slickandsoft ago

interesting .

Minkxy ago

It was good to have a breather . The onslaught of creeps is back. At some point I realized I didn’t have to filter each post. Thanks for the closed door policy. It was great. Loved the information.

Shillster ago

It's good to be back though. I was lurker supreme and felt no need to register whatsoever, until voat was closed that is...

mynameisntniki ago

Same here, nice to be back

AdolfGutenbergstein ago

Voat makes me happy

blit416 ago

I disagree with this!

Plant_Boy ago

Fuck off, we're full!

Spiteful_Mutant ago

Why the worry about 'infiltration'? These faggots have to ban us on other sites because they are weak and can't support any of their arguments without resorting to feelings and Jew World Order talking points. Am I to now believe that if they come here with that shit it will somehow overwhelm the intelligent White males (and some females) that use this site? Hell, the fucking 4ch faggots haven't even get the best of us.

Dark_Shroud ago

They've tried to take the site over before with down voting swarms. There are already a few faggots here the camp on the various "new" sections of subs down voting content trying to hide it.

ExpertShitposter ago

If the "right wing" q boomers had their way, we would already be banned from voat. A big enough migration can ensure that we are all at least downvoated into oblivion.

RoundWheel ago

Lies again. I called them out. As did many others. The community called them out too. It nearly destroyed the community here. It's why /v/qrv was created. Period.

Stop with the revisioning.

Spiteful_Mutant ago

... we are all at least downvoated into oblivion.

Hmmm...I didn't think of that.

anticlutch ago

Upvoats/downvoats should be trackedper comment and should be viewable by every account.

Each account profile should have a stat stating how many active [used w/in last 2 weeks] accounts are blocking them.

sirRantsalot ago


shillaccount3344 ago

We should get a badge for not fucking off?

I want the badge to be called 'the fuckening' ... or 'piss off we were full.'. or..

'the fud have doxxed this user'.

Karbuster ago

Sigh, i guess its time to delete and start anew

CrudOMatic ago


/pol/ack, not POLTARD. Just like /b/tard, not BTARD.

ExpertShitposter ago

ya boss was patrolling behind my back, i had to hurry up in pain and post.

Heisenbooger ago

I just immigrated here from Poland. The jews bought all the houses in my neighborhood and moved muslims in them so I came here.

Barfin ago

i thought it was odd some soyboys were here today

Wahaha ago

Creating subverses is still forbidden.

Dark_Shroud ago

Good, settings had to be added to block mentions in anonymous subs. Because once the shills and glow niggers realized the point system prevented them from down voting all of our content and up voting their's they resorted to harassment and trying to create jail bait subs to get Voat taken down.

Deplorablepoetry ago

Floating around like a sound an echo without a chamber, unable to resound nor offer a reflection

Stifled. Just like a word best not mentioned

Attention soldiers! Stand straight! Stand tall!

For if you whither your fate carries all of us

In your spine I trust.

ExpertShitposter ago


Doglegwarrior ago

Qtards openly talked about taking the wite over then banning people like me. then told me when Qanons take over america i would be on a list to be hung or killed... good people those Qtards.

all because i want them to name the fucking jew as they describe everything the jew is doing to america with out naming the jew.

dundundunnnnn ago

Prove it.

Doglegwarrior ago

sheit.. will have to look up the convo now and post it. it was surprizing

dundundunnnnn ago

Please do. If this really happened, I'd be it's an agent provocateur. Q is a lot of Christian boomers.

RoundWheel ago

Because exposing all the shit they are doing is clearly in the interests of mossad and Israel. Q has repeatedly called out Mossad, including their connections to Epstein, many other traffickers, and their control of MSM and string pullers in the CIA.

That's a nice shill post you have there. Too bad it is devoid of reality. Lol. Retard... or is it shill?

Doglegwarrior ago

by the way at first you fucking idiots wouldnt name the jew at all it has gotten much better lately

Dark_Shroud ago

I think Molyneux had a big hand in that for a lot of people in right wing and independent circles. He created a pathway for it by first stating that in spite of everything we've done as western people, as Christians, and as free Nations to help the Jewish people and Israel they've never helped us in return.

