changz ago

I work for MI5. No secrets here.

LoveRight ago


watts2db ago

I like where you pointed out "Being a goat is about more than being a caricature of what the left thinks we are, it's about more than that. We all have different views on what voat should be of course"

LoveRight ago


facepaint ago

I disagree the 2nd comment you highlighted promoted mass shootings. In fact it explicitly tells you why it it is stupid & won't work.

However I do have to agree the 1st comment is full of faggotry.

Pacawac ago

Y'all are all a bunch of fags. I am currently held up in Columbia with a pile of coke. Jeffrey Epstein is calling in take out. Not sure if its pizza or a half dozen 14 year olds. But the pizza better be kosher.

Deplorablepoetry ago

The only good pig is a dead pig

Consider that faggot dead, I do.

ShareBlueEmployee352 ago

Jesus I rustled your jimmies bad didn't I.

Ephebephilia is ok. So is hebephilia in some cases. I say some cases because some girls get their periods at 13, so that leaves a year. I mean some get theirs at 12 too so ehh. Anyway, your period determines when you are ready to have sex. If you don't like that, or you think I'm wrong... Lol you are both wrong and retarded. Nature overrules you, you pathetic virgin.

Also oh no I've been called a shill. Because I'd rather talk about actually taking action and doing something as opposed to sitting on a computer like some loser who is to scared to do anything. And because the idea of actually doing something and taking some responsibility scares the hell out of you fatherless cowards you just label anyone a shill.

There may be government agents on this site, but that really isn't that likely. Most of the retards here are literally just retards posting retarded shit. It's stupid and pathetic how spineless you are.

Anyone who posts a contradictory opinion to that of the "power" losers here is labelled a shill or shareblue or whatever. Seriously, that's Reddit tactics. You pathetic mong.

Anyway, I've created about 68 new accounts already so have fun "shill filtering" you pathetic losers. ..

Oh and ive been a user here for 4 years now.

LoveRight ago

>Member for 17 hours

Wynterwhisper ago

Unfortunately, you are incorrect about a period being a sign a girl is ready for sexual relations. Maybe twenty five years ago. The reason I'm saying this is because of the additives in food like hormones are causing girls as young as 8 or 9 to start menstruation. If you think sex with a nine year old then you would be saying that would be ok. Mental maturity is just as important as physical maturity. Just wanted to clarify because of idiots who would take your statement literally.

MoteMoteKek11 ago

It will happen organically faggot.

NiggadermCQ ago

What if op is deflecting.

Also niggerfaggot

There I fit in.

LoveRight ago

OOga boiga uhh uhh

grug think long nose tribe behind comment

grug not sure though might be not longose tribe instead grug friend

totallynotFBI ago

OP is a fag

LoveRight ago

No u.

Mustard_Monkey ago

Watch for the newbs to start pushing for a civil war to be started by the conservative people . So they can lock us up, and throw away the key. We still got them by votes, and if we red pill more they loose. Screen shot and turn them into DHS. They were hoping to get the ANTIFA clowns to draw us in. We don't jump and dance like those NPC'S.

Hello_world88 ago

U took the bait hard newfag

LoveRight ago

no u

Hello_world88 ago

Yes i am newfag

Niggardly_Jew ago

anyway, all lawmakers should be killed. as well as all... pedophiles...

...Promoting pedophilia... We don't just have a Newfag here, but also a pedophile.

Fuck off with your pearl clutching bullshit. He's calling for the death of pedophiles and you're still not satisfied. Do you think he's calling for people to kill him? Or are you a brainlet?

You're a mega faggot, @LoveRight. kys.

LoveRight ago

You're literally taking a lot of my post out of context, as well as ignoring my main arguments.

Niggardly_Jew ago

The guy is literally calling for the extrajudicial death of pedophiles, but you're accusing him of being a pedophile

but he think sex with a 14 year old is ok!

Its not pedophilia. (Usually, oviously this changes based on the individual girl)

He's kind of a reddit-tier faggot maybe. You're worse. Fuck off we're full.

LoveRight ago

Still taking quotes out of context. Pedophilia refers to adults in sexual relations with adolescents and someone in their 30's having sex with a 14 or 13 year old is pedophilia and is wrong.

