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WeekOne ago

Hahaha, the one guy that grabbed an armload of bananas!!

glownig ago

A Bigger Store being looted, not in the mainstream media that much :

South Africa Looting 2 - by Rennie Joesph 2020.04.09:

Shocking... and not after Bananas that time!

Anarchy99 ago

Jews have been looting the planet for thousands of years. You dumb fucking nigger

VeryToughMan ago

The police allow this to happen.

Rodjers04 ago

Everyone in the 3rd video was white.

Adam_Jensen_ ago

Even then, they were orderly and used bags.

suckcoke ago

*Hispanic is not white

Inquisitioner ago

But you'll notice that white criminals steal differently than negroes. They brought bags and concealing clothing because they planned ahead.

Hispeedtim2876 ago

They were smart and went for the liquor.

Crikes ago

Rodjers04: Everyone in the 3rd video was white.

No group is entirely criminal, and no group is entirely without criminals.

Communists target the foundational American principles of individual rights, and individual merit. Don't assist them.

steven_feelsperg ago

13/51 is majority

all niggers are criminals if provided the opportunity

Rodjers04 ago

OP had stated: "I think the videos I showed were 100% Blacks, so no diversity at all because no Whites in the Riots."

I was just pointing out that the 3rd video appears to be all white people. Nigger behavior is not exclusive to niggers.

glownig ago

or Chinese, and in that nation, Chinese under a Supreme Court ruling are indeed 100% deemed Negros! :

Crikes ago

We were pointing out the same thing, though..

Nigger behavior is not exclusive to niggers.

That is needlessly inaccurate and misleading. I encourage people to strike the root, which is criminals, and "criminal" behavior.

Vitolo69 ago

It's not South Africa.

5B3854C ago

There was a study in the 1930s, in which a doctor quit raising his toddler with a baby chimp because his son was taking on chimp behavior instead of the other way around.

The lessen here is the lack of humanity (i.e. uncivility; animalism, debauchery, etc.) is a dominant trait and a cancer to what is civilized unless it is kept separated and in check.

steven_feelsperg ago

DNA determines behavior, aka

* degenerates degenerate

* can't take the congo out of the nigger

* lipstick on a pig

Draco777 ago

i.e. wiggers

BjornIronside ago

I hate them the most.

HiJoker ago

After jews of course, right?

BjornIronside ago

Always kill a traitor before an enemy.

SparklingWiggle ago

White hands does not equal white people.

watts2db ago

and they are legally considered black lol Im not kidding look it up

oneinchterror ago

Not in South Africa they're not.

CouldBeTrump ago

Yes they are.

oneinchterror ago

Wrong. Kill yourself.

CouldBeTrump ago

Right. Kill yourself.

See? I can do that, too. How about a real retort?

oneinchterror ago

Provide actual proof of your initial statement (not just a broken link), or kill yourself.

CouldBeTrump ago

>broken link

It works for me, maybe was having issues when you checked. It's an archive of this BBC article about a SA court decision:

Thisismyvoatusername ago

I thought they were a third legal category called coloured, but now that I think about it they modified those laws a while back. Didn't they?

SparklingWiggle ago

Yeah, so the can own land and get stuff they exclude from whitey.

Niggertoes ago

Nigger is a state of mind.

Rand01 ago

For white people

Adriansun ago

You mean niggerism and genetics.

SparklingWiggle ago

No, it's genetic.

MrPim ago

Think of them as shabbos. They might not be genetic jews, but they're jews.

oneinchterror ago

SparklingWiggle is a shabbos jew-defender himself; your comment is lost on him.

SparklingWiggle ago

Actually, my guess is that they are Chinese.

Rodjers04 ago

Very true.