8960209? ago

Voat should share revenue with users once profitable.

8628793? ago

I dont think I like the new front page or general new page layout. Unless this is an april fools thing

8527012? ago

@PuttItOut I think something broke. I hope I can even send this comment message. Logging out/back in did not fix what broke on the layout. Also doing so by pressing TAB until I got to the right boxes made that difficult.

8528842? ago

Well it seems sorted now. I wonder what happened though aside from clearing my browser's cache of all entries from voat.

8502343? ago

Ideally I'd like to be able to filter users comments by subverse. For example, maybe you are in a political discussion with another user and want to see their long term history to see their world view, see if they're a troll and wasting your time, or just see what other subs they're active in to get an idea of their world view (or etc), it would be really helpful to be able to be able to sort their comments by subverse, so if you're going through to see what their opinions and views are on, in this example, current politics, you don't have to dig through their posts on sports/humor/gifs/whatever/etc to find.

8501038? ago

It would be be cool to protect free speech by making the backend partially distributed P2P or mirrored somehow, so that a real world takedown of the main servers would be recoverable.

8499206? ago

Howzabout unsticky this stupid post.

8498507? ago

For the love of God, make the subscribe button easier to find on your mobile site. When you find an interesting sub and go: "oh. Hang on. Where's the subscribe button again?" And have to go hunting for it, it's a real pain.

8498248? ago

How is it that when I downvoted a smear piece against Trump a minute ago, its rating went from -10 to +18? I don't get it.

8497822? ago

I don't know if this is an option or if there is some grease monkey work around, but is there a way to hide things you have already up or down goated?

8495119? ago

How about participation trophies! Yes, you heard me, participation trophies. Basically, my though is that not everyone can afford to support Voat with monetary contributions. Now, if you contribute funds, even a tiny sum, you get a badge. Why not consider badges for actually adding content to Voat, which I admit isn't as good as hard cash, but it's what makes people come to the site in the first place. So I suggest that those who add content to your pages are also valuable assets. Maybe give a badge for a hundred posts to a sub, or two hundred, the numbers aren't as important as recognizing the contribution. Then when you go into someone's profile you can see, hey, this person is a real Voater, not just a drive by. Possibly a badge that is SCP or CCP based not on up votes or down votes, but the actual contributions to Voat that individual has made, the number of raw contributions to content they,ve added. It would give incentive to post links and/or comment regularly, making Voat a far more active place for all.

8493758? ago

Voat is doing much better now in terms of performance. I think Voat will keep getting Reddit refugees...hopefully a small, steady stream instead of a large clump at once that would bring the Voat servers to their knees. Thanx again to /u/Atko and /u/PutItOut for all of the hard work and efforts.

8492084? ago

From reddit, you're welcome:

Hi mods, Tomorrow we’ll be launching an early version of a new profile page experience with a few redditors. These testers will have a new profile page design, the ability to make posts directly to their profile (not just to communities), and logged-in redditors will be able to follow them. We think this product will be helpful to the Reddit community and want to give you a heads up. What’s changing? A very small number of redditors will be able to post directly to their own profile. The profile page will combine posts made to the profile (‘new”) and posts made to communities (“legacy”). The profile page is redesigned to better showcase the redditor’s avatar, a short description and their posts. We’ll be sharing designs of this experience tomorrow. Redditors will be able to follow these testers, at which point posts made to the tester’s profile page will start to appear on the follower’s front-page. These posts will appear following the same “hot” algorithms as everything else. Redditors will be able to comment on the profile posts, but not create new posts on someone else’s profile. We’re making this change because content creators tell us they have a hard time finding the right place to post their content. We also want to support them in being able to grow their own followers (similar to how communities can build subscribers). We’ve been working very closely with mods in a few communities to make sure the product will not negatively impact our existing communities. These mods have provided incredibly helpful feedback during the development process, and we are very grateful to them. They are the ones that helped us select the first batch of test users. We don’t think there will be any direct impact to how you moderate your communities or changes to your day-to-day activities with this version of the launch. We expect the carefully selected, small group of redditors to continue to follow all of the rules of your communities. I’ll be here for a while to answer any questions you may have.

8492062? ago

I am asking here because I don't know where else to ask. I was once subscribed to a sub that no longer exist, yet I have it still in my Subverse list. How can I delete it from there?

8491999? ago

we just need better and more mods. there are so many dead subs or subs with no quality control. also there are millions of repost and shitpost anything that can be done about that? probably not right

8491376? ago

I'd like the ability to disable replies to my comments. Something in my account settings. That's something I wish reddit had but it never will. I'd like to leave a comment and then just move on without the ability of someone to try and draw me into a long, pointless debate about something stupid.

8488439? ago

No DV's = CCP system is useless, SRS can swarm in and take over.

8482279? ago

It has a search engine and transparency. The missing search bar is acceptable in any way, shape or form. The site seems like it may already be completely compromised. Big fish are going to fry one way or another. Too many people know now. If you do not want pedogate here, say so, and we will move, hopefully to the streets this time.

8482153? ago

I'd like to be able to filter links that go to a certain domain. I don't give a shit what anyone is saying on twitter.

8481457? ago


8480741? ago

Let's get controversial sorting. Always nice to know what the echo chamber is suppressing.

8488205? ago

You already have it, snowflake - what do you think the Top, Bottom, Intensity and Old links are for? And you want to pretend to be anyone's intellectual better.

8480723? ago

@puttitout thanks for leaving it up. views have doubled, since. keep it up a lillll longer :)

8480053? ago

Use IPFS for image/video hosting. This solves voat's image hosting problem and makes it a great resource for the rest of the internet (free marketing). More info at...


8479595? ago

Is the absence of the search bar related to this process? Because I really don't understand why it has been taken down?!

8475287? ago

Where is the search bar?List of all subs is also gone?

8473204? ago


Make an option to see the chain of replies you got a reply on. I find myself unable to know how I can do this myself. This was an option before, but was removed.


Maybe instead of only subs, one could add tags to posts, or make it able to post a post to multiple subvoats, that all lead to the same comment thread and let the upvoats count from all the subs, while the list score is dependent per sub's voats.


Make an option to list smaller subvoats top/new only. This way newer/smaller subs can be found easier(if that is what a sub desires). Making a sub's subscribers count influence the height in the top place doesn't sound good to me. A spammer could easily take advantage of that(because I saw this suggested).


Make it possible to repost the same links. Now it is unable to post the same link in the same sub. Even if the first time the link was posted is 2 years ago. This makes posting things in subs like music a bit harder to post.

8473105? ago

Are you a woman?!

8471099? ago

I thought the new menu was gonna be a sticky menu

8470711? ago

Proposals from v/pizzagate @Vindicator

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1727858 http://archive.fo/CZ4An

Also the archiving only catches the top of a thread - missing much of a long thread - don't know if this can be fixed.

8470304? ago

Literally make an agree/disagree button system similar to how reddit abuses the upvote/downvote system. It's nice to gauge the general opinion sometimes. It could be an optional feature for comments in subreddits.

8469284? ago

I still feel kind of weird using voat.. interface is very strange compared to reddit... +1 for text formatting bar.

8469253? ago

CCP restrictions are clear censorship and make a mockery of your marketing propaganda. You should try not to be hypocrites in voat 2.0.

8474669? ago

We're not getting rid of the CCP system, SRS. You're not going to turn this site into a shithole like you did Reddit.

8476549? ago

Hey, nevermind, I finally found it: "ShitRedditSays[1] is a subreddit (a subsection of the website reddit.com) dedicated to "calling out" what the subscribers to that subreddit think are bigoted comments." I think their infamy is a little before my time. If they were enough to make you abandon your principles of free speech and hide behind censorship the project must have been a huge success.

8488282? ago

No, that definition of SRS is complete bullshit. If you strayed one iota from far-left politics (FBI crime stats & biological sex really trigger the fuck out of them), they dogpiled you, doxxed you and actively harassed you in real life when they could. Your shit would get hacked, etc. FFS, a Reddit employee was even using the backend of Reddit to go through people's PMs in order to help with the doxxing.

We're not turning this site into that shit, CCP system is to make sure that can't happen here - it takes them too much time and effort to build up accounts in order to do that.

Much like we always tell everyone else - if you want to get rid of the CCP system, then you're here to brigade. It's not a problem for anyone else. Have all the free speech you want - but harassment isn't free speech.

Interesting bit of history - SRS was formed out of all the butthurt feminists who got trolled by SA Goons because the feminazi BitingBeaver of the site womensspace fucking castigated and almost disowned her own son because he watched porn - calling him a monster, telling him she wished she would have killed him in the womb, and told other women that this is how they should treat their sons. So if you want to defend SRS, then you're defending sadistic child abusers.

8490265? ago

Try not to get so instantly butthurt... the definition was just taken from the sidebar of /v/ReportSRS, I didn't copy the whole damn thing for brevity. I'm quite aware that SRS did a lot of nasty shit, and I'm certainly not defending them.

You're stupid if you think CCP restrictions could stop people infiltrating your site and doxxing and harrassing you in real life if they hated you enough. Building CCP isn't that difficult - I'd just have to post satirical messages (that most of you idiots would be too stupid to pick up on) supporting viewing women/muslims/dark skinned people as subhuman - or post boring messages that are less controversially popular. I hope you have some other, serious measures to prevent SRS-type harassment - clearly CCP restrictions don't count.

I'm here conversing with some of the most retarded degenerates that you have, because I personally think that's worthwhile. I'm just one person who disagrees with you. There are many other sincere people who just disagree with you, and would welcome somewhere that's not reddit, but are driven away. If you think for a little it's quite clear that hardly anyone outside the cosy safe-space you built on censorship is SRS.

Pretending CCP-based censorship is necessary to guard against SRS bogeymen has an clear cost for voat. It makes you blatant hypocrites regarding free speech. I doubt voat has the integrity to pull itself out of the hole it's in in that regard, but I do like the idea of a reddit-like place that actually upholds free speech. Perhaps the best thing voat can do is make its code available so a real forum for free-speech can rise at some point in the future - that would be a great service.

BTW: I'm smallpond.

8476454? ago

You know, I don't even know what SRS means... since you're such a nice guy and seem to know everything perhaps you could explain the acronym to me?

Regarding CCP, doesn't the cognitive dissonance sting a little? To call yourself a place of free speech and then blatantly censor people who don't agree with the hive mind has to be a little hard to process?

8488310? ago

Downvoating isn't censorship, quit crying. If you have a negative CCP score it's mainly because you earned it. From the tone of your posts, you sound like a cunt - so that score fits you perfectly.

If I walked up to you in real life and called your mother a whore because you didn't think Ronald Reagan was the tits, how would you respond? You'd hit your real-life downvoat button and either mace me or break my jaw - if not ignore me or call the cops.

8489842? ago

Hey I'm sure you're a cunt too, but that's irrelevant, and you really miss the point. Downvoting isn't censorship, denying certain people the ability to downvote is.

CCP restrictions are censorship: they are determined primarily by how popular ideas are on voat, for example, many people think Trump is the worst president imaginable, and they can't honestly express their opinion on here without attracting a heap of downvotes, and attracting a low CCP score. They've done nothing wrong, they just disagree with the voat hivemind.

While everyone else is downvoting them, they are denied the ability to downvote, they can't upvote more than 10 times a day, the number of comments they can post is severely throttled and they can't even message other users without being messaged first. These restrictions on their free speech primarily based on ideology are censorship. You're really a fool if you think voat is a censorship-free platform for free speech.

8469122? ago

Extra themes besides only dark & light should be added. Create options to choose from different fonts and more background colors. Gray/black on gold, white on forest green, white on maroon, Black on orange. Yellow on black and green on black, like terminals, will be magnificent.

8468748? ago

None of it will make matter until you address users with more than one account and the incredible number of cabals. They control Voat more than you ever could.

8468713? ago

Then minimize it to a single line no bigger than the ones in this message, so the title is still there, it's just that it's smaller. Minimized links don't count towards the 'X per page.'

8468305? ago

We need a 'back to the top' button for the poor smartphone users at the bottom of the page.

8467666? ago

mountains of cash to burn

Shitcan the body-shaming, racist, conspiracy-theorist alt-right faggots who infest this place, advertise to get better users, and then sell adverdising to reputable companies who will pay you real money so long as you're not catering to body-shaming, racist, conspiracy-theorist alt-right faggots.

8474682? ago

You're drunk, SRS. Go home.

8470278? ago

You actually want your advertising information to be sold? Also, go back to reddit/tumblr.

8467894? ago

Don't be a fag.

8466888? ago

no, can you explain it to me?

I'm guessing that it is multiple subs at once, or something like that. That doesn't help drive traffic to smaller subs and make them active though.

8466349? ago

Can you make it so I can see why people down voat something

8466169? ago

hmm, so there are not many options left: Either mods have minimum power, or there needs to be some chain of trust that ends at the Voat admins. There have been cases of corrupted/replaced admins in other sites, so the only option left is low power mods.

Maybe there are legal requirements on what a moderator must have. Worst case would be that Voat gets in trouble for illegal content because they don't have moderator roles according to law.

One problem left would be how the moderators determine what the community consensus for rule changes is. Voting could work there if the percentage to pass a rule is very high (>90%), so if there is an on going attempt to takeover the subverse, no rules can be changed, because in order to win 90% votes, the attackers would need to spend 10 times the effort, which is unlikely.

8465264? ago

You really need to bite the bullet and stop with some of the amateur shit. This thread doesn't need to be anonymized, for example, because anyone can just log on with tor, make a new account, and post anonymously. You get the added benefit of having higher user counts, as well.

I've been trolling over half my life, I know how forums work.

8464816? ago

  • Poll threads would be nice

  • When you post a video link with a timestamp, it should play at the timestamp

  • I'd like to have some kind of "see full conversation" link which shows everything above the comment in that direct chain, so I don't have to click a whole bunch of "see parent" links just to check what someone said five comments ago

8474705? ago

I second this. A poll feature would be nice - though I think that only the mods should be able to create the poll.

