SaneGoatiSwear ago

"as a test run"

as a test run






and it's just gotten worse, goats.

The_Strange_Remain ago

You've done nothing but ensure new users are attacked at will for having a dissenting view point from the hive mind. New users are brigaded constantly if they do not agree with common sentiment and are downvoted to oblivion, ensuring they don't get out of the pit you dug for them. They are barraged with hateful, slanderous claims of being "schills" and cannot even reply to make a defense for themselves because of your thoughtless throttling.

If you actually cared about ending spam you could work on the reporting feature of the site and allow people to REPORT SPAMMERS who are actually guilty instead of creating a system that is dirt simple to game, one which silences new users.

This is far more dishonest than anything reddit ever did. Punishing users for being new by setting up a system designed to ensure they fail isn't how you empower high quality discourse. It's how you import all of the worst of reddit and infuse it with 4chan. Congratulations.

EpicGizmo ago

Wow, perfect to suppress opinions of minorities. Keep up voat. this is free speech. lol

EpicGizmo ago

Killing accounts with downvoatbrigading is not a nice thing. Did you thought about that?

omegletrollz ago

What prevents a bad user from immediately creating a new user and shitpost without limits again? This idea seem pretty senseless to me.

What would you think about instead implementing some sort of control in the listings themselves? Make Hot more aggressively bury posts with negative scores, make /all/new ignore them (and well if you're reading r/new in a sub you get what is says, all newest links, unfiltered) and /top already works well.

Number-5 ago

I agree. I don't like this idea.

newoldwave ago

Don't be like Reddit and not give the CCP posters a warning first.

happycatsunshine ago

Great idea.

hdwarty ago

There are voat users with CCP at around -300 and these guys submit 20+ links per hour.

holy shit. tbh that's kind of hilarious.

Edit: I agree with this.

Atko ago

I am counting on the power of the people to make the right decisions. If one user gets targeted by an entire sub, the user can still make a new thread (even 5) and write what happened. The community could then go and upvote his comments to get him out of the throttle mode, or, the story would be brought up and we could manually restore his account. Only time will tell how this will work, it's only been up for a day now.

fightingbuddha ago


However I find it funny that you called it shitposting without any qualms. :)

tiecuando ago

It sort of reminds me of the gamefaqs karma system. But at least I can get away with saying a lot more. :]

KhalifaKid ago

Sounds like something from Reddit's Core Values.

Is this Ellen Pao's alternate account or something? Why limit free speech in any way? We came here to get away from that...

gcrockwood ago

So voat begins the slippery slope that reddit took. Very well. Let the brigades begin. You'll be nostalgic for the days that spamming was the only problem.

Atko ago

Let's just wait and see. So far nobody reported being throttled by brigading. One problem at a time my friend, one problem at a time.

foxlet ago

I don't think this is a good change due to the possibility of future brigades now having the capabilities to shutter off any negative opinions, simply by downvoting them to (what is essentially) limbo.

NotAnUndercoverCop ago

... and CommonSenseWarrior already created an alt /u/CSW to circumvent your new limitations. He then bragged about being able to circumvent any potential future IP ban (which for some magical reason he knows may be on it's way) with his VPN.

What now?

Atko ago

Nothing. This is where the community comes in. If you guys find his posts crappy - you will downvote him into silence. Time will tell.

binky ago

Bad, bad idea. You're allowing vote brigaders to censor the site.

reeiiko ago

Why is it not letting me upvote this even though I'm already logged on?

Atko ago

A caching issue. It's fixed now.

aeschynanthus ago

I thought of a variation of this. When a user is at <=-50 CPP, do limits like you described. Then, a moderator in a subverse can allow more posts/comments from from the user to that sub but the posts wouldn't show up in /v/all as long the CCP is <=-50. That way the downvoted user can continue to post to some subs freely and all will have less spam.

...But then you would have to have a separate counter for votes without those subs. Might not be worth the trouble, perhaps.

whatsagoodusername ago

This may run into issues with posts like this popular post from Valve on reddit. The issue being that even though the poster is trying to discuss, the user base is so angry with the idea that downvoting occurs regardless of content. What could happen is that the poster could reach -50 CCP and can't then respond with answers to questions in their own post. Maybe the 5 comments/day limitation could be lifted in discussions/links that the poster created?

prettymuchbullshit ago

Whatever you have to do during the reddit death throes and beyond. Just be upfront and let users know what they're getting. Shadowbanning people is a shitty, shitty thing to do. That should have been reserved for spammers over on that other site.

woferl ago

I don't like this change. This could be bad for people with very unpopular opinions and ideas, like me. So far I have censored myself on voat in order to maintain a net positive, but whenever I share some of my true thoughts I do get downvoted.

I don't like this change, because I think people should be able to say what they want here as much as they want.

Zenocide ago

I like this, I also really like the enforcing of having to contribute content and accrue CCP before you can vote more, it encourages discussion and actual interaction which I think will be essential in keeping the quality here.

The only concern is possible brigading issues, but hopefully with the spirit of the site, the people who are inclined to do that won't find this an appealing place to be in the first place.

SharonLeeFan ago

Good call. This can help prevent the site from being sabotaged.

Atko ago

We'll obviously have to adjust the numbers as voat grows and keep a close watch on this. Voat is a small community and we're just tweaking things. Perhaps when looking at negative CCPs, we could add other factors to compensate for things which get downvoted to oblivion. Example: if you submit 100 things and only 50% of these are downvoted to oblivion, you don't get throttled. But if 90% of the stuff you submit always gets downvoted to oblivion - the message is clear.

erietemperance ago

The part of this that bothers me is that it affects your "unpopular" users just as much as your trolls and spammers.

Having an "unpopular" opinion shouldn't shut you out of the conversation, being a bot that posts 100 copy-pastas a day should.

But we should note the difference.

If a super religions neo-con came on here I could easily see them getting to -50 CCP in no time. But should that push them completely out of the conversation? I don't think so.

Honestly I don't know if anything really needs to be done at all, but it's not my site so whatever.

BatmansTesticles ago

Free speech is free for everyone, even idiots and shitposters. Censorship kills free speech, slowly but surely. Seems more like a reddit move than something implement by a site that ostensibly values freedom of expression.

BlackBeard ago

I think your implementing rules that are fair. The only issue I see with this is that a shit poster will continue to post shit with alternate accounts, I'm not sure what can be done to fix that issue unfortunately.

Charlie_Prime ago

Thank you for your work Atko. Good stuff here. That's why I give my energy and time to Voat, and not others.

k_digi ago

Seems like a good imitative - i'm only new here but i was going to say i thought this would happen ha ha looks like it already happened i mean my first Question was going to be :

say i'm a floor at the "NSA" dedicated to trying to ruin free speech - now we all create a "VOAT" account and spam post then all up-vote that spam?

becasue there is no limit to up voting right?

i'm not saying that is happening, but i'm thinking about if this site is successful.

mwgiii ago

Even though I am a new kid around here, this is a great rule.

alsyd ago

I am so happy this is a global thing. On reddit I have a pretty positive score but on the LoL sub I got really negative because people thought I was asking stupid questions and ever since I could only post a comment every 10 minutes. Not a big deal but really seemed undeserved so I never bothered after that. So glad this can't happen here!