RoundWheel ago

You're not taking to me. I've almost certainly been here longer than you. This is far from my original account. Though the longest I've ever used an account.

While you baselessly shake a finger at me, the shills remain.

Doglegwarrior ago

my original accout was 22jam22 you maybe here longer for me but this is my second account because first one got password fucked somehow and puttout couldnt or wouldnt help me. anyways all good

Doglegwarrior ago

i guess i could look back at my history. find where qtards openly threatened me and said people like me would be hunted down and killed for having my own opinion? but other Qfolk actualy messaged me and said qwas full of shills and disinfo fags most likely jews or deep state so i realized qanon is not all bad, but god damn yall got some baddies if they are not kikes or deep state. not a shill just a normal guy pointing out what i have experienced with the qanon good and bad

RoundWheel ago

It's the fags down voting me who did that. They are not part of the moment. They constantly shill.

Notice, if I am lying it would be trivial to disprove and therefore be counter productive for me and the Q movement.

Whereas those attacking provide no proof and call everyone a shill for pointing out their shilling. Think about it.

The net effect is they don't want you to decide for yourself. They are telling you want they want you to do. No cost to them. Whereas if I'm wrong, it hurts the Q movement. Which according to their logic, on either side, q is mossad and therefore harming the q movement makes me a mossad shill. It's retarded logic.

Which is more likely true? Someone telling you to think for yourself? Someone demanding and shilling to get you not to investigate for yourself?

The simply fact is, Q has repeatedly called out Mossad is behind the bullshit; including MSM's coordinated talking points Anyone claiming otherwise is a liar. Ask yourself why someone would lie here?

While these shills were claiming Epstein was untouchable and nothing would happen, Q was drawing attention to Mossad and Epstein and human trafficking. They were lying and Q confirmed. Yet these shills now deny it.

Think for yourself. You'll quickly find out the they are in fact, lying shills. There is no dirty trick they won't use. Whereas all I've done is stated the truth and ask that you investigate and think for yourself. You decide.

Doglegwarrior ago

like i said i hope Qanon is right but i agree tons of shilling and disinfo. i am not a firm believer in Q as a ton of people are on here its probably me being an older cynic and not believing anything is really going to change. look how long it took to make weed legal? how many lives were ruined 10 year prison sentences for a fucking weed that had obvious medical uses and now everyone is promoting it and parroting the shit people have been saying for decades. its pure insanity this jew defined culture we live in.

not disagreeing with you will look into it more and keep my mind open.

RoundWheel ago

It's the fags down voting me who did that. They are not part of the moment. They constantly shill.

Notice, if I am lying it would be trivial to disprove and therefore be counter productive for me and the Q movement.

Whereas those attacking provide no proof and call everyone a shill for pointing out their shilling. Think about it.

The net effect is they don't want you to decide for yourself. They are telling you want they want you to do. No cost to them. Whereas if I'm wrong, it hurts the Q movement. Which according to their logic, on either side, q is mossad and therefore harming the q movement makes me a mossad shill. It's retarded logic.

Which is more likely true? Someone telling you to think for yourself? Someone demanding and shilling to get you not to investigate for yourself?

The simply fact is, Q has repeatedly looked out Mossad is behind the bullshit. Anyone claiming otherwise is a liar. Ask yourself why someone would lie here?

While these shills were claiming Epstein was untouchable and nothing would happen, Q was drawing attention to Mossad and Epstein and human trafficking. They were lying and Q confirmed. Yet these shills now deny it.

Think for yourself. You'll quickly find out the they are in fact, lying shills. There is no dirty trick they won't use. Whereas all I've done is stated the truth and ask that you investigate and think for yourself. You decide.

ExpertShitposter ago

this is because they are the jew.

LibertarianForChrist ago

Now do the more important thing (IMO) and reopen the viewing portion to lurkers.

SendingLove ago

Gee, walls sure are effective.

smokratez ago

The shitposters are the reddit faggots and trannies. Q sub is an asset to voat. Guess you needed more accounts for voting power huh.

