SaneGoatiSwear4 ago

did you actually type this out and everything?

i didn't read a word of it ayyyyyy lmao

Nesano ago

When will flair searches become a thing?

SaneGoatiSwear2 ago

good catch, doc!

SaneGoatiSwear2 ago

confirming v/cheers is srs.

purevoice ago

Watch how Brazilian Model Punches Presenter For His Wandering Hands On Live TV

stretched_girl ago

It is. I was up most of the might in the clinic watching over a sick collie. She's such a pretty girl and so sick. I'm about to head off to bed for a few hours as Meg has just walked in to take over. I hope you're doing well. All is well with me and Joannie.

mooseattack ago

@Puttitout new api / docs? New wave of api keys given out? Please? :)

Iteroni ago

You could almost say this update is...Yuge. A yuge update. Best update I've ever seen.

toobaditworks ago

Set me bro.

EugeneNicks ago

Since you gave /v/niggers to Cancel-cat-facts, I will never support this site and if the need ever arises, I will undermine voat at every opportunity.

It's because I'm a vindictive asshole.

Anchy ago

Sets were really cool. I am glad to see it's return! Thanks ❤️👌🏻

8205244? ago

What's funny is that I used to think he was reasonably intelligent.

8205044? ago

That was the perfect breakdown of an emotional toddler that is @SaneGoatISwear4

Redditsdead ago

If you do get the sub, you should unabashedly ban everyone from it.

SaneGoatiSwear4 ago

you mean like

secret shadowbans without warning, without appeal, for even a single upvoat?

you mean

all the behavioral restrictions that abridge all users ability to self-express on voat freely?

you mean

the -ccp restrictions that are weaponised,

you mean

the sjw/srs cabls that are sanctioned to use those weaponized -ccp restrictions to silence users who speak outside the narrative?


what situations

oh you mean those organized group of voat abusers who are currently harassing me and in the process spamming subs i happen to mod?

oh that's right, you're a shill. you are attempting to attack me some more!

you want me banned from voat simply because you don't like my speech!

you're literally the most open and awful reddit trash on voat!

HACKhalo2 ago

I wanted you on Voat back before you stopped posting useful and engaging comments. Now, it's just "shill this" and "shadowbans that". I personally wouldn't blink an eye if you never came back. You reached Amalek-level status, and your name will be remembered throughout time here, but for as long as you don't contribute to the discussions and spam the same bullshit, I will personally downvoat any and all of your known alt accounts that does the said spamming.

SaneGoatiSwear4 ago

save, middle path is a leftist shill.

WeekendBaker ago

My nutty friend, what you don't understand is, I'm an (((illuminati))) and I am funding censorship tools. Puttler needs gas to burn books!

Take the libertarian view. While I enjoy Voat, I'll chip in. Once it sucks, I'll be nostalgic and stop. When they unstuck their heads, I'll chip in again. If everyone did this, we could keep our servers from constantly being on fire every time Reddit haemorrages users.

rusty_-_shackleford ago

Nice one Putts.
As far as testing goes, I'm more of a Crash Test Dummy, so you'll find no help here. Good luck though!

Islamiscancer ago

good to hear! looking forward to the updates.

Kill All Niggers and Muslims.

magnora ago

Maybe you could call the sets "metaverses" to show they encompass many subverses, just an idea

Disappointed ago

So all 3 of us are banned from his reportshills sub? How does that prove, I'm him? Anyway it doesn't matter really because as I said I probably wouldn't have posted to your sub anyway but you are wrong. I might be the only one on the site thats banned by Sanegoat for being a shill and banned by you on v/cheers for being Sanegoat, though. :)

Drain0 ago

WeekendBaker ago

Ahhh, I would love to beta test, but I am bad at documentation. I will let another goat go instead.

chronicdiscord ago

Shouldn't Sets be called Galaxies?

IllegalBytes ago

Which set operations are supported?

Would be cool if two opposite subverses could be intersected: isolate submissions that score well in both subverses. This intersection will represent moderate opinions that both sides agree on.

Would also be cool if you could browse through a list of popular sets.

itsafuckshitstack ago

am i the only one who read the title in trump's voice?

iceboob ago

when will we be able to see posts/comments that we upvoted/downvoted?

ChillyHellion ago

We're going to need a bigger Voat...

middle_path ago

Pretty cool. Her garden is pretty great tbh.

