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worldofmadness ago

Really? You decide to shut down one of the few censorship sites left on the net at this very pivotal moment in history where sharing true information is more important than ever? Strategic timing to shut down I would say. Kikes are definitely rubbing their hands like crazy over this announcement..

Muh-Shugana ago

We at least need a way to site-rip the text posts from this whole website, there's important shit stored here!

meowski ago

Just finished this python scraper. Got my posts and comments all saved down with it.

Get it while you can.

MadWorld ago

There is a 100-page limitation on how much you can save. If you want to get around that, you would have to start deleting submissions/comments. A better way to get around it would be to save from and incrementally change either from or to date parameter, depending on the order of save. This method will allow the users to fully download all submissions/comments available, without touching The downsides are that voting scores are not intact to the data, and it is necessary to parse the timestamp at the end of the page limitation.

It can all be done without Voat. I think the more pressing matter is to save user's saved and PM data:[username]/saved?page=[n][n][n]

meowski ago

i added private message support so it saves inbox and sent messages