Also the video not playing at the timestamp is a bug I've been harping about for a long time. Never got addressed.

8464752? ago

For a takeover they would need to have dedicated posters who make more than 50% of the contributions points. I don't know anything about psychology, but I hope they can't endure acting against their strong beliefs for that long. They might be able to copy submissions from other sites instead of crafting them themselves, but writing convincing comments is harder: If there is one misstep like using one word from SRS language unironically, their cover is blown.

Its better to have strong weapons balanced on both sides(voting) instead of no weapons tilted in favor of SRS (voluntaring for mod position and doxing).

Voting will weaken the mod position, so I guess I agree with your point that it doesn't make much sense to have modding in addition to janitors. (btw: I'm not the one who wrote the top level comment)

8463840? ago

I want the 'open in a new window' feature to actually work. That means everything opens in a new window, including comments and Twitter posts.

8463355? ago

Like what?

8468669? ago

Peso and Dong. Which, of course, could be a gay brothel in Mexico. Or a movie about Chinese slaves in Mexico getting their asses raped.

8463301? ago

an automatic jew removal thing? A virtual gas chamber to put all the kikes in?

8462977? ago

Feature requests:

  1. Extend the image gizmo to subverses, so you can quickly browse the images on a subverse sorted by hotness

  2. Make a video/audio gizmo

8462971? ago

there's like 50 people here. put it back on the front page @puttitout !

8462942? ago

It would be a website where subverse requests would not take months to be looked at.

8462917? ago

Would love to get an app!

8462708? ago

Looks like marking this as an Anon submission didn't turn out too well... just a cluster of shit posts. :(

8462386? ago

Right, because pushing notifications is so useful when I have to remember to check the browser to see if I've missed them. Now who's arguing semantics?

8461954? ago

@hecho here,

i have sex with underage girls.

8461407? ago

Delete usernames that have been inactive for over one year. This would help to eliminate the ability of people to sell old Voat accounts they no longer use on the open market to shills. There are sites, often noted here, that have some of our old, SCP/CCP enables user accounts for sale to the highest bidder, based on activity from eons ago. This would kill that. This would also slim down the subscriber lists of subs and give everyone a more accurate indication of how many subscribers there really are in a sub, and the overall numbers of real Voat active users.

8461063? ago

Yeah, I know. That means I wouldn't have needed to ask if I was banned -w-

8460932? ago

How come everyone is anon? Is this something set by the thread?

8460821? ago

what else are you lying about?

8460608? ago

Don't tell him Pike.

8460576? ago

Load all comments feature!!

8460563? ago

For a short spell we had chat in the sidebar of individual subs. I thought this was a great feature that we never had long enough to fully exploit. Make this at minimum a sub option that mods can enable. It would be a great benefit in active subs where subscribers could chat back and forth as they comment or add links there. I don't see a real need for a chat log or anything, but just the ability to chat with another user in real time, rather than by using the discussion thread for a little back and forth.

8460482? ago

  • Proper search function. I can't even find one now, but when there was one, a particular term could be searched, and none of the results would contain the term in the thread title, which is baffling. A good full featured search function is at the heart and soul of any digital information base.

  • Expandable trees with one click for specific dialogues in a given thread. It is disconcerting to try to follow any particular dialogue and have to continually open hidden comment after hidden comment. I had an interesting conversation about this feature with you here Vindicator: https://voat.co/v/pizzagatemods/1691739 ...which sums up my thinking on how posts are displayed. You suggested I should submit something to v/VOAT/dev, and I intended to, but this might be a better place yet.

  • Simplification of submission requirements in Pizzagate. It is reasonable for VOAT to set certain criteria for posting, and of course no system is going to be perfect or satisfy everyone, but there does seem to be some redundancy and confusing aspects to the requirements as they currently exist. They could be shortened and clarified.

  • Better comment history search function. If one wants to learn something about a particular users comment history (which is vital for trying to form a better picture of someone's position on issues overall) one must laboriously slog through page after page, which must load one at a time, to get to their earliest posts. I would like to be able to access someone's early, middle, or late posts with ease. There seems to be several ways to increase efficiency in accessing post history, and any of them would be better than what exists now. The one that perhaps jumps out at me would be having post history page numbers, so if a given user has 9 pages of old posts, one could skip from the first page to say page 8 or 9 just by selecting it.

  • View count on title summary. Thread up or down votes give some indication of the interest in or merit of a given thread, but it can be misleading on occasion for several reasons. A view count is available, but one must click into the thread in order to see it. It would be beneficial for the reader to also know how many views a given thread has before clicking on it.

  • And last but not least, a complete ban of the word shill.

8460318? ago

/u/EugeneNicks aka EugeneNix here.

Get rid of the downvote function. Fix the site css up to look sleek.

8460271? ago

Need to find at least a temporary maintainer for AVE. The creator/maintainer has left Voat at least temporarily, but this feature is well liked and deserves to be maintained. If I had any clue, I'd volunteer, but alas I don't. And the creator deserves to keep his baby/product when he returns, it's a great asset he developed. But in the meantime, we should have someone who can keep up with Voat code changes as required and provide help when users are in need.

8460037? ago

Mod rules should be changed so that janitors [J] and submitters [S] are not counted against the total subs one can mod. These folks are not full mods and can be deleted at anytime by any of the mod [M]s or [O]s at will. Maybe limit the number of subs anyone could be a janitor or a submitter, also, the same number. Being a submitter to a site, as an example, doesn't give a user any power other than to exceed the daily hourly/daily links restrictions, so an [S] in particular shouldn't be considered against total mod positions a user holds. As for a [J], same deal. If anyone abuses these positions, they can be removed by the sub's real mods at will.

8459969? ago

Please allow title hyperlinks to be blue when unclicked and purple when clicked by default. This is how Reddit and the rest of the web works and lets you know if you've seen a link. I also prefer the slightly bigger font on Reddit.

8459922? ago

I want to view comment replies in my inbox by context! Helps so much on Reddit to see what the heck I'm talking about.

8459855? ago

We have a zillion small (and a large number of not so small) subs whose mods have come and gone from Voat ages ago. Some as much as 2.5 plus years. There should be an expiration period set on mods. Meaning, if the mod has shown no activity in a sub for six months or a year, he/she should be automatically demodded/removed from sub and the sub shown as available to any user who qualifies. Then, as long as an actual Voat user meets a set of minimal requirements, they can acquire the sub easily, without doing the sometimes lengthy and cumbersome request sub system we currently have. This would greatly help getting REAL mods in subs, and in our effort to combat spam.

EDIT: In other words, to clarify, automatically delete inactive mods after a certain period and replace with a 'YouCanClaimThisSub' as shown in subs legitimately abandoned by their mods.

8458599? ago

filtering out the voats of certain voaters, anonymously.

Eg, I 'block' the votes of everybody who upvoted this post, without knowing who the users actually are. Then their votes would no longer count towards the scores I see, with posts and comments ranked accordingly.

That way if we suspect shills or vote brigades, we can take matters into our own hands. Some people may use it to hugbox themselves, but that's on them

8458467? ago

Get rid of downvotes. It's not needed and encourages a hivemind. Then change the report system to auto-collapse comments after 4 reports. Allow moderators to restore comments in case people abuse the report function. Possibly disable reporting for repeat offenders.

8474281? ago

What is voat without the hivemind? We expend a hell of a lot of effort nurturing it by censoring people of differing opinions via CCP restrictions despite the blatant free-speech hypocrisy. Downvotes are currently used optimally by denying their use to people who disagree with us.

8458358? ago

Are you off your medication? We're talking mobile here. Unless you mean that a web browser on a mobile platform can push notifications to the mobile OS while the browser is closed.

This idea some crack head Web 2.0 camps have where you NEED to use Google or iCloud to send messages to users is complete and utter bullshit.

I'm not sure you're even on the same page anymore. No one is talking about iMessage, Google, or any third party. I'm talking about Voat's ability to push its own notifications to the mobile OS. That's trivial to do with a native app and a robust API.

You seem to have a lot of rage without a good grasp of what you're ranting about.

8458313? ago


8489654? ago


8458282? ago

I just want a way for things I've voated on already to no longer appear in my feed. Best feature we don't have from that other site.

8458255? ago

It's just so painful

8461893? ago

its only painful if youre sitting in a dark ass room. maybe open the curtains and get some sunlight faggot.

8465145? ago

Or alternatively, I can switch it to night mode. Nigga you don't know my work schedule or my life

8466638? ago

work schedule: nonexistent
social life: nonexistent

8466736? ago

See, I told you that you didn't know. You're pretty right about the social life part, but I didn't mention my social life.

8458150? ago

Capitalism is inherently predatory.

8468562? ago


8469659? ago

It's just a fact. It seems to work better than everything else but there are those eating and those being eaten along the way.

8458092? ago


8458077? ago

mandatory cunnalingus for everybody

8457780? ago

Make a forum/4chan type mode where all comments are top level but you can mention other posts. This is a great format for some discussions

8457764? ago

Let us hide our post history as an option. Too many moral crusaders would look through every comment I ever made and try to shame me.

8461931? ago

Then everyone would hide their post history. We need transparency.

8457567? ago

that isn't kev that writes like mighty7 or smokratz

8457558? ago

Bitcoin has more value behind it than any paper currency that is not gold backed

8458174? ago

Until it doesn't. Backed by the full faith and credit of...nothing.

8457435? ago

Nearly all social media tends towards echo chambers. Why is this? I think on many sites, including Voat, there's a very simple explanation. The behavior of downvotes is intended to hide material that's either inappropriate or spam. In reality most people who do downvote don't downvote because material is inappropriate or spam, but because they disagree with it. So things people disagree with get hidden away. For a platform that's trademark is literally "have your say™" I think this is undesired behavior since it comes with the addendum, "and it won't even be hidden so long as more than 50% agree with it!"

How to do this? One idea is to start using preselected tags for posts: funny, bitter, informative, troll, spam, etc. All of these tags - except for spam would increase the rating of a post. A sufficient number of spam tags would alert janitors who could remove the post or remove the ability of people misusing the spam tag to label further posts as spam. Posts would not be ranked with numbers but instead by their most commonly cited tag. However, hovering over the tag of a post would still show the breakdown of tags, similar to how scrolling over the date now shows you the exact time something was posted.

I think this would enable more diverse range of thought. It's sad seeing everything turn into echo chambers of the most commonly held view, even if that most commonly held view might only be a slight plurality over other views. So long as that plurality downvotes other views, that's all that gets seen.

8460904? ago

I agree. Though many defend down votes, in reality they are used much more to censor speech than as intended, to fight spam and trolls. Down Voters are censoring free speech, plain and simple, by down voting any title or user they simply disagree with. They see themselves as upholding free speech, but in reality, are the ones who drive away anything they disagree with. Down voters are in real life, the same safe space folks they rail against.

8457372? ago

Option to save a draft of a complex post I'm still working on

Option to include text in a link post

Automatic rejection of duplicate link posts to prevent forum sliding of new content

Pop-up submission guidelines for users submitting by mobile. Currently, the sidebar is only visible on mobile if you "view desktop site" and mods have to constantly remove posts that don't meet the guidelines because users don't even know they exist or how to read them.

8457336? ago

Those are bold suggestions.

8457281? ago

Pro-tip: Whenever I need to identify myself in an anon thread, I link to it elsewhere for verification:


8457008? ago

Some of the features I'd like to see on Voat that will make it unique and stand out. Also make Voat the true defender of free speech.

  • Open source. Everyone should be allowed to see how Voat works and look into it.

  • Decentralized servers. Everyone should be allowed to mirror/sync the site or specific subverse so that the government cannot force you to censor content.

  • Public mod logs. The community has the right to know the reason behind every action taken by the mod. The mods should provide the reason for any super user activity.

  • Mod reputation. It's like a karma for mods so that people can judge the bias of a given mod.

  • Mod voting. Every sub should have a yearly voting that only users with a given minimum karma and community engagement to vote.

  • Shill detection/User reputation. Look at users posts about how diverse their comment are. A user with same copy paste comments should have less reputation.

8456970? ago

Found HPOP

8456922? ago

must watch my video https://youtu.be/rYjtZRchtFA

8456865? ago

DAE remember digg 2.0?

8456795? ago

  • More detailed control of what makes the frontpage

We have Top/New/Hot/Controversial and we know how those work, but that's still rather limiting.

For example, say you're subscribed to both small and large groups. /v/small is going to be drowned out by /v/large in New by posting frequency, in Hot by vote rate, and in Top by overall voter mass. This isn't a bad thing, it's just the effect of different size communities.

That leaves the user with a few options, but they'd be manually set by each user and none of them are very helpful. Most folks might not even go to the trouble and just resign themselves to a flood of /v/large news unless they specifically go to check out /v/small sometime.

What if you could look at posts with a Proportional view, that divides the votes by the number of subscribers, or by the highest rated submission? That way the hottest post in /v/small would stand an equal shot at making it to your frontpage as the hottest post in /v/large.

Personally I'm just sick of seeing /v/politics and /v/news all over, I know I'm subscribed to non political groups but they never seem to make it onto my frontpage! There's got to be a balance here.

An extreme example would be something similar to grep, but using group notations:

For anything over 100 subscribers, only return top 2 Hot submissions each. For /v/JustGrowIt return the 5 Newest submissions. For /v/Conspiracy return the 5 most Controversial submissions in the last Week. For all others, return Normalized.

This could also be something the moderators of groups could access to create their own custom ordering structures, which would also be very interesting. Ripe for abuse, but also very interesting.

  • More detailed user data

I can't count how many times I've seen disagreements on voat devolve into "You're a shill" "Only a shill would say that" "No U" "NO U"

It's divisive, it's counterproductive, and people will always be doing it. We might as well give them tools to help identify actual shills vs. real people and make this shill-accusing game part of the vetting process to help keep bots and actual paid influencers out.

