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worldofmadness ago

Really? You decide to shut down one of the few censorship sites left on the net at this very pivotal moment in history where sharing true information is more important than ever? Strategic timing to shut down I would say. Kikes are definitely rubbing their hands like crazy over this announcement..

eronburr ago

Putt's problem was his design and choosing to build on licensing. Why's voat run on MSFT and MSSQL instead of nix and nosql'ish?

When you CHOOSE to use for-profit software to run your nfp organization, you just set yourself up to fail.

How about before shutting down you update github and let some use the site to discuss porting it to something more affordable and either plan to hand it off to some collective managed site or maybe they can just make this some sort of blockchain like system and take it off a centralized system?

Go out with a bang and let your creation evolve without you to see where it leads.