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WeekOne ago

Hahaha, the one guy that grabbed an armload of bananas!!

glownig ago

A Bigger Store being looted, not in the mainstream media that much :

South Africa Looting 2 - by Rennie Joesph 2020.04.09:

Shocking... and not after Bananas that time!

Rodjers04 ago

Everyone in the 3rd video was white.

5B3854C ago

There was a study in the 1930s, in which a doctor quit raising his toddler with a baby chimp because his son was taking on chimp behavior instead of the other way around.

The lessen here is the lack of humanity (i.e. uncivility; animalism, debauchery, etc.) is a dominant trait and a cancer to what is civilized unless it is kept separated and in check.

steven_feelsperg ago

DNA determines behavior, aka

* degenerates degenerate

* can't take the congo out of the nigger

* lipstick on a pig