Niggardly_Jew ago

No, pedophilia refers to sex with pre-pubescent children. Adolescents are in puberty. So sex between a post-pubescent and an adolescent is not pedophilia. 14 is an (early) traditional age for women to get married. Not every woman is ready by then, but its not like every man 200 years ago was a baby rapist because they didn't think they should be murdering their newlywed neighbors.

LoveRight ago

Disregard the whole pedophilia argument, I'm not too interested in semantics. Are you going to address the main points of my argument?

Niggardly_Jew ago

Oh boy! I'm new! Can I really say the word looks around nervously, turns red and giggles 'nigger" here? Hehehe runs away giggling

Alright, that's enough. I may be new here but I've already had it up to here holds hand far above head. These filthy checks surroundings JEWS have gone too far! Holds head high proudly.

Obviously gay. But not necessarily fed.

If you are going to go on a shooting spree and kill the enemies of your people, you cannot CANNOT expect to "survive". You forfeit your life the moment you start shooting. It's why white shooters always accomplish nothing, meanwhile a few jihadis can take over your country with little ease. Because they don't fear death. Religion has given them purpose, as has the lack of religion taken away our purpose.

I mean its probably true, for him. Because he has a nigger-tier IQ he can't pull off a plan to get away with violence. But that doesn't mean he's a fed.

He is not contributing anything of value to this website. You can't just say niggerfaggot and expect to fit in here. Being a goat is about more than being a caricature of what the left thinks we are, it's about more than that. We all have different views on what voat should be of course, but we should all agree that /u/GloryHoleInMyAnus/ is not fitting that vision.

I guess I can agree with this, but I've had to deal with Qtards long enough that I'm pretty apathetic. He's just another normie faggot.

LoveRight ago

Probably he's just a dumb fag, but you can never be too careful with shills and feds.

anticlutch ago

/u/GloryHoleInMyAnus/ here

Not having read anything further about him, it's obviously a kike.


Gigglestick ago

Is Gigglestick a fag name? I don’t think so. Just like laugh rod would not be a fag name. Chuckle hole... jester branch, funny vine, smile handle. Two things that don’t really have any connection yet somehow intertwined... all you sex addicts should be ashamed of yourself. Go on over to NoFap/pornfree. Do your brain some service you disgusting degen.

UrethraMaggots ago

It's kind of perverted

anticlutch ago

(((you're))) projecting the jewish degeneracy so much even my un-socketed light bulbs are glowing.

Gigglestick ago

Jiminey cricket, if I wanted someone so shitty in this round I woulda asked my buddy, kumquats.

Gigglestick ago

Way to blow the fucking game, anticlutch...

LoveRight ago

Giggle stick is definitely not.

Thats_not_my_dog ago

The feds accounts will be at least two years old.


You seem like a pretty inactive account to be trying to stir up drama like this

LoveRight ago

Nah, I'm a real user.


Exactly what a fed would say...I've got my eye on you.

LoveRight ago


HeLovedPandas ago

Bash environment variable names vs. Pascal case names.


CrudOMatic ago

Pascal case names

AKA Microsoft case.

LoveRight ago

queue mortal combat theme

Thisismyvoatusername ago

Sounds more like a trollfag than a Fed. What exactly would a government agent hope to accomplsih with any of that? They must know more about Voat than to think that would gain traction.

Element115 ago

Journal, day number 139:

Infiltration proceeding smoothly. They still don't suspect I'm a fed. How did those wooden doors seal in the gas, anyway?

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

Most people don't contribute "anything of value" you easily trigered niggerfagot. Fuck off with your bullshit thing called standards

Element115 ago

He might be Shareblue coming back. They had a TON of accounts with "shit" or "anus" in them, those and FirstnameLastname accounts.

XSS1337 ago

Shareblue , media matters , correct the record , move blue , ADL and the good old clowns in America.

hillaryisanigger ago

I have a few questions about the arabs that did 9/11

CrudOMatic ago

They can easily be answered by googling "dancing israelis".

fuie8483djejx73 ago

oy vey, what are you implying goy?