If someone's global score is so low then that means there's no one that likes what they post. 50 is a bit much but maybe it can be increased if the site picks up. Or not I guess, if the person really can't make good posts in ANY subs then good riddance

RobMan ago

I don't like this shit. It is defiantly going to lead to censorship of unpopular opinions, and as much as I don't agree with them being racist is nothing more than an opinion. I understand no one wants shit tons of spam, but we need a system that will only target spammers then. We don't need a system that silences anyone with low ccp. I don't now how feasible this is but maybe you could use the same kind of thing they have in schools to check papers for plagiarism. A program that would check over the words in the person in questions post and if it was over say, 70% match it would apply the debuff on a timer. Any who that's my two cents. I think this is a pretty shit way to deal with it.

Atko ago

I see where you're coming from, but there simply isn't a way to fully automate spam removal without manual labor (Who decides what is spam? The community, right? Spam should get removed and spammer banned? Isn't that censorship too?). As nobody is getting paid to maintain voat, this will have to do for now.

RobMan ago

I understand why you did it I just don't think it's the best move if you're trying to promote full freedom of speech. Personally, if there are no other options I'd prefer to have to sort through the spam.

facepaint ago

Thank you. Not to name names, but that a-hole was just shotgunning crap into subverses it did not even belong in just to see what would stick.

Harvo ago

Unfortunately this is needed, especially during the early days. As a new user I fully appreciate the value in making me wait a few weeks before I can start whoring that sweet sweet CCP. ;)

j_ ago

CCP is comment contribution points; the tally of total upvotes and downvotes on all your comments.

SCP is submission contribution points; the same thing for submissions.

Basically the two scores you see up on the user bar and on your profile page.

derram ago

I thought we were going to go with giving people the ability to block users themselves instead of taking away other peoples ability to speak?

Atko ago

That will come as well, but this mainly targets publicly visible things in /v/all which guests and search engines will see.

123_456 ago

Doesn't this just create a hive mind? You will have to submit content and comments that appease the majority.

Atko ago

Sure, but you can also form your own sub and earn the points there from likeminded people and then keep posting your agenda to subs which don't like your opinion?

w00dy ago

Shouldn't, instead of this sort of automatic moderation applied universally, the system stay at it's current rating-based mechanic (identifying shitposters with negCCP) and leave it to sub mods to deal with people causing mischief?

CowboyXero ago

While this does sound fair, I have to caution that this tool has another edge by allowing these copypasta types to brigade en masse and downvote their least favorite users just to cause havoc. So far my experience here hasn't been anything but warm to lukewarm really but I'd take that anyday compared to the treatment I got over one comment on stsnbn/SquaredCircleJerk because one guy thought I "sounded condescending" in one of my posts. That's really my only concern.

ninjitsu ago

This looks like a good way to nip things in the bud before they get out of hand.

Conky ago

may have negative effect on legit users.

So let's lock up all the people we don't like the looks of just in case they do something we don't care for.

The main draw of Voat is that reddit-style crap like this wasn't implemented. I predict a noticeable drop in traffic here. By trying to protect us, you are subjugating us.

Atko ago

You're the one who is downvoting people, not me. Downvotes should have its weight as I don't have the resources to manually keep the shit off of voat.

Conky ago

I assume when you say "You're the one who is downvoting people," you mean Voat users in general, because I can't downvote, as I don't comment much but mostly post links. Did you ever hear of a guy named Pontius Pilate?

So what you seem to be saying is despite Voat being presented as a place where you can "Have your say" it looks like you only get your say if you fall in line with the majority. So why should people come here instead of reddit, again?

You should worry about getting more good content here and less about the "shitposters". Half of the posts in all-hot are about how shit reddit is. And you're getting more like reddit with this feature. This doesn't make sense unless you don't want the "subreddit cancer" folks coming here. Is that the case?

Fred ago

That's even worse than reddits post limiter.

creep ago

If this system is intended to catch someone who submits rapid-fire garbage, why is it targeting everyone with a negative score?

Imagine a television broadcasting nothing but white noise at an obnoxiously loud volume.

Now imagine a televesion next to it broadcasting a well-thought-out but unpopular program.

Both are voted by the community to acquire a score of -300 CCP.

The system you laid out, in its current state, would mute both of them. Shouldn't you be focusing on the frequency of submissions rather than the score?

Ahabandthewhitegrail ago

I'd like to add my voice to the please don't break vote side.

This will not end well, and may cause me to look elsewhere. Please, please, implement a block user function instead.

SpaceRosa ago

You're missing his point. I believe he's saying you drown out other content in /new, not necessarily a specific subverse.

facepaint ago

I think CSW is missing many points on purpose.

creep ago

You're right. The more I think about it, the more I dislike the idea of popular vote throttling individual voices. It's a dangerous thing on a platform priding itself for its lack of censorship.

There has to be a better way to throttle abusive behaviour (posting 500 spammy, obnoxious reposts a day). There has to be a better way for people to deal with content they don't like other than voting someone be silenced.

An ignore button that can gag private messages, public posts, or both. A personal word filter that will collapse or completely hide posts or usernames based on user-defined criteria. If someone wants to censor content, let them censor and control their own private feed only. It becomes personal responsibility.

Edit: Oh, and give that ignore list limits to avoid mass-censorship blacklists like SJWs wield on Twitter, such as throttling the number of people you can ignore per day to something small, but reasonable (5 people). I don't like the idea of hard-capping how many people in total can be ignored as that forces people to potentially unblock someone they don't want to just to make room for someone else.

j_ ago

There has to be a better way to throttle abusive behaviour (posting 500 spammy, obnoxious reposts a day).

You already found it. Throttling should be linked to the spammy behaviour (how quickly and how many repeated/similar posts are made), not the nature of the content or how many up or downvotes it gets.

Ahabandthewhitegrail ago

Why the daily limit on new ignores? I honestly don't understand the point of that.

creep ago

Are you familiar with the Twitter blocklists that anti-GGers use to blacklist and silence critics (and their followers)? Those lists have tens of thousands of accounts, many of which simply follow someone that criticized a feminist but are now silenced on a large scale.

Blocking shouldn't be a feature that can be turned into a weapon for mass censorship.

How would you propose avoiding this scenario while still allowing people to block as many people as they need?

Maybe 5 users in a single day is too restrictive, it was just an example.

How many users do you imagine you will need to block in a single day? Ten? 100,000?

Throttling the rate a user's ignore list can grow is better than putting a hard cap on the number of people they can block. If you're only allowed to block a total of 100 people, you're going to have to make a choice at 101 to unblock someone you don't want to hear, so capping the list size is a bad idea.

Ahabandthewhitegrail ago

I'm not saying I can block on behalf of others. I just want to be able to block people I feel are irrelevant, abusive, or unable to provide meaningful discourse.

If that is all but three people on Voat, why shouldn't I be allowed to self censor like that?

