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smokratez ago

The shitposters are the reddit faggots and trannies. Q sub is an asset to voat. Guess you needed more accounts for voting power huh.

ExpertShitposter ago

Q = mossad psyOp.

RoundWheel ago

Because exposing all the shit they are doing is clearly in the interests of mossad and Israel. Q has repeatedly called out Mossad, including their connections to Epstein, many other traffickers, and their control of MSM and string pullers in the CIA.

That's a nice shill post you have there. Too bad it is devoid of reality.

ExpertShitposter ago

Already you are deleting your posts and re-replaying to me again with multiple, more sophisticated reply's. Sloppy job mossad.

He is fake criticizing Israel in the same manner that CNN fake gave David Duke air time as seen here: He mentions it after 5:00 in the video.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

I've dealt with this jew shill before. Just point at him and laugh

RoundWheel ago

You really are a dumb fag jew shill. Fuck you guys are stupid.