I'm already a big fan of the profile info pages as we see them, but there's more that could be done there. Maybe a few dense pages of numbers for things like posting intervals or karma by set as a way of sniffing out someone who's made all their points by meme farming in the casual groups.

The idea here is to give users the tools to verify each other as real, genuine humans and not scriptbots or group outsiders.

8456660? ago

You have an army of programmers, mountains of cash to burn, and you are the only board member: What does Voat 2.0 look like?

Decentralized and hosted on something like zeronet. Redesign the whole thing to support each subverse as a separate torrent of data so if you want to visit a subverse, you have to download/sync/seed it.

8456548? ago

I understand I can do it myself through some code but you could move the vote ticket to the right side for my right thumb which scrolls on mobile and for my right handed mouse on PC

8456522? ago

What does Voat 2.0 look like?

It looks like shit, just like Voat 1.0.


8456492? ago

where is the SEARCH bar :P?

8456337? ago

@SaneGoatiSwear here, just dropped in to say I love BBC in my mouth and so does @mick . Cheers m8 send me BBC now

8456306? ago

It works if you are not constraint to equal votes like in democracies. if users have contributed more to a subverse, their votes should be weighted more in that subverse. For this to be implemented the contribution points need to be broken down into subverses.

8473552? ago

retard. the shills have a way around that. it's called upvoat brigading. see v/cheers v/soapboxbanhammer v/traditionalwives v/magicmemes and many many more.

8456233? ago

it's pretty cozy the way it is tbh but i'll wait and see what you do

8455870? ago

Here he is linking to dox of fuzzywords as retaliation for fuzzywords complaining about his censorship on TIL 2 hours earlier.

8455864? ago

Inbox notifications and using Android's native "share to" functionality are two things that spring to mind. Web apps can't do either of those things. Caching posts to read later. A gesture-friendly UI. The ability to choose your own UI entirely.

Software will always be more powerful than a web app, and I don't see a reason not to have both just because the idea offends you.

8455857? ago

Voat doesn’t want to be a “clone” any longer.

My god! It's happening! About time.

8455842? ago

No, you're still being an idiot.

Because I used a debit card doesn't mean anything, it just means that I have an intermediary system for when I cannot transfer to a vendor directly.

The debit card can not have its funds removed, it can simply be stopped from working and any preloaded funds frozen. Which means nothing with BTC, as it's topped up automatically with low amounts weekly and low fee transactions costing about 3c per week. I can easily find another payment provider and transfer my wallet within 30 minutes. Try changing banks in 30 minutes.

If I give you a nugget of gold, and you already have in place an agreement with another vendor who will give you 2 chickens per nugget, then the nugget is worth 2 chickens, is it not?

Now, replace nugget of gold with bitcoin, replace agreement with debit card, replace chickens with intermediary currency.

If you don't understand after this, I'll assume you're just being intentionally dense.

8455758? ago

Voat doesn’t want to be a “clone” any longer.

Add Optional Messages to Link Posts

Allow Link Posts to have an option message in the same way that Discussion Posts do. This is something that the "other site" doesn't have but will be a great addition for people who want to add content to their images or news or YouTube videos without being forced to add a comment which quickly becomes buried.

Voat Polling

I think some polls would benefit by only allowing users to vote once and only allowing "legitimate" users (perhaps accounts older than one month with certain SCP and CCP levels).

This would greatly hinder spammers and brigaders from artificially invalidating the results.

Other polls may be just for fun and wouldn't require such strict constrains.

Voat polling could also play a huge role in the Subverse Request process and a great way for communities to vote to remove cancer-mods without having the results invalidated by brigaders.

Revise the Subverse Request Process

(i.e. stop handing over great subs to SaneGoat to ruin)

Witnessing the Voat community reel in disgust as SaneGoat and other cancer-mods abuse their communities as personal, emotional glory-holes is not OK.

A lot of people devote a lot of effort into building up successful subs and it's an insult to the entire Voat community to see their efforts disrespected when great subs are handed over to known cancer-mods, spammers, trolls and brigaders to ruin.

Mods who delete content and ban users because of hurt feelings are unacceptable. Censoring a community is not a valid form of free speech in the same way that bombing a sporting event is not a valid form of religious expression.

Allow Comment History Searching

This would make it much easier to locate content from older discussions. I use DuckDuckGo to search my comment history, however not many people would want to mess around like that.

Revise the Hot sorting algorithm

Many people may not appreciate this suggestion, however if you've ever modded a smaller subverse, you will quickly appreciate that almost none of your users bother to click the "New" button to see newly added content. They just rely on the default "Hot" filter which unfortunately filters out new content that only has a score of one. This sucks because awesome new content is often hidden from most of the community and if nobody sees it and up-votes it within a few hours, then most of the community will never see it.

This is a pain because the smaller subs benefit greatly from every post.

You'd be amazed how posts "take off" once people can see 'em.

I recommend that "Hot" sorting algorithm be adjusted so new posts are made visible for a few hours, even if they only have a score of one.

Subverse Reporting

It would be nice for mods to get some simple stats on sub activity and subscription numbers over time. Yeah, not everyone would benefit from this but I'd like it... so I guess it would be a very low priority.

8462029? ago

Revise the Hot sorting algorithm

This needs to be a priority. The current algorithm sucks.

8455756? ago

As long as voat maintains its staunch anti censorship stance, I'm happy with whatever yall choose to do

8469421? ago

CCP restrictions are censorship.. voat might want to adopt an anti-censorship stance that's not bullshit.

8455751? ago

Cheap subscription service, under $5 a month. To support vote and maybe get some sitewide flare?

8455706? ago

Or just middle mouse. But a left click that does it is so much better

8455681? ago

Hypothetical situation

8455665? ago

Why are you people saying your names.

He marked it anon.

8455655? ago

I would like to be able to access pages past page 19 and search for posts in a sub. I want to be able to go back and watch old music videos on a music video sub. That would make me a happy goat.

8455474? ago

I'll start contributing to the source code I think.

8455318? ago

where is search (on desktop)?

8455277? ago

Turn voat into Half-Life 3

8455233? ago

So, you're telling me the debit card I just used 20 minutes ago linked to a BTC wallet just magically told the POS to give me the packet of smoked mussels for free.

I exchanged something you say has no value for something of value.

Holy shit. I've figured it out.

The whole steps to making money:

  1. Get bitcoin for free because it has no value
  2. Change bitcoin for goods
  3. Profit

No ????? stage. Gentleman, we've solved one of the last mysteries on the internet - What do those question marks stand for in between my plan and my profit.

You're the most retarded user I've met on Voat, congratulations.

8454924? ago

/v/pizzagate mod, here. We get a lot of posts that violate our submission rules. I request that removal of submissions be simplified. Mods should be able to remove a post without having to go to the individual page for the post. I suggest a delete button next to each post in the queue, which mods can click, opening up a popup where the mods can select the number associated with the specific subverse rule that was broken (e.g. Rule 2), and an optional message/explanation. @wecanhelp, @Vindicator, @abortionburger, @sensitive

8457378? ago

If you don't open the post, how do you know it doesn't meet the guidelines?

8459229? ago

You can view the post from /new, /hot, /top. One doesn't have to go to the individual post page to view it.

8454898? ago

without evolving into something bigger, something better, something unique and new.

I want to see MORE alt-right, body-shaming, conspiracy theorists and other assorted racists, anti-semites, and all around masses of festering putrid piles of hatred.. Can we make Voat a platform strictly as a communication media for the absolute worst people in humanity to judge others, and circle jerk themselves?

Cus that is what I want.

And everyone else with ideas different from us can go back to reddit, because they are all paid shills of Soros.

8474191? ago

I think voat already has a near-monopoly on festering putrid piles of hatred. Hence I don't see this as something software can do in the medium term, you perhaps need to promote poor family planning and economic inequality or get more wars going. Don't fear the long game.

8459317? ago

Die in a fire nigger jew muslim and go backto cuckit.com

8457377? ago

top kek

8455672? ago

Kill yourself

8454883? ago

put back the search bars

8454817? ago

I would also like to see the ability to downvote more threads than upvote be made the same as it is for CCP count which restricts downvoting more than upvoting.

Submissions: This user has upvoted 7000 and downvoted 13000 submissions.

Example above. @Atko has said this was a bug that he intended to fix way back in September last year. Look at the user now compared to then. https://voat.co/v/whatever/1334699/6520198/10#6520198

This guy is sitting on v/all downvoting users. Even if you attribute this to two sides bickering there are other people with far worse ratios than the guy above mentioned.

8460134? ago

Well reiterated .. and long overdue. We have far too many people who don't add content, yet think they have the right to downvote everything at will. Eran the privilege, that's all I'm saying, too.

8454710? ago

Congratulations, your idiocy just won The Pirate Bay a $11.63 donation.

That or you're brilliant and manipulated me into donating to TPB. Which would be pretty funny, albeit highly unlikely.

Either way, you've failed to convince anyone that BTC is any less money than USD, GBP or EURO.

8454704? ago

I cummed.

8454688? ago

votes are 100% IP logged. this is well known.

8454619? ago

Interesting that the user donated rather than taking for himself, good bloke.

8454537? ago


8454484? ago

I would definitely like the ability to have subs open in a filtering option of my choice. For example going to a sub would show New posts when loaded rather than Hot posts.

8455394? ago

Agreed. If it could be done individually for each sub that would be great but perhaps expecting too much.

8455398? ago

I would just like it as an account-wide option

8454411? ago

The only request I have would be an auto x-post that could be used to help smaller subverses get noticed.

When creating a post, in the 'subverse' form, adding another subverse, separated by a comma, would create two posts, one in the subverse first listed and then a second post that links to the first subverse submitted. Of course it would bear a tag to alert users that it will redirect them to another subverse.

I think it would help smaller subverses get traffic by being able to draw in users from other subverses with more subscribers or visitors.

Of course, a downside would be abuse by people x-posting to irrelevant subverses.

8459589? ago

Great idea. We could use the capability to paste to maybe two subs at once. Anything mor than that though, would flood the front page with the same link and be counter productive. I say two sub links to a submission.

8454402? ago

lol, faggot :p

8454367? ago

It's so.. beautiful! Seriously I dig the new menu it looks nice.

8454410? ago

@PuttItOut this is @Goater again.

You are literally having me throw BTC at random users for amusement now, wouldn't you want the beer man?

Do I have to send over a bunch of hookers and blow to get you to implement this shit!

8454298? ago

I'm not posting my idea here, and it could have been a game changer. You let this thread get run over by vile racist trolls and low quality people who think they're funny, wasting my time reading this.

8454531? ago

The day of the gas is near!

8454256? ago

One thing I would reaally like is an option to sort POSTS by new. I often find that I'm the only one upvoting threds sitting on one in subs I care about and once I give that extra vote to make it 2-0 then the thread that got no attention for days or hours often ends up with 4or 5 upvotes because its then visible. I believe this has been in the past a big factor in people creating alts just to get their own posts visible or to counteract a troll because people just dont look at a new queue. It can mean the difference between a post taking off and not getting any votes at all. It also gives the malicious troll way too much power in communities to kill people and threads they don't like. I think the solution is as simple as allowing people to sort threads by new the same way they can now sort comments in the settings.

8454192? ago

I have a suggestion on the bot issue we have. A ton of their content is low-brow.

To get better content, or at least a larger variety of content, voat could begin a micropayments platform for articles. I have a website for that I am working on now. The idea is that instead of a single pic posted on a subverse, that same pic is posted, but it contains a link to an album that can be bought for a marginal amount of money. It'll get the bots to work to create more substantial posts.

8454166? ago

Improve security on Voat to counter future attacks and manipulation. For example, right now Voat does not have an effective counter to vote manipulation using bot nets or even a VPN.

8454150? ago

As bad as niggers

8454148? ago

How about am option for mods to be notified when someone posts in their verse, an option to follow some threads and be messaged when someone responds to another user's post you flag?

8459603? ago

I like this idea. Allow mods the option to be sent a message when a new link or discussion is initiated in their sub. It wouldn't work for larger subs, as you'd be messaged to death, so it should be an optional setting that can be used by mods of small subs.

8468744? ago

Add a threshold parameter, so once a thread hits 100 upvoats, you get a notification. If it dips below -5, you get a notification. Also, high volume downvoating from one user should have an option to notify. In other words, if a guy spams downvoats, the mod can be notified.

8470372? ago

Not a bad idea. Our biggest problem though is that often there is no real mod. So many subs were abandoned years ago, so the spammers tend to accumulate in those. This will correct over time, perhaps.

8454145? ago

@highly_paid_orgy_pro matt lecawk.

8454093? ago

Haha, ok man, you go try that in any nation with a failing or stagnant economy. I hear you can be a billionaire overnight in Zimbabwe!

First user to respond to me with a wallet address will get 0.01BTC payment.

Just to laugh at this guy and his failure to comprehend bartering, a concept that should, by now, be an almost innate instinct in humans.

Your AOL CD's aren't worth anything you moron.

My bitcoin is worth over $1000 each and secured by the illegal drug trade, conflict, failing economies.

I'll put my faith in conflict, drugs and human corruption over your faith in government any day of the fucking millenia.

Also, your money can be taken away with a few clicks from a bank worker, mine has more personal security on it than any form of barter in human history.

Do you have any other retarded rebuttals to share ShariaBlue.

8454082? ago

I'm not in the cabal no more? ;(

8454065? ago

Give me a hide button for old posts that I have already seen. Only feature I miss from reddit.

8473526? ago

from what i've heard from putt, doing stuff like hiding posts (not comments) is tough, due to how the code is written. don't ask me. not a coder. just regurgitating what i've been told. what was being alluded to was including posts in the greyboxing, which i'm 100% against (all of this block button bullshit. all of it.)

doing it simply for already-read stuff (including reposts?) a nice slippery slope to furthering greyboxing to blackboxing. 100% decline, and fyi, it's in the pipeline (for blackboxing, not for your viewing conveinience.)

