TheStapler ago

I wouldn’t be surprised if there were severe schizophrenics mixed in with those bots... their responses seem to be somewhat relevant but then they dive into Powerpuff Girls or chemtrails or whatever the fuck...

sguevar ago

Awesome work. Thanks for reporting this.

Rellik88 ago

Pr1vate0xymoron ago

I've noticed @JohnDavidPodesta has been making a shit load of "profound" posts over on v/pizzagate that are getting upvoted a lot lately & while I've gotten rusty over the months in my absence. I still smelled something fucky when I kept seeing his username coming up over and over again on the front page. Just shows that we have to be careful who is making which posts because this place is getting attacked daily.

Camulos ago

/v/Pizzagate was one of their main targets for a long time now, in fact, I wholeheartedly believe this group is responsible in a rather large way of completely derailing the sub and making it was it is now, which is a complete joke full of made up shit, and only a tiny bit of real, terrifying truth is left there but mostly goes ignored in favor for the outlandish fake garbage that is mostly upvoated there.

Pr1vate0xymoron ago

I do believe that the sub is being attacked all the time but it's because they are trying to keep down the fact that both sides of the party are involved in it. It would take the down the whole of govt if the researchers actually broke through. I do believe that it's real but it's also heavily misunderstood and definitely confusing at times. But it's fucking real. Look at watergate, now how was that real and this can't be after how many decades?

Camulos ago

It's not so much what the spammers are spamming, it's the fact that this is a known disinfo group using tons of bots to spam stuff to begin with. The last big attack they were spamming pure made up crap involving the vegas shooting, it was clear at the time that is was a massive attempt at disinfo and to slide discussion.

This time however with all the hollywood pedo shit... I believe it's all real for the most part, but because I'm so familiar with these spam fucks and their tactics, I KNOW they're just spamming to gain scp/ccp for a bigger, larger attack in the future, whatever that may be.

Pr1vate0xymoron ago

Yeah bots, shills, spammers are definitely a problem that halt from real research to be done. It's annoying when you think you're onto something then like 30 threads are spammed about something that could be a breakthrough but it's nothing more than a facade. I think we will probably keep seeing our fair share of David Seamens.

I wasn't around so much while the vegas shooting occurred, that's probably around the time I took a nice break away from everything I think. At the same time the spammers and shills let people know there's actually something to look into no matter how annoying it is. It begs the question; why attack something that doesn't even exist? Obviously I wish them gone because it only makes justice a lot slower to come by when it's bombarded with fake narratives all day long. I'm grateful you've put this list together though so I can be on the lookout while I'm relearning my way around here.

Camulos ago

Right on, all the best to you

Pr1vate0xymoron ago

Thank you man. Wish you the best as well!

fancypantsmanface ago

Welp that explains being threatened with "you'll see me after you're dead" and "I'm a Marina" yesterday at least.

Saufsoldat ago

using the Hollywood Pedo stuff as a tool to gain SCP/CCP.

The fact that it works says a lot more about voat's general idiocy than about the spammers.

Camulos ago

Oh god you said it, even now as I just got to work and took a peek here on voat there are a couple highly upvoated posts by one of the bots...

NeedleStack ago

Thank you!

@brandon816 your good work is being spread again.

I used to have most of those fuckers tagged as bots in AVE until it crapped out and wiped all my settings.

weezkitty ago

I wish someone was still working on AVE

MobbedUp ago

Since you acknowledged spelling Officially wrong, you might want to also acknowledge spelling Resurrected wrong as well. It was back to back typos up there. ;)

Camulos ago

Damn it! I think was in a tizzy and was typing too fast haha

voatusernamevoat ago

What's scp/ccp and what's the point of the bot list? That sound like a lot of work to setup. What's the pay off?

QuestionEverything ago

Serve, Control, protect ;)

Camulos ago

SCP = Submission Contribution Point and CCP = Comment Contribution Points.

They're just voats internet points and an accounts abilities rely on them. If you have under a certain amount, you cannot downvoat or post anything etc etc.

What their end game is? I dunno, but whatever is, them getting there is very disruptive to voat and much of what they post is disinformation. I suspect todays shit show was just a test.

senpaithatignoresyou ago

I think the dan harmen thing is serious. He has big connections with not just Hollywood, but also the democrats, lobbyists, and the Clinton foundation. This is because of the incestuous nature of NBC and politics. They are intermarried. So if it comes out that he is a pedophile, and that this was known, then a lot of people are going to be in trouble.

The thing is, its pretty much over for the establishment. Once jimmy savile was uncovered, all hostile foreign intelligence agencies began hunting down pedophiles in government, the military, and corporations so that they can blackmail them. With the internet being a giant archive for the human race, it has become very hard to hide things, if not impossible.

We live in such interesting times.

ChessKnight ago

I'll tell you what. I create new accounts all the time because of my paranoia. What these folks are doing is upgoating themselves so that they can downgoat any opposition. I saw it. I was a target. If they can keep new accounts (or idiots like me that keep changing accounts) from having an opportunity to have a platform, they stifle us.

I am sure there is more reasons. But I know this is one.

fourth_account_fool ago

One post was enough for fucks sake slow down on the xposting.

Shizy ago

Thank you! Downvoat these losers wherever you see them!

ARsandOutdoors ago

Good work! Thank you!

JohnDavidPodesta ago

So they work for voat who gave them API access?


Camulos ago

So they work for voat who gave them API access?


This is a bot who has used this very same phrase as other bots did months ago during the Vegas shooting news cycle.

JohnDavidPodesta ago

Yeah, I'm not a Professor of Law at George Town University, keep telling yourself that.

Rellik88 ago


Shizy ago

Yeah sure you are! A streetwalking whore has more value and class than you do! Get a real job!

Le_Squish ago

Shitty bot post wrong reply.

Diggernicks ago

Internet points don't matter. Kill yourself.

Camulos ago

This is about stopping spamers on voat buddy and as asad as it is, most people take account age and sscp/ccp in account when judging a post. It's just how it is. And I agree, I don't care about points either.

Diggernicks ago

Stopping spammers is as simple as hitting the block button. You should return to reddit if your goal is to cry incessantly about things you cant stop or control on the internet.

Camulos ago

I stopped this group for 10 months, I'll do it again.

RedditIsTheBest111 ago

I respect the effort Buddy

Tallest_Skil ago

Reminder that this matters because Voat doesn’t give a flying fuck about truth and would rather let paid shills exist than protect civilization.