Why shouldn't I be allowed to block one hundred thousand people in a day?

creep ago

Coming back to this, without a throttle, you're leaving it open for people to turn over management of their block lists to someone else, who can fill their list at inhuman speeds with unreasonable amounts of people. Throttling it does not hurt you. It simply discourages wide scale blacklists used to facilitate censorship.

Ahabandthewhitegrail ago

Again, you sidestep my question, why SHOULDN'T I be allowed to choose to censor my page on a wide scale?

creep ago

If it took you 30 seconds to block a single person, and you spent 16 hours of a day blocking people back to back without any breaks, you would only be able to block 1920 people, assuming you were that fast.

That's why those who subscribe to the Twitter mass-censorship blocklists rely upon computers to automate the process.

Without a throttle in place, abuse like that becomes possible. I could create a list that 100,000 people subscribe to, and input your name in it, and regardless of whether you've ever interacted with those people, you are now gagged from ever reaching them.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with blocking people yourself. But these people are not doing that, they are having an external source control and implement the blocking, without ever knowing who is being gagged.

A throttle would discourage people from abusing such an ignore system. Do you really want that sort of wide-scale censorship coming to Voat?

There's no situation I can imagine that would have you running into even 100 people that you absolutely want to ignore in a single day on Reddit, nevermind here with its minute population.

Now how about being able to ignore 100,000 people with a single click. That's what a throttle stops.

Ahabandthewhitegrail ago

Maybe what you say makes sense, except, why do you assume you have the RIGHT to reach those who deliberately tried to ignore you? You are equating self selected censorship, even mass censorship, with enforced censorship.

If I only want to hear from three people, what reason can you give to override that? Why should I HAVE to hear from you if I don't want to?

creep ago

I assume no such right.

In the Twitter scenario, the individual wouldn't be doing anything but handing over control of their ignore list to a third party. That third party picks and chooses who gets to speak, away from the individual's personal scrutiny.

Imagine if large swaths of Voat are off-limits to you because you were arbitrarily added to a centralized gag list which is distributed to tens of thousands of subscribers that you have never interacted with. New accounts are encouraged to sign up to the gag list for their safety. Adding 100,000 people to their list is as easy as one click and no more than a few minutes to take effect.

Your crime? You'll never know and you can't appeal it. Is that an environment you want to encourage?

Personally managing your block list: Good.

Turning over management of your block list to a third party: Bad.

Ahabandthewhitegrail ago

Why? If I have to choose to participate in a block list, WHY shouldn't I be allowed to?

Why should you be allowed to appeal my personal censoring of your speech, for that matter?

quantumfox64 ago

I don't think this is a great idea, especially in the long term. Is negative CCP indicative of spamming? Is it even indicate of low contribution? We've seen in reddit and we'll see here that downvoting is often used to express disagreement, and it will continue to do so. This will result in homogeneity of content.

If you're worried about spam in /v/all, then we should have some system for downvoting subverse content as a whole or blocking. Another easy implementation is subverse limiting in /v/all, which is fine for the intended purpose of browsing all on the basis of seeing a diverse range of subverses. But if you're worried about individual spamming within a subverse, then there should simply be some way to report spam and have posts buried on their individual content. Individual user ratelimiting is essentially pre-censorship. Perhaps you should just lower the amount of posts users can post in general, making the delay between posts longer and longer, e.g. 1 to 2 to 4 to 8 to 16... seconds between posts.

anhero23 ago

I like these ideas. I wish you guys (and/or gals) good luck in running this site.

Sepiku ago

/u/SurviorType seems to understand. You push the limits on purpose and then get mad when people get fed up with you. You and Justin bieber should hang out and rep your street cred.

luddite ago

Not to be a dick, but I don't want your average reddit user here.

If this place ends up full of shills and morons upvoating threads full of nonsensical combo posts and memes, I'll leave and not look back.

gcrockwood ago

I give it a year. you'll be gone or this site will be gone. One of the two.

Ashurbanipal ago

Adhering to the letter of the law while deliberately spitting on the spirit and bothering as many people as you can might be allowed, but it absolutely makes you a right prick, and you should accept your negative reputation and the ill will thrown your way as the inevitable consequence of that.

Censorship isn't inherently bad. If you're a net negative, everyone's better off with you gone.

Ahabandthewhitegrail ago

No. No, no, and no. What censorship, even of the asses amongst us does, is start an ever shifting line of repression.

A much better solution is a block user button.

Ashurbanipal ago

I'm not swayed by panicked appeals to slippery slopes. Context is king, and censorship is fine in a variety of circumstances.

Ahabandthewhitegrail ago

Yet, that is the very reason thousands of new accounts are streaming here.

If you begin censorship, they'll go elsewhere, and those like me will leave.

Censoring those fleeing censorship isn't just counter productive, it's foolish.

Ashurbanipal ago

Voat will need to appeal to a much vaster demographic than "people turned off by Reddit" if it ever wants to be a true competitor and not Reddit's less popular little brother.

Ahabandthewhitegrail ago

Yes, but censorship certainly isn't the way to do that; and considering it's especially detrimental now, that makes it even worse.

j_ ago

Censorship isn't inherently bad

Regardless of how you feel about censorship, this site promised to have none:

While we don't necessarily approve or agree with all content that users submit to Voat, our policy is to not meddle and not censor content unless said content is illegal in Switzerland.

Ashurbanipal ago

That promise was never going to be upheld, especially when it's worded so poorly that they can simply delegate the censorious steps to the userbase instead of the site, as this change does. Voat is not different from Reddit, it's the exact same site. All you can hope for is that its admins are less trigger-happy with their insanity and have more integrity.

ShakoWasAngry ago

Just joined and can't submit. Twice I tried.

Sepiku ago

So your personal morals had nothing to do with it, you are trying to piss people off and then get angry when they get pissed off. Go watch a movie troll. You are wrong.

Sepiku ago

You are complaining because what you want to happen is happening and you are getting blocked. I guess I should ask, you say you were posting things to test the system? Now that the system has been tested you want you old posting right enabled? Sounds pretty fishy, you fought the system and were declared a douche, sit with the conviction you earned.

Ashurbanipal ago

A personal block would serve the community better than an effective site lock-out that can be imposed by unjust brigade voting.

Sepiku ago

You are a douche but I agree with you, fuck you and your subs!

Sepiku ago

Wow, I keep reading down the thread and you keep being a douche. Justify what you do how you want but at some point you have to look back and realize you are the one thing that is not good in all these posts and replies.

Rose ago

awesome! I did not know if there was a separate downbeat score. At one point of time i thought left was upvoats and right downvoats, and i had like a 10 to 100 ratio on a previous account.

Sepiku ago

I don't think you understand how a community works. Have you ever lived in a small community where everyone knows who you are and what you have done? Bad behavior is quickly ostracized and people learn what is ok and not ok within the society. If you want a chaotic anarchy you go have it but I prefer to have a certain degree of respect in my community

Ahabandthewhitegrail ago

So, essentially you're supporting the idea of enforcing social mores using shaming.

