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GrayGadfly ago

Too be fair that is a good argument.

TestForScience ago

There's only like, less than 400 of us left on here, this place WILL be gone if no one new comes in and we have people dropping left and right.

I very much doubt we're the only whites left on the planet and to cower in fear in the corner pointing a flashlight and yelling "Who goes there!?" for fear of one of them being a relatively rare fag is a bitch move.

99% of all fags get ran out of here PDQ, hell, even those TD faggots got ran out of here within a week. They still whine about it.

Holding Voat like Smeagol holding the 'Precious' hiding out in his hole is retarded and is absolutely a completely shit argument.

GrizzlyDark ago

Let's please eliminate any posts that are the 4th+ carbon copies of any previous post within the past 24-48 hours.

Any known faggot shill (E.G. People who copy pasta the same thing on every page or every comment without adding any value .... Like the faggot who has like 4 words that he makes you scroll for one minute to get to the end of each of his 8 comments with the same 4x1000 words).

Honestly fuck it. give the conch to @lakotapride I feel like he's too moral to ever implement his personal opinion into censorship. There are probably others, including myself, I'd trust in this position. But he's got enough background of being an all encompassing guy. Put a guy like him in the final decision if it ever gets out of hand, but ban the fucking retard shills. Better yet, shadow ban them and give them a vote from @turquiselover every time just to keep it honest.