Disappointed ago

Lmao, I guess I got my reason for my ban after all. @kevdude @Cynabuns if you need a laugh.

8197028? ago

I'd love to sign up to help out, but this weekend I probably won't be on Voat much!

SeanBox ago


Redditsdead ago

Sounds good man.

Antiracist10 ago


l23r ago






HBDisReal ago

I look forward to this update. Thanks for the effort. I am just hoping that the performance issues won't reemerge. If they do though, I'm sure we will see a quick and speedy reaction as always.

novictim ago

Thanks for the hard work, PuttItOut!

Redditsdead ago

You can kick one over to me if you want. I've got lots of room. I get pretty annoyed with them squatting on a sub named after you. What's up with Sic_girl?

Jixijenga ago

I looked briefly but I didn't have much time. Interesting concept, not something I'd normally participate in. (I barely have time to post my own writing)

8196304? ago

@PuttItOut @Atko Do you guys know of a flaw in Cloudflare's system right now called Cloud Bleed?

Hopefully Voat isn't affected by Cloudflare's fuck up because I take security seriously.

Menche ago

I'd really prefer voat leave cloudflare completely. I like to do most of my internet activity over tor just to have one more layer between me and all the assorted spies/trackers/profilers out there, and so I get pummeled with CAPTCHAs from most sites that use cloudflare, including voat. Besides that annoyance, there are security/privacy concerns like cloudflare being able to read traffic (they are basically MITM as a service) and tracking with cookies (the CAPTCHA page requires cookies).


agree. unfortunately, that will not happen. putt is either ignorant or malevolent, not to mention he uses windows.

Abe__Froman ago

So let it it be written... @PuttItOut

8195829? ago


Welcome, fellow worshipper.

SaneGoatiSwear3 ago

now i see you for what you are. a shill dedicated to creating a cult of personality around this fake character, justin chastain.

8204871? ago

a shill

meaningless ad hominem

creating a cult of personality

baseless accusation

fake character

citation please.

I used to think you were smart. Fortunately for you I've yet to tire feeding you. Note that if you use those alts to vote on content they may be banned from Voat. If you do the same with your main account it too may be banned, and you'll have no one to blame but yourself.

rhabarba ago

So we'll be able to crosspost?

Possible ago

What about moderation by permission? So users can select who moderates their content.

Mick ago

Happy update time :)

Lobotomy ago

Can I have Reddit Gold?

betadynamique ago

Rock on.

sgx191316 ago

Hey, let me know when you're going to explain to the class why I'm a downvote brigade account, besides just that I disagreed with you one time, OK?

sgx191316 ago

No no, you've got to call me a shill too when you make baseless, evidence-free accusations.

3dk ago

Yes. I 'member the multiverse feature. Let's call it that again.

SaveTheChildren ago

haters must have flunked out of their pre-calc classes.

zo34 ago

I'm about to flunk proof based linear algebra. That stuff is eating my lunch.

SaveTheChildren ago

Study! Linear algebra is super helpful. Probably one of the best to get good at using. It shows up everywhere.

Make bases your bitch!

Greasy ago

Consider my idea plz

Rummel ago

is it gonna be yuge?

LostandFound ago

Thanks putt !

8193952? ago

Glad to see active development on the site! I'm hoping that one of the "situations that need admin attention" is dealing with brigaders because I'm getting tired of explaining to people why every post I make gets a bunch of a downvotes.

Redditsdead ago

Just put your tag that you're a pedophile agenda pusher and it'll make sense to the people you explain it to.

middle_path ago

This is fantastic! I always thought this was a neat idea. Now v/gardening and v/JustGrowIt will exist in the same set. Hopefully this will be an easy way to filter out political bs.

BentAxel ago

Thanks again @PuttItOut

MinorLeakage ago

Thanks for all your hard work, and for acknowledging there are some situations that need some admin intervention.

Just when I start feeling like we've been abandoned, you always release some huge code dump and fix all our problems. I should really learn to have patience.

DearestTrudeau ago

Yeah, like /v/canada being run into the ground by a nigger that figured out how to delete posts and comments.

formatist ago

If it's not Pizzagate related, don't use exclamation points.

Holonomic ago

Thank you for the heads up, and hopefully all will go well!

CeepsNo ago

So what is a set? Are mods able to moderate a set of subverses? Will users be banned from sets?

8193582? ago

Yay for sets! This might help niche subverses, as they can now be combined into one bundled view.