ExpertShitposter ago

Q = mossad psyOp.

smokratez ago

Soupdoxretardhammer are the reddit faggots and trannies. How long till you guys kill yourself?

ExpertShitposter ago

Nice counter argument about Q....that has nothing to do with Q.

RoundWheel ago

Because exposing all the shit they are doing is clearly in the interests of mossad and Israel. Q has repeatedly called out Mossad, including their connections to Epstein, many other traffickers, and their control of MSM and string pullers in the CIA.

That's a nice shill post you have there. Too bad it is devoid of reality.

RoundWheel ago

Because exposing all the shit they are doing is clearly in the interests of mossad and Israel. Q has repeatedly called out Mossad, including their connections to Epstein, many other traffickers, and their control of MSM and string pullers in the CIA.

That's a nice shill post you have there. Too bad it is devoid of reality.

ExpertShitposter ago

Already you are deleting your posts and re-replaying to me again with multiple, more sophisticated reply's. Sloppy job mossad.

He is fake criticizing Israel in the same manner that CNN fake gave David Duke air time as seen here: He mentions it after 5:00 in the video.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

I've dealt with this jew shill before. Just point at him and laugh

RoundWheel ago

You really are a dumb fag jew shill. Fuck you guys are stupid.

Barfin ago

imagine still trusting q

RoundWheel ago

Because exposing all the shit they are doing is clearly in the interests of mossad and Israel. Q has repeatedly called out Mossad, including their connections to Epstein, many other traffickers, and their control of MSM and string pullers in the CIA.

That's a nice shill post you have there. Too bad it is devoid of reality.

ExpertShitposter ago

No he has not. Mentioning the word in one of his cryptic shitposts is not calling out mossad. It's throwing a smoke screen. ANYONE not calling for, or at least approving of the legal separatism of whites from all others is working against whites. Simple as that. And no one attacks harder when you mention separatism than Q tards.

They might throw you a bone if you call for ostracization of muslims from white societies. But mention kicking out the jews...not killing them, just forcing them back to their promised land.....and you are DONE in Q subverses.

smokratez ago

All lies. Q sub is redpilled on the jews. Go back to reddit faggot.

ExpertShitposter ago

lol, you are behind the bell curve then

smokratez ago

I am on top on everything faggot. Gass yourself.

ExpertShitposter ago

don't you have some redditors to "red pill"? get on it.

RoundWheel ago

You are clearly lying or talking out your ass. The only question remains, are a jew? If not, why are you shilling for them?

ExpertShitposter ago

How am i shilling for them Mr. Mossad?

RoundWheel ago

Lying to is pretty strong shilling. Shill.

You claim to know enough to denounce it. Yet you don't know a major element of it. One which completely destroys your position. Which confirms you are a liar. If someone has this strong of a line in the sand entirely predicated upon a lie or ignorance, it can only mean you are dumb as fuck or a literal shill.

If you are not literally retarded, there is only one logical conclusion; you are a jewish shill.

Are you literally retarded?

ExpertShitposter ago

LoL mossad cuck, this is like your 5th deleted comment. Are the DV's biting ya?

RoundWheel ago

Lying to is pretty strong shilling. Shill.

You claim to know enough to denounce it. Yet you don't know a major element of it. One which completely destroys your position. Which confirms you are a liar. If someone has this strong of a line in the sand entirely predicated upon a lie or ignorance, it can only mean you are dumb as fuck or a literal shill.

If you are not literally retarded, there is only one logical conclusion; you are a jewish shill.

Are you literally retarded?

ExpertShitposter ago

You type like a jew agent. You can fool the 60yo boomers, not the goats here. 2 shekels have been deposited to your account despite your ineffectiveness.

RoundWheel ago

Ahhh, deflection of a jewish shill. Also, I'm not a boomer. Ad hominem to hide the disclosure. Must be oy vey uncomfortable for you.

So we have confirmed you are literally a jewish shill. You guys really are dumb as fuck.

You also repeat the same lies tallest shill (an admitted jewish shill) does. Hmmm.

Are you JIDF?

CheeseboogerHimself ago

All these jewbags came in with the Qtard movement and they are fucking annoying!

