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WeekOne ago

Hahaha, the one guy that grabbed an armload of bananas!!

New-World-Ebola ago

lmao the low iq chimp grabbed the low value bananas like he just picked up a bullion heist

jewsbadnews ago

Ayo we wuz Donkey Kong n sheit!!!

SparklingWiggle ago

yeah, worth $3. At least they are healthy.

Broc_Lia ago

Not really. Nutritionally they're like sugary bread.

SparklingWiggle ago

I posted a link with a bunch of benefits. Antioxidants, Magnesium, Vitamin C, Potassium, etc.

Broc_Lia ago

Isn't it pretty light on those? I thought you were better off using citrus fruit or apples.

Master_Foo ago

You should eat a banana after a workout. The potassium is pretty much the perfect dosage to help relieve that "stiffness pain".

lord_nougat ago

They're pretty great on potassium I know for sure. Back in the day when I used to go on training rides with my ironman triathlon nerd friends we'd carry bananas for that point around 90 miles where the cramping starts to set in, and they totally work, albeit for a somewhat brief time.

binrobinro ago

Bananas have about 500 mg each. RDA is 4,700 mg/day.

gosso920 ago

So, eat 9 1/2 bananas. Got it.

lord_nougat ago

Hm, I guess I should have carried more bananas, but for some reason I'm not that fond of eating more than one of them a day... which I clearly need to get over, as our bananas from our tree are almost ripe now, and eating those beats going into town to that store mobbed with retarded plebs!

Broc_Lia ago

Nice! I'll give that a try.

Personally my tournament food is watermelon. It's a great source of sugar and vitamins, while also being really hydrating.

lord_nougat ago

Oh wow, that would for sure be refreshing at any rate!

But it would be harder to carry on a bicycle on a 100 mile ride. On the other hand, the added weight would make for better training! But then, we all had loads of water bottles also. Additionally, peanutbutter and honey sandwiches were easy to carry and felt adequate.

I miss that. I should ride again.

HiJoker ago

Not only that, you have to be fast enough to stay ahead of the niggers chasing you because you've got a watermelon.

Great training tool. Remember, don't look back, they might be gaining on you. That way you are in a constant sense of urgency.

Just tell yourself they'll beat you, steal your bike, rape you, kill you and set you on fire and not in that order if you're unlucky. Oh yeah, they'll take your watermelon as well.

You'll be olympic material in no time.

lord_nougat ago


Funny thing, part of my training was riding to work every day instead of driving or taking the bus, and I swear, the bus driver on the main street I took pretty much wanted to run over me... so I just decided to be faster than him and lever let him catch up. This was super hard the first few days but got easier right away. I chose a pretty direct route that had moderately crappy traffic, because that way I'd be able to keep up with prevailing traffic, and eventually cut my commute time in half compared to driving my car, and way better than the bus; 50 miles round trip a day. I do miss that; we moved to a much nicer part of town, but with much worse roads back into town where the office is... so now I just work remotely more. Well, now we all work remotely entirely, if we're lucky!

HiJoker ago

Was it a fat nigger or shitskin? I think they must be psychos, I had one run me off the road and into a pineapple field once. I can understand, I was on a moped, but it was a fast one. It was Hawaii and it's retarded to have a car there because it's a small island. I was an infantryman, a 'grunt' and I got one when nobody had one. My team leader and I got two italian made ones that were retardedly fast for their CC size. These were the lamberginnis of mopeds compared to the rice burner ones. The island has bike paths everywhere so when you hammer a moped down them it's fucking awesome.

Now and then you've got to get on some highway because you have to. Don't be a jagoff, ride the far right as much as you can like a pro.

So here comes this fat bastard pineapple shitskin driving his fat beast of a bus. He edged me off the fucking road, the miserable cunt. Take a glass cannon street moped off road through a ditch into a pineapple field and see if you aren't angry. No, I couldn't catch him either. I got it back on the road and hammered it, but he slowly left me in the dust. I bet he saw it all and thought fuck that. That monster grunt is pissed. Grrr!!! Hmm. Imagine confining road rage offenders to mopeds for punishment? The delight they would bring as they rage at people who can leave them behind in a perfect fit of frothing rage, admiring their handiwork in their mirrors, the kids plastered to the rear window flipping them off and making faces.

