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worldofmadness ago

Really? You decide to shut down one of the few censorship sites left on the net at this very pivotal moment in history where sharing true information is more important than ever? Strategic timing to shut down I would say. Kikes are definitely rubbing their hands like crazy over this announcement..

Sound_Flames ago

Tzx ago

★My last month paycheck was for 1500 dollars…YDK All i did was simple online work from comfort at home for 3-4 hours/day that I got from this agency I discovered over the internet and they paid me for it 95 bucks every hour.

See this site----- WWW.JOBS82.COM

Vakhuman ago

Did you not read the part about being broke from keeping the site up with his own money.... ffs

Obrez ago

People keep saying Putt is comped, I figure he's severely depressed, this venture was meant ro take a bite out of reddit and honestly failed, even atko abandoned the project, the culture we have built here has all of the worst elements of reddit, 4chan and the movements people here represent and that made us a money pit of course Putt would be depressed; obviously voat isn't all bad, we are free and that is worth more than all the bile we trudge through.

I have been saying that Putt should start taking donations especially in crypto for a while, it adds up if you can save some but I suspect even if he is compromised he is economically in the fucking hole.

People jumping on the honeypot shit need to consider a more realistic look at what is going on, is it possible voat is a honeypot? Sure. Is it more likely Putt tried to salvage a failed web project and got in over his head then his user's big mouths drew in the Feds and now open calls for civil war and insurrection have put him in a difficult position? I think so.

I also suspect the man is suicidal, I've always gotten the distinct feeling Putt either dislikes me or very much wants nothing to do with me likely because I've posted some hairy shit the feds are very interested in and so he feels a need to keep a safe distance, it's his prerogative, but that doesn't mean I can refuse to see a man so clearly conflicted and in pain.

Whatever you are planning @Puttitout, please think about it one more time in the context of these offers of funding you've gotten tonight. It might be healthy to let voat go, don't die with it.

Offer up some crypto wallets people can send funds to, some for voat and some personal wallets for you, any other web dev with a project like this would take personal tips and donations.

To the rest of us, now is the time to find new places to organize. I hope voat stays up, but honestly it might be for the best that we go and build up on the imageboards again, our people have become disparate and fractured, in finding new shelter we might just help strengthen and unify our causes even at the cost of some compromises.


The .win network

These are my top three recommendations, it's hard to say which image board is better, 9chan's josh is a mighty faggot, but 8kun's owner is a flaky pretender who propped up this Q bullshit, probably was Putt's angel, march was about the time some legal action on that end ramped up, he probably floated voat during 8chan's downtime to keep his Q project alive.

The .win network is big but also cucked and kiked, I suggest all of us go there and spread the word and but stay connected on 8kun and 9chan. is tiny and largely blackpilled sadfaggots and misanthropes but if you like voat and hate imageboards it's the only option the has consistently free speech, it pales compared to voat but is better than

Parler is absolutely not trustworthy, the libertarian running it has promised to throw users under the bus whenever the state or a third party comes knocking and to pawn of any legal costs on its users in the event of a lawsuit involving their posts, it had also promised to monetise itself in the same corrupt corprocratic propaganda racket as twitter has.

Gab is run by a jew, I shouldn't be optimistic about it but i think i trust gab over parler, the jew in question is rightwing and nonreligious, for now gab seems better than parler.

Bitchute is getting pushed around by kikes and the owner can't or wont stop it.

I would bet most voat users have 1 or two other lifeline sites, we need to spend the next 3 and a half days remedying that at all costs, lets make a list of rightwing and freespeech friendly websites, we cannot let our mass of esoteric knowledge fade into obscurity, it must be passed on, spend the next days backing up posts you've saved folks.

Our exodus begins, as this chapter in our movement closes we can write a new one together and with our compatriots and comrades around the web.

The last days of freedom are upon us, do not squander them. Preserve the fruits and seeds of the tree of liberty, we will need them. Make your final preparations for a hard winter folks.

meowski ago

The Voat server code and database are in a sorry state. They would need some work to keep this going. The site crashes constantly and unless he has consistent money and time to put into this, it's not sustainable.