I will definitively use this for v/de to bundle all the German-speaking subverses into one set, so maybe some of the minor subverses will finally take off.

SaneGoatiSwear4 ago

hey it's a shill! hi shill! you're a shill!

Jixijenga ago

Yes, now @Trigglypuff can start grouping those writing subs (including mine) together and @Owlchemy can do the same for gun stuff. :D

Owlchemy ago

Yeah, well I'm into the gun subs - LOL - but not having been here in whoverse days, I have no clue how it would work. But I'm game. Whatever works.

Jixijenga ago

We'll see what happens. Shouldn't be too hard to figure out. :P

Owlchemy ago

And may be advantageous to all, that's the important point. It does get tiring searching for subs in some categories, this may be useful and get some smaller ones some love, too.

Jixijenga ago

Yeah, it might help mitigate duplicates too.

vandilx ago

Thank you very much, @PuttitOut ! I really feel like Voat is in good, capable hands with you at the helm.

And thanks for updating the Canary Notice.

RoninSnowman ago

Good to see the continued growth, added new features, and the canary still there. Thank you @puttitout well done.

SpottyMatt ago

Thank you, I am looking forward to being able to finally use Sets.

doyoujew ago

So what new censorship features will be introduced? If I bloxk you Justine can I block your shitposts?

SaveTheChildren ago

As a mathemagician I approve of sets.

TheDude2 ago

Fuck that. Math is racist.

ChillyHellion ago

One thing geeks and bodybuilders have in common.

Rotteuxx ago

Thx Putt !

Most of us apreciate your dedication & hard work :)

Stavon ago

Thanks for your work. And please keep us updated during downtimes.

Gigan ago

It's gonna be yuuuge.

revofire ago

I don't get it.

revofire ago

But literally anyone can joke and say that. Now... I know Hecho is involved in that stuff, just look at his record. But that... that's not proof of anything. lol

smifft ago

My first voat ban was from Hecho. I called some guy a sick fuck for /v/preteens being a thing. Felt okay about that ban. On second thought, why is that sub even allowed? Wouldn't that fit into the illegal realm?

HeavyBrain ago

My first (and only) ban was for Hecho, fucker posted borderline CP in my sub.

oiseaulibre ago

If it's nonpornographic it's legal. I think it's morally wrong, but it's legal.

smifft ago

I don't know what's in the sub, as I sure the hell don't wanna see. That being said, the name sounds heinous as fuck.



HomerSimpson ago

Sounds good. Better mod mail / report system please?

Dildo-Shwaggins ago

Can someone explain why the Canary notice gets updated all the time? Do terrorists have private subs or are those requests only for CP or what?

Donbuster ago

It's required for a canary to work properly. The warrant canary is based off some legal shenanigans resulting from the following concepts.

A court of law can compel you to do several things:

A court can compel you to speak, provided that complying with such an order to speak would not be incriminating to yourself, a spouse, or a violation of attorney client privilege, or a few other exceptions. This is enforced by holding those who do not speak and do not meet one of the exceptions in contempt of court until they comply.

A court can compel you to tell the truth; This is enforced though a court being able to charge those who have lied under oath with the crime of perjury.

Finally, a court can compel you not to speak, through a gag order. This is ALSO enforced through contempt of court, though often other crimes can be applied as well.

The one thing a court cannot compel you to do is lie. Certainly you may lie if you choose to, provided you are not under oath, but you can never be compelled to lie when directly asked about something.

As such, an artifact of the legal system is that, when directly asked about information you are compelled not to reveal via gag order, you have two legal options. You can lie, which, while legal, is not required of you. Or you can remain silent in response to the question, as you would not then be revealing information that is under gag order. If the person making the query interprets your silence as a confirmation, then that's their problem.

We utilize this with a canary. Just saying that "I haven't been issued a gag order" a single time is not all that useful, as, (provided you trust the entity issuing the notice to be honest with you) that only discusses the past, and by the time you read the notice, they could well have been served by such a gag order. If instead they say every 30 days that they have not been served a gag order, and suddenly 31 days pass without a new notice that no order has been issued, you can assume (with no guarantee that this assumption is correct) that, since the last notice was issued, a gag order was placed on the site.

The admins' last edit time on the canary post indicates their most recent reassertion of the notice. Of course, while atko and putt can't be compelled to lie, a court could seize control of the account used to make the post, and update the edit time themselves, which would make the canary still appear valid to the users. Better than nothing, though.