I'm sure the bike people on their precious bike paths hiss with fury at the mopeds burning by them at warps speeds, cackling through that uphill curve that you have to hump and pump through. It's a damn wonder I've not be relegated to pedestrian by the traffic authoritarians and all their rules.

lord_nougat ago

Puch mopeds, maybe? A friend of mine had one of those in high school. Cool bike.

I hate bike paths. They always suck, and have nails, broken glass, joggers and roller bladers all over them. Useless. I know I couldn't do it today, but at the time, I had to average 30mph on the commute just because.

I'm pretty sure it was a fat shithead neegro

HiJoker ago

Garelli, an early 80s model. It looked like a minibike you pedaled. I rode it up to Kolekole Pass from Army side, not bad for a moped. lol

lord_nougat ago

Fuck, that sounds super fun! And the regular spindly stupid looking ones were fun as it was!

I ended up getting a Honda 90 back then, which was way faster... sort of. Also, it was pretty great on trails, since that's what it was designed for.

HiJoker ago

Fuck I just got rid of one of those. I wish I had it back. Honda Trail 90s are epic. Trail 70s are fun as well. They're so dinky but you go flying on them, it's like setting on a kitchen chair and go zooming. I want to get one of these electric fat tire bikes. I want to ninja down some trails and plug some game. Soft hunting is where I'm at these days. Super soft deer hunts for the win.

I'd love to get some hunting land and put in golf cart trails all over it. Feeders all over the fucking place for everything game. Stock some fishing ponds and put up a proper clubhouse and inn on it for club members only. Put cameras up all over the damn thing and let club members enjoy some top shelf soft hunting, fishing and bivouacking. Put up tall fences to herd in deer for the hunt, then let 'em out. All of it of course spread out so it's not noticeable at all. It's like hunting in a park.

It's all processed for you, trophy if applicable as well as appropriate hides processed. No waste of the resources you bag. Gear is supplied and you get to take it home, weapons included. A top notch appropriate motiff clubhouse and inn with it. I could go on about it, but I digress so far from mopeds it's comical. Speaking of, have them for the trails as well. lol

lord_nougat ago

That sounds pretty great! I'd make a road trip to visit!

HiJoker ago

I'm ruined, I got to hunt on private property that's never been opened up to hunters and it's like a city park it's so well kept. Dad and I kick back on lawn furniture and try not to fall asleep waiting on a deer. It's a struggle, all bundled up with a blanket and hand warmers. The crisp icy air combined with the warmth will have you breaking your neck nodding off in minutes. You'll never sleep so sound and hard as dropping off to sleep in a deer hunt like that. You'll wake up with deer tracks all around you where they came up, sniffed you, looked you over and walked off.

I've called a turkey in once with my snoring, my buddy shot it and I still didn't wake up. But that's a different story for another time.

Broc_Lia ago

Yeah, depends on the sport. The ones I play mostly involve hanging out at a sports pitch so the weight of refreshments isn't an issue.

fusir ago

Are they though. One a day maybe, but they are mostly just sugar and a trace amount of potassium.

SparklingWiggle ago

Of course, livescience could just make up all that shit.

HappyMealBullshit ago

I would have told him to grab the green ones instead. Yellow bananas go bad so fast. Two days after you buy em and they’re already mushy and weird tasting.

Master_Foo ago

That's when you make banana bread. But, these are niggers, I doubt they know how to bake anything.

Kungflu_Master ago

Banana Pancakes, my friend.

stonewallphysics ago

You'd be a discriminating looter. Only looting the green ones today, not making pudding later?

HappyMealBullshit ago

I’m not risking going to jail to loot some mushy ass bananas. Let those negros rot in nig prison for their rotten second rate bananas.

Wowbagger ago


Two days after you steal em

fartyshorts ago

I skip them altogether because sugar

Broc_Lia ago

Two days after you buy em and they’re already mushy and weird tasting.

Time to make banana bread!

Vhaine ago

As they ripen the sugar in them increases. Maybe he's making banana bread? LMAO, like nigs know how to cook anything that doesn't go into a fry-a-lator.

lanre ago

You turn those into bread.

