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PuttItOut ago

This is a good idea, we need to write some instruction on Bitcoin and other digital currencies.

I wonder if someone from Voat can provide some resources, or better yet, do a write up.

JohnCStevenson ago

Hey @PuttItOut. I have tried time and time again to spread my message, but your website's draconian restrictions have limited me to just 10 posts a day simply because I disagree with the fake news being spread here. The people at r/ProtectVoat have destroyed my SCP, leaving me unable to post any links from reputable websites. Please take actions against users such as @1moar and @NeedleStack, who have unfairly targeted me, or there will be legal ramifications.

And ask yourself: Are you fine with a website that caters to some of the most dangerous people currently walking the planet? Take a look at how depraved Trump supporters are, and ask yourself if free speech is worth the cost:

The choice is yours. Have a good day. :)


Free speech is worth my life and more you freedom hating unpatriotic faggot

captngoos ago

You're not gonna do shit, pussy


Amazing how you can still say all that with 3 dicks in your mouth constantly.

9593756? ago

kill yourself. Nobody is buying your bullshit.

Cat-hax ago

Last I fucking checked the left was the ones protesting, attacking trump supporters, destorying private property, all I hear about Trump supporters is they say bad words, grow the fuck up. Oh also this is the internet you can't Sue because some one downvoted you're posts, you except that possibility by posting here.

LionElTrump ago

And ask yourself: Are you fine with a website that caters to some of the most dangerous people currently walking the planet? Take a look at how depraved Trump supporters are, and ask yourself if free speech is worth the cost:

Shareblue is fucking atrocious. Paid government(well was, Hillary & Obama LOST) shills to push a narrative. We've all been educated and seen in practice your doublespeak and constant twisting. Your time honored methodology of pointing at someone else to sick the public on is over. No one is going to visit your garbage site except those poor un-monitored 13yr-26yr old age groups.

Tea Party doesn't exist except in peoples hearts & minds because Obama used the IRS to target political opponents, couldn't have the Tea Party challenging Establishment crooks in the Republican party! His "Violent Supporters" are moving from the point from self-protection to Constitutional Protection, every shooting/stabbing a liberal/illegal immigrant conducts by advice of Bernie, Hillary, Obama, or Lynch adds another straw. When the 2nd amendment crowd does finally snap they will unite around the Red, White, and Blue and the Constitution as a means to unite, once more. History is repeating itself. Everyone sees this. The ones that were in control of humans source of information outside their immediate area have lost that control thanks to the internet, despite their best efforts. Now the scales must be balanced. The United States of America will never let Pedophiles prosper, Welfare Queens rule, or Poverty Pimps continue their sick scam.

You have lost on all front, online, polls, voting booths, physical altercations, and court rooms as the pols continue to show that anonymous people unite behind the idea that the criminal factions like ShareBlue, Clinton's Legacy Media, and Obama's online propaganda, and those that work/support those efforts must be flogged and embarrassed to the world to show what a sick minority you are.

Bishop1488 ago

I personally think that someone really needs to fire up the gas chambers for this kike.

MistaMusick ago

Free speech is absolutely worth it. Fuck yourself you like nigger.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

hey shareblue, could you please report voat to the FTC? false advertisement is a serious crime.

please show them this list of censorship and behavioral manipulation:

and compare it to wherein voat's then-ceo promised no censorship (and you can easily find other examples of voat, inc, claiming no censorship

yes i am vehemently against you and all you stand for. i am the anti-shill. and you are confirmed paid shills.

that said,

if you wish to speak freely here (you're paid shills, therefore, representatives of a non-living entity, therefore you do NOT have any human rights such as the right to freely self-express)

then by all means

use this ammo to rek these other shills, the criminal sjw takeover shills that took over voat.

report voat to the FTC for false advertisement:

Grifter42 ago

Drink bleach, you fucking leftist retard.

Soundguy21 ago

Ahh David brock wants to sue voat, perhaps you should tell him to stop raping little boys first.

tapsnapornap ago

How about you sue all of us you faggot nigger

Ina_Pickle ago

Hey Cuck,

Are you self-aware enough to even realize where you are? This is not reddit.

