Severin ago

Post it to the usenet group I just created:!forum/pizzagate

No shill mods, and NOBODY can delete anything. That's why the jew satanist pedo shills will now start trying to scare you by saying it's Google. Let me make this perfectly clear:


Google provides a convenient interface, just like they do for email, but just like email, you can use it without touching google in any way. These jew shill moderators are scared that all the info they are censoring is going to get out, and their shill "blogs" full of ads and products will lose market share.

throwaway89209834 ago

I already made a web scraper that can expand all comments and make a WARC out of the full page. So a 400KB page is compressed to 100KB and intelligently indexed.

I can also push it to IPFS which uses same merkelDAG structure as blockchain to ensure integrity of data. It shares data same way as a torrent so as long as there is 1 person still online with it, it can be accessible. When I pushed the voat scrape to IPFS, it gave me the hash - QmXV1XXHehYMFXGB5tCosXJgMUm3xPXm1CptWCyBTxezMW - so even if you dont have IPFS, all you have to do is append it to the or depending on how you added it to IPFS

If you have IPFS installed, to get this data its just like this

ipfs get QmXV1XXHehYMFXGB5tCosXJgMUm3xPXm1CptWCyBTxezMW

I read about Zeronet it might be a better use of the idea, still need to test it. but for investigative data collection I think hosting a wiki with IPFS and then in the wiki referencing everything with the hash link that IPFS generates for all data.

There is a github project for the IA wayback using IPFS but I tried it and it seems to have not been maintained and something in a IPFS update broke it -

I got this IPFS hosted wiki up on my linode server but the page creation button does not work -

Since I already have a scraper working that can expand a dynamic page, which IA wayback can't do, and save to WARC, and since its easy to work with IPFS, its probably best to just make my own.

Couple problems with IPFS

1.) By default the protocol shares your local IP and your public IP, so like with torrenting you can be identified if you host the content for others. I read about a technique using firejail to restrict the process to a specific interface like a VPN and that could work for sharing the data explicitly over the VPN.

2.) I am shit with aesthetics and front-end. Anything I make will be command line based and run on linux or a linux VM only. I am sure majority of users here are Windows, but I am well familiar with vmware and can make a VM that you just have to boot up so the barrier would then be something like installing vmware workstation or virtualbox and booting the prebuilt VM. Another idea would be to use a raspberry pi which you could even embed inside a wall or somewhere hidden and have its own storage attached.

I been busy as hell the past 2 weeks so no time for side projects unfortunately :'(

blablah ago

Its possible to create a whole physical-offline-backup of with a tool like webspider/webcrawler. if u configure it the right way you can browse the pages like u can do online.

privatepizza ago

We really need this! With as many mirrors as possible!

NotHereForPizza ago

I'm still all for the idea of someone making physical backups and going dark until we see some real progress being made.

Discussions about backups are always favorable, but I think the best/most efficient way to secure and maintain backups is through physical methods, and going dark would be more than ideal in this scenario.

Sonic_fan1 ago

Like what kind of physical backups? Tape drive (I have an LTO3 400GB/800GB drive in an old Dell, just need media and a boot drive for it and software that works with a SCSI tape drive under Windows (or *NIX if one went that route)), MDisc (or DVD or BD), maybe a backpack full of thumbdrives... though, all this is moot without the person doing the backing-up having access to the complete PG archive (and, we would have to all agree on how to organize that nightmarish mess) so that means a centralized repository (and, for any of these forms of backup, the data has to be stored on the hard drive on that computer on that person's end before being written to the media of choice). Unfortunately, that last bit could potentially open the storage system holding person up for visits from Alphabet Agencies if it turned out there was any CP in the archive. Plus, if there isn't one centralized archive, and instead what would be the full archive is instead spread among fifty people, some of which is duplicate data, and a third of the people have it organized somehow, a third of the people have it tossed into a folder of images and HTML webpages (not organized by the website it came from)... and on and on.

Now, don't get me wrong... I'm all for a physical backup, and despite the abovementioned issues, it would be a good idea. I think if someone got together with a bunch of other people and planned it out right, it could be executed with minimal hassle, and as long as communicating the links took place outside of a public venue, and the person doing the backup didn't have a neon sign advertising the fact, it could work.

It's a good idea, and would like to see something that isn't a laundry-list of cloud-based links in case the cloud goes down or the censors get to the cloud. Let's start kicking around ideas and see what we can come up with.

Ihatepizza2 ago

Agree 100% with the sentiment. Here's a possible solution. It works now but still not out of alpha