8454058? ago

I want blackjack and hookers!

8453963? ago

You are doing Christ's work, soldier. We need a list of all the Jews on voat.

8455769? ago

i am also not on that list

8455749? ago

Jesus was jewish.

8453956? ago

We want to stand up and proclaim our uniqueness. We want to put our differences on display and stake our future on them.

Rename Sets "Camps" and Subverses "Ovens".

8455694? ago

So we would be storm front then?

8454585? ago

Maximum kek.

8453928? ago

Do you have no concept of how economics works?

Value is decided by the market.

The market currently decides the value of BTC is over $1000 per coin.

How is it anymore fake than the currency provided by governments?

They are both simple denominators of what I am willing to give you in return for what you are willing to give me.

We don't live in the age of the gold standard anymore.

Are you ShariaBlue, because this shit is funny, it's like trying to teach a puppy to fetch the newspaper, it just tries and tries but can't quite grasp it.

8453927? ago

Niggers don't have bank accounts, for the most part.

8453815? ago

An easy way to sign my posts using public key cryptography, in order to make voat tamper-proof. That would be a completely unique feature, and make it stand head and shoulders above the rest of the shitty social media sites.

8453777? ago

What the hell are you talking about? How did i post that? Check your eyes.

8453731? ago

um actually they are.

8453701? ago

LOL. Check out this guy. He thinks paper bills is money.

Anything of value can fall under the term money.


8453631? ago

my cock is really small

8453624? ago

LOL. check out this guy. He thinks money is money.

8458043? ago

LOL. cash out this guy. He thinks checks is currency.

8453618? ago

that's a sexy arrow. i'd fuck your arrow, baby.

(it's good to be anon, you fuck stick with a point.) lol point. because yes that fucking button needs to fucking move.

8453615? ago


8453572? ago

Maybe, but I got kicks like a goat.

8453324? ago

I want to create my own sets.

8453288? ago

rename day mode to "white mode" and get rid of filthy degenerate night mode. Heil Hitler!

8453106? ago

One feature that I really miss from Reddit is the ability to set Voat so that when I click on a link, it opens a new browser window (not a tab, a full window). I keep accidentally closing Voat, forcing me to log on again, because I don't have this feature. Any chance you can work this in?

8453100? ago

I want the search function back.

8453094? ago


8453304? ago

You can do that now with AVE and adding shortcuts in the subs you want in your custom bar. Select Subverse and Set shortcups in AVGE general tab. Then only those subs that you have selected shortcut in it's sidebar will appear above.

8455713? ago

AVE is going to be out of date soon though with all the updates. I am already running into some issues cosmetic wise occasionally

8459483? ago

Another great point. We seriously need someone to support and update AVE as require. It's a great asset on Voat that is slowly dying because it's support/creator is no longer among us.

8453051? ago

Anon posting is bretty cool. You should have it as a toggle-able option for individuals without subverse restriction. Only catch is that anon posters can't get up/downvoats and are limited to a post/hr for both replies and creation.

8453011? ago

@kevdude here.

I want an official title so I can put it on my CV. You know I've earned it.

8453904? ago

Hey, post some music for us please.

8453164? ago

"ultimate shill."

because that's what you are.

8452959? ago

Not true. I am @Mick.

8453578? ago


8452950? ago

Everyone seems to be worried about shills diluting or redirecting the conversation towards their own narrative. I have three suggestions to combat this.

The first is to enable user following. So instead of having a black list of users to block, have also a white list of users who's posts and comments are easily available to you, maybe on another tab or whatever.

The second idea is to have the option to spin up a new temporary chat in any thread to allow immediate discussion. No shill army would be able to insert someone into every chat that pops up. And since users would be able to follow each other, they could have the option of only seeing posts from people they like.

The third idea is invite only subs. This one is self explanatory.

8460443? ago

I like the invite only idea. That way people could make subs where only those they trust could join in. Yes, it's a safe space, but what's wrong with that? If I want to have just a place to congregate with friends or family, why not allow that. It may draw more users to Voat overall. It could even be a feature which was paid for by the user. I'd pay a monthly, or yearly fee for a private subverse where I could connect with others by simply having them sign up for Voat and joining my sub on invitation.

8453171? ago

none of this deals with shills.


8452785? ago

HomerSimpson here

Mods able to make anon threads in their subs without affecting the sub globally(maybe I'm missing this feature?)

Better improvements on mod tools and mod mail.

As well as that need more distinguishing abilities for modlogs. I think comment distinguishing and stickies should be added or even modifying the CSS. As well as a catch all modlog for everything.

Improvements to stylesheets and user customization in subs. What I mean by this is things like flairs for users, able to distinguish threads better(by keywords) things like that

Ability to make announcement posts in subs that go to user inboxes(or main page) if they are subscribed to that sub.

Administrator admin logs.

Also make me admin.

8452901? ago

Mods able to make anon threads in their subs without affecting the sub globally(maybe I'm missing this feature?)

You can set a subverse to allow anon posts without going full anon, make a post then turn that back off. Kind of a pain, but should work.

8452982? ago

I meant mod approved ones. Not everyone gets to set them. I think the latter can have lots of abuse.

8452782? ago

@Ina_Pickle is trans. This is known.

8452777? ago

Site-wide ban for the following terrorists (verified) with the following reasons:

@mamwad - said race is an illusion + social marxism

Mattvision - he didn't do the thing i asked

jambo - evil, drunk aussie that wont mod me

jobes - while we are at it, why the hell not

BUTTHOLE_EMPRESS - the name says it all

8453723? ago

↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑ forgot pings.





8452735? ago

As long as open discussion free of censorship remains possible on Voat, and thus no special interests gain control of Voat, I am happy with and will support any path.

8469430? ago

Censorship is an integral part of voat as you know it - CCP restrictions = censorship.

8471104? ago

I'm not the most fond of those myself and would not complain if they were removed.

8452714? ago

Make users from fatpeolehate wear a site-wide flair "nigger cum drinking faggot from reddit".

8453231? ago

It is funny because you are likely from reddit too.

I missed the autists from reddit attacking fph.

8453253? ago

Nope. Original goat. I like my European race and GLORY!"1! Unlike reddit cucks who hate them selves.

I'm only attacking fhp because you're not allowed to say nigger and cuck in there.

8453364? ago

You can say nigger or cuck in fph lol. We don't ban you for it

And eurotrash huh? Should have expected as much

8453510? ago

Haha that's funny faggot because i was banned last week for that exact reason.

8453552? ago

Link to the comment then.

8453671? ago

Firstly a thread i made 6 months ago. https://voat.co/v/fatpeoplehate/1252345

Notice how 5/6 comments are bitching about me saying "lil nigga", not even nigger. And 1/6 is about the actual quality shitloring in the video.

Secondly i made an angry thread recently to see if the cucks have been diluted. https://voat.co/v/fatpeoplehate/1709303

Sure its bait-ish but look at the down-votes! And check all the actual faggots and buthurt niggers. Submission deleted, user permabanned....and i had 20 previus normal fhp submissions.

So yeah, you're cucks, and you're redditors who ONLY submit to FPH and ban for saying nigger.

8453727? ago

You weren't banned for that thread 6 months ago lol. You were banned a few days ago for bad troll bait.

You weren't banned for saying nigger.

You should really stick to SBBH sugar. Your bullshit is easily called out.

@mick I think the cancer is spreading. Please give me chemo.

8453852? ago

I never claimed i was banned for the first thread dumbass. In the second thread i said "sandniggers" once. That title alone triggered 100 cucks to reply with anti-racist reddit cuckold rhetoric.

THEN i started ripping on people. I wasn't even trolling, i wanted to see if people thaere are still nigger cum drinkers like they were 6 months ago.

In the end it was just a thread with "fighting words" but we cant have that in our subs post history can we? Fucking redditors.

I really hope you're a woman the way you use that word "sugar". Gas yourself weak faggot.

8453895? ago

I never claimed i was banned for the first thread dumbass.

Then why link it autist?

In the second thread i said "sandniggers" once.

You also made other threads and comments leading up to your ban.

THEN i started ripping on people. I wasn't even trolling, i wanted to see if people thaere are still nigger cum drinkers like they were 6 months ago.


I really hope you're a woman the way you use that word "sugar". Gas yourself weak faggot.

It ok bb. Pence going to come knocking on your door for your "urges"

8454012? ago

P.S. post your username.

8454038? ago


8453971? ago

To show it was always like that even when it was a legit FHP post that only said "nigga" . Get IQ.

No, i didn't make any additional threads. All my hostile comments were RESPONSES to other peoples hostile comments. And since when do we not allow hostile comments?

Fuck off americunt, go lick your kike presidents dick.

8454061? ago

To show it was always like that even when it was a legit FHP post that only said "nigga" . Get IQ.

Except it just proves you weren't banned 6 months ago for saying nigger.

No, i didn't make any additional threads. All my hostile comments were RESPONSES to other peoples hostile comments. And since when do we not allow hostile comments?

You were reported multiple times throughout the week. May have not been threads but you still made comments. Then finally I put my foot down because you were clearly trying to troll.

Fuck off americunt, go lick your kike presidents dick.

Trump a kike? The fuck kind of world you living in?

You are free to appeal if you would like however these rude and insulting comments kind of hurt my feelings.

Just take it up with @kevdude.

8454193? ago

Except it just proves you weren't banned 6 months ago for saying nigger.

But it proves you're a bunch of reddit faggots that don't belong. Heil Hitler.

You were reported multiple times throughout the week.

I don't recall making comments...if i did....more cuck gay bitches crying to mods about the eviu ruaisist buhuhuhu.

Trump a kike?

  • Pro Israel and licks Israels dick every chance he gets along with mike pence.

  • Daughter officially converted to kike-ism.

  • Rabi at Inauguration.

Just take it up with kevdude.

No. My plan was: test to see if still niggers. If not, no problem, post more fatshaming. If yes, enjoy a ban because i don't want to share even digital space with reddit cucks. I want to remain banned and continue to spit on people who have 100 posts to FPH and 0 to other subs and are therefore clearly still on reddit for everything except FPH. Cucks who get a baseball bat to the face from u/spez and then continue to go back there, such is the nature of a cuck. I can post fat hate to v/whatever when i have a story here and there.

Gud talk.

8454235? ago

I don't recall making comments...if i did....more cuck gay bitches crying to mods about the eviu ruaisist buhuhuhu.

Wouldn't ban you for one post autist

Rabi at Inauguration.

He had every type of priest lol

Don't forget he hates mudslimes.

No. My plan was: test to see if still niggers. If not, no problem, post more fatshaming. If yes, enjoy a ban because i don't want to share even digital space with reddit cucks. I want to remain banned and continue to spit on people who have 100 posts to FPH and 0 to other subs and are therefore clearly still on reddit for everything except FPH. Cucks who get a baseball bat to the face from u/spez and then continue to go back there, such is the nature of a cuck. I can post fat hate to v/whatever when i have a story here and there.

Most people on FPH just post to FPH. Same was true for reddit.

You should kill yourself

8454383? ago

Wouldn't ban you for one post autist

Shouldn't ban for anything except fatness ever.

He had every type of priest lol

Believes in Jewish sky people. Very smart.

Most people on FPH just post to FPH. Same was true for reddit.

No other interests? Wow, truly sad. I hate muslims, yet most of my posts aren't about them.

So you're gay man right?

8453179? ago

@homersimpson found the fatty ^

8453214? ago

Niggers, cucks, jews, muslims are not permitted on site. Please leave.

8453248? ago

Well I'm Jewish and at least I know my parents love me

8452700? ago

More than 19 pages of comment/submission history.

8452672? ago

Who ever draws the kiwi bird the fastest using feces is the real @mick

8452761? ago

no u

8452786? ago


8452820? ago


8452620? ago

Keep it up. Also forward users to discussions of the same link being submitted over and over again.

8452619? ago


8452586? ago

This is @Empress I'm a guy!

8452924? ago


8452747? ago


8452633? ago

@Empress you must secure the existence of our memes and a future for kek children.

8452573? ago

Ban Jews and Muslims from the website.

8453182? ago

found the pro-censorship faggot.

8453206? ago

Gas 4 u.

8452567? ago

Shutup niggers with your garbage ideas. We are here only for @SaneGoatiSwear comments.

8453185? ago


8453198? ago

1990 Penalty.

8452556? ago

@smokratez can inject you with his gay, dont fuck with him.

8452551? ago

Could you stop being a tranny?

8452495? ago


8452490? ago

Yes. @mamwad is from Romania. Gas.

8452937? ago

You mean one VPN node I use is in Romania...

8452967? ago

@mamwad is KGB and CIA. Gas.

8452464? ago

Voat can’t survive without redefining ourselves, without evolving into something bigger, something better, something unique and new.

Amen to that. I specialize in pushing platforms to their limits and creating crazy things in limited mediums to push envelopes of possibility (and breaking things. I break a lot of things).

v/Tetromino is such a project. How many other subverses have posts pushing 100 to 200+ links / markup rules per submission? I'm glad Voat passes such a stress and doesn't have strict arbitrary limits thereupon. My current aim is to bring new niches of user generated content and interactions to Voat by making the ridiculous into reality, while furthering my plans for domination of the universe.

You have an army of programmers, mountains of cash to burn, and you are the only board member: What does Voat 2.0 look like?

I like you, so I will give you some free advice: Every piece of software that exists long enough tends towards becoming a complete operating system if it continues to remain successful. This holds true for all software, including websites, browsers that view them, game engines, ray tracing CGI, To-Do list keepers, e-mail readers, and esp. text editors. If you want to succeed then start with this in mind and plan your platform's growth into the OS it will become, otherwise you will stumble and perhaps fail. To win, select a beneficial feature to add to the collection which enhances the overall system capabilities while keeping in mind how it will be used in the hypothetical future Voat-OS. This will help illuminate how features can be better used together to create new capabilities and keep new features from clashing or having to be re-engineered due to conflict.

