crazy_eyes ago

But, you speak Japanese

WhiteRonin ago

Betting on me that I can speak Japanese is sure win!

Those who bet against me are losers!

slevin_kelevra ago

your taste in music is worse than your breath. and that's saying a lot as I can smell it through the internet.

slevin_kelevra ago

English motherfucker - do you speak it? Sheesh.

1mpatientPatient ago

I see you've met our resident Wernicke Korsakoff patient.

WhiteRonin ago

Called you a drunk moron :-)

Read the second part the opposite way. I was giving you some hints! I occupy lowly places and hear things.

I’ve actually pushed in your favor unbeknownst to you ;-)

slevin_kelevra ago

my alt?

slevin_kelevra ago


slevin_kelevra ago

you couldn't impress a dog with a t-bone steak. chug bleach.

slevin_kelevra ago

I pray for you that you find more meaning to your life the imaginary internet problems.

WhiteRonin ago

I don’t need divine help from a god who gives new born children cancer and deformities.

slevin_kelevra ago

I think you need all the help you can get. That said, with you attitude, may I suggest chugging some Clorox bleach at your earliest convenience. Thanks.

SearchVoatBot ago

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WhiteRonin ago

That she is!

But I’m sure she would appreciate it!

WhiteRonin ago

You want a chance at her?

WhiteRonin ago

Aho! Yopparai!

Drink some more! And damage your chances.

Illusory ago

I can't imagine how you could possibly think that posting this doesn't make you look like an unhinged internet tough guy. Then again, maybe you do and just don't care.

WhiteRonin ago

why Should I care?

If somebody bets against me on this I will lots of bank!

Illusory ago

Are you on crack? I read the title over several times now and it still makes no fucking sense.

WhiteRonin ago

Ok, so I typed in leave.

Here to make it simple.

I opened a challenge. Ok?

It’s for money. It’s a bet right!

I will win! So, I can gamble even my house to watch losers loose.

I don’t think I can make this any simpler for you ...

Illusory ago

You are asking someone to prove this person right that you can't speak Japanese?

WhiteRonin ago

No I’m proving them left.

Left without cash!

Illusory ago realize you got trolled hardcore, right? This probably should have been posted in soapdoxbanhammer, because it's really out of place here. By the way, are you drunk? Because at this point I think you have more to prove about your grasp of the English language than you do about Japanese.

WhiteRonin ago


You don’t get it so I’m not gonna explain.

So, smart ass.

Show me how my answer that you just replied to is wrong?

You are soooooo smart that it should easy!

Illusory ago


WhiteRonin ago

Thought so.

You wanted me to prove my English skills yet, I just posted a comment that flew over your head.

Look, I made fun with the word left because you used the word right.

Illusory ago

You're very confused. You used the word right. Apparently you took me quoting your own words as a chance to make a pun.

"Who is willing to gamble money and prove this person right that I can't speak Japanese to leave I have clearly stated multiple times?"

Apparently you think the problem is that you typed in leave (?) but I'd say that's far from the only one. I am being seriously and non-facetious when I ask you if you were drunk when you wrote that. The confused reactions from other users are a testament to the fact that you clearly weren't thinking straight when you wrote that.

White_pride_cis ago

Are you retarded? What is this stupid post supposed to mean?

WhiteRonin ago

Somebody called me out and I made it public not anon.

I hoping they will take the gamble. I live seeing fools part with their money!

Demonsweat2 ago


WhiteRonin ago

Who wants to gamble in a loosing game?

I will win.

I will use your money on a car payment, a trip or just some good food that I will too nicely for!

Come on chicken shits!

Put your money where your ass is! Obviously, you have your heads up your ass so that is where I’ll find your mouth!

zyklon_b ago

I am all in on your side

WhiteRonin ago

I’m a winner 1000% in this bet.

zyklon_b ago

I know