ArayanZ ago

Hey, what about MeWe? Yes it's owned by a Jew too (wth isn't now?) but I don't think he censors. I do know he has private groups and in those groups are chats.

Pattern_Blind ago

Ok Rabbi, let's all move to a kike site....

New-World-Ebola ago

this announcement is typical of a kike that has successfully completed a honeytrap.

this is jewry.

eronburr ago

Putt's problem was his design and choosing to build on licensing. Why's voat run on MSFT and MSSQL instead of nix and nosql'ish?

When you CHOOSE to use for-profit software to run your nfp organization, you just set yourself up to fail.

How about before shutting down you update github and let some use the site to discuss porting it to something more affordable and either plan to hand it off to some collective managed site or maybe they can just make this some sort of blockchain like system and take it off a centralized system?

Go out with a bang and let your creation evolve without you to see where it leads.

NorthSeaPagan ago

Section 230 probably...

RiverWind ago

Voat is the platform and the community. The platform had and still has many problems. The community is great and there are strong technical reasons to reform the community on Aether:

Aether is engineered to support Free expression and resist censorship. It is distributed, and does not rely on http to connect users. (An http website can be blocked, DDoS, or have the hosts obliged to remove the site. Aether has been under continual developement for years and has an active community.

Goats should check it out right away. The client which you would use is released under the GPL so you can audit and improve the code yourself if you like.

See you there and bring some content to post. There is a Voat sub there already.

anoncastillo ago

Yep, but we still have the chans:

pimplepeter ago

meh doesn't look that good

Ken_bingo2 ago

My cynical side tells me shutting down now for the reasons you state is accurate and in true kikery fashion, the justification is couched in insincere Christianity. Same MO as ever. Kikes have been weaponizing Christianity against Christians since the beginning.

oneinchterror ago

Why do you faggos hate Putt so much? He's proven himself over the years to be a legitimately good dude. He's just making a bad decision.

Mystiker ago

I would have expected at a minimum a week notice, if not a month notice. But 3 days? That doesn't seem right to me.

SonofaHulk ago

Because 167 years ago his great, great, great, grandfather's nephew's cousin's sister in law guessed it A JEW!!!!!!!!!! This people were never for free speech they just wanted a place to get together and whine and distract from the enemy by blaming jews.

headrick ago

Notice (((him))) wildly up voting himself.

voatergoateryoda ago

He's a fucking glownigger. Site is being shut down because glowniggers realize its doing more harm than good.

Moon_Central ago

In conclusion the real moral of the story is never put a xtian in charge of anything.

SparklingWiggle ago

You might be right that his moral compass dictates that he kill this bastion of hate and anger. Doing so won't kill the hate and anger, and even Jesus dumped the money changer tables.

blackzetsu ago

Chick fila

Muh-Shugana ago

We at least need a way to site-rip the text posts from this whole website, there's important shit stored here!

HootersMcBoobies ago

I got a message for claiming they're keeping a read only archive. Anyone else get one?

meowski ago

Just finished this python scraper. Got my posts and comments all saved down with it.

Get it while you can.

operation_wetvac ago

Thanks, and just in the nick of time.

Currently running it. And I know, not the proper channels, but on Windows at least you also need to:

pip install requests_html

Also when doing the dry run option, need to create/touch the following files first as the script tries to read them before they exist:


When doing a live run, it tries to open files before creating the output directory:

commentsOutFileHandle =  open(commentsOutFilePath, 'a', newline='')
commentsWriter = csv.writer(commentsOutFileHandle)

I just moved these two lines to right before that section and it's working:

logging.debug("Creating output folder "+outFolder)
Path(outFolder).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

meowski ago

Thanks, I updated the repo accordingly

MadWorld ago

There is a 100-page limitation on how much you can save. If you want to get around that, you would have to start deleting submissions/comments. A better way to get around it would be to save from and incrementally change either from or to date parameter, depending on the order of save. This method will allow the users to fully download all submissions/comments available, without touching The downsides are that voting scores are not intact to the data, and it is necessary to parse the timestamp at the end of the page limitation.