What you should do now is lay out the amazing featureset of a future Voat-OS that the entire world will use every day to do all their computing, creating, commenting, and collaboration with. Then, gaze up to that distant mountain whereupon rests the shining example of your ultimate success, and compare its capabilities to the features you have now. Select some feature of the world dominating product you don't have yet but that would be cool to use on Voat now. Then implement and integrate it. Lather, Rinse, Repeat.

What it means to dominate the computing world changes over time; So should your penultimate goal. You may have started out with a different ideal of what voat could be, and already had those ideals challenged. You may have even dreamed of a Voat that is much more ambitious than what you initially dreamed. If your wildest dreams did not include total world computing domination then you have not dreamed big enough yet.

There are beneficial features every complete OS has that would be immediately and incredibly useful for Voat... I have some ideas on how to rework some Voat features to attain them. However, I am usually paid handsomely for my consultation.

If I could add any features to Voat in the near term future, I would like a few: Option for subs to have more than one sticky, and select one sticky to be auto-expanded; Integrate Voat chat into subverses. Give each subverse an expandable chat window and chat room for subverse (and rework chat / notifications to use Service Workers' and Shared Worker event broadcast where available to reduce redundant connections to Voat). Make edits to OPs generate an event deliverable via the notification channel / (chat meta data system [your OS's version of IPC {like D-Bus}]). Then, anyone viewing a post / thread would see the OP updated in near-real time (via leveraging the existing comment fetch system). OP would be considered the sticky if it's auto-expanded in the case of main subverse view (in the future all expanded OPs on the page could be updated and each post would be able to display an icon notification indicating new comments and optionally display top new comments along with the expanded top-level post (this is doable now via JS user scripts / browser plugin, but it's inefficient). A user setting would be needed to enable/disable auto-update of the currently viewed OP, and whether to display comments along with posts on the subverse view (and which posts to include, top, new, etc). With these features in place one could then bring several new spheres of interactivity to Voat.

I could say much more on this topic perhaps even suggest profit increasing ventures for voat apart from marketing, and even code up some of the proposed features myself with Voat's codebase. I also have a running list of many mundane additions that would be great for power users of Voat, unclear on whether they go in v/voatdev or v/ideasforvoat? In any event, I'll wait until after I have successfully implemented some ridiculousness of my own here, and at the very least earn an API key, before trail blazing into any of the more wild and crazy frontiers.

You may already have been planning some of the things I mentioned; However, you should imagine how they will be used in the future by the Voat-OS which ensures even the goats colonizing interstellar space get their top Keks in a secure and timely fashion.

- Posted from my PoV Ray CGI render farm's HTTP interface...

8455726? ago

I dont know enough about platforms to know if this is correct, but it sounds good.

8453068? ago

what you smoke must be diamonds.

8455986? ago

I prefer to eat only the best herbs.

8452461? ago

It has API keys available, or at least some kind of response when they're requested.

8452440? ago

cunt cunt cunt fuck shit. faggot :D

8452424? ago

Lock @Atko in your basement and make him code. By force.

8452421? ago

You must secure the existence of goat people and a future for goat children.

8452413? ago

Send @Mick to jail again.

8452426? ago

lesbian womans jail too

8452436? ago

Why the fuck would you do that Mick? Dey sexi.

8452451? ago

shit, this thread is a mess!

8452481? ago

Because i made it a mess. I'm.....an expe..professional. :)

8452483? ago

shitposting faggot :)

8452510? ago


In my defense, i made one serious post with 9 points. That gives me the right to make 9x9 shitposts.

8452366? ago

Kill all Niggers

8452341? ago

When will Voat have a chat room per sub?

8452320? ago

  1. Would be nice if we could maybe get back some of the real time speed we had before all the redditors came.

  2. Improved voat chat, but i'll make a separate thread about the issues in v/voatdev.

  3. A robust system for removing reddit mods via user mutiny.

  4. Ability to have a link post/ text post hybrid like reddit has. That way you can link-post and have a thumbnail yet write your thoughts about the thing you're linking instead of having to do it as the first comment. Best improvement i would say, yet easy to do.

  5. A anti-repost system that warns of reposts. Just lets you know how long ago and where the link has already been posted.

  6. Anti-alt system that shows who is who. Highly controversial..i know....this is obviously something that would have to be approved by the community...a large majority. No more hide and seek amalek = sanegoat = mightyyetgentile7.

  7. The pedo communities are embarrassing. Don't know what to do about it....at least make it not show up in google searches, because that's the first thing that is shown.

  8. Make @ExpertShitposter (D) of v/whatever.

  9. A ban on immigrants from Muslim countries, reddit.com

8453236? ago

  1. i've been informed that due to something that's slow for some reason. i agree faster.

  2. yay more chat improvements; i have a running list going

  3. your system is easily corruptable. explain how it's not just a power grab by SRS.

  4. yes. link post with text. ice.

  5. repost warning system would require lots of work and be expenseve. since finances are kept from voaters, now, i have no idea how unfeasable that is. nice idea tho. same realm as shill-bots that call out disinfo tactics and fallacious speech.

  6. you're a stupid nigger if you think i'm any of those users. also, anti-alt? when did you grab the shill script, huh? is there something immoral or wrong about having multiple accounts?

  7. did you suggest voat try to make google do something? that's funny. stinky pedos tho.

  8. @expertshitposter is a known criminal shill.

  9. you are pro-censorship. clearly you are the trash that needs to go.

8453475? ago

No. 3. It would be something that would be implemented ONLY if the community agreed that its robust enough that it cant be exploited. If a mistake is made, the system can always be suspended. The system doesn't even have to be auto-remove, but auto-mark for removal so admins can step in and investigate the situation quickly and make a decision to remove manually or deny the request. Unlike now where its just 1000 pings to putt until something gets done.

No. 5. It would be something simple that only checks if the exact link has been posted, and if so, when was the last time it was posted. I now do this manually by searching before i post news. This would just automate the search for me. Of course you would still have double posts for same news but with different links...nutin you can do about it on the cheap.

No. 6. You 90% are. Its not morally wrong but its pretty faggy to play the alt game unless its joke accounts. Its just a thought that could be implemented if THE PEOPLE want it. If putt suggested it may be 80% of users would say HELL YEAH! And maybe 80% of users would say "FUCK OFF". This is what would decide would it happen or not. Also...multiple alts is the NO.1 shill tactic. So if you were really interested in killing off shills this would be the best tool you could possibly get. Of course you have that downvote problem....but that's on you.

No. 7. I believe it has to do with goofgle analitics and voat cutting them off after the pedo stuff was already being on, so the youngladies is still first. https://imgoat.com/uploads/9f0f895fb9/7361.png

No. 8. This is verified.

No. 9. Kill all: niggers, white cucks (all redditors), jews (sorry sane/amalek), console gamers, people who like Bruno Mars or Adam Levine, or James Blunt or Coldplay.

8452306? ago

I cbf'd

that should win it for me

8452281? ago

Make down votes require a comment. You see it all the time, users noting that they down vote just for fun, or because they don't like this user, or just because they dislike the title of a link. If you have the balls to down vote, have the balls to have your name revealed and you can comment away, letting the one who posted know why you've down voted. The ones who do it for fun drive others away, so many a good user has just pulled up stakes and left. It as much trolling as anything else and needs to be addressed. This won't be popular, because so many non-contributors feel 'entitled' to drive off good content, it's a problem that they themselves never encounter due to heir lack of participation beyond pressing buttons for laughs, which when they do participate, they brag on.

8455349? ago

Just downvoted you, are you angry at me? Want two know that it was me who did it so you can PUNISH me?

8453251? ago

you want to limit speech?

go to reddit, trash.

8469224? ago

You hypocrites already limit speech. CCP restrictions are censorship.

8453357? ago

Down votes are a Reddit trash holdover. If you're the one that likes 'em, live on Reddit yourself. They aren't free speech, they kill free speech. Down voting without a reason makes zero sense and drives away contrary opinion, without the down voter having to at least attempt to explain their dislike. Down vote away, but also explain why. That's it. Otherwise it's the suppression of speech, not free speech.

8452252? ago

benned for impersonating me you bloody wanker :D

8452221? ago

fuck I'm everywhere today it would seem. Faggots :p

8452197? ago

You are the man!

8452189? ago

remove @noobftw as mod of any subs please.

8452176? ago

  • Blocking. I want to be able to block users, but block everything, so that I don't have to see their comments, or submissions.

  • Moderator karma. A lot of mods abuse their power. We should hold them accountable to a certain degree. We should be able to rate their account by upvoting, or downvoting.

  • Filter. There are so many things I want to filter out. I'd like a box that I fill in to filter out certain things.

8455446? ago

Moderator karma. A lot of mods abuse their power. We should hold them accountable to a certain degree. We should be able to rate their account by upvoting, or downvoting.

This would impact decent mods too who just aren't liked by any faction with alts to burn.

8453083? ago

  • you have reddit, you hugbox-loving nigger faggot.

  • you want a system of power over mods, and make it so that it can be abused. votes are easily abused. this is SRS talking, no doubt.

  • block subs by grouping? sets. they're testing that now. pay attention.

8452173? ago

We would like for Cabal SBBH mods to have exclusive acces to v/whatever CSS. We can make it.....more useful.

8453655? ago

@puttitout this is some serious shilly shit.

8452823? ago

Only if they get a sitewide ban afterwards.

8452830? ago

Identify your self shill.

8452846? ago

8453582? ago

haha, fuckin faggots :)

8452886? ago

Cool. I'm @SaneGoatiSwear

8452151? ago

We want more worm pulling from face sidebar ads.

8452148? ago

Cabal here, pls halp us build Cabal 2.0

8452137? ago

I like turtles.

8452133? ago

Owlchemy here. I think this was discussed before, but am revisiting. I think we need flags for the mods within a sub to allow us to know a new message has been sent to the mods. As it stands, if you don't physically check messages in the sub, you never realize something came in. I'm thinking a flag on the order of the notification we get when we get a PM. That way all mods can see that something needs to be addressed in their little realm, be it spam, or just a message, and it doesn't go unnoticed.

8457844? ago

Bdmthrfkr here. I totally agree, not that I ever get any sub messages but if I did I would want to know about it. I never check that shit!

8457189? ago

Yes, this is a genuine issue. This would be a great improvement.

8453108? ago

fucking @puttitout this shit right here. it's a serious issue. mod mail needs to show up as a red mail icon like any other ping/pm/etc.

8452128? ago


8459750? ago

Voting is the cancer that created what Reddit is today. These idiots don't see that, because they're ninety-percent Reddit escapees who long for that environment. There's gotta be a better way. Up and down votes isn't the answer. It only adds real censorship to the community.

8452088? ago

Shutup @SaneGoatiSwear, you wasn't me to make @puttitout ban you from voat? Don't fuck with the Cabal, you will end up like Saddam Husein.

8453635? ago

not me, dickless nigger.

you have no power, cabal.

weak little shill bitch niggers.

8453682? ago

Admit you're amalek and myg7.

8455927? ago

Jesus, can't (((SaneGoatiSwear))) / (((Amalek))) go one day without being a dirty Jew??!!

8452071? ago

Voat has an excellent web layout, but I think the lack of a robust mobile API is holding Voat back. Having great mobile apps helps reach people who don't browse the web from a PC and being in app stores helps with discovery.

I've hit up Reddit third party app devs to see if they're interested in porting their apps to support Voat, and the lack of a robust mobile API is the stumbling block for many of them.

8453013? ago

Voat has an API but getting keys is not an automated process, you have to bug puttitout until he finally gives you one.

8453112? ago

I see. Do you know if the current API is feature-complete enough to offer things like inbox notifications? The current third-party Voat apps are pretty lackluster, and I worry that going this long without feature-complete apps means Voat misses out on a big chunk of people who browse sites like these.

I appreciate you taking the time to reply. I saw how many comments were in this thread and I worried that I was too late in the game to get a response from someone.

8453156? ago

Yes I do believe it is but I haven't dove too deep into it yet.

https://api.voat.co are the docs.

puttitout is planning to rebuild the frontend as a javascript app that is powered by the API, so any thing that is missing will have to get added for that to work at some point.

8453269? ago

Cool stuff, thank you for the information!

8452032? ago

This idea seems like it could be added to the existing sets infrastructure, but the added functionality, features, and ease of use would make it even better

User curated Front page grouped sets where subverses can be tagged to each set, an option to have front page set to active or default with the ability to change it and easily browse other front page sets. This way you could create sets with different subverses, leaving the nature of the grouping up to the user so they could create a set full of technology pages as their default say. Or when they're wanting a laugh, they have a set of funny and shitposting subverses in a different set they could switch to browsing.

This could further be expanded by subverses having type metatags so when adding suverses to these sets you can add all of a certain metatag group, ex: subverses tagged technology or funny. While useful this does beg the question of who decides the tags and how to deal with abuse. There could be a limit of say 3 tags per subverse to prevent too much fucking about, decided by the subverse owner perhaps.

8451983? ago

We need a rule change, at least temporarily, for subs with over a thousand subscribers that have mods that have vanished ages ago. Example, v/guns, and there are many more, as so many have left Voat, losing interest in otherwise great subs. Currently you need 300 ccp even to request it. In many subs that's far more ccp than you'd ever accumulate in a year of posting, simply because we have so few comments on most links, or even discussion threads. This makes those who cheat winners, example v/space, that was taken over by a new user who used a bot or brigade to get sufficient ccp to have the sub given to him. Now that mod drops in once a month or so, posts a bunch of links that had already been posted throughout the month by others, and disappears once again, his Voat empire secure as he flees back to Reddit, I suppose.

