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GloryHoleInMyAnus ago

If you are going to go on a shooting spree and kill the enemies of your people, you cannot CANNOT expect to "survive". You forfeit your life the moment you start shooting. It's why white shooters always accomplish nothing, meanwhile a few jihadis can take over your country with little ease. Because they don't fear death. Religion has given them purpose, as has the lack of religion taken away our purpose.

Anyway, don't try and survive. Just try to kill as many as possible. It instills so much more fear into your enemies than someone that thinks they can survive. If you expect to survive then you will drop your guns to save yourself, that makes you weak. Muslims on the other hand will give their lives to further their religion and their people. And those actions in only 20~ short years have nearly cause them to take over the western world.

Europe is already outbred by Muslims, America by non whites and muslims are a growing problem too. Australia has a Muslim and non white problem. What's left? Nothing. Where will you run when you have no home, no where to retreat to.

Oh shit, I'm a new account. Ignore me, I'm not allowed to post "CIA GLOW NIGGER" things.

HybridNerfGuns ago

Go back to starbucks faggot

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Blood-is-Nature ago

Religion has given them purpose, as has the lack of religion taken away our purpose.

No. Islam gave them a rule to conquer at command, while Christianity gave a rule of not defending yourself. Both working together perfectly from the perspective of the ones making the rules. Christianity corrupted the natural morality aka the balance (natural order) between the positive and negative outcomes of our own actions aka survival by means of adapting to ever changing circumstances. Christians accepted fixed rules of behavior, while the predators around them used adaptation to exploit the Christian standstill. As a justification to not be responsible for the consequences of their own (in)actions, they were given a deity (god), which represents a father figure, a rule giver, a beacon to follow or in other words; a convenient excuse to ditch your responsibility onto. The latter only works if you "belief" in it, and belief is the opposite of knowledge, because believing means not knowing (blind faith in biblical terms). Now, since the path of knowledge is required for survival, the believers are acting against the laws of nature; they accepted death by rejecting to protect their own life, and thereby the lives of the people around them.

GloryHoleInMyAnus ago

while Christianity gave a rule of not defending yourself.

not true.. Crusades.. or hell, see Russia today. Priests blessing the weapons of war.

and Religion has given them a purpose.. Breed and give your life to further your Religion.. Even Christianity promotes children and breeding, but since we abandoned Religion for the "religion" of hedonism we have since stopped breeding and our dying. this isnt just limited to europe, even muslims and whatnot that enter the western world of hedonism and vice stop breeding at such elevated rates. hedonism is our cancer and its the cancer that kill religion..

anyway, we need a new crusade. because only religion will give us it. hedonism and nihilistic atheist crap wont get us anywhere.

Blood-is-Nature ago

Crusades where the feeble attempt to deal with jewish terrorists without realizing that a) you can't baptize a parasite without it spreading within your own ranks and b) you can't escape the JQ without realizing that the existence of your doctrine is based on the existence of them and vice versa. Christianity is judaism and the Torah was written by criminals, celebrating their crimes in scripture, while writing themselves a deity for protection. And blessing weapons for war is the same bullshit that doesn't addresses the so called jews as being responsible for those wars.

"religion" of hedonism

That's called materialism aka capitalism, which the so called jews are selling to atheists. Now, atheism comes from the same people who created the abrahamic religions, by not only forcing their doctrine of belief onto the world, but also calling everyone that didn't fell for it a non-believer, thereby creating a false duality that depends on each other. A non-believer (atheist) is a corrupted ideology of identifying as the opposition of somebody else, thereby giving the doctrine of belief validation.

GloryHoleInMyAnus ago

christianity is the religion born under the roman rule of jerusalem, a child born to rid the world of the Jew.. so theres a heavy heavy european influence and basis to christianity. hence why it spread so easily in europe and not judiasm or whathaveyou.

and hedonism is capitalism is not correct. there is no requirement for capitalism for hedonism to exist. conversely capitalism cannot exist without hedonism.

an atheist is a coward, nothing more and nothing less. a coward that attempts to explain away everything with "science"... but im a man of faith so, what do i know. i know a lot about science thats for sure, i also know about faith. you either are capable of understanding faith or you arent. think of it like the expanding brain meme.

it goes (small brain) has faith (huge brain) believes in science (universe mind) has faith..

at the end of the day you can either take action and fight back with violence, you can breed children and warriors of god, or you can do nothing and submit to the rule of those that want you to suffer for their own hedonism. the choice is yours. i suggest you get a bible and believe in something larger than yourself. but thats for you and you alone to decide. im merely a messenger.

