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17029222? ago

Prove that you can write Japanese.

Tell somebody to die in Japanese.

My challenge by @whiteRonin

The OP gets one chance and one chance to explain why he translated it wrong.

17029294? ago

neko neko kawaii anime moe moe kyun.

Game set and match, poser faggot.

17031122? ago

Nah you lost!

My challenge was explicit. Only somebody who has control of the Japanese language will be able to tell me to die properly.

Only 1 response got close.

17031277? ago

Dude, seriously. It's obvious you don't speak Japanese. I've seen you slip up in other threads when you tried to display your knowledge of the language. Twenty years and so little to show for it. Sad!

17031764? ago

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17031821? ago

Uh oh. I think I broke him.

17031426? ago

Prove your statement.

Skype me! And put a legit Japanese person on the phone. I will make them blush.

You won’t because you a chicken shit using anon to hide.

No fuck along wanker.

Or bet me $1000. Cash!

Pay for a flight, and put up $2k and I’ll smack you down like a little girl that you are.

Come on bitch be a man and lose money!

17034267? ago

domo argotto mr roboto


17034272? ago

All hail 1990

17034312? ago

#me too

lets take those nay sayers money

17034319? ago

Be rich real fast!

17034336? ago

indeed be a beverly hillbilles type scenario

17031523? ago

What's your Skype ID? And bank info for transfer of 1000 dollars? Also, if you really want a fight, home town and address, please.

17031582? ago

I’ll make it easy and epic! Let’s meet where JFK died.

17031554? ago

Yours first. Nigerian nigger!

17031699? ago

So you set the conditions and aren't even man enough to give first what you're asking for. Pathetic.

17031910? ago

Such a Nigerian nigger. Come to daddy child!

17032119? ago

Well it finally happened. You went certifiably insane. Glad I had a hand in it.

17034329? ago

Nigerian Nigger scammer

17034485? ago

How does it feel knowing that no one will ever take you seriously as an authority of Japanese culture on Voat again now that you've been exposed?

17034603? ago

Nigger much?

More likely a jealous chicken shit. You gaijin who come to Japan with a hard on for the culture make me giggle. Get out and drink and meet the real Japan.

17034728? ago

Here, why don't we start with your Skype name? We don't have to share bank info just yet. I can actually hook us up for a three-way convo with a Japanese friend.

17036359? ago

And to make this good.

When you loose, donate to a dog rescue, black out your info and post to voat using that new alt so all can see!

Fair enough?

17037851? ago

Next time, try organizing all your thoughts into one post. I have many Japanese friends. Mostly in Kansai, but some in Tokyo. Not sure why this is relevant to you unless you're trying to dox. I'm waiting for your PM. You know who I am. Give me your new Skype ID when you make it and I'll talk to my friends.

17038024? ago

No, I don’t know how you are.

My gawd! Trying to dox you after all those comments saying how you can prevent from getting doxed. Also I said to make a new alt so I don’t know who you are.

Please read more carefully!

Cool! I haven’t heard or used Kansei-Ben in a long time! Is the pig and whistle still a bar to hang out at?

17038143? ago

You actually don't know who I am? Hm, just as well. Not sure what the other nonsense you're trying to say means, but it's obvious who needs to read more. Not sure what the pig and whistle is. Some shitty gaijin bar? Not the least bit surprised you would be familiar with such a place. Give me a rough time frame and I'll try to set something up with one of my friends.

17062542? ago

No. I don’t know who you are. You could be that butt hurt gaijin who said he would never talk to me again but you are talking to me so probably not that dude.

I am familiar with lots of different places. Fro high end Geisha bars to low life gaijin bars and Caba Kurabu. Being snobbish about a textbook Japan isn’t my style and why I know so much more than most academics like yourself.

Currently: 9-10pm CST is Japan’s lunch time. I prefer any day besides Saturday. Friday I can do later easily and possibly Sunday.

I will setup a burner Skype account when you get this setup.

17036300? ago

One more. Go ahead and create a new alt here on voat so you don’t have a reason to claim I doxxed you on voat.

17036234? ago

I’m gonna set up a new skypeID so please do the same. No need to dox each other and we can burn those Ids when done.

17036084? ago

PM me. And I will.

Does your friend live in Japan? And where?