8451958? ago

I would like to see a second vote option. The original should remain as relivent or not relevent. The second would be agree or disagree. This will allow an option for each reason someone uses the up down. O would also allow a second level for the agree, disagree. Sort of a strongly disagree. This would alloe my next request that would allow for weighted content where you might be able to gather a group of people whose content you like and also suggest content from people that might be to your liking.

8451925? ago

lol bad trigglypuff

8451920? ago

hahaha, faggot :D

8451854? ago

^ Sounds like Homer...


8451844? ago


8452888? ago

I'm not putt, but I know development:

This is a compromise between how much Voat costs to run, how much traffic it can handle and how fast computationally expensive things update.

I wouldn't expect this to change significantly anytime soon. Reddit also has some delay (though less) on this sort of thing.

8452678? ago

Hell yeha mane. I have a need. A need for speed.

8451840? ago

It's time to throw the shit back in their faces

8451827? ago



8452491? ago

No i am. You must face the gas.

8451801? ago

hahaha, triggered the faggot. Suck a dick, betaboi

8451792? ago

I like the chat feature though it doesn't get used enough. Would it be possible enhance it? (Or even worth it?)

One of my issues is if I click a link and leave the page, I lose all the text when I come back. Have had to remind myself to right click first.

Sub specific chat rooms might be cool but idk what kind of work that would take or load on the servers.

Barring that, how about custom/disposable chat rooms? Use it and when the last person leaves it shuts down?

Just throwing ideas out and on mobile so pardon the vagueness.

8455332? ago

it doesn't get used enough

Thats because its the kids room

8451769? ago

@Mick here. This is a really stupid post, and you need to go and drink a litre of bleach. Also go fuck yourself

8451789? ago

Lol, actual mick here, but I agree with you :)

8451749? ago

What a fucking faggotty cuck you sound like. Pussy and a cunt.

Go suck Trump's cock you beta douche

8451747? ago

Copy shit from other platforms that we can comment on here.

8451671? ago

go1dfish here again. Of course it is, I just tried it last night, and only screamed for 5 hours.

8455636? ago

go1dfish here damnit for it in my pee hole.

8459480? ago

go1dfish here. Found out if you fap quickly it pushes the wart remover out.

8464770? ago

go1dfish here again. Not just pushes it out. That shit's like some kind of urethral mortar.

8451652? ago

Can we keep the same anon number per comment section. That way one person can't pretend to be multiple people or someone else from higher in the comment chain.

8457136? ago

kind of like 4chan's optional identifier?

8451637? ago

I've long hoped to see a mod feature that allows us to relocate off-topic posts rather than delete them. The details can be discussed but the end goal is to prevent using the off-topic idea as a basis for removing a post. To make Voat more unique I'd like to see a few anon /v/ geared toward fast moving conversation that have inline image previews - so much content can be shared in that format. The discussion corner could be a real asset alongside the link sharing vote up/down format. Voat then becomes a place to share and link information and also a place to have fast-moving discussions drawing from that but not specific to any link. If you number the anon posts you might stumble onto something magical.

8470923? ago

637 Yes. v/pizzagate submissions get deleted and buried in the moderation logs. Then they have to be manually reposted to v/pizzagatewhatever

8454025? ago

I couldn't endorse this idea more.

8451629? ago

who is "we?"

8452267? ago

I asked him before. Here's what he said.

"We" is a bunch of people involved with Voat. There are always others involved with everything we do here. I can't in good faith take credit away from them by selfishly using the term "I" when talking about Voat. As has been said before, Voat is not mine, Voat is ours, and thus you probably won't ever see me referring to Voat with the phrase "I" much. Unless I make a mistake...

8453111? ago

then sanegoat is part of that.

think about that for a second.

now who the fuck is really developing voat behind the scenes and why won't the CEO talk about it?

8452334? ago

cop. out.

8451603? ago

The 'log out' option needs to move away from the message notification icon.

8479912? ago

OMG yes! Move it now!!!

8456583? ago

There's a log out?

8458185? ago


8454016? ago

Man this just happened to me for the first time today.

8451586? ago

I liked it the way it was last week.

8453266? ago

filled with shills upvoat brigaded to the front page - all reddit reposts?

8451565? ago

I fire the programmers, sell Voat to the shills, and use the mountains of cash to buy a mansion with roof access so I may sit upon my wealth and look down at the ants who squabble amongst themselves for the scraps.

Not sure why you gave a sociopath all these resources Putt.

8451552? ago

"Custom" would be awesome. Something like voat.co/v/top/08nov2016-09nov2016

8451545? ago

allow a linked post to have a block of text at the top, just like a self post.

What i present next is a lot of work, but would be interesting to see happen. allow anyone to be a moderator of any sub, but make it so that the users can turn a moderator on and off. So if we just wanted the spam removed we could just have a moderator selected that was known for doing a good job at stopping spam; if we wanted it to be just like reddit, then we could have a bot that deleted posts based on key words that might trigger people, etc. These mods would have statistics, like how much they have removed, we could see what they removed, how many people were subscribed to them, etc.

Basically if people wanted 100% uncensored voat, they could, and if people wanted a reddit super-hug-box, they could have that as well.

My prediction is that the people like that on reddit, only want that so that dissenting ideas don't get spread, and they don't really care about it for themselves, so i think that there would end up being no SRS type mods at the end of the day, but it would keep everyone honest.

8456474? ago

wouldn't this basically be twitter?: "following" mods and subverses replacing hashtags.

8453286? ago

you mean cater to retarded nigger faggot pro-censorship dickless bitchtits?


8451500? ago

Custom global CSS!

-You know who this is, Putty

8453289? ago

you... can do that with your web browser..

8454056? ago

I'm totally aware

8451490? ago

One of the cabal here, we send out love

8451550? ago

He's a hater of love. And trying to lump sanegoat in with protect voat and the others lol

8451787? ago

Probably @SaneGoatiSwear himself posting. Typical SRS tactic, trying to discredit PV and SBBH

8451819? ago

what about me? i am the most anti-srs goat on voat. pv and sbbh are... oh you're being sarcastic... 8]

8451471? ago

Maybe have more options for themes / colours?

Introduce a polling option for submissions (anon or not)?

Make more merchandise?

The website is fantastic the way it is, so don't get too crazy and fuck things up :^)

8451409? ago

You need to figure out how the revenue sharing is going to work or you need to remove mention of it. With respect to how it could work - look at Steemit.

I have mixed feelings on the entire thing. I think it's great to see real contributors getting something in exchange for what they do for the site. On the other hand, you kick the door wide open for this to become a place where people are basically getting paid twice to shill - once by their owner and again by voat. There may be ways to mitigate that issue but every option I can conceive of still lends itself to abuse or to dispute nightmares (see PayPal).

8473538? ago

already, there's a dozen users that post like their paid to. they're posting on dozens of subs, filling the front page a few times a day. it seems like the pay-OP voat thingy is already happening; we're just not told about it.

8468693? ago

I didn't even know that was a proposed thing. That sounds awesome, but we'd have to mitigate shillery somehow.

8454523? ago

This is part of why I suggested building in some sort of cryptocurrency tipping system.

It's a first step towards profit sharing.

Reddit was heading down this path before the Apaocalypse


8454041? ago

I think it should be based on users who contribute to original content, that have been with Voat for a while, and the community approves before it happens.

8453638? ago

it's working. they just haven't told anyone they started it.

8451401? ago

SaneGoatiSwear here. I love cock. That is all.

8453734? ago

Capped, logged......Verified.

8456788? ago


8451395? ago

Voat 2.0 would have an official, first-party app for iOS and Android that can send me notifications on new inbox messages, comment replies, submission replies, etc.

8468696? ago

This, or just enable Chrome notifications so I can at least see them on my computer.

8451392? ago

You have an army of programmers, mountains of cash to burn, and you are the only board member: What does Voat 2.0 look like?

Fiscally: Paid accounts for advertisers. ALL of them will be marked as advertisers/companies but they can submit content like any other user. It forces the PR teams to actually put in some fucking effort. They can also pay for stickied posts(to mitigate DV brigading). They sign contracts that they can/will be sued if they are found to be manipulating votes. Advertisers are a necessary evil for sites like this, and if you set hard rules now it will instill trust in the community that they aren't being manipulated.

Features: Host your own videos,shows, and content. Like youtube or twitch.tv 2.0. It's a forum with it's own content hosting to prevent content being removed. There will be legal issues here, but you can make it that only OC will be allowed to be hosted. No re-hosting. People can follow users on their videos, streams, and posts. It will also hold some users accountable for what they say/do on the site. Remove the DV/UV system. There are probably better ideas on what to replace them with but you could have silent voting. Users don't get to keep tabs on their UV/DV. ALL submissions should be anonymous, but show up in the users submissions on their CP page. This helps in a couple ways. It forces people to look at the content of what is posted and not just the user who posted it (too many grudges on sites like this from little crybabies), and it keeps people from farming points to sell or use as influence later. GET RID OF ALL INTERNET POINTS. It can never be about the content AND the votes. It's one or the other ultimately. People will be less likely to post things that get them DV's. And people create bots to post shit over and over and over to gain SCP. Put a search bar right on top, there are thousands of subverses. Make finding them easier. I don't want to post everything to v/whatever because it sucks to find the right sub.

And for the 100000000th mother fucking god damn time, HAVE A SYSTEM TO VOTE OUT MODS. Mods do not OWN the sub. They are the rent a cops for the SITE and it's USERS. The USERS build up subs, the mod should be there because they ENJOY it, that's it. Mods don't own popular subs just because they happened to squat on it first.

I would not bring on corporate investors, and I would never give up more than 49% of the company total if I did. If you have mountains of cash from investors, just let us know now and end it. It's over. It will never be free speech in the long run.

piratse, out.

8457224? ago

And for the 100000000th mother fucking god damn time, HAVE A SYSTEM TO VOTE OUT MODS. Mods do not OWN the sub. They are the rent a cops for the SITE and it's USERS

Yeah, except for the rent part.

8451697? ago

They sign contracts that they can/will be sued if they are found to be manipulating votes.

Don't go for sueing, go for a fixed penalty payment that is contractually agreed upon. No trial, no lawyering eating up the time of the admins, just a straight payment. Repeat infractions lead either to escalating payments and/or the right of Voat Inc to terminate the contract entirely.

8451324? ago

Programming wise... move the log out button away from the message box on mobile (like to the menu)!! Haha. User interface is important.

Buy an image host and allow for direct embedded image comment uploads. Will work out for better seo, long term. Link said image site to user account log-ins. Allow mods to regulate posted content (spam) on image upload site. Only allowed verified subverse's to have embedded upload (like say, after 200 users).

8451300? ago

  1. Login. When we hit "logon" and the login screen appears please do a setfocus so the cursor is in the username box. I know this is minor but it's irritating.

  2. Mobile-friendly version. Hitting anything on the top menu screen while mobile is basically impossible without zooming. Also, while scrolling on mobile it is very easy to inadvertently hit "block subverse" or "save." Almost every week I have to go in and unblock subs I didn't mean to. Perhaps a confirm option on these.

  3. Lag. Sometimes it takes a long time for posts to hit /v/all even though they show in the subverse. We saw this when we were testing last month. I'm not sure how you'd optimize the SQL for this (but while you're at it purge all the viewer and sli.mg links).

I really don't have a problem with the rest of the layout. I know you don't want to be a clone but none of us here feel it is anymore. The only people that say that are Redditors and media.


8451284? ago

Blackjack and hookers?

8451282? ago

Ah yeah definitely, I meant to mention that but apparently forgot I'll edit it in.

8451270? ago

Which sounds like a great reason to get rid of them for me:


8451246? ago

Add a "hide" feature so that we don't have to see the same articles at the top all day. after an hour or two my whole first 2 pages are purple, it's kinda annoying.

8451551? ago

AVE has a hide feature. /v/AVE.

8451598? ago

yes, but it is only hiding it, the information is still transferred from voat, and if i change devices it does not carried over.

Also, i think ave is dead...

8451182? ago

Welcome to the new Voat.

Same as the old Voat.

8452335? ago

Now with more shill.

8451160? ago

Work on sets first and foremost. I really want to be able to just get rid of all political bullshit from my front page.

8451134? ago

Make it so that only you can see who anonymous users are. Allowing the other devs to see who's logged in when they make anonymous posts/comments is a violation of their privacy and curbs participation. One of the devs has abused this 'insight' against users in the past.

8453646? ago

evidence. this is massive. make the post.

8451116? ago

You can buy advertising space with bitcoin.

Fucking hell man, never before have I had to ask a company to take my money more times.

8451108? ago

Hi, it's me, @mamwad. Voat helped me come out of the closet and be a big homo. Thanks so much to all my supportive trans friends.

8453702? ago

This is now verified.

8451176? ago

You keep swallowing, we'll keep being supportive.

8451084? ago

Modmail notifications up in my user panel would be cool. Thank you, anon faggot.

8452828? ago

Yes please

8451075? ago

Nice try, Sane. You even put on a clever disguise by using upper case letters.

8451061? ago

I can't emphasize this enough, we need related discussions on voat. it is the only way to have thriving small subs.

I know it is stealing from reddit, but it is the only way that i ever found the small subs that i still enjoy (and have no analogue here).

For those who don't know, "related discussions" was a tab in every comment thread that you could click on to see what other subs had the op submitted to them. So you could be on r/politics (this is hypothetical) and really like the subject of the comments, but the people are asinine, so you click "related discussions" and see that it being discussed in r/libertarian (also hypothetical), so you go to this new sub and things are all better, so you subscribe to the sub.

8452434? ago

hypothetical or not, that idea smells like cockbreath. We don't need "Eject to SafeSpace" buttons...

8451047? ago

Make anon, non-btc donations feasible ex: pre-paid card info.

