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worldofmadness ago

Really? You decide to shut down one of the few censorship sites left on the net at this very pivotal moment in history where sharing true information is more important than ever? Strategic timing to shut down I would say. Kikes are definitely rubbing their hands like crazy over this announcement..

RiverWind ago

Voat is the platform and the community. The platform had and still has many problems. The community is great and there are strong technical reasons to reform the community on Aether:

Aether is engineered to support Free expression and resist censorship. It is distributed, and does not rely on http to connect users. (An http website can be blocked, DDoS, or have the hosts obliged to remove the site. Aether has been under continual developement for years and has an active community.

Goats should check it out right away. The client which you would use is released under the GPL so you can audit and improve the code yourself if you like.

See you there and bring some content to post. There is a Voat sub there already.