The people at r/ProtectVoat have destroyed my SCP

FreeBreivik ago

I hope you grow hair in your throat! :-D

kestrel9 ago

Shills don't have messages and no one likes a whinebagger, especially paid whinebaggers.
ShareBlue fun fact

9575276? ago

Dangerous in what way, exactly? Dangerous to your abilities to control and command people to regurgitate your nonsense and advance your political agendas? That makes Voat dangerous? You are clearly in need of help if you think that's true, and that help being in the form of cognitive therapy. Voat allows people to speak freely just as you would in a room by yourself, except the good people here actually listen to you when no one else is, and that is invaluable and priceless. You're not mad at voat, you're mad that you're being listened to but are being disagreed with, and that's new for you. That's life man. It's ok.

RumpRangerRick ago

How does that cock taste in your mouth ? I bet it's pretty dirty, huh ?

Nadakai ago

gfy =]

gazillions ago

Fuck you.

gramman74 ago

Eat a dick John.

Impulsive ago

Are you fine with a website that caters to some of the most dangerous people currently walking the planet?

Ask yourself this; Are you referring to shareblue? Because that is all you linked to...

sinclair ago

downvoat cause you're a fucking crybaby. I get downvoats all the time, you aren't THAT important. Humble yourself shitlord.

9573947? ago

Die in a tire fire faggot

9573772? ago

Don't you remember what happened when r/FPH was banned from Reddit 2 years ago? They tried to silence people with a certain opinion by destroying the place they gathered. However, they didn't "instantly shut up" as planned, they stormed out and shouted far louder in much-more-populated areas.

That's what will always happen when you try to destroy free speech: it will always spread somewhere else and be much louder because its speakers will know they and their most important rights are under attack, and will do everything they can to spread their warning worldwide.

ZeroFuggzGiven ago

You are a special kind of reprehensible.

1moar ago

Legal ramifications, lol k.

Fuck yourself with a rusty cactus.

Good day. :D

tanukihat ago

I'll find you, bro.

tanukihat ago

Hey JohnCStevenson, where do you live? Liberal state?

tanukihat ago

You live in Canada huh.

Samsquamch ago

How do you explain this comment:

There is no ShareBlue organization. It is merely an unaffiliated website meant to contact the spread of fake news in today's world.

If you're concerned about an actual issue, let's talk about how you flaired my thread as "Troll" and let people bombard the post to a -226 rating. That's not very nice.

Even though when you responded to me, I hadn't "flaired" (whatever the fuck that means) any of your posts. Not to mention even wikipedia lists ShareBlue as a "left-wing news website headed by former Clinton staffer Peter Daou" -

9573628? ago

The "flair" comment might be referring to what ShareBlue does on Eddit (and thus, like a cheating husband suspects his wife must also be cheating on him, assumes we do here), where they secretly tag every account that participates on r/The_Donald for easy downvoting, discrimination, and banning if they ever leave the "plantation"/"reservation"/"concentration camp" (like the pre-Holocaust Jews in Nazi Germany).

Alternatively, he was referring to the tag someone put on his submission (possibly on v/ProtectVoat, who knows/cares).

9574626? ago

He did have a troll flair on PV but he deserved it

Ina_Pickle ago

I don't even have a troll flair on PV, so he must have seriously deserved it.

totes_magotes ago

Today's word is: goan

Goan' fuck yourself

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

some of the most dangerous people currently walking the planet?

if only you knew how bad things really were

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I hope trump has three scoops of ice cream next time, it's going to be a lone 8 years

abattoirdaydream ago

ReeeeeeRoooooo! ReeeeeeRoooooo! He does not fear you!

RooooooReeeeee! RooooooReeeeee! Open shills are still flimsy!

ReeeeeeRoooooo! ReeeeeeRoooooo! There is nothing you can do!

RooooooReeeeee! RooooooReeeeee! Go hang yourself, you AIDS riddled faggot!

KatiePorpoise ago

I know I've fully acclimated here now because this just made me laugh my ass off instead of recoil in horror. I will have to remember this insult for future use

HarveyHarveyJones ago


Do I get another badge for calling bullshit on this attack too?