8451294? ago

I have looked for pre-paid cards before, and from what i've found they require personal information.

8452840? ago

Buy one in a place like Walmart. Once yuou buy it you can put whatever you want for personal information online.

8451372? ago

What about a PO Box to send physical card bought with cash?

8451432? ago

PO Box requires ID and more to sign up for.

You can buy prepaid cards on ebay but look at that markup... whew, and how would you pay for it anonymously?

basically, if i gave you a visa number, and you committed a crime with it, it would be traceable to me, i have looked for a way before, and it doesn't exist.

8451487? ago

I enjoy Voat and want to donate, and you need it. But I don't want to get into btc just for that. Obviously you've looked into it thoroughly. Hope some way can be discovered. I suspect a lot of revenue could/would be generated if a way can be found. Thanks for your time.

8452873? ago

But I don't want to get into btc just for that.

By "get into btc" what are you afraid of specifically?

8453997? ago

I'm not "afraid". It's simply useless to me to get involved for a single purpose.

8451325? ago

OK, any other ways to accomplish the end result?

8451361? ago

crypto-currency is the only way. the rulers of the world are working very hard to remove anonymity from money, and it has gotten to the point that i don't even really trust cash.

8451042? ago

Let us see past page 19 again.

8452400? ago

what's on page 20?

8457547? ago

The rest of Vault 7 hopefully

8451033? ago


8451009? ago

get that dick out your ass Sane.

8451006? ago

Support email so if someone wanted they could give out voat as their address.

Allow blocking of user's content, not just mail. Make the voat chat more prolific and marketed. Add downvote rationing and even upvote rationing to all accounts to prevent abuse. Scale that rationing as a log or sqrt of their score so abusers don't churn and burn their accounts. Make downvotes on items with nearly zero upvotes more painful to scp (spammers just ride on 1 post that does well and churn out hundreds of spam over 50% is negative scored).

Post subverse suggestions in the sidebar based on what they are already looking at. /v/all makes the site one big subverse. No /v/all makes it impossible to know what's going on and puts you in a bubble with not many other people in your bubble. Discovery needs to be an assisted process. You could use subscriber stats to make the suggestions. It would be cpu intense to map it out but it would only need to be run once a week. So on their front page just show the "associated" subverses for the subverse of the top post.

8450980? ago

I don't really have any good ideas to put forth on how to forward the site but thank you for everything you are doing and thank you to the other no name programmers helping!

So far I think this place is pretty solid and I trust your judgement on what would help make this place better and more unique. Everything that has been added on to Voat thus far, I don't have a problem with any of it. Hell even back when I first joined during the fph migration when Voat was still fairly basic, I thought the place felt solid and looks good.

The future is looking bright my friends! Our uniqueness is what binds us together even if we piss each other off all the time.

8450979? ago

voat is the best. great community, great people.

8473486? ago

niggertits flapping on your face.

8453885? ago

Eat a dumptruck of dicks.

8468034? ago

A trumpduck of dicks you say?

8450894? ago

Some things I would like to see.

  • When clicking on the menu, have the subverse listing go top -> bottom/left -> right instead of left -> right/top -> bottom. It's much easier to read lists like that.
  • Profile pages are not needed. Get rid of the profiles pages and put your posting history in the menu for only you to view.
  • Make upvoting increase the score, but downvoting hides the post for that user.
  • Make a pro account for something cheap, like $1USD a month that will let you own 15 or 20 subverses and/or some other benefits, don't know what else, havent thought of it, but free accounts can still own subverses, but up to 5 and non can be transferred to them.
  • Better searching.
  • A refresh button that updates when there are new posts in subscribed subverses or viewed subverses for /new.
  • Same thing for new comments, too. When a new comment is posted, it will automatically insert itself into the comment tree, but, to make it not spam, if the comment is new, it only displays up to the first 3 lines and then there is an expand button and any other comments after that post will be hidden until you expand the parent. But, while typing a comment, the comment tree doesnt refresh.

That's off the top of my head. I can get more later if I decide to think more about it.

8453138? ago

  • mmmmmeeeeeh

  • yes they are fuck off. it's nice.

  • there's a button to hide the post. why reduce that with downvoating? make a case for it.

  • no fuck no damn right cross it out.

  • searchvoat.com try it. maybe @puttitout will do some integrating

  • f5 use it

8452418? ago

Make a pro account for something cheap, like $1USD a month that will let you own 15 or 20 subverses and/or some other benefits, don't know what else, havent thought of it, but free accounts can still own subverses, but up to 5 and non can be transferred to them.

I don't like this because well-to-do users and corporations could buy tons of subs and use them for marketing. Allowing only 5 free subs per user is terribly restricting.

8452469? ago

I didn't even think about that. That's a great point.

I strokethrough that one. Thanks.

8450881? ago

Night mode as standard!

8455062? ago

It would make Voat look less like that other shithole.

8456565? ago

Red overlay mode

8455304? ago

Oh yeah because leddit doesn't have a night mode

8455340? ago

The default of the other shithole is blue on a white background. Switch Voat to light mode and you might notice some similarity.

8455354? ago

I think you need to re read this entire chain and visit voat on private browsing mode so you can see what it looks like default...

8455358? ago

No need. You're either trolling or high.

8457115? ago

You're retarded. Stop talking.

8450857? ago

/u/go1dfish here again, Puttitout wants me to build a disqus like plugin for Voat using the API.

This would have Voat still hosting the discussion (And potentially drawing more users into Voat) while letting you have Voat power discussions on another site

Not sure when I'll be able to get around to it, but this is definitely something that's doable and IMO one of the best ways to grow Voat.

The source code is already open on GitHub if you want to go that route: https://github.com/voat/voat

8473506? ago

uh goldfish? https://github.com/voat/voat 's most recent, dev branch, is months out of date except for some small imgur update with ovixx over a month ago. 4 waves of major changes have NOT been updated to GIT. voat is CLOSED SOURCE.

8473543? ago

I've not tried doing anything with the source (never messed with .NET web stuff and only recently got into c# for Unity dev) so this very may well be true.

seems like something you should post about on /v/voatdev for more exposure/discussion.

8468685? ago

That's absolutely brilliant.

8460258? ago

I would love and totally use this on my site.

8453905? ago

That sounds like an excellent idea.

8450934? ago

I think that this would be the nail in the coffin for everything. on youtube, twitter, whatever we could have discussions that were not censored and with people voting that weren't morons. Glad to see that you are helping putt, this is the first i've heard of it, but i'm def a fan of that and a line of communication with the admin would give them some very sound advice.

8450970? ago

This is how I'm thinking about it as well, a component sites can deploy, but also a plugin users can use to discuss any page on the net on Voat.

8451010? ago

stop it, you're making me wet.

8450869? ago

One last thing from me, /u/go1dfish. I am a giant cuck wannabe redditor.

8450951? ago

Thank you for demonstrating a use case for the Anon features I suggested.

8450929? ago

To reiterate I, /u/go1dfish loves me some cuckolding

8450835? ago

Will you tell us who all the devs of Voat are?

8451329? ago

The source is on GitHub. The info is already public.

8451576? ago

fail. shit's not been updated in over a month, and really, major changes haven't been pushed. for over a month, voat has been closed source. pay attention.

8452524? ago

The last time I looked was a month ago. You're right about no changes. Last commit: Feb 21st. At this point I'm becoming curious about what the real story is with the source.

8452547? ago

look at dev not master. it was last month. but that was just to do something about imjur links with orvix or some such shit. really, none of the last 3 major changes have been put on git.

consider that voat ips are logged. now posts you make have your own upvoat permanently on them. that may very well mean posts are now ip logged..

8450833? ago

Since the purge, Voat's front page is now mostly the same few posters. Any comment on this? Is the "paid-OP" thing working now?

8451567? ago

Purge? Of who/what?

8451597? ago

voat.co/api/bannedusers see the 250 banned useraccounts for magic.

8450824? ago

remove hugboxing. free voating (self-expression shall not be abridged.) define "vote manipulation" bans.

8450801? ago

make voat a true universe of fully fledged microverses.

the subs need forums to categorize posts;

with real-time Latest Activity feed options;

multiple sticky options;

a better chat option

8450866? ago

for example, your favorite main sub is related to five other basic subs;

make the main page of the sub main a latest activity aggregator

make all the subs essentially forums or groups

user enters main, views latest activity, selects sub(forum/group), participates

each sub/forum/group also has its own latest activity feed.

Keep small or member-light subs from being lost in the noise; expand the scope of the main without detracting from the individual importance and accessibility of the related/contained sub/forum/group.

make the main with related subs into a family affair instead of a room of acquaintances.

8450793? ago

Can we add a '12 hours' to the /top list. It would be nice to look at the /top list without seeing stuff from when I checked it yesterday.

8455319? ago


8450791? ago

i never doxed anyone. it was made clear that posting info publicly linked to the profile by the user is not doxing. i simply posted everything posted publicly by the name the user atko linked to publicly.


puttitout doesn't exist on line. i couldn't possibly have doxed someone that doesn't have a trail (or that doesn't exist).

8452132? ago

i am the real @SaneGoatiSwear, and i admit that my alts are mightyyetgentily7 and all the amalek alts. i am from sweden and i am of jewish faith. i also raped and killed a girl in 1990 because i'm a sick in the head redditor. my life goal is to blow u/spez.

8451141? ago

sanegoat here again. if you really want me to shut up, pm me a lot of gay porn, especially gay porn with big nigger cocks. i'll be so busy rubbing my microdick that i won't have the time to post to voat anymore.

you can also submit it to v/til and v/reportshills any time, gay porn is always welcome there and will be eagerly upvoted by me and my alts.

8450777? ago

Not sure if this is the right place for this, but the smaller subs need front page to show posts that haven't been voated on yet. I think subs are dead, go there, and found people have posted but no upvoats have happened yet. Did the RSS thing, and unless they get at least 1 upvoat, it doesn't show in the RSS feed either. If they would show up on front page, they will get voats and would help save small niche subs.

8459365? ago

Not sure if this is the right place for this, but the smaller subs need front page to show posts that haven't been voated on yet.

I mod of a couple small subs & this is definitly worth exploring.

For starters we wouldn't need stickies over a year old telling people to "try hitting new!".

Also, submissions with zero or less wouldn't effectively disappear completely. It can be frustrating looking for & submitting good content only to be foiled when a single downvote makes it zero.

8476643? ago


Voat needs content and so much is wasted when great posts are hidden from communities!

I also run a number of smaller subs and I can confirm that if awesome new content doesn't get an up-vote within the first few hours, then it is effectively lost forever... however those which do get an up-vote within a few hours "take off" and are seen and enjoyed by the community.

The existing sorting algorithm is insanely wasteful and is harming Voat!

8450823? ago

What if we had a "everything but default subverse" list.

8471181? ago

I have not seen any site doing this. I've thought about it for a while, and surprised that no one has made it happen. Are there any examples of other sites doing this?

8450851? ago

Don't you mean v/all ?

8450942? ago

he means all but the popular (default) subs.

8450900? ago

No because v/all includes defaults and popular subverses. I'm talking about something like v/smallverses. Something basically the opposite of v/all or v/default.

8450926? ago

What if we had a "everything but default subverse" list.

my brain went all dumb and read what you said like that

8450959? ago

Lol. Those brain farts will get you.

8450984? ago

Now I'm glad this is an anon thread or else I'd look like a retard ha ha

8450765? ago

go1dfish here.

First feature request: I love the optional anon modes, but they should mix better. I should be able to choose to identify myself in anon threads, and (if the sub verse allows it) comment anonymously in regular threads. Allowing anon participation should be the default.

(Edit: plenty of folks, or one determined person has decided to help demonstrate why these features could be useful: https://voat.co/v/announcements/1727282/8450869))

The anon support is currently one of the biggest differentiating features from reddit and highly underused.

Second: separate the frontend, you are already planning on doing this.

Third: once the frontend is separated, it becomes a long running app on the user's machine. Voat already supports realtime chat (and message updates), give us realtime thread/comment updates (SSEs may be a lighter approach than the web sockets used for chat)

Fourth: Bitcoin tipping. Give every Voat user a bitcoin account managed on the server and utilities to easily send BTC between users (off chain in the Voat DB to allow minuscule payments without fees)

Ill update this or reply as I come up with more stuff.

Fifth: ditch default subverses and go to a normalized SFW /v/all for the frontage.

You/Voat should be as hands off as possible when it comes to what content succeeds or fails on the site, and the default sub verses are the biggest influence remaining in that sense that I can see.

One more thing: Make /v/TaxationIsTheft a featured subverse on or before April 15th ;) (Yes this is completely contradictory to my last point, so maybe featured sub verses shouldn't really be a thing at all)

8497807? ago

I like the bit coin idea. Like reddit gold, only actually useful.

8479846? ago

Wait so ya'll not just creating throwaway alts by mashing numbers on keyboard? Make it easy to be anon in all verses and I'll stop wasting anon usernames.

I agree with all points made especially getting rid of default subs.

I would like a 4-way vote button up & down plus agree and disagree - it will help with spam and piles of shit comments like "I agree and have nothing more to add" hiding real discussions and may even encourage people to add why they agree and slow inappropriate downvotes by people disagreeing.

Custom colour scheme - do I want night mode or fluro mode today?

Also add a limited characters quote section on users profile that (if filled out) will be cycled on top menu every refresh like an old school snapchat+twitter feed where everyone who adds a quote gets it viewed by a random person for a brief moment. I would also say above all displayed quotes "Voat approves this message:" for the lulz when it's followed by hate speech and the weird views of the boat community.

Edit: @puttitout

8456659? ago

All Voat needs to do to support Bitcoin is display a Bitcoin (or other cryptocoin) address next to each name. Holding BTC or facilitating transfers between users is not needed.

8456671? ago

Sure, but with that level of support very few will use it, and network limitations will set practical lower limits on the amount that is practical to send to someone.

