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worldofmadness ago

Really? You decide to shut down one of the few censorship sites left on the net at this very pivotal moment in history where sharing true information is more important than ever? Strategic timing to shut down I would say. Kikes are definitely rubbing their hands like crazy over this announcement..

TFS ago

Right before military trucks start rolling in the streets and DOD begins to administer mass-vaccinations. Also announced the same day the Navy announces they have a nuclear submarine in the strait of Hormuz. To say that this bad timing for Voat to shut down would be an understatement.

T1tus ago

Or a good time, depends on what team you are on or comprised by.

Glipglup ago

Lol I fucking told you guys about this for months. Nobody would listen. There's a reason for the short notice, putt wants no attempts at archiving.

raisinade ago

A lot of people suspected, but it was still one of the few places that you could say basically whatever you want so people kept using the site anyway. This kind of removes all doubt though doesn't it, it's a move that seems meant to cause maximum damage.

GuyFromTheDonald ago

theres still

892012518HEROS ago

That site is controlled by the enemy

FacelessOne ago

So many Niggerfaggets I've missed out on saying.