Interesting idea, but EXACTLY why I left Reddit. I don't want an echo chamber, I came here for free speech, which the site was advocating.

I do want a block user button, not to filter competing or opposing views, but to filter shills, trolls, and truly repugnant people.

Sepiku ago

Put that way it sounds bad but what would you do if you had a nice neighborhood and some douchebags moved in?

Ahabandthewhitegrail ago

That doesn't reply apply, because you can't get a convenient ignore neighbour button to improve the quality of your neighborhood.

creep ago

I'm reserving judgement until I see it in practice, but does CCP always indicate "shitposting", or can it indicate unpopular opinions being buried when the site gains more of a userbase? Will people who simply go against the flow be muffled until they fall in line? If a user is at -300 CCP, how long would it take to gain 250 CCP at 5 posts per day? I'm not a very active user, but it's taken me many months to get nearly 90 CCP.

unfair ago

I'm getting roughly 10-15 CCP per "good" post, and it took me a week or two to get over 150 CCP from zero - for the most part I could have done that while staying under 5 posts per day.

If you're seriously concerned about raising your CCP it's totally doable no matter how low it may seem. (Although if that person has seriously annoyed the regular people off it's going to be harder to get them to upvote even his normal content)

creep ago

How do you define, in computer software, what constitutes a "good post", a "regular person", and "normal content"? If there's a great post that's just an unpopular opinion, and that single post gets hit with a profoundly negative score, isn't that just permitting the majority to rule what the minority is permitted to voice? This system is going to facilitate censorship in its current state.

unfair ago

  • good post = my average well regarded posts
  • regular person = regular posters
  • normal content = inoffensive decent content that might be well-received normally

creep ago

That's arbitrary. Who gets to define those things? You? Me? If I find your posts offensive, but you don't, which one of us is right?

unfair ago

I'm not defining anything, merely trying to convey how easy it is to gain CCP. One negative vote here and there isn't going to do anything to me.

creep ago

What if you were hit with a single -3000 score on a single post someday in the future, putting you below -300 total?

How easy or hard it is to mitigate collateral damage is a poor test of how effective this proposed system will be, especially when everyone's scores and rate of acquiring scores will be different.

You're saying content should impose gag orders.

I'm saying the frequency of submissions should be the criteria for imposing this proposed throttle, not the content.

It's the rapid-fire nature of the submissions that @Atko cited as the problem. He even said the content itself is irrelevent.

You're advocating the wrong fix for this problem. Don't praise it simply because it's the first fix to be proposed. Scrutinize it for flaws. We can do better.

unfair ago

I already stated in the very top post that in the future there will need to be limits on the max that can be lost from a post, once more people are able to downvote. There's no need to put words in my mouth.

The block user feature may mitigate part of the problem once that's introduced too, though there should probably still be some overall limits that restrict spamming. Once the dev sees how this method works I'm sure he'll tweak it.

Atko ago

A valid concern. However, vice versa is also possible - with spam burrying all other opinions if left uncontrolled. I guess this one is lesser of 2 evils as unpopular opinions can still be posted every day by the same user.

creep ago

Is there a way for the software to scrutinize and identify shitposts?

If they are rapid-fire submissions throughout a day, would that look very different than someone getting hit with a one-time -3000 CCP brigade with intent to silence?

Would a habitual shitposter appear different than someone who had a good post history and was legitimately downvoted to oblivion in a single incident?

What about someone whose entire post history is being downvoted by a brigade? Can brigading activity be detected and blocked?

NinjaPoolboy ago

What is a "shitpost" anyway? It sounds like one of those SJW code words used to control thoughts and ideas though censorship. This is why I left Reddit. It always starts with an proclamation to fixed something that is not really broke all based on an ideology. Uhg.

Thjoth ago

A shitpost is simply a post with no value. It may or may not also be really stupid. There can be fun shitposts ( /r/eve is full of them) but most of them are just shitty memes and spam.

NinjaPoolboy ago

It's sounds like some type of comment "correctness," if you will. I just don't think those posts necessarily lack value. Most posts have value to the person posting them. (Sans Spam) Who is to go around deciding that posts aren't valid because of that persons own posting ideology on how a community should conduct discourse?

It's this very act of trying to quantify posts and get rid of the ones that don't meet such standards that is so bad for community's like Reddit and Voat. I really don't want to see this behavior adopted here site-wide. People need to voluntarily improve there posting skills, And you have to remember that posting in intellectual ways is much harder for some than others.

Isn't down-voting "shit-post" enough? I always thought it was. I don't think we should classify spam is shit-posting, they aren't natural human posts in my opinion. Spam can be deleted without much controversy because it is not part of the conversation. I have never seen someone refer to spam as a "shit-post," Spam is a much worse designation. It seems to me that personal only short "chime-in" type comments are usually branded the "shit-post" moniker.

Why must everyone that is involved in a conversation be held to such a standard? There are meany people that are just learning how to write properly on the internet, You are essentially being hostile towards them. In my case, My early post's have always been "ad hominem'ed" because of my dyslexia and troubles spelling. (This was before universal spellcheckers.) Isn't designation of certain post as "shit-posts" of the same fallacious mentality?

NinjaPoolboy ago

Wow, sounds like an extremely broad and subjective thing.

TwoTailedFox ago

And as we've seen with Reddit, once you take a good name, it means other subreddits don't come close to being able to match traffic.

We can solve that problem by removing the mods who happen to be dicks.

Like you.

Rose ago

maybe past a negative amount it heals in a week with a shield or something to prevent people from being silenced

Sepiku ago

Well the username you have now doesn't have anything I would object to as far as I could find. I might not like what you say but I don't want my speech threatened which means that wether I like it or not you have the right to free speech. This is something I think as an anarchist is very important but a certain sites anarchy subforum seems to think is a bad thing. I do agree with some way to stop brigading and the like though. Is there a way to do that without violating free speech?

j_ ago

In case you are not familiar, he had a previous account that “forced” Atko’s hand in pushing this update. So the objectionable content is not on this account.

Rose ago

how do we see our negative score?

TwoTailedFox ago

Because, to put it bluntly, it's selfish.

j_ ago

Wouldn’t that just be /v/all/hot? Or maybe we need a /v/all/trending that has a ranking formula skewed more towards newness (on the scale of hours) than votes, while hot is skewed towards votes over a longer period of time (like a day or two).

fritzly ago

cool, thank you

Sepiku ago

You gotta wonder why that person got banned from reddit in the first place. This thread is a slippery slope period and time will tell but I don't mind being patient to get something good.

Ahabandthewhitegrail ago

Many are getting banned for challenging Pao. Or being in the our crowd. Your rules would have had me look elsewhere, and I wasn't even banned.

johnparish ago

I guess my only issue with what some of the users are saying about limiting upvoating/dowvoating after a week is that it is not an issue, and I don't see it being an issue for a long time. Let people upvoat the posts that brought us here to what we have become.

Be proactive sure, but it seems like we are fixing a issue that we wish we could fix on Reddit, even though it is not an issue on Voat, and I don't see why we can cross this bridge when we get there.