Alois_sticklgruber ago

I upgoated you just cause i can. Hope the wounds heal friend, and dont forget if you change your mind about globalism and a one world government and want to just get back to good old Americana, im here to help you.

Please check this out with an open mind and remember we're all just people.

9573656? ago

You're doing the hardest job available, with a near-guarantee of failure. Beta males and beta females (females who couldn't naturally attract a mate, due to either looks, personality, mental illness, age, or a combination of the above) don't like any system that has them compete naturally and evenly, favoring anything that even gives them a perceived edge.

Alois_sticklgruber ago

I tired to bring him into the flock

TheRealVladimirPutin ago

Hey @PuttItOut I think Voat would have a good case against David Brock and ShareBlue for violations of civil rights statutes. They are clearly going around intimidating Voat's vendors and credit card processors for giving (legal) support to a then-candidate and current-office holder of a federal elected office.

42 USC 1985(3)

[I]f two or more persons conspire to prevent by force, intimidation, or threat, any citizen who is lawfully entitled to vote, from giving his support or advocacy in a legal manner, toward or in favor of the election of any lawfully qualified person as an elector for President or Vice President, or as a Member of Congress of the United States; or to injure any citizen in person or property on account of such support or advocacy; in any case of conspiracy set forth in this section, if one or more persons engaged therein do, or cause to be done, any act in furtherance of the object of such conspiracy, whereby another is injured in his person or property, or deprived of having and exercising any right or privilege of a citizen of the United States, the party so injured or deprived may have an action for the recovery of damages occasioned by such injury or deprivation, against any one or more of the conspirators.

abattoirdaydream ago

I agree. He should see if this is a pursuable avenue.

9573555? ago

If we could somehow get Voat through the cost of the legal battle, the final reward money would go a long way towards keeping Voat going for a while (if they don't pull something out of their ass to win).

go1dfish ago

Have an upvoat.

But know that I completely disagree with your premise; and I'm not even a Trump supporter.

The circle jerk here bothers me, but not nearly so bad as censorship. The difference between this place and reddit is that you are welcome to spread your message even if it counters the hive mind. The worst you have to deal with is down votes.

Do you really think shutting down free expression here will stop the ideologies you oppose?

fagnig ago

Answer me this, did they dox you?

Tor1 ago

LOL at

some of the most dangerous people currently walking the planet

Overdramatically Reeeee much?

Ina_Pickle ago

Probably not, but it is responsible of you for at least trying to hear both sides of the story.

sampsonnite420 ago

Take your threats and fuck off. this guy doesnt seem to understand this platform isnt ran by Mommy Government. what a disgraceful protein water sack.

JesusDrowning ago

What are you, retarded? That shit won't work here, this is not eddit.

idk ago

or there will be legal ramifications.


uvulectomy ago

"I have tried time and time again to spread my message..."

You keep shilling for the ctrl-left narrative...

"...but your website's draconian restrictions have limited me to just 10 posts a day simply because I disagree with the fake news being spread here."

The restrictions are because people see through your bullshit and downvote accordingly.

"The people at r/ProtectVoat have destroyed my SCP, leaving me unable to post any links from reputable websites." is about as disreputable as you can get, shill.

"Please take actions against users such as @1moar and @NeedleStack, who have unfairly targeted me, or there will be legal ramifications."

KEK <-- This one




Seriously, this shit is hilarious. I still can't decide if you're for real, or just a really dumb troll.

"And ask yourself: Are you fine with a website that caters to some of the most dangerous people currently walking the planet? Take a look at how depraved Trump supporters are, and ask yourself if free speech is worth the cost:"

Without free speech, EVERYBODY suffers. Without free speech, there is nothing to stop TRUE oppression. Free speech is what allows you to post your inane drivel here. You only get downvoted, not censored. Nobody is deleting your posts or your comments because, as they say, sunlight is the best disinfectant. You are free to spout your nonsense, and we're free to ridicule you. But nobody is deleting your nonsense, either.

<Bunch of shareblue links>

This is hardly "reputable websites", and that's ALL you post.

"The choice is yours. Have a good day."