HappyMealBullshit ago

You mean banana bread? Isn’t that really just cake with bananas in it? It’s so damn sweet it doesn’t taste like normal bread.

Broc_Lia ago

Yeah, it's a type of cake. Still tasty though.

LocalYokel ago

Watch them leave a bed review on Yelp.

"1 star, would not 'boon again"

DavidsHogg ago

You think he was thinking for the long term?

prairie ago

You think he was thinking for the long term?

HappyMealBullshit ago

Yeah because long term for a chimpegro is 15 minutes from now.

gloam_lurker ago

Bananas are the only item I focus on buying organic. The price difference is negligible. The artificially ripened ones (by ethylene gas) don't seem to slow down. While one has to wait a few days for the organic green ones to ripen a bit, they will last at least a week after that. Once a number of brown dots appear, put them in the refrigerator. Their skins will turn full black, but the insides stay fine. Doing this gives a full two weeks before they become too mushy.

GoddammitMrNoodle ago

Ethylene is naturally produced by fruit to stimulate ripening. The only thing un-natural about introducing it artificially is that it's not happening 'in nature'. If they didn't do this then many of the fruits we enjoy in northern climates would not be available to us. Organic bananas are picked green and then ripened this way, just like the non-organic ones. The "organic" label refers to how they are grown.

gloam_lurker ago

You are mixing truth with falsehood. You can prove this in your kitchen. But some green organic bananas. Wait until they turn yellow without brown spots. But some non-organic ones that are yellow without brown spots. Keep them completely separate (ripe produce can influence other produce). The non-organic ones will get mushy much faster. I am maintaining this only with bananas.

If they didn't do this then many of the fruits we enjoy in northern climates would not be available to us.

This is completely false and I have no idea exactly what you are trying to say. Why would ripening prior to shipping or during shipping give a different hemisphere access to off-season food? That doesn't make any sense. It sounds to me like the opposite. The more produce is ripened, the more at risk it is to bruising, mold, decay, and infestation.

Organic bananas are picked green and then ripened using ethylene gas, just like the non-organic ones.

This is false. What the hell are you saying? Obviously they are not ripened with ethylene gas because they are still green in the market.

The "organic" label refers to how they are grown.

Mostly true. Organic bananas are not hit with the ethylene gas process though, hence why they are green in the market.

GoddammitMrNoodle ago

If your organic bananas are green then I agree that it's possible they are not being ripened 'artificially'. They would have to be picked very green however AND the transit time to your market would have to be short. All fruits naturally produce ethylene gas so even green bananas will ripen on their own, especially since they are not treated otherwise with inhibitors. At least not to my knowledge but frankly the food industry plays so many games with the term organic that it's really hard to know exactly what you're getting.

The organic bananas in my market are ripe however. Sometimes they are a little green but nothing that a few days on my counter doesn't fix. Clearly mine have been ripened 'artificially'. To be clear I have no issue with the use of ethylene gas.

Non-organic bananas are dunked in a solution to further retard ripening before packing. Though I believe this is being replaced, or supplemented, by a sort of vacuum sealing.

Most (all?) tropical fruits are picked green and shipped by a variety of methods to their target markets (excepting of course when the target market is local). Shipment times can be up to a few months, not to mention delays of days or weeks are not unexpected. Regardless if they waited for the fruit to ripen before picking and shipping, or if the fruit ripened during transit, they would spoil long before they arrived. This is what I meant when I said the use of ethylene gas makes many fruits available to northern climates. Perhaps I should have qualified my statement by saying "widely and cheaply available".

For example I was in Mexico during the mango harvest. They are picked and packed green and are quite inedible. A few weeks later the mangos growing wild all ripened and there was a short window of time before they became over ripe and started falling off the trees. Meanwhile the packed mangos have been in cool storage and as required are artificially ripened and distributed to stores.

It's my understanding that certain fruits are routinely shipped by air, an example being strawberries. I assume it has something to do with a shorter shelf life that is harder to manage than for, say, bananas but I don't actually know.

gloam_lurker ago

Well, this post I agree with 95%.

cosMICjester ago

Thanks for the tip I had no idea bananas were artificially ripened.

gloam_lurker ago

After many times having bananas go mushy / rotten too quick, and vaguely recalling back in the 70s that I was pretty sure they lasted longer, I started looking into ... bananas. This is the sad state of modern society.