Sepiku ago

Reddit started as a cross the bridge type of thing and now user are moving to because reddit doesn't seem to work anymore. Proactive is cool but if there is an infection you must do something to stop it. I am not endorsing any sort of stoppage for anything unless it is voted in by a respectable( debatable ) number of people.

higs87 ago

I'm genuinely sorry you feel that way. As I stated I'm brand new here and thought this was a refreshing change. Would you care to explain why you think not allowing people who have previously received large amounts (bearing in mind that I assume should -100CCP become a rather minor amount, this could be changed) of negative feedback to post large amounts of comments and/or links is a negative? I'm genuinely curious and don't understand your perceived unhappiness.

SpaceRosa ago

From the whole site? That's odd. What rules did you break, other than spam, which would still only be in specific subverses?

Sepiku ago

I sometimes wonder about the time threshold for voting on submissions. I personally like to go through old stuff and I see a lot of submissions and comments that I would like to upvote but can't due to being archived.

Anti-God ago

Just the price we have to pay to make sure people with the opposite intention don't get the opportunity.

higs87 ago

Indeed, and that's when as a community the decision needs to be made whether or not said change will lead to the betterment of said community. It seems this one is approved of...

SurvivorType ago

You brought this on yourself, man. I'm not the one who spammed and ignored peers who asked me to stop and I didn't create the new feature.

higs87 ago

Good intentions that got trodden all over.. There can be no progress without change

higs87 ago

I literally just got here from that other site and this is the first thing I've read and I'm very very pleased to see it. Fantastic idea I hope it tests out well.

unfair ago

It's an issue of maturity more than anything else. The attitude that it's okay to do something you know is wrong/questionable merely because it isn't explicitly forbidden is a very child-like way of thinking.

/u/GOT is a good example - he constantly posts weird troll comments, but doesn't bother me in the least since he has the common sense to stay in particular subverses. You were intentionally spreading it around as much as possible.

Luk3 ago

That would be a nice april fools joke.

forced_participant ago

How will this work if say two groups, let's say /r/TRP & /r/TBP with 50 users each, they decide to see who's posting in the other verse/sub and downvote users as a group? How would people avoid being censored like this?

Atko ago

I will implement an "off switch" for this. Essentially, the throttling (please don't call it censorship, google the word) should only apply to subverses which are not private (the ones which choose to be seen in /v/all).

forced_participant ago

The off switch sounds good. All I could see is two groups going at each other and the nightmare it would be. I'm not sure why I need to google censorship. That is what you are allowing the users to do, calling by another name doesn't change that.

Sepiku ago

I think it is always good for people to know the definition of a word. Knowledge of all people should be encouraged.

Atko ago

Glad you're happy with the off switch. As far as censorship goes, I guess you and I have a different definition of what constitutes censorship :)

forced_participant ago

I see the difference. My definition would also include suppression which is included in the Merriam-Websters definition you linked as well as the definitions from, and when you type "censorship definition" into google the first line is "the practice of officially examining books, movies, etc., and suppressing unacceptable parts" In this instance you're empowering the users to suppress unacceptable or objectionable content. While it's true that users will not be able to silence anyone completely, the limit is a form of suppression, which is part of nearly every definition of censorship that I looked at.

SurvivorType ago

See? You still don't get it. It's not about what you said, It's about you spamming it everywhere. On the other hand, thank you. I wasn't exactly in favor of this new feature. You have now changed my view.

OPENmindCLOSEDmouth ago


pornhub_katie ago

I also would prefer if the block user function worked.

Atko ago

Hey, it's not me who decides, it's you guys, you decide by voting. Blame the democracy. Or should we remove voting altogether and just redirect to 4chan or 8chan? :)

SurvivorType ago

You can't respect your peers, but now you expect us to respect you and not argue?

TwoTailedFox ago

That you don't respect other users further reinforces how at fault you were.

You are the problem, and yes, you did expose it. You just happen to be part of the problem you've exposed.

something_went_wrong ago

Isn't the ability to pick out spam already built into Voat? What does "report spam" feature do exactly behind the scenes if it doesn't already trigger some sort of throttling already?

Edit: I see in public sourcecode that it sends an email to an abuse alias and nothing more. Would it make more sense though to have the "report spam" nav option trigger this throttling if a comment or post receives enough reports? Given the ability for mods to enforce thresholds already in their subs, isn't this extra enhancement unnecessary and even giving another method to abuse other users?

Sepiku ago

You seem to understand what makes this work, I am ignorant. Would you have any advice to a lazy peice of shit who can't bother to figure out for himself what to learn?

something_went_wrong ago

I suppose I do: If you're a lazy piece of shit, stop concerning yourself with the way things work and just accept it. Otherwise it's just self defeating.

Edit: or do you mean "good" advice? No, unfortunately I don't have much of that. Reading the website FAQ and keep asking questions when you don't know the answers yet would probably be a start.

Sepiku ago

Heh, thanks for the reply.

TwoTailedFox ago

It's possible to ban users who brigade, but it requires human intervention, and I'm not sure it's something that could be 100% possible in software without false positives.

You would need to be able to track what users are downvoting a single user, and tracking the last sub they visited for signs of a post or comment where that user was mentioned. It's not going to be exact, because it's possible to do this sneakily, but with enough users, the point of origin becomes easier to trace.

Sepiku ago

You bring up some good points. I bet there is way to write some software that could track who votes what and wether those users continually down vote the same post as other users. Damn, I guess that is kinda like guilty by association and that sounds pretty shitty as I write it but there might be a way to make it work.

something_went_wrong ago

It shouldn't require too much human intervention. How about mods be given the option to "lock" or "protect" either one or all comments in a post. This would make it so users can still comment/reply, but just can't up or downvoat any other locked comment in that post (including child comments of that "protected" parent). Use case is when someone's comment gets brigaded, the user reports the brigade to mods, mods "protect" that comment basically killing any further brigading.

TwoTailedFox ago

That's... actually quite imaginative. Why not have both? "Comment Lock" and "Vote Lock".

Nationalist ago

Just please, please, make comments that are locked say that they are locked and by whom.

This would be a horrible feature to let people use secretly.

CantStopPooping ago

Wow. I never thought that I would agree with you, yet here we are. I support your right to say what ever hate-filled, trollish bullshit you want to say. And you obviously really believe in it as evidenced on your insistence of spamming the hell out of us. I just don't want to be inundated with your cancer.

j_ ago

Exactly. I didn’t like @CSW’s content, but I will defend his right to post it (even if it just gets downvoted). That’s the point of peer moderation.

camoceltic ago

Agreed. All the subs I go to don't get more than one or two posts a day, so a week would still mean that a post could be on Page 1 of the sub, but you wouldn't be able to vote on it.

Maybe also add an indicator for when you can't vote on a post anymore. Maybe an hourglass that's tall enough to replace both vote arrows, signaling that you're too late (hourglass itself) and that you can't vote (No more arrows to click)? An annoying thing on Reddit for me was that I'd occasionally find an old post, click a vote button without seeing its age, and get met with the "This post is archived and voting is disabled" or whatever message it is.