SaneBoatISwear ago

ur a better shitposter than i

Grifter42 ago

You're a retard.

SaneGoatFaggot ago

Kill yourself faggot

knightwarrior41 ago


8194166? ago

Methinks the lady doth protest too much.

Grifter42 ago

You mealy-mouthed weaboo cunt. Go suck off David Brock, you shill.

SaneGoatFaggot ago

You are nigger faggot who needs to stop sucking shill dick

kill yourself

Grifter42 ago

You're so original. Not.

800_pound_gorrilla ago

I dunno, of all the comebacks in this thread, this is the least original. Pretty weak..

I3uckwheat ago

You gotta point there..

semens ago

You are participating in internet drama. I have no doubt people in your life do not respect you.

semens ago

The fact that you need to validate your opinion through alts and points says a lot about you as a "person".

SaneGoatFaggot ago


You are such a hypocrite

semens ago

Such alt you libtart faggot. Tire fire is where you belong.

SaneGoatiSwear2 ago

isn't it amazing that i was the second comment posted, and downvoated -23 on the comment immediately,

and there are a dozen responses - ALL SHILLS known and proven.

a few actual users try to point out some sane words to them, and get downvoated to hell as well.

it's insane, how these shills are half the comments in this post, and are upvoated to the top and ... what

most goats don't even bring it up with putt.

hey @puttitout i'm still being downvoat brigaded. and the top comment in this thread is by @sanegoatfaggot.

you didn't fix shit, you lied when you said you were neutral. you banned only upvoating accounts and left all downvoat brigading accounts intact (i read your admission "established accounts" won't be banned as an admission of guilt, from your last shillnouncement).


this site was taken over by bad actors about 7 months ago. it's been slippery slope since.

it's not internet drama when every nation on earth and every social network on the internet practices some form of censorship (self-censorship included), then it's overt removal of the idea of the innate right for all humans to freely express themselves.

pick a side.

voat, have your say*

*within the narration control of the sjws/srs.

TinyRick ago

no brigade against you faggot, you're just that hated

SaneGoatiSwear2 ago

shill shilling.

must piss you off i'm still free to speak.

Talc ago

dv for shilling

8194872? ago

It still doesn't tell us if global warming is real or if hitler was right

Grifter42 ago

Yep. These people who only exist to harass SaneGoat have no fucking life at all.


I see 20 such people who have voted on this comment.

Grifter42 ago

Jay-sus... Fuckin' hell. This is fuckin' cray-zay.


Look at this shit.

Vladimir_Komarov ago

Keep it up M8. Cheers!

AOU ago

Hey Puttitout, you rock!


no, he doesn't. censoring faggot.

SaneGoatiSwear4 ago

you can't even prove that's a real person. you don't know who you're even talking to, let alone if they actually do rock or not.

you're a sheeple in pompeii, and you'll get volcano'd like the rest of the lava fodder.

MarkTheNerd ago

Thank you for all your hard work.

SaneGoatiSwear4 ago

aww that shill is thankful for

secret court shadowbans with no warning, no appeal, for even ONE upvoat considered by the secret judge to be an upvoat helping someone out of -ccp restrictions.

slippery slope behavioral restrictions on ALL users under the guise of "muh sexurity"

and more.

markthenerd loves censorship and hates free speech!

point out your garden variety low level pissant shill trash like @markthenerd today!

MarkTheNerd ago

Yes tell everyone everyday you think I'm being paid to comment here. The more people you tell, the crazier you sound and the more laughs I get out of it. Thanks for the entertainment.

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

Interested to see how sets will change the lay of the land. Thanks Putt!

ShinyVoater ago

Hopefully the smaller subs will get more visibility. v/whatever has been stifling them(not to malign it).

guinness2 ago

I'm curious if it will allow Voat's awesome paranormal community to become a set so people can find the related subverses easily... even though I do include those links in the sidebar... although I'm not precisely if I have the right idea.

Pwning4Ever ago


lurkulongtime ago

The new update sounds great. Since taking over you have really run with it and voat continues to go from strength to strength. Thank you for all your hard work and providing us with a great product. Much appreciated.

SaneGoatiSwear ago


you referring to this? and ??

that's about 100 ccp being required to downvote.

i'm talking about


i don't think this turned that off, maybe it did

but for as long as i've been here, below 0 and below -50 ccp has equaled extremely restricted posting and commenting i believe 1 post and 10 comments in a 24 hour rolling window.

this is community-curated overt near-total censorship,

tell me what does it prevent?

