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WeekOne ago

Hahaha, the one guy that grabbed an armload of bananas!!

glownig ago

A Bigger Store being looted, not in the mainstream media that much :

South Africa Looting 2 - by Rennie Joesph 2020.04.09:

Shocking... and not after Bananas that time!

Rodjers04 ago

Everyone in the 3rd video was white.

Crikes ago

Rodjers04: Everyone in the 3rd video was white.

No group is entirely criminal, and no group is entirely without criminals.

Communists target the foundational American principles of individual rights, and individual merit. Don't assist them.

Rodjers04 ago

OP had stated: "I think the videos I showed were 100% Blacks, so no diversity at all because no Whites in the Riots."

I was just pointing out that the 3rd video appears to be all white people. Nigger behavior is not exclusive to niggers.

Crikes ago

We were pointing out the same thing, though..

Nigger behavior is not exclusive to niggers.

That is needlessly inaccurate and misleading. I encourage people to strike the root, which is criminals, and "criminal" behavior.