InfiniteJest ago

As the site gains more users, the lock time could be adjusted. As of now, it seems that anything shorter than a month could be detrimental.

Sepiku ago

I agree, I like to read old posts and get frustrated when I can't upboat a sweet post or comment.

nilceps ago

Wouldn't a modtool for this be better and easier to implement? Let mods set the expiration limit instead of finding some sub/thread based routine for it.

VikingNipples ago

I'm getting really frustrated with not being able to upvote posts that have good ideas. As such, have the kind of shit I wouldn't normally dedicate an entire post to:

I agree.

localbum ago

As an extremely new person who can only upvote ten comments a day... stiflin' my style, guys. That bucket should be overflowin'.

Skeletor ago

It doesn't take to long to get more. it's worth it

thisismyfist ago

so long as what is said is not censored im ok with this

Ahabandthewhitegrail ago

Yet this IS censorship.

thisismyfist ago

I conflicted. technically you are right. you know what? you ARE right. goddamnit - the shitposters will get bored eventually

TwoTailedFox ago

Therefore there should be an appeals process.

SurvivorType ago

While I can see why this is necessary right now, I would hope that once we have a working block user feature, that it can be phased out.

unfair ago

I'd agree with this, with the caveat that the subverse needs to remove itself from /v/all if it's bordering on spam level. Yes, people can use the block button - but legitimate content shouldn't force people to do that just to access a good variety of other content.

Sepiku ago

legitimate content is forcing users to block posts, this thread is rife with good and bad ideas. I thing the best ideas will allow user ability period. I don't know how to implement this exactly but I haven't some ideas out there.

TwoTailedFox ago

People did ask you to stop, and you outright refused.

dThinkahea ago

Absolutely, let the community moderate itself.

TwoTailedFox ago

Except brigading is often performed by groups of users who have been part of that sub for a long time. That requirement down the line is functionally useless.

SurvivorType ago

Many of us asked you to stop spamming. You ignored us. You did what you did purposefully. You knew it was wrong. Let's not pretend differently.

TwoTailedFox ago

Not if they spam, to the point where they displace the content of other users.

irishmikov ago

Especially once the user can block the subverse from v/all.

unfair ago

You can block subverses (just go to their page and block it), it's just the block user function that isn't working yet. Note, there is a bug where /v/all/hot doesn't respect the blocks, but new and top do.

Atko ago

The expiration limit sounds like a good idea. 1 week? If a thing is older than 1 week, we could lock voting on it. I'll add it to TODO list.

mikbob ago

Maybe temporarily, but I don't think this should be the case in the future. It is annoying when you come across an old thread on reddit and you can't vote on anything because it has been archived

lofalexandria ago

Why not also, or instead, include some factor of time? Only count CPP accumulation over the past X days for this algorithm. This way we can promote more immediate shifts in behavior rather than someone who is acting like a huge asshole and getting downvoated super hard for it having to take weeks or months to climb back to the appropriate CPP level for normal contribution.

Vladimara ago

Personally I like the ability to voat old posts to give them CCP, I personally hate it when voating is locked on Reddit. spit because it feels like I can't be trusted with voating old posts.

vileneeds ago

Thank you. this is a great idea and one of the reasons a ton of people are leaving other sites at the moment in droves.

shitgun ago

Personally I think 1 week is a long time. 2 days might be a bit better because after this point the votes do nothing to that post's position. Obviously the time limit for new comments would have to be a lot longer.

escape ago

What about downvote expiration of a week (since that's long enough to filter shit posts with downvotes) but no upvote expiration? It sucks when I find something on reddit from years ago and I want to upvote it because I enjoyed it, it was helpful, etc and it says it's been archived.

OceanPiglet ago

@Atko This is a better idea. No upvote limitations but downvotes are limited.

hopdaddy ago

I think there should be an upvote limit, just not as short as the downvote limit. It would help curb top posts of all time staying that way.

TwoTailedFox ago

I would advise a per-subverse setting. Default should be a month (because of the relative lack of traffic-heavy subs), but mods would be free to reduce it to, say, one week.

DLK601 ago

one week seems short, reddit is 6 months, which seems longe. I would say 1 month. maybe a limit on downvotes but not upvotes?

Atko ago

Sounds reasonable. We'll probably do it per-subverse so that mods can decide.

Sllypper ago

Sounds like the best option. Keep it up! :)

TwoTailedFox ago

S-senpai-san noticed me :0

Vladimara ago

Senpai notices us all.

tabularassa ago

/v/atkoism welcomes you brother

CantStopPooping ago

I love this feature. I don't believe that it impinges on free speech in a negative way. It does discourage the trolls that are a blight on sites like this.

TwoTailedFox ago

It's a small website, things are going to be like flying by the seat of their pants until such things are fleshed out.

TwoTailedFox ago

The problem wasn't you being controversial, the problem was you spamming.

j_ ago

If the problem is spamming — in this case taken to mean posting at a high rate — then shouldn’t the solution be to throttle based on this rate? i.e. a user is posting too often, so limit his submissions for a short while.

How do you justify a throttle based on controversiality (downvotes), if controversiality is not the problem?

TwoTailedFox ago

Downvotes do not indicate controversy; they indicate that a discussion point is disruptive, or unproductive.

Here, users have correctly indicated that the user is a problem, and that his spamming is detrimental.

j_ ago

Downvotes do not indicate controversy

I’d like this to be true but we know it isn’t. People downvote things they disagree with.

Here, users have correctly indicated that the user is a problem, and that his spamming is detrimental.

So again, shouldn’t the countermeasure be targeting his spamming behaviour, regardless of the content? i.e. if a user only posted cute kitten photos, but then started posting them not only to /v/aww but to random subs multiple times a day, they should be penalised equally to someone who spammed whatever content CSW did.

TwoTailedFox ago

The issue was spamming the same content (in this case, an inaccurate copypasta). The scenario outlined above should be taken care of by the mods of those subverses; one of the issues here is that the spammer was the mod of his own subverse.

j_ ago

The scenario outlined above should be taken care of by the mods of those subverses

Same for what happened; mods should ban CSW.

one of the issues here is that the spammer was the mod of his own subverse.

And that’s why we can block subverses we don’t want to see. Perhaps subverses should be unlisted from /v/all temporarily if there are enough spam reports (or spam reports are verified by an admin).

j_ ago

Isn’t the shitposting already contained by downvoting?

Take the hypothetical -300 CCP guy. He’s already getting downvoted, obviously. The majority of users won’t see his comments or posts because the first few “good” users to come across them do the job of filtering it out.

The whole purpose of a peer moderated site is to have users filter good and bad content. Rate-limiting like this is attempting to filter content before it is posted. I don’t like it.

Atko ago

Shitposting wasn't contained by downvoting because users with -300 CCP had full freedom to keep posting shit regardless of how many downvotes they got. This is a tool which you, the users, now have. If you don't want to shun people - don't downvote them.

derram ago

Personally, I don't think any one user should be able to overwhelm the front page.

This problem will reemerge later with power users, all your current solution does is sweep the annoying people under the rug.