The choice has been made long ago. You're free to expose yourself as a retard, and we're free to call you out on it. You won't get the option to silence others through administrative overreach here. This isn't Reddit, and it isn't run by authoritarian fuckstains.

tl;dr - get bent, Shilly McShecklestein.

9576154? ago

KEK <-- This one




Stylish top kek, sir.

9571972? ago

⚠ ⚠ Huge faggit alert ⚠ ⚠

NeedleStack ago

Oh no! A Shareblue propagandist is still crying over being outed as the piece of shit that he is. Do you need an extra scoop, kiddo?

Please take actions against users such as @1moar and @NeedleStack, who have unfairly targeted me, or there will be legal ramifications.

"I'm gonna sue you for being a meanie pants!"

Archived comment

PeperoniPizzaGate ago

Dude it's obvious that JohnCStevenson is your second account.

kestrel9 ago

What a whiner that ShareBlue pronoun is...sounds familiar

DependasaurusRex ago

He doesnt deserve 2 scoops. HE CANT HANDE THE SCOOP!!!!!

NeedleStack ago

He lacks covfefe.

DependasaurusRex ago


RumpRangerRick ago

Low Energy.

UlyssesEMcGill ago

I've seen this faggot shit from other users.

Get a new username, don't flame everyone, and move on (him, not you).

HarveyHarveyJones ago

Hey calm down or he's going to sue you twice!

Alois_sticklgruber ago

Im not sure what you did. Can you elaborate????

NeedleStack ago

The details are in this post. Basically he advertized that he wanted to buy an established voat account to spread Democratic propaganda (Shareblue links) from. I called him out on it.

Ina_Pickle ago

If this is real, then I am going to wait until my account hits 6 digit CCP.

Alois_sticklgruber ago

Good for you. How much did he offer?

NeedleStack ago

I never contacted him about it but if you do decide to, demand $1 for the combined total of your SCP and CCP points. :)

Alois_sticklgruber ago

Oh ok, sounds like a nice vacation... Who'd want my troll nazi

9573487? ago

I definitely wouldn't mind a sudden windfall of nearly $24,000 for an account that can't even downvote any submissions (due to me being too good at downvoting spammers in the old days), and enough quality users know who I am here that any attempt to shill with my account would be blatantly obvious even if I was made to sign an NDA.

DependasaurusRex ago

Id sell in a hearbeat. Then promply make a new one and out myself after the transaction hits my account.

lord_nougat ago

If you're going to charge a buck a point, you better get those points up first! Upvoted for a dollar!

DependasaurusRex ago

Thanks for the assist, buddy! And honestly at this point, 500$ would be a godsend ;)

How you been? Did you try the rum?

lord_nougat ago

They didn't have it at Albertsons! And I still haven't opened that bourbon.

When I find the rum, I'll buy it.

DependasaurusRex ago

Man, albertsons inst the place to find booze, haha.i commend you for the attempt though ;) hope all has been well in your neck of the woods!

lord_nougat ago

Well, since I only looked at Albertsons, I was clearly not putting any effort into it. Beverage Warehouse will surely have it, or as we call it "Bev Ho".

DependasaurusRex ago

Haha. Yeah, very clear. I am ashamed of you, ser! Very ashamed!

(Hope you have been doimg well outside of the booze. Really starting to need to cut back myself....) Sad!

lord_nougat ago

Cutting back is for CUTTERS! And cutters are freakish faggots!

I have kind of cut back for ... reasons. I had to get a root canal and the doc said not to drink. So I cut back on drinking.

DependasaurusRex ago

Hey, there, buddy! I never said I was quitting! Quiters never prosper, unless it is a marathon or heroin!

Yeah, I am just finding myself dingking a fifth a night, si it is a good sign ti cut back agajn for a month or two. It is getting too expensive, and nit sleeping well again. I dont wamt to have to go back to the muscle relaxers again just because my tollerance is too high to kill the pain anymore :/

NeedleStack ago

They'd make you sign a Nondisclosure Agreement so you wouldn't squeal I'm afraid.

DependasaurusRex ago

Probably. Doesnt mean there is no way around it with enough skill ;)