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WeekOne ago

Hahaha, the one guy that grabbed an armload of bananas!!

HappyMealBullshit ago

I would have told him to grab the green ones instead. Yellow bananas go bad so fast. Two days after you buy em and they’re already mushy and weird tasting.

gloam_lurker ago

Bananas are the only item I focus on buying organic. The price difference is negligible. The artificially ripened ones (by ethylene gas) don't seem to slow down. While one has to wait a few days for the organic green ones to ripen a bit, they will last at least a week after that. Once a number of brown dots appear, put them in the refrigerator. Their skins will turn full black, but the insides stay fine. Doing this gives a full two weeks before they become too mushy.

FridayJones ago

I hate when the skin is black though.