Is there any way to limit how many times a specific user can show up per page of /v/all? This ensures everyone "has their say" equally while limiting the annoying people.

j_ ago

I didn’t ask for this tool and I don’t want it.

I want to be able to block a user if I personally consider his posts to be consistently shit.

I don’t want the software to silence a user based on votes, because I can disagree with the popular vote — just because a comment is negative, doesn’t mean that it is shit; and just because a comment is positive, doesn’t mean that it can’t be pure and utter shit to me.

TwoTailedFox ago

The software doesn't silence them.

j_ ago

It effectively does. 5 comments vs unlimited comments. 1 submission vs unlimited submissions.

TwoTailedFox ago

That's not silence, that's limitation.

j_ ago

You know I’m not being literal. A whisper in a noisy crowd, then —  not silent, but unable to be heard.

I’d love to hear your viewpoint on this and not just pedantic one-liners on each of my comments.

TwoTailedFox ago

Well, let me elaborate on points I have made elsewhere.

This system is already on Slashdot, where comments of companies and products often get labelled as "Flamebait" by users granted moderation privileges. The sanctions are more-or-less identical. I don't class that as acceptable.

This is a system with a much higher barrier for users to be effectively rate-limited. As an automatic system, I'm not comfortable with it, but with an appeals process, it would satisfy some reservations.

Nationalist ago

Wait, wasn't slashdot one of the boards people left en-mass for reddit?

TwoTailedFox ago

That was Digg. Slashdot was Digg's predecessor.

j_ ago

Do you mean the user whose post is modded as Flamebait gets rate-limited?

I was last familiar with Slashdot maybe… 10 years ago. I do know they have meta-moderation, some “who watches the watchmen” shit, so if you were unfairly modded you could have recourse (or at least some pretence of it).

TwoTailedFox ago

I remembered reading that the Karma would eventually move back to zero, and that certainly wasn't true.

unfair ago

I think the main problem being addressed here is /v/all/new - downvoting doesn't have any impact on a posts rankings there and CommonSenseWarrior was taking advantage of this to repeatedly post racist content to a variety of subverses - some of which weren't even remotely relevant to what he posted, and many only tangentially. Once the block person button is implemented it will be easier to solve for yourself, but they'd still be able to spam everyone else.

j_ ago

This doesn’t solve shitposting to /v/all/new — anyone can create a new account and shitpost to any subverse.

Blocking of users, blocking of subverses, and banning users from subverses will help. This doesn’t and is only open to abuse.

Atko ago

You are 100% correct as to why this was implemented. This feature targets /v/all/new and the feature is a tool given to entire voat community. If you guys don't like something, you can now at least make it show up less often in /v/all/new without me having to do anything. Use the downvotes carefully I guess. We'll see how the test-run goes, I may remove this feature if majority is against it.

j_ ago

Is it actually a problem though? That /v/all/new contains shit?

When you view /v/all/new, you are literally asking for “all the content, in reverse chronological order, without the influence of votes”. You are saying “show me all the shit before it is voted on!” The signal-to-noise ratio is expected to be near 0 for a site of sufficiently large size.

Seeing shit in /v/all/new should be a sign that the plumbing is working :)

unfair ago

It's a problem until Voat is more established, since people don't necessarily want to see the shitposting to vote on it, they're trying to find interesting subs and posts because the ones they already subscribe to aren't enough to keep them busy.

TwoTailedFox ago

The whole purpose of a peer moderated site is to have users filter good and bad content.

Except this can be abused. Shills, PR companies, and corporate interests can all manipulate the voting system.

j_ ago

Yes, vote manipulation is a problem… but that’s not what this feature is about.

TwoTailedFox ago

Never said it was, I was addressing the specific point raised.

geist ago

Are you that white supremacist guy? I didn't know that was against the rules.

Edit: Oh, you were apparently spamming.

unfair ago

He was - I saw probably 10 anti-jew posts hit /v/all/new in the last hour from a variety of subverses (and I actually have a lot blocked too, so I'm sure there were more). I don't mind it if it's relevant to the verse and isnt over-crossposting, but a lot of them weren't particularly relevant.

Atko ago

Oh you're more than welcome to say whatever controversial thing you want, just don't fucking spam it 100 times per day like you've been doing so far and let other people say what they want to say too. Live and let live, you know?

Edit: your old account is still very much usable, you are just throttled to 5 comments and 1 link/submission per day. Wait 24 hours and you're free to post whatever controversial thing you want.

Vvswiftvv17 ago

This! I got so annoyed when reddit users would go through my history and down vote all my comments because I disagreed with them in a thread. That's abusing the system.

mikbob ago

If it isn't already a feature, voat should stop you from voting on comments from people's profiles. You should have to visit the actual page if you want to vote on something

TexasWithADollarsign ago

Downvotes from your history page aren't counted against your total karma, I thought. They would have to do it on every page your comment originally appeared on, which could require some dedication. Still, however many months Reddit allows voting (6?), it's far too many. 1 week, maybe 10 days would suffice.

Sepiku ago

Yeah, but how many times have you wanted to upvote something that was archived?

Vvswiftvv17 ago

Not many. If there is enough content being generated daily it's hard to get to older content

OceanPiglet ago

Not really. Even on the popular subreddits it's easy to come across old content if you searching through "top" posts.

Sepiku ago

I have been known to get a year or two deep depending on the sub personally, sometimes more. I guess I subscribe to some smaller subs.

TwoTailedFox ago

And it isn't stopped if it's one of the subs that the Admins sympathise with.

irishmikov ago

A feature that allows us to decide if a particular user's submissions and comments show up would be more useful than a feature that limits their submission.

luddite ago

good move.

IMHO, throttle new account thread creation as well to prevent these guys from just making a new account once they hit -50.

my suggestion, no link/discussions submission for accounts <3 days old or < 10 CCP. If you can't be patient enough to get over that slight delay, you probably don't have the maturity to make decent posts.

HoneyNutStallmans ago

Much better than silently deleting people's shit (Automoderator setting) without informing them when they have negative karma.

TwoTailedFox ago

This is a fine feature for now, but this may become an issue in later years. As we've seen on Reddit, brigading happens, and users have been reduced to figures well into the negative through no fault other than a set of users who disagree with what that user has said.

I would advise that a petitioning system be implemented at a later date, and a provision for users to be exempted from this comment throttling if it can be demonstrated that, on appeal, their conduct falls within site rules.

The_Strange_Remain ago

"Later years" has already come. If you disagree with people as a newbie now you're not getting out of the ccp hole Atko dug for us.

Sepiku ago

That is a good idea, it involves a lot of people hours but still a good idea. Who would be the people to decide whether brigade get was happening? Will they be voted in or is it going to be cronyism and nepotism? It seem like this site has some really good ideas, lets not adopt anything to quickly. I would like to think there is a way for social Darwinism to take place without stifling new ideas.

Wafflebutt ago

Once there is significantly more traffic on the site, it probably won't be a problem to remove the rule altogether. I would think this has a lot to do with the ratios of crap vs real submissions.