FridayJones ago

I hate when the skin is black though.

SparklingWiggle ago

Those might be plaintains.

glownig ago

Or he has a small child, and that saves him money, and wife told him to get it for a niglet.

SparklingWiggle ago

Do niglets have fathers in South Africa?

Meme_Factory_1776 ago

Do t e en fuck with bananas. Your in Africa. They are what .03¢ lb. Get anything but bananas.

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glownig ago

A Bigger Store being looted, not in the mainstream media that much :

South Africa Looting 2 - by Rennie Joesph 2020.04.09:

Shocking... and not after Bananas that time!

Anarchy99 ago

Jews have been looting the planet for thousands of years. You dumb fucking nigger

VeryToughMan ago

The police allow this to happen.

Rodjers04 ago

Everyone in the 3rd video was white.

Adam_Jensen_ ago

Even then, they were orderly and used bags.

suckcoke ago

*Hispanic is not white

Inquisitioner ago

But you'll notice that white criminals steal differently than negroes. They brought bags and concealing clothing because they planned ahead.

Hispeedtim2876 ago

They were smart and went for the liquor.

Crikes ago

Rodjers04: Everyone in the 3rd video was white.

No group is entirely criminal, and no group is entirely without criminals.

Communists target the foundational American principles of individual rights, and individual merit. Don't assist them.

steven_feelsperg ago

13/51 is majority

all niggers are criminals if provided the opportunity

Rodjers04 ago

OP had stated: "I think the videos I showed were 100% Blacks, so no diversity at all because no Whites in the Riots."

I was just pointing out that the 3rd video appears to be all white people. Nigger behavior is not exclusive to niggers.

glownig ago

or Chinese, and in that nation, Chinese under a Supreme Court ruling are indeed 100% deemed Negros! :

Crikes ago

We were pointing out the same thing, though..

Nigger behavior is not exclusive to niggers.

That is needlessly inaccurate and misleading. I encourage people to strike the root, which is criminals, and "criminal" behavior.

Vitolo69 ago

It's not South Africa.

5B3854C ago

There was a study in the 1930s, in which a doctor quit raising his toddler with a baby chimp because his son was taking on chimp behavior instead of the other way around.

The lessen here is the lack of humanity (i.e. uncivility; animalism, debauchery, etc.) is a dominant trait and a cancer to what is civilized unless it is kept separated and in check.

steven_feelsperg ago

DNA determines behavior, aka

* degenerates degenerate

* can't take the congo out of the nigger

* lipstick on a pig

Draco777 ago

i.e. wiggers

BjornIronside ago

I hate them the most.

HiJoker ago

After jews of course, right?

BjornIronside ago

Always kill a traitor before an enemy.

SparklingWiggle ago

White hands does not equal white people.

watts2db ago

and they are legally considered black lol Im not kidding look it up

oneinchterror ago

Not in South Africa they're not.

CouldBeTrump ago

Yes they are.

oneinchterror ago

Wrong. Kill yourself.

CouldBeTrump ago

Right. Kill yourself.

See? I can do that, too. How about a real retort?

oneinchterror ago

Provide actual proof of your initial statement (not just a broken link), or kill yourself.

CouldBeTrump ago

>broken link

It works for me, maybe was having issues when you checked. It's an archive of this BBC article about a SA court decision:

Thisismyvoatusername ago

I thought they were a third legal category called coloured, but now that I think about it they modified those laws a while back. Didn't they?

SparklingWiggle ago

Yeah, so the can own land and get stuff they exclude from whitey.

Niggertoes ago

Nigger is a state of mind.

Rand01 ago

For white people

Adriansun ago

You mean niggerism and genetics.

SparklingWiggle ago

No, it's genetic.

MrPim ago

Think of them as shabbos. They might not be genetic jews, but they're jews.

oneinchterror ago

SparklingWiggle is a shabbos jew-defender himself; your comment is lost on him.

SparklingWiggle ago

Actually, my guess is that they are Chinese.

Rodjers04 ago

Very true.