RoundWheel ago

Ahhh, deflection of a jewish shill. Also, I'm not a boomer. Ad hominem to hide the disclosure. Must be oy vey uncomfortable for you.

So we have confirmed you are literally a jewish shill. You guys really are dumb as fuck.

You also repeat the same lies tallest shill does. Hmmm.

Are you JIDF?

Barfin ago

nah he's right you're an israeli shill

Sheetz ago

Control my culture bitch

gabara ago

Shitposter / Poltard Brotherhood!

HarveyHarveyJones ago

Ironically your counter argument was the shiter of the two.

TestForScience ago

Here's what I've already written about it.

GrayGadfly ago

Too be fair that is a good argument.

TestForScience ago

There's only like, less than 400 of us left on here, this place WILL be gone if no one new comes in and we have people dropping left and right.

I very much doubt we're the only whites left on the planet and to cower in fear in the corner pointing a flashlight and yelling "Who goes there!?" for fear of one of them being a relatively rare fag is a bitch move.

99% of all fags get ran out of here PDQ, hell, even those TD faggots got ran out of here within a week. They still whine about it.

Holding Voat like Smeagol holding the 'Precious' hiding out in his hole is retarded and is absolutely a completely shit argument.

GrizzlyDark ago

Let's please eliminate any posts that are the 4th+ carbon copies of any previous post within the past 24-48 hours.

Any known faggot shill (E.G. People who copy pasta the same thing on every page or every comment without adding any value .... Like the faggot who has like 4 words that he makes you scroll for one minute to get to the end of each of his 8 comments with the same 4x1000 words).

Honestly fuck it. give the conch to @lakotapride I feel like he's too moral to ever implement his personal opinion into censorship. There are probably others, including myself, I'd trust in this position. But he's got enough background of being an all encompassing guy. Put a guy like him in the final decision if it ever gets out of hand, but ban the fucking retard shills. Better yet, shadow ban them and give them a vote from @turquiselover every time just to keep it honest.

gabara ago

For the record, Voat was never intended to be a "white haven", it was for people to discuss whatever you can't on Reddit. That's it. Now our content does skew heavily towards a certain ethno-political grouping, that's just because that's what's getting de-platformed on Reddit and everywhere else.

GrizzlyDark ago

soooo whitehaven? pretty sure there's a White wine called that, lol.

Anyway, nowhere ever starts with the intend to become a "Whitehaven".

I know this because if you say that off the bat, you are targeted by Jews as a white supremacist before you can take off.

However, if you simply uphold the easiest fucking value to interpret in the history of mankind, free speech, it's only a matter of time before .... well all the white's who appreciate each other and are tired of all the jew and nigger shit in the world today. Funny how that works time and time again and always comes out the same. Weird why that would be.

AdolfGutenbergstein ago

It never was or is a white haven but it is a bastion for free speech which is usually misinterpreted for such

AmericanJew2 ago

I know some of you goats hate me because Jew, but I still love you all and this website.

When voat was down recently I tried lurking reddit again. Whoever curates that site should die of ass cancer.

Talc ago

I seem to remember from before the various reddit exoduses (exodii?) voat, or whoaverse as it used to be known, was intended as a college project, nothing more. Anything else it has become, it has not "intended" at all.

gabara ago

You're conflating Whoaverse with Voat

Bastionof_freespeech ago

Exactly, I love voat the way it is but I'd like to see a larger userbase as the site could die if it continues to drop in unique visits. I just wish they'd open the store back up because I want some voat gear and the ability to support the site besides donating

CowWithBeef ago

Whites are being deplatformed from jewish websites because whites are a threat to jewish supremacy.

Caesar_was_right ago

Uh hello, aren't you forgetting about the 700 gorillian jews evil WHITE PEOPLE launched into the sun or some shit.

Spiteful_Mutant ago

... threat to jewish supremacy.

If the jew actually had supremacy it wouldn't have a need to deplatform Whites.

GrayGadfly ago

'hurr durr, if jew have supremacist goals, why are the they pursuing their supremacist goals. checkmat nasi.'

