago

Motherfucker got trumped.

PetitPrince007 ago

If justice in court doesn't do its job...

totesgoats908234 ago

In other "less civilized" countries, mobs will take pedos/rapists out in the street, beat them black and blue and light them on fire. Plenty of liveleak videos like this.

VieBleu ago

downvoted. Violence isn't tolerated on this public forum.

totesgoats908234 ago

Says who? Stand in the way of street justice for a pedo and you may end up getting curb stomped and a trumpet shoved up your ass.

Watch yourself.

VieBleu ago

When the real people here go for a smoke, your obvious shillness is the butt of our jokes.

totesgoats908234 ago

Whatever helps you sleep at night, kiddo.

VieBleu ago

A clean conscience is what makes me sleep great. You should try it some day, soon.

Kwijibo ago

This is not a "bash the pedos" sub. This is sub is about pizzagate. Rule 2 in the sidebar.

totesgoats908234 ago

Cool story, bro.

PetitPrince007 ago

Who the heck are you to decide what this forum is for and what is not for? By violence you meant a pedo freed after 4 years only whereas he was sentenced to 30?

Kwijibo ago


VieBleu ago

So, you going to beat me up?

READ __________________________________________________________________________________________>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

This forum is for posts about pizzagate. This does not further the investigation of pizzagate. Aside from that it is just about a taste for vigilante violence after the justice system fails - that is not of interest here, take it somewhere else. Thank you.

PetitPrince007 ago

why would I do it? Strange man/woman/other/nothing

derram ago :

Paedophile musician beaten to death with trumpet by parents near Buenos Aires | Daily Mail Online

'A trumpeter has died after being badly beaten during a concert he was giving in a cathedral near Buenos Aires. '

'The attack took place on October 30 at the cathedral in Moron, a Buenos Aires suburb. '

'He was attacked by parents from a preschool where he had allegedly molested children, a priest said Monday. '

'Marcelo Fabian Pecollo, 42, was a music teacher and trumpeter with the Moron city orchestra. '

'He was sentenced in 2010 to 30 years in prison for molesting five preschool children. '

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