Blood-is-Nature ago

a child born to rid the world of the Jew

That's the new testament, the Jesus age, the 2019 years after his death. A lie designed to fail, because the old testament; the Torah; Judaism; the +5k years of the hebrew lunar cycle are still continuing under our false identity. The order out of chaos they bring up constantly is about reestablishing the correct timeline and unveiling the truth (obviously not all of it) after the false timeline comes to an end in utter chaos. It's a millennia old plan to conquer the world and it plays out as intended. Christianity is not a "white" (European) identity it's a controlled doctrine, that was given an opposing doctrine outside (Islam), and an opposing doctrine inside (the talmudic jews). Islam was corrupted through the murder of Caliph Uthman, who destroyed all of the interpretations of Mohammad's vision for Islam and replacing them all with his own, after which he was killed by jews, who took over. The talmud angle was socially engineered to get the so called jews out of Christianity, while leaving the new (corrupted) testament to the gentiles. Meanwhile the original teachings of Judaism, including the lunar cycle, and the pagan Saturn worshiping angle continued more or less in hiding.

there is no requirement for capitalism for hedonism to exist. conversely capitalism cannot exist without hedonism.

Capitalism is the exchange of labor and the fruits thereof for money, and money is usury since Babylon, so I make the bold statement that capitalism never had value to nature. It's the idea of what it's suppose to mean, being moved forward in time to hide the usury committed under it. It was always intended to make human labor (time to sustain existence) into a commodity that can be stolen from them. Money has no right to exist in a trade, because it has no natural value, only time has value.

a coward that attempts to explain away everything with "science"

Science is the industrialization of the natural path of knowledge. In nature it's problem, path of knowledge, solution. In science humans corrupt the path of knowledge to create more problems, gate-keep the knowledge, and make the solutions untrustworthy. Our survival depends on the natural path of knowledge, "believing" science means following the untrustworthy. Science is a false religion, which is why Islam was designed to oppose it, thereby dooming Christianity to failure by designing the Christians to follow science. Atheists were swept into this mess, because they have to live in a system based on Christianity.

an atheist is a coward

Tell me how an Inuit, sitting in his igloo fishing with his kids, is a coward, because on the other side of the world a doctrine declared everyone who doesn't follow it a non-believer/atheist/infidel? And don't give me the whole "it's a western civilization" thing, because the so called jews have always aimed at the whole world, and we can see their global destruction clearly today.

you either are capable of understanding faith or you aren't.

Are you? Blind faith is idolatry, it's cult of personality (God, Jesus), it's symbology (crucifix), it's accepting the opposite of what is truth without question. In nature blind faith is a temporary survival instinct towards the unknown, which automatically evokes curiosity, which will turn into the path of knowledge towards truth. Example: a young deer in panic during it's first thunder storm, until it gets curious about why the older deer aren't scared, which leads to the knowledge that thunder doesn't harm. If that deer would stuck to it's belief that thunder equals doom, then a predator would adapt to it and snatch up the scared deer. The entire human concept of holding onto belief is a deception delivered by a predator to lower your defenses, and human history shows the wake of destruction alongside religion quiet clearly. Yet it's always the fault of the ones who don't follow know, just like communism.

it goes (small brain) has faith (huge brain) believes in science (universe mind) has faith..

There's all kinds of intelligence found across the countless of species in nature, and they all sustain their existence fine, by following the laws of nature through instincts alone. Where's the benefit of blind-faith/belief for every species on earth? Why are the laws of nature capable of governing all life-forms to create a self sustaining system? How dare the mess that is the self destructing humanity claims the laws of nature are based on their deities? What hedonistic ignorance to claim to be above all other species, while not bowing down to the laws that govern the existence of all, even claiming it to themselves, while laying waste to this ecosystem...

i suggest you get a bible and believe in something larger than yourself

The laws of nature are larger than me and I don't have to believe in them, I can understand them, prove them and follow them just like every other creature in this system. No institutions, no idolatry, no corruptions. No escape either, because whatever your belief is, the laws of nature will judge the consequences of your actions regardless. And only the consequences because we were given the full freedom of choice over our actions.

MDEneverdies1488 ago

It's not necessarily about you saying one thing or another. It's just that you new kids always try to hard and comment way too much. Slow your roll, big dog, you'll have plenty of time to enjoy this place and ccp isn't that important

GloryHoleInMyAnus ago

i know, but here i am actually ALLOWED to talk. i have a lot of words pent-up that i havent been able to say for a long time...

it might be annoying, but this is the first time in, um, im not sure how long, that ive actually been able to "speak".

if that annoys you, thats fine. i wont downvote you, because i dont care about "karma".

Jiggggg ago

I don't know if you heard or not, but only niggerfaggots can downvoat

LoveRight ago

You can't downvoat unless you get some points and become a niggerfaggot like the rest of us.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

You won’t downvote anybody because you can’t, bitch

Reapreap ago

You can't downvoat until you become a real faggotnigger like the rest of us.