Nationalist ago

Filtering out 0 point submissions from subs becomes less of a problem when the sub gets popular and there's a ridiculous amount of highly upvoted content. Go into reddit /r/aww for example and the main page is all posts with over a few hundred points. Once Voat grows a bit this won't be such an issue.

TwoTailedFox ago

More traffic means more attention from the corporate world. That means the inverse of your suggestion will happen.

unfair ago

Are you talking about this part?

If a user has -50 CCP or less, they will only be able to post 5 comments per day until their CCP improves.

If a user has -50 CCP or less, they will only be able to submit 1 discussion or 1 link per day until their CCP improves.

because they're two different limits, both based on CCP - one is comments per day, one is post submissions per day

SpaceRosa ago

I'd have expected submission points to determine how often you can submit. Just because someone is controversial when they comment, doesn't necessarily mean their submissions are bad.

SpaceRosa ago

5 comments a day...Hmmm.

I don't know about this. I think if I were limited that way it would just put me completely off of using Voat. Then instead of having a reformed or pissed user, you have an empty space where they used to be. It also allows people to shout down unpopular opinions. Just downvote them enough, and they have all of 5 comments a day to make their case. And if their opinion stays unpopular, what do they do then? They roll over and agree with whatever's popular or they stay with 5 comments a day until the wind eventually changes and their opinion becomes popular again, or they just make another account, or they leave.

I see why this is being done, I think, based on your statement. Are you perhaps referencing-but-not-referencing a certain white supremacist who likes to post the same copy paste crap everywhere? That I could understand. It's just concerning to me that this could very easily be abused to support the circlejerk and shout down dissent, especially from new users. I wouldn't want to be the feminist joining this website right now with this in place.

fightingbuddha ago

•If a user has -50 CCP or less, they will only be able to post 5 comments

Not all users!

SpaceRosa ago


fightingbuddha ago

Takes a lot to get -50, net CCP.

SpaceRosa ago

But how does that relate to not all users?

The phrasing makes it sound as though you're saying that not all users with -50 CCP or less are affected.

fightingbuddha ago

no, your first comment made it sound like, it limit is applicable to all the users. It only applies to users with <-50 ccp.

Atko ago

To solve that, we could also add a subverse setting to turn this off, although subverses with this feature turned off should be hidden from /v/all.

Nationalist ago

That sounds like a really good idea.

There are a lot of features that should be sub-reddit specific but aren't yet.

w00dy ago

although i can see why it would be suggested in this case, nothing should ever be hidden from /v/all

dragonsarefake ago

I think this would be a good middle ground.

flyawayhigh ago

This feature may be seen as as a tool to limit free speech

Nah, speech-hogging is not free speech, it's anti-free speech. You have the right idea. :D

@SpaceRosa may be onto something but I have no idea where the line would fall. Only one way to find out...

Run with this and see if drama happens. Make adjustments later if needed. This is a great idea.

Get9 ago

Conversely, if people are downvoted to hell, is that not also censoring their words? Brigading in this sense seems to me almost exactly the same with one exception: I guess their words are still available to be read, but do you often go and read those hidden comments?

I'm not able to really propose an alternative to either, as I can see how both have their place, yet have drawbacks.

SpaceRosa ago

Yes. I always read the hidden comments.

Sepiku ago

If I make it to the hidden comments I also will read them. I may not like it but a lot of the time I think hella downvoted comments are funny or relevant.

unfair ago

Yupp this is a great change - the only future flaw I see is that there needs to be a limit on how much negative CCP you can get from a specific post. Right now it isn't an issue because of the 100 CCP required to downvote, but once a broad group of people is over 100 then it becomes possible to brigade people into the negatives and they'll have a real hard time coming back from that.

The_Strange_Remain ago

Sorry, but a year after you made this post that's EXACTLY the pit I'm in. I cannot even defend myself from these hateful brigading assholes because it simply wont permit me to reply to all the people throwing accusations at me. I had my ccp reduced from 83 to 16 in AN HOUR because I disagreed with a few people. And they've been riding me since. I've messaged /u/atko several times about it and have been met with silence. This system is as corrupt as it comes.

Not_Larry_David ago

When downvoting, a person can only be downvoted to a certain negative numbered tier?

Like the first day he shit posts, he gets downvoted by a million people, but is only downvoted to -10. The next day if he tries that shit again, the tier recognizes that he was once previously at a -10 tier, so the million of people pushes him back down to -50, then the next infraction down to -100, then the next infraction after -100 is up to the actual number of downvoters, since he's had three strikes when it comes to douchnozzling?

Ashurbanipal ago

All it's going to take is a group of people who upvote each other, they'll quickly and easily reach a critical mass that enables them to uplift or condemn whoever they want. The myriad problems with voting system as a whole (easily the worst element of Reddit and Voat both) ought to be addressed before other systems dependent on the vote show up.

Shawa666 ago

I'd rather use a CCP/post ratio than just straight up CCP

Ahabandthewhitegrail ago

Yes, this. This makes far more sense.

TwoTailedFox ago

Problem there is it allows long-time users to game the system.

Shawa666 ago

It's a tradeoff. Yes, it allows long term users to game the system should the bar be set low enough, But it protects people from being punished for being brigaded.

Atko ago

This is why we're still allowing people to post even if they have a lot of negative CCP. In this test version, "shunned" people can still submit 5 comments per day and 1 link or discussion per day. Nobody can take that away from you, regardless of how controversial or provoking things you submit are.

The_Strange_Remain ago

Nobody can take it from you? What a crock of shit! I've been bombarded with accusations and attacks simply for being new the last 48 hours. I mean utterly INUNDATED with "schill" comments and demands that I prove my statements. I cannot because you've got me forcibly cucked in a system that doesn't permit me to address comments I receive AND empowers brigading assholes to ensure I never get my ccp high enough to have unrestricted voting and commenting. You've made an easy target of me and to rub salt in the wound have ensured I'm hobbled to the point I cannot defend myself.

If your job was to make sure new view points were silenced if they don't agree with the hive mind, congratulations man. You fucking succeeded. Now get off your ass and look into my account. Either finish the job you started and ban me outright or give me some protection from these assholes who keep me from having an intelligent conversation. "Protecting" your site from spam by abusing your user base, even while your vetted users literally spam "schill" every post is NOT a viable solution. GOD DAMN.

redpilldessert ago

Perhaps have a meritocracy Google rank type system where the WEIGHT of votes towards others are based on how much credibility they have themselves. So someone with a high amount of CCP will be able to exert more influence on anything they vote on. The mathematics work out brilliant.

TwoTailedFox ago

Which is akin to the "Slashdot" Karma approach.

UncleIroh ago

That's what I'm concerned about too... censoring people might become easier if people have an army of bot accounts to use. The 100 CCP requirement does make it marginally harder though.

Vladimara ago

Yeah, make a 100 bots, they all make 1 comment which they all upvoat eachother in a massive cyber circle jerk, then bam, they can downvoat a person with 100 CCP per post.

raisin ago

Can you upvoat multiple times from the same machine/IP though?

Anti-God ago

Botnet ahoy!