It can all be done without Voat. I think the more pressing matter is to save user's saved and PM data:[username]/saved?page=[n][n][n]

meowski ago

i added private message support so it saves inbox and sent messages

meowski ago

Oh look at that. that's unfortunate. guess i could make a destructive option to delete them and page through that way

MadWorld ago

I took the lazy option and curled from the terminal to fetch my private data with copypasta:

seq 0 99 | while read n; do curl -s -L -b "$cookie" -c "$cookie" "$n" >$n.html; done;
seq 0 99 | while read n; do curl -s -L -b "$cookie" -c "$cookie" "$n" >$n.html; done;
seq 0 99 | while read n; do curl -s -L -b "$cookie" -c "$cookie" "$n"    >$n.html; done;

And did a global search-and-replace afterwards, to get the pages displayed properly:


MadWorld ago

It only affects users with more than 100 pages or 2500 entries per message type.

i added private message support so it saves inbox and sent messages

Much appreciated!! You are the hero Voat needs on its last days... Thank you!!

IslamicStatePatriot ago

WinKey + R wsl

You can launch your Windows Subsystem for Linux and should be able to run this no prob for Win users.

Wonder_Boy ago

Can you build one that scrapes all the posts we've saved? To me, that's an even bigger deal. I want to get all the stuff others have posted that I've saved.

meowski ago

that didn't even cross my mind. i have never saved a post or used sets before either.

it would be easy to modify this to save saved posts since they're in the same format

Wonder_Boy ago

Bro, any luck with that code?

meowski ago

i added the private messages but didn't get to do the saved posts.

at this point i'd recommend saving those html files manually. i don't think i'll have time for that before tomorrow. got xmas family stuff going on

Wonder_Boy ago

It's really something I've wanted to do for a long time. I save people's posts & links all the time. There's a mountain of data & info on Voat that is frankly irreplaceable.

Do what you can, please.


StopTheEvilAgenda ago


Muh-Shugana ago

The hero we need.

OfficerDarrenWilson ago

I can probably write a little script to do that, I'm not an expert but it's not very hard, any sub-voats to do first?

corpuscrispy ago


061916 ago

Pizzagate is THE most important sub on this site. And then pizzagatewhatever. If you can get it all downloaded/saved I'd like to know so I can print it out, thanks!

mrsmmah ago

Me, too. Thank you!

Derpfroot ago

I'm going to have to spend an entire day saving my Saved Posts/Comments with all that red pill info. Fuck.

Azamuku ago

I feel this is actually why it's shutting down. There is dirt here that the powers that be don't want getting out to the public.

Beast-mode-freak ago

Oy vey, shut it down!

JohnQ-Arkenstone ago

I agree, a lot of interesting voaters brought much information here to share.

ussliberty ago

very important

TFS ago

Right before military trucks start rolling in the streets and DOD begins to administer mass-vaccinations. Also announced the same day the Navy announces they have a nuclear submarine in the strait of Hormuz. To say that this bad timing for Voat to shut down would be an understatement.

KDs_Other_Burner ago

Two downvoats.

Found the kikes!

NineRounds ago

Found the Nazi!

Angryelectrician ago

Project Light Speed - Trump...

T1tus ago

Or a good time, depends on what team you are on or comprised by.

Glipglup ago

Lol I fucking told you guys about this for months. Nobody would listen. There's a reason for the short notice, putt wants no attempts at archiving.

BjornIronside ago

Most of the people here are still sheep, fren.

raisinade ago

A lot of people suspected, but it was still one of the few places that you could say basically whatever you want so people kept using the site anyway. This kind of removes all doubt though doesn't it, it's a move that seems meant to cause maximum damage.

GuyFromTheDonald ago

theres still

892012518HEROS ago

That site is controlled by the enemy

FacelessOne ago

So many Niggerfaggets I've missed out on saying.