Rotteuxx ago

Entitled attention whores like yourself from polluting Voat with you anti-admin rhetorics.

The goats aren't censoring you, they're telling you to fuck off.

Freedom of speech comes with backlash & no garanteed audience. When will you realize that most of us don't care for you & your bullshit ?

digitalentity1497 ago

The goats aren't censoring you, they're telling you to fuck off.

I don't think he gets it...

jsac ago

when he has been completely silenced due to being a consistent nigger cunt.

8202460? ago

He would rather make up more conspiracy theories about shills than to face reality even then.

gorbly ago

Please refer to the Last edit time for the most recent effective date of this notice.

Look under submission info to the right.

rosshk ago

looking forward, thanks

Wowbagger ago

Sounds great! Greatful for your hard work.

heretolearn ago

thanks for the update

1moar ago

Sounds awesome, can't wait!

stretched_girl ago



8192823? ago

Thank you.

SaneGoatiSwear4 ago


8203708? ago


digitalentity1497 ago

You're one of us now! :D

VouvrayCabernet ago

I was just thinking about those the other week. Glad to have them back!

I can just see all the porn sets on /v/sets now

SaneGoatiSwear4 ago

hi shill!

Mr_Dusk ago

maybe I'll finally be able to find enough gay porn verses I like to eliminate reddit completely XD

Because the search function sucks at finding verses

l23r ago

I just hope the pedo shit doesn't end up on the same set. Or fatty porn. I had to delete Tumblr groups I subbed to cause they kept on posting beastiality, err obese "people"

CompleteBollocks ago


Anaximandel ago

Guys remember to donate to Voat! These guys are putting tons of work in.


No. I refuse to donate to a site which both by action and by inaction allows users to be censored.

RamblinRambo ago

I would if I could do it anonymously.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

notice the absolute lack of any community discussion on anything at all.

major voat changes are just happening, sometimes without our knowledge and most all now without our consent; we're not allowed to partake in deciding the direction of voat, as the founder intended.

@puttitout is voat's pao

Tipman79 ago

notice the absolute lack of any community discussion on anything at all.

There's been lots of discussion about you. But that's what you want right?

NoBS ago

You mean folks pay to be censored? Are American's really that stupid? Well, even with cheating, Hillary ALMOST won. I guess we can all ALMOST donate.

WeekendBaker ago

Donated, planning to donate quarterly.

SaneGoatiSwear3 ago

that's a bad idea.

you have no evidence justin chastain, the CEO of Voat, Inc. is even a real person.

censorship is now the norm here.

militant sjws and srs are here, and control voat, and are sanctioned to downvoat brigade any user speaking outside the narrative into silence, not just on one account, but on all accounts they may create after being assaulted into -ccp.

this has produced a nasty chilling effect, making people afraid to speak on voat, in fear of reprisal, causing serious self-censorship.

there are also censorship tools all over voat, from the block button, to the behavioral restrictions that stop you from commenting, posting, and voting freely (all forms of protected free speech in the u.s., all abridged by voat, inc.)

there are now magic shadowbans. you can be globally banned from voat for a single upvote. but don't worry if you downvoat brigade the sjws/srs targets, you're safe. p.s. there's no ban warning, no ban rule, no ban appeal for these bans. they're magically shillicious!

puttitout lied to you. he said he would stay neutral and end this. but what he did was ban a bunch of upvoat brigading accounts and goatku. NONE of the downvoat brigaders, criminal harassers/abusers against voat were banned. none. not one.

17,000 downvoats, over 10,000 harrasing/defaming/attacking comments and 600 posts...., but no, harassment (a crime), defamy (a crime) are apparently not breaking the u.s. law enough for voat to take action. but if you post rachel madsen's contact info consider yourself banned in an hour.

there's some serious rule for thee, not for me, going on in voat's administration, as voat's actually run by the sjw cabal, including fuzzywords, failure, disappointed, kevdude, and more! they're all shills! they took over reddit. now they're taking over voat!

if you want to do something to help voat, you will stand against this takeover, and stop this slippery slope.

end -ccp restrictions.

end the shadowbanning.

drain the voat swamp of shills in the administration.

these are required, for voat not to die.

umilmi81 ago

You are a bad idea and we don't even know if you are a person.

Fahrvergnaked ago

Hey now, accusing someone of being a bot because they disagree with you is Sane's job, stay out of his domain!

