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gabara ago

For the record, Voat was never intended to be a "white haven", it was for people to discuss whatever you can't on Reddit. That's it. Now our content does skew heavily towards a certain ethno-political grouping, that's just because that's what's getting de-platformed on Reddit and everywhere else.

GrizzlyDark ago

soooo whitehaven? pretty sure there's a White wine called that, lol.

Anyway, nowhere ever starts with the intend to become a "Whitehaven".

I know this because if you say that off the bat, you are targeted by Jews as a white supremacist before you can take off.

However, if you simply uphold the easiest fucking value to interpret in the history of mankind, free speech, it's only a matter of time before .... well all the white's who appreciate each other and are tired of all the jew and nigger shit in the world today. Funny how that works time and time again and always comes out the same. Weird why that would be.

AdolfGutenbergstein ago

It never was or is a white haven but it is a bastion for free speech which is usually misinterpreted for such

AmericanJew2 ago

I know some of you goats hate me because Jew, but I still love you all and this website.

When voat was down recently I tried lurking reddit again. Whoever curates that site should die of ass cancer.

Talc ago

I seem to remember from before the various reddit exoduses (exodii?) voat, or whoaverse as it used to be known, was intended as a college project, nothing more. Anything else it has become, it has not "intended" at all.

gabara ago

You're conflating Whoaverse with Voat

Bastionof_freespeech ago

Exactly, I love voat the way it is but I'd like to see a larger userbase as the site could die if it continues to drop in unique visits. I just wish they'd open the store back up because I want some voat gear and the ability to support the site besides donating

CowWithBeef ago

Whites are being deplatformed from jewish websites because whites are a threat to jewish supremacy.

Caesar_was_right ago

Uh hello, aren't you forgetting about the 700 gorillian jews evil WHITE PEOPLE launched into the sun or some shit.

Spiteful_Mutant ago

... threat to jewish supremacy.

If the jew actually had supremacy it wouldn't have a need to deplatform Whites.

GrayGadfly ago

'hurr durr, if jew have supremacist goals, why are the they pursuing their supremacist goals. checkmat nasi.'

The fact that they have the capacity to censor a white majority about white genocide takes a lot of control. No control is absolute, but it doesn't mean Zionism isn't a thing.

Spiteful_Mutant ago

You're missing my point (and went way off the deep end, btw). They may have the to capacity to censor, but that doesn't make them superior in any way. In fact, they show their lack of superiority by having to censor Whites because otherwise the superior ideals of Whites would expose their degeneracy to normies.

jwm5514 ago

Yeah, and some British Jew said America was a melting pot one time too so that’s why it’s absolutely illegal and impossible to make America into a white ethnostate too so we shouldn’t even try.

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

a melting pot of white people

It's like crossing a labrodor with a golden retriever, and thinking it's equivalent to a pit bull and retriever

HashTheFash ago

Hey, there's a freemasonic statue that someone put a plaque on with some poetry on it, so now we shouldn't have any borders.

Nosfewratsjews ago

Oh look, Voat's SRS envoy over at SBBH telling everyone how Voat should be used.. again.

gabara ago

You shared this with Dial and he sent it to me immediately.

Go back to Mexico, Flacco!

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

What the fuck are you going on about? He is correct you fucking nigger

Nosfewratsjews ago

Yes, we all know SBBH control Voat. No new information here.

Karbuster ago

Just cause they hurt your vagina somewhere else doesnt mean that they arent correct in this thread

Nosfewratsjews ago

Look at all the SRS apologists.

Karbuster ago

Go take your pills amalek

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ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Sure thing rabbi