I would have told him to grab the green ones instead. Yellow bananas go bad so fast. Two days after you buy em and they’re already mushy and weird tasting.
As they ripen the sugar in them increases. Maybe he's making banana bread? LMAO, like nigs know how to cook anything that doesn't go into a fry-a-lator.
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WeekOne ago
Hahaha, the one guy that grabbed an armload of bananas!!
HappyMealBullshit ago
I would have told him to grab the green ones instead. Yellow bananas go bad so fast. Two days after you buy em and they’re already mushy and weird tasting.
Vhaine ago
As they ripen the sugar in them increases. Maybe he's making banana bread? LMAO, like nigs know how to cook anything that doesn't go into a fry-a-lator.