8455131? ago

@Womb_Raider speaking. I respect you and your idea go1dfish, but I think making all subs allow anon by default could be messy... allowing people to identify themselves in anon threads, as you and I are doing now, is a great idea however.

Also, I like the bitcoin tip idea. Perhaps with 5% of the tip going towards voat?

8455657? ago

@Womb_Raider again never mind this shit is fire and I cant feel my face.

8455164? ago

I'm not saying they can't turn it off, plenty of mods never look in the settings and don't even know it's an option. That's why I think when the feature is enabled it should be turned on by default.

Making the 5% mandatory feels a bit too close to taxation to me (but not close enough that I would oppose it because there is no violence or coercion involved). Now if users could voluntarily choose to kick back a portion (or even all) of their tips back to Voat, that would be pretty sweet. You could even show the configured rates on profile pages to let people signal their support like the existing badges.

8459783? ago

You could even show the configured rates on profile pages to let people signal their support like the existing badges.

That's a good idea. Let users decide how much goes to voat and how much goes to the poster?

I still wonder how often this feature will be used though

8454761? ago

Go1dfish here again

My wife recently gave birth to a son with very dark skin. She claims its mine, and that she has an African ancestor whose genetics resurfaced. Is he mine? My wife says DNA tests are racist, how else can I find out?

8451753? ago

choose to identify myself

Here we go /s

8486850? ago

As long as "Attack Helicopter" is a listed gender we should be good to go.

8451658? ago

Fifth: ditch default subverses

Yeah, this is a great idea. Whenever I make a new sockpuppet account on reddit to infuriate moderators, I have to unsubscribe, manually and individually, from like seventy fucking sacks of shit I don’t care about so that I see the content I want.

Don’t default a goddamn thing. You claim to have made this site because you don’t want to control the narrative; so stop controlling it.

8451685? ago

For user signups having a set of defaults to subscribe someone too makes some sense, it has all the problems you describe.

Start new users off with /v/whatever and maybe /v/announcements

8451163? ago

First: That's a good idea to ponder, I like it.

Second: I'm just a lowly noob, don't know what difference separating the front end would do or what is considered the front end.

Third: Real time thread and comment updates would be nice

Fourth: I don't know much about Bitcoin, but if it is optional then sure I suppose. But on the flip side that might make it easier for someone to pay someone else to post something.

Fifth: Mixed feelings. Sounds interesting. If it was implemented I doubt I would care and might actually like the change.

8451051? ago

What do you mean by "normalized" /v/all?

8451105? ago

The /v/all we have is already normalized I think so it was kind of redundant for me to say it that way.

It just means smaller subverses are given more (internal) scoring weight to give them a better shot at rankings and improve subverse exposure.

8450974? ago

i used to love the bitcoin bot on reddit, that would be great if something similar was built into voat.

8450956? ago

go1dfish here again.

We should turn voat into a grindr type service. Please PM me cocks and other various scat porn. I have a tiny penis and I'm a cuck jew nigger faggot.

8470701? ago

@SaneGoatiSwear here, and let me just say, my voat 2.0 looks like CAWKS EVERYWHERE.

no just kidding. end the gestapo sjw control of voat, end greyboxing, bring back transparency.

voat 2.0 has chat everywhere, ability to be anon throughout voat in comments as well as chat not just posts. also, i really like the "sort by upvoats + downvoats" instead of "upvoats - downvoats" option aaaaaaaaas default option. @puttitout @puttitout @puttitout @PUTTITOUT


still no word on the new admin secret ban hammer. no word on who the dev team is. no word on financials. no word on traffic. no word on why it feels like 80% of voaters just left, and the front page is now full of 10 paid accounts reposting reddit trash and news.

8479872? ago

word on traffic. is. the front page is now full of 10 paid accounts reposting reddit trash and news. is. why it feels like 80% of voaters just left,

I think you just answered your question.

8452727? ago

@SaneGoatiSwear here, and let me just say, my voat 2.0 looks like CAWKS EVERYWHERE.

no just kidding. end the gestapo sjw control of voat, end greyboxing, bring back transparency.

voat 2.0 has chat everywhere, ability to be anon throughout voat in comments as well as chat not just posts. also, i really like the "sort by upvoats + downvoats" instead of "upvoats - downvoats" option aaaaaaaaas default option. @puttitout @puttitout @puttitout @PUTTITOUT


still no word on the new admin secret ban hammer. no word on who the dev team is. no word on financials. no word on traffic. no word on why it feels like 80% of voaters just left, and the front page is now full of 10 paid accounts reposting reddit trash and news.

8456862? ago

why not both?

8463353? ago

Isn't sanegoat just impersonating Amalek or something?

8464545? ago

Honestly no idea, he's just sanegoat. I personally find it both amusing and slightly spooky.

8450998? ago

I heard go1dfish has a big dick, hot girlfriend, and lots of money.

8450938? ago

it's not anon tho. that's really a misnomer because votes are IP logged, and now with this new hidden logging feature, posts you post are IP logged as well, including in anon mode, unless @puttitout wants to comment on that.

i agree anon mode is great for many things, and does set voat apart, it needs to be, like ceo putt said, fleshed out more, way past milestone 1.

can we have realtime v/all/new again? how about realtime votes counting? it takes minutes.

the hell do you mean frontend, for a layman, please? eli5.

did you just say voat bitcoin wallets for erryone? intrigued if bitcoin wasn't fuqed. maybe a different cryptocurrency... anyway i like the idea...

wtf 5th. mod differences. what about those.


what about the rampant manipulation of votes and the front page; dissent silencing? should voat/putt be hands off? so far we have 250 bans of users mostly that never voted for "vote manipulation." with a promise to explain, with no explination. as said, secret court with secret judges with secret rules providing bans on whomever they please whenever they please. it is NOT being addressed. the war is still on.... comments on this?

8451234? ago

the hell do you mean frontend, for a layman, please? eli5

webapps are frontend (javascript in the browser) and backend (serves the pages or json to the browser as requested). Many features can be implemented on either the front end or the backend. Having more of them on the front end means that the back end just serves as an api, instead of just a web server.

8479170? ago


8451582? ago

oooh. cool. ok. thanks! now to the rest of what i said, goldie.

8451027? ago

Oh I'm under no delusions that Voats anon mode is fully anon.

It's just a nice hybrid between the best of chan style forums and Reddit style.

Other cryptocurrencies could work as well, doesn't have to be BTC.

Not sure what you mean on 5.

You can't eliminate the necessity for trust in the operators of a centralized website. If this is a deal breaker platforms like Aether may be more your style but they aren't quite mature yet.

8450741? ago

Make it so that the default comment sorting isn't based on up-downvoats, but up+downvoats. This would allow the most controversial opinions to be at the very top

8478121? ago

Actually, what about being able to sort the most controversial opinions first?

8458456? ago

Or just get rid of downvotes entirely, and to combat spam, auto-collapse any comment that has been reported 4 or more times. Moderators can then review the comment and remove/restore it depending on the situation.

8455955? ago

isn't this sorting already implemented? (sorting: "intensity") . So its just a matter of switching the default for guests.

8454115? ago

Isn't this already the "sort by: Intensity" option?

8452774? ago

I like it. This will also make it harder for down vote brigades to work.

8451813? ago

That should be a sorting option for sure, but probably not the default one.

8451562? ago

whoat @puttitout check above idea.

8451493? ago

How does this combat spam?

I liked the idea at first, but thinking about it more this removes the most effective tools end users have against spam.

8461636? ago

Mayhaps have it ratio based, where it needs x amount of ups for y amount of downs?

8451987? ago

But then you're using the same tool used for hiding spam to hide opinions that you don't like. You're literally saying that downvoating is effective for hiding spam, but don't see that it hides different opinions as well? We need to embrace that downvoating is used for expressing disagreement and find a different solution for taking care of spam

8457431? ago

I get where your coming from and your not even wrong.

But I'm not sure it's a solvable problem, you might be on to something but you still have to solve the spam problem.

If there was a cost to posting it could work for instance, you would prevent spam in the same way as the proof of work ideas for email that ended up spawning Blockchain technology.

Imposing a cost for posting has tons of other downsides though.

I think the most interesting aspect of this general idea is that expressing disagreement increases the exposure of a post. What needs to be solved is how to otherwise limit spam while preventing anti-spam measures from being used to silence alternative opinions.

8459270? ago

There's a pretty easy solution. Give people a report spam button with a little popup indicating that it's only to be used in cases of actual spam when its clicked. After 3 reports of spam all janitors are notified and can remove the post. If users misuse the button, they lose access to it. Pretty simple, fair, and effective.

8458481? ago

We have a report feature. After 4 reports, a comment should be hidden. Moderators should then be able to review the comment and determine whether or not it is spam. Then they should be able to unhide it or delete it.

8453874? ago

Downvoating being used for disagreement is exactly the wrong way, unless you also want to change how SCP and CCP work. That's how echo chambers are made, and sorting the most controversial on top would only result in an echo chamber dominated by trolls.

8457528? ago

I would like to change SCP and CCP too, but that won't happen, too many voaters like their internet points. Unfortunately people up/downvoat shit they disagree with, that's just the reality and the admins need to guide the site in a direction that embraces that

8457673? ago

I think the way rather would be for the admins to encourage users to counteract unfair downvoats by upvoating, even if the user doesn't particularly agree with the post. That's what I do. Don't let contributive posts to fall into the negatives.

8451307? ago

Why not just upvotes? Weighting downvotes equally would make unanimously shitty comments rise to the top too.

8451196? ago

Count downvote as .5, while upvotes are counted as 1. This way trolls don't make it to the top, and it's a compromise of our current system.

8450805? ago

I like this - i was deadlocked at 5-5 on a vote and that comment got buried even though it had a lot of discussion etc. It was viewed as a 0 comment. Great idea.

8450739? ago

Ban SaneGoatISwear. He's a shill and a known spammer.

8455043? ago

upvoating this even though i think it is not a good idea

8454209? ago

Go back to reddit with that bullshit

8455124? ago

stop licking your own taint, sane, you forgot to wipe.

8473463? ago

lol that wasn't me. how do you know my taint is delisch?

8451799? ago

And the notrash Rusky guy. Zero value users who only wish to chase away others for sport.

8453167? ago

Do you not know the way of the shitpost? He's fine.

8452537? ago

@nogarbagetrashonly look at this traitor shill shithead. I got yo back, you know who i am. We are legion.

8451494? ago

Ban optional, but he shouldn't be moderating major subverses.

8473460? ago

all i have done with v/til is evenly enforce the rules. harassment and defamy are u.s. law breaking. read rule 1 of the sub, a rule created by the community, not by me. also, law-breaking content is deleted at the admin-level.

8493740? ago

kill yourself

8450858? ago

Wouldn't work- he has mountains of alts already.

8450882? ago

that's fine - it would just be divide and conquer. His alts would be less meaningful.

8450990? ago

He's a no class having dude.

8450751? ago

lol so you are pro-censorship?

i am not a shill and i do not spam.


@puttitout thank you for posting this. @milocarlin thanks you!

8450786? ago

pro banning sanegoatiswear.

8450802? ago

so pro-censorship.

8450832? ago

nope - pro banning sanegoatiswear . big difference.

8451175? ago

Ceterum censeo Sanegoatus esse banhammerdam.

8450732? ago

I've noticed on mobile that clicking the bar listing your CCP and so on sometimes doesn't work and just highlights the top banner.

8450764? ago

It also overlaps

8450819? ago

So does your mom's fupa over her waistband.

8451130? ago

Don't you get sick of the taste?

8450729? ago

Really loving seeing how Voat continues to grow as a platform. Keep up the great work!

8450701? ago

Do what Gab did, no downvotes.

8451096? ago

No downvotes or rationed. The majority don't downvote their full potential but even one or two who do can control the whole site. Those kind of meddlers are exactly who we don't want to give that kind of tool.

You could do a daily limit or do like many apis do and have a limit for different scales of time. If you separated the front-end it literally could be like any api limit.

Give us the ability to downvote the important stuff. Don't give a tool for abuse for anyone who wants to control things. It should be on the edge of discomfort for the average user forcing them to use their words.

8450995? ago

hell, do what reddit did and just don't show anything but the total, and make that fuzzed so that we know for sure that it isn't being manipulated. /s

8451690? ago

Only upvoated for the /s.

8451044? ago

Yea let's keep downvotes so you retards can bask in your echo chamber by "curating" (censoring) stuff you don't like. /s

8451093? ago

Keep fighting for your own version of the echo chamber. Whatever makes you sleep better man.

8451162? ago

I have never seen a comment hidden from view on voat from downvotes that added to a discussion. Prove me wrong, since this is such a plague here.

8450831? ago

Better solution:

(optional) Sorting options that ignore down votes.

8450768? ago

voting is self-expression, which is protected free speech in the u.s.

removing votes entirely would be aiight, but just dvs would mean censoring voaters' ability to curate content and express themselves for whatever reason.

also, gab is pro-censorship. it's twitter hugbox for the right.

8451053? ago

Can't be without your ability to "CURATE" content, right? /s

It's amazing how you don't realize that you are literally EXACTLY what you hate.

8459280? ago

this is you:

'let's remove all water from earth because some sociopaths use water to drown their victims."

it's called

slippery slope fallacy

retard nigger.

8459500? ago

When an idiot can't tell the difference between internet points and reality.

Nice strawman, retard.

8460087? ago

fallacy fallacy

weak shill is weak.

8460145? ago

Indeed you are.

8460164? ago


tu quoque

how quaint.

8460254? ago

I triggered a pretty persistent SJW lol. Whoops.

I'll let you get back to your meaningless life now.

8460287? ago

false cause

emotionalize, goad opponent

shill confirmed.

8450757? ago

Oy vey

8450700? ago

Except for the dozens of other firsts who opted not to make a retarded comment.

8454696? ago

Haha, u are e feggot.