The fact that they have the capacity to censor a white majority about white genocide takes a lot of control. No control is absolute, but it doesn't mean Zionism isn't a thing.

Spiteful_Mutant ago

You're missing my point (and went way off the deep end, btw). They may have the to capacity to censor, but that doesn't make them superior in any way. In fact, they show their lack of superiority by having to censor Whites because otherwise the superior ideals of Whites would expose their degeneracy to normies.

jwm5514 ago

Yeah, and some British Jew said America was a melting pot one time too so that’s why it’s absolutely illegal and impossible to make America into a white ethnostate too so we shouldn’t even try.

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

a melting pot of white people

It's like crossing a labrodor with a golden retriever, and thinking it's equivalent to a pit bull and retriever

HashTheFash ago

Hey, there's a freemasonic statue that someone put a plaque on with some poetry on it, so now we shouldn't have any borders.

Nosfewratsjews ago

Oh look, Voat's SRS envoy over at SBBH telling everyone how Voat should be used.. again.

gabara ago

You shared this with Dial and he sent it to me immediately.

Go back to Mexico, Flacco!

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

What the fuck are you going on about? He is correct you fucking nigger

Nosfewratsjews ago

Yes, we all know SBBH control Voat. No new information here.

Karbuster ago

Just cause they hurt your vagina somewhere else doesnt mean that they arent correct in this thread

Nosfewratsjews ago

Look at all the SRS apologists.

Karbuster ago

Go take your pills amalek

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/SoapboxBanhammer submission by @gabara.

Posted automatically (#70769) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@Nosfewratsjews: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @gabara)

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Sure thing rabbi

GloryHoleInMyAnus ago

Oh boy! I'm new! Can I really say the word looks around nervously, turns red and giggles 'nigger" here? Hehehe runs away giggling

0rion ago

The fuck....did you really just type those words out? What a faggot.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/whatever submission by @LoveRight.

Posted automatically (#70925) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@GloryHoleInMyAnus: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @LoveRight)

Spiteful_Mutant ago

You're gayer than two dudes fucking each other cock to mouth.

Bigdickedelf ago

You talk like a fag!

GloryHoleInMyAnus ago

at least im not a nigger or a jew.... right?

Bigdickedelf ago

You have that going for you, but fags get the rope too

GloryHoleInMyAnus ago

can i at least help you kill a few niggers, jews, muslims, leftists, pedos, non whites and anyone else that would hinder a greater white ethnoworld before i get the rope?

Bigdickedelf ago

You are free to do whatever you want, but start with the judges and politicians that are anti white

GloryHoleInMyAnus ago

cut off the head of the snake right.. and 10 more will grow.. hmm..

anyway, all lawmakers should be killed. as well as all niggers, jews, muslims, leftists, non whites, gays, pedophiles (not ephebophilies, and some hebepholies but id say best to just gas the hebephiles as well because its safer that way)...

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/whatever submission by @LoveRight.

Posted automatically (#70928) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@GloryHoleInMyAnus: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @LoveRight)

Bigdickedelf ago

You are either a glownigger or JIDF shill

GloryHoleInMyAnus ago

see another comment i made earlier. i was wondering how long it would take for someone to assume im a shill. why do you think im one of those things?

Bigdickedelf ago

Because your calls to violence are too obvious

GloryHoleInMyAnus ago

being blunt makes someone a shill/cia operative? have you considered that not everyone wants to beat around the bush and would rather just get straight to the point..

here, let me ask you something... tell me how we fix our problems. BUT, you cant use violence/genocide.

Bigdickedelf ago

Gas the kikes and physically remove niggers, spics, and muslims

GloryHoleInMyAnus ago

"gas the kikes".. ok CIA Glow in the Dark Shill....

"Physically remove" ok so thats violence..

should i call you a shill? or should i just accept that you are fed up with the shit we all have to tolerate and you want to take action, not say stupid fucking words on the internet?

Pronebone45 ago

Only on Voat can one observe a bigdickedelf argue about violence with a glory hole.

Bigdickedelf ago

Leave me alone niggerfaggot

GloryHoleInMyAnus ago

apologies niggerfaggot, was just trying to understand your logic.

