Sonic_fan1 ago

Maybe have, instead of the current max of 19 pages visible, maybe the whole PG sub visible... while searching it may work, to be able to have a spider crawl the entirety or be able to so someone a post that had migrated to what would be page 30 (especially given the speed of new topics some days). Maybe (for the sake of backing things up), appoint someone who has the resources, as the archivist, even if all they can get is a MySQL database, they would have a backup of it in case this whole thing goes under (or blows up) someday and we could use all this research as evidence or something.

There was another thread discussing this (for like the second or third time)... I'm sure I'm not the only one out there IRL with equipment like this.

Otherwise, my first suggestion would be very useful, along with a way to list all of a person's posts and the search bar would be awesome.

Silverlining ago

What I really really want is a voting machine. I want to have the whole country vote on laws. I want to be able to appoint proxies for any particular subset of laws and for them to appoint sub-proxies - for example the Sage of Omaha for financial legislation, my personal doctor for health legislation etc.

I want to see who the top proxies are for any particular legislation and override any particular vote of theirs that they have made on my behalf. I want to see how the votes are piling up. I want to be able to vote 24/7.

I want an honest audit trail so I know the vote is not being fixed - good luck with that!

I want the people to replace the Senate with direct democracy. At first by shadowing what they are doing now.

I want to see the top twelve proxies discuss legislation on youtube.

I want we the people to be able to override any executive or legislative decision - on voat!

If the idea is big enough for you, I could go on at your request.

I want my companies' shareholders to be able to vote on the activities of my company. I want my local golf club to do the same.

I want voat to let the 99% take back the world with not a guillotine in sight.

@1727282 @Atko though it looks as if you are the same person

Silverlining ago

@Vindicator Are you the Swede or Finn who invented voat in the first place before Peter Thiel made you an offer? Are we plugged straight into Palantir? @1727282 @Atko

Vindicator ago

Nope. Was just a user like you until asked to mod based on my comments. Didn't know Voat existed until r/pizzagate was killed off. Wasn't even a big Redditor until the Podesta emails. Do have a journalism degree and worked as a newspaper reporter for a couple of years before flipping them the bird in disgust. Quite a long time ago. :)

However, I'm flattered someone would think me an alt for PuttitOut or Atko. Never would have predicted such a thing in a million years.

Silverlining ago

Perhaps time to put those journalism skills to use and start selling stories to MSM. It is not as if there is not enough material here to write War and Peace!

Silverlining ago

Sorry, but I thought I was on the voat front page. They look identical until I looked at the address lines.

I see you have replicated it in v/pizzagate. I'm surprised you weren't modded off to whatever!

When I get a comment reply, I cannot see what the reply is to - which of my comments - without going to the thread [at the top of the individual comment reply] and then hunting through the thread.

If there was a direct link to the comment in the thread, that would be helpful for me.

Similarly with pm I get a reply and often I have no idea what it is a reply to. Days can go between call and response!

Vindicator ago

Look for the "parent" button/link right under the comment. On mobile, you might have to "view desktop site" in your browser settings pulldown. That works for people who reply to a comment you've made.

Comments that people make on a submission you have made don't show up with a "parent" or "view in context" option in your Submission Reply list. However, you can click the user's name, find their comment in THEIR comments list, and click "parent" or "view in context" there. It takes a few clicks, but it gets you there. I just discovered this work-around today. :)

Silverlining ago

I feel like I've just conquered Everest! But what I would like is to be taken to the reply IN THE THREAD so I can scroll up and down to see the context. @Atko

Vindicator ago too. Really sucks when you're a mod and people get pissed because you haven't replied promptly!

Silverlining ago

Put the search back on v/pizzagate. Just do it!

YingYangMom ago

We want the search bar back. And the PG sticky.

MostPostersAreShills ago

shill detecting

VieBleu ago

Shill mods are hung in glorious succession, the v/pizzagate search bar is restored and everyone gets an account search bar for their own comments and submissions, the 100 subverse comment requirements for /v/pizzagate is restored, Voat stops making major changes like this with no announcments or discussion, and Voat manages to salvage it's incredibly bad public relations image that it has fostered by the abuse perpetuated at the /v/pizzagate forum, which will never, ever be forgotten.

Mellowmountain ago

bring the search bar back

paulieweb ago

Small stuff: -make voat arrows bigger -pages are slow to respond (not just loading either, if i hit ctrl+w to close a tab it takes 1-2 seconds)

Bigger: -personally don't like outlinks as "threads", titles are often overstated and short, a description on a thread page would force the poster to give some basic info. also would let people follow up with comments

gurneyx ago

Sorry i have to remove this post due to rule 1, 2,3 and 4. please resubmit if you provide the following information :P

rwb ago

  • Proper search function. I can't even find one now, but when there was one, a particular term could be searched, and none of the results would contain the term in the thread title, which is baffling. A good full featured search function is at the heart and soul of any digital information base.

  • Expandable trees with one click for specific dialogues in a given thread. It is disconcerting to try to follow any particular dialogue and have to continually open hidden comment after hidden comment. I had an interesting conversation about this feature with you here Vindicator: ...which sums up my thinking on how posts are displayed. You suggested I should submit something to v/VOAT/dev, and I intended to, but this might be a better place yet.

  • Simplification of submission requirements. It is reasonable for VOAT to set certain criteria for posting, and of course no system is going to be perfect or satisfy everyone, but there does seem to be some redundancy and confusing aspects to the requirements as they currently exist. They could be shortened and clarified.

  • Better comment history search function. If one wants to learn something about a particular users comment history (which is vital for trying to form a better picture of someone's position on issues overall) one must laboriously slog through page after page, which must load one at a time, to get to their earliest posts. I would like to be able to access someone's early, middle, or late posts with ease. There seems to be several ways to increase efficiency in accessing post history, and any of them would be better than what exists now. The one that perhaps jumps out at me would be having post history page numbers, so if a given user has 9 pages of old posts, one could skip from the first page to say page 8 or 9 just by selecting it.

  • View count on title summary. Thread up or down votes give some indication of the interest in or merit of a given thread, but it can be misleading on occasion for several reasons. A view count is available, but one must click into the thread in order to see it. It would be beneficial for the reader to also know how many views a given thread has before clicking on it.

  • And last but not least, a complete ban of the word shill.

Vindicator ago

Repost your suggestions to the link provided in the post. No one will see them here. Was trying to send people over there. :-/

rwb ago

Hi Vindicator, I eventually realized your desire to have it posted in the other thread, and did so shortly after, but neglected to add a note here regarding same. Curiously, it posted under a number instead of under my username. Can you tell me why? I trust there's some VOAT reason, but it's not obvious.

Vindicator ago

Yes. They anonymized that thread - I guess so people would feel free to be totally honest. Like on 4chan.

throwaway89209834 ago

Proper search function. I can't even find one now, but when there was one, a particular term could be searched, and none of the results would contain the term in the thread title, which is baffling. A good full featured search function is at the heart and soul of any digital information base.

It is so damn easy to register a google API for a embedded google search, my 12 year old nephew knows how to do it. They even give you the code snippet to paste into your website to have it show up and the search is isolated to whatever site/subverse to want. This is like decade old stuff, there is no reason to not have it. Shame on Voat...

Vindicator ago

I am only crossposting this ICYMI. Please click the link and comment on the thread in v/announcements. I know y'all have strong opinions to share. :-)