HACKhalo2 ago

We also don't have any evidence that you're not completely insane, but we still put up with your dumb ass.

Donbuster ago

No, we have anecdotal evidence. He's a sane goat. He swears.

sheepsexplode ago

You the man! Thank you for your work. Good Luck!

Also thank you in advance for your help with the "situations" I can't imagine how irritating that must be.

Le_Squish ago

Thank you for securing the goat pen.

SgtMattson ago



Keep up the good work!

turtlesarepureevil ago

dis makes me wet with excitement homie, keep up da good werk.

We is gona be set.

SaneGoatiSwear ago



please end -ccp restrictions.

please even start a fucking community discussion about ending -ccp restrictions. (anon it even)


i will take the brigade to ask you this.

let downvotes curate not censor

end the disapora of the alts.

(notice i'm completely leaving out the whole, you let 100% of the malicious abusers brigaders of voat stay. thing).

8193651? ago

Maybe, just maybe, if you weren't such a lolcow getting on everyone else's nerves, and labeling everyone who disagrees with you as a shill, and cancering formerly healthy subverses whenever you get power over them, and injecting yourself into every conversation... maybe you wouldn't need to be afraid of negative CCP restrictions?

It is the only tool the community has as a whole to deal with bad hombres, so it should stay, and it will stay. And you are the living example for why we need them.

VicariousJambi ago

I've tried to explain that to him, but he called me a.....behavior shill? Yeah, I think it was behavior shill.

Some sort of shill, at least.

AlwaysInService ago

(notice i'm completely leaving out the whole, you let 100% of the malicious abusers brigaders of voat stay. thing)

It's nice to see you're making progress. It's nice to see a comment where you're not calling Putts a shill as well

jsac ago

have a downvoat nigger

SaltyMango ago

the irony of your dumbass claiming to want to end the issue with alts is hilarious.

VicariousJambi ago

(notice i'm completely leaving out the whole, you let 100% of the malicious abusers brigaders of voat stay. thing).

Like you?

digitalentity1497 ago

Oh snap!

VicariousJambi ago

Yeah, sane is full of shit like always.

He says he's pro free speech, but bans people like crazy from his subs. Hypocritical little cunt.

digitalentity1497 ago

I've heard enough about @SaneGoatiSwear, thanks.
Besides all his "discussions" revolve around giving out shill accusations to all those that does not agree with his opinions.

8192815? ago

CCP restrictions are a good thing.

SaneGoatiSwear ago


NEGATIVE CCP RESTRICTIONS, as in, -ccp equals extremely limited posting and commenting ability, leading to lots of alt creation, leading to fractured community rather than integrated growing community.

i'm not talking about the 100ccp to downvoat. i'm not talking about 10 votes for new account thing.

i'm JUST




CCP is used to CENSOR user accounts, when votes are meant to "curate content."

-ccp restrictions are censorship at the admin level, in the code.

they must end.

Rotteuxx ago

Hey buddy 'ol boy !

How's my favorite entitled little bitch doing today ?

8193132? ago

Aww, is CPP screwing you because you have to waste tons of time making alts?

VicariousJambi ago

Here, have some proof of his alts lol

sgx191316 ago

This is that thread before he deleted almost all of those comments. It's... special.

VicariousJambi ago

Thanks for that!

8193421? ago

LOL- guess a bunch of his alts were nuked so he's got to start anew. LOL

Rotteuxx ago

Hhhhhhha ! Right on the money :D

digitalentity1497 ago

Shill! Shill! XD

Womb_Raider ago

Pros and Cons. It could be abused, but until it happens, I think it keeps spam at bay

fagnig ago

Ive seen it be abused. Mightyyetgentle7 got a co-ordinated bot downvote on an old account, i think 3000 ccp in a day, took below 0 ccp. Had to make a new account (or 7).

Womb_Raider ago

He used to be such a dick, I wonder what changed... I chat with him in voat chat all the time, he lightened up a lot.

I admit there have been a few cases of clear-cut abuse... I wish Putt would weigh in on some way to solve it

Womb_Raider ago

Lol, how did you know he drinks? :D

fagnig ago

He comments a lot, over the season, he was talking about serious withdrawals from alcohol.

Bonechip ago

MightyGroo ago

Thanks for your hard work and all the recent improvements!

Ethnic_Cleansing ago

Big load this weekend boys.

I'm ready.