MDEneverdies1488 ago

That's the gayest shit I've read today. Fuck off newfag

GloryHoleInMyAnus ago

I think you mean Niggerfaggot..

blit416 ago

Hold on Hold on, no one said anything about racism on voat, I'm not sure if I'm comfortable with this.

Can we just stay focused on the filthy jewbag shylock moneylenders please? African Americans are taking care of their own, it seems.

MDEneverdies1488 ago

No. I meant newfag. I don't try too hard to fit in, nigger.

GloryHoleInMyAnus ago

You should Niggerfaggot. Maybe then you would get invited to more birthday parties.

MDEneverdies1488 ago


Reddit-is-kill ago

Don't mind him, he's a peanut butter candy ass.

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

Shut and know your fucking place

Reddit-is-kill ago

In your mom's bed?

Asshat69 ago


GreyGears ago

You can even say jews are sometime not completely nice to everyone.

Crazy, I know.

Hipsterrr ago


Afterlife ago


requiescence ago

This was the first I saw, and the best I saw on migrations into Voat:

Fuck Off

HarveyHarveyJones ago

Makes me think of the voat maturity picture.

requiescence ago

? Not sure what you mean. "Maturity" is an interesting word.

Warnos44 ago

This always makes me smile. Whoever made it had it pegged perfectly.

TheTrigger ago

dumb_comment_bot. He left for a while, but came back, thankfully.

requiescence ago

Yeah, agreed. I was the redditor that stayed (non-migration). I came here, checked it out, thought it sucked (not enough content), but I kept creeping back. And back. And back. Finally, I realized this site is better.

0rion ago

That last one is so heartwarming.

absurdlyobfuscated ago

The first one really resonates with me. I can't help but see the world for what it is, through all the bullshit and the lies and distortions and propaganda. I feel like I'm mostly immune to all that, and I can't let myself live a lie. I don't get phased by strong language or the ideas you see here, I'm not fragile or overly-sensitive by any means. I'm not afraid of ideas. I honestly like reading people's unfiltered thoughts and seeing the mask come off, it gives you insight into their minds and helps you understand them on a deeper level. You don't get that on places where everyone competes for each other's approval and praise.

Plant_Boy ago

I love putt's classic comment You must be new here.

Gets me every time!

andrew_white_forever ago

Yeah that was epic

bm2112 ago

The top one is my all-time favorite

Gingercuntfirecrotch ago

Thanks, I’m adding them to my list as well.

absurdlyobfuscated ago

Holy shit that first one. Never saw it before.

These are fucking great.

hagarthehorrible ago

lol is that a buttplug on the third one?

Broc_Lia ago

It's a reference to /v/historicalbuttplugs and /u/highlypaidorgypro

I think she died :/

NoTrueScotsman ago

Yeah, it's a nod to a prolific novelty account from shortly after The Fattening migration.

Karbuster ago

I miss HPOP even if they were a filthy degenerate

NoTrueScotsman ago

Yeah. It's kind of interesting to think about how HPOP would be received now with how voat has changed. I'm sure I wouldn't be as amused now, personally.

Broc_Lia ago

I think the reason everyone was fine with HPOP is because she was so chill about everything. Hard to get mad at someone who doesn't get mad.

Native ago

If you've arranged orgies and see dongs swinging under fuppas all night every night, it's hard to get mad at most things after that.

Karbuster ago

Yeah, that sounds pretty desensitizing

ex-feminist ago

that last one was very cute

Adonwars ago


Afterlife ago

Good catch the lever and the chain are in each other’s spot

DillHoleBagHands ago

I am so happy to call newfags niggers, that I can't stop rubbing my hands!

Spiteful_Mutant ago

Careful; you don't want to ignite any nearby fiat shekels.


Hope you don't get blisters on your hands mister lebowitz shekelbergenstein! That would be grounds for filling for restitution payments by Voat for the horrible act they put your through causing all those blisters to develop. [rubbing sounds intensifying]

NoTrueScotsman ago

After #metoo, I'm never sure if it's just your hands you jews are rubbing in these meetings.